Issue: The family is the building block of society, and marriage is its foundation. Marriage
between a man and woman1 improves each of the five major institutions of society: school,
church, family, government, and market.
Individuals from intact families completed, on average, more years of schooling and
were more likely to graduate from high school and college than were their peers raised
in non-intact families.2
High school students in intact families have GPAs 11 percent higher than those from
divorced families.3
Direct marriage (rather than cohabitation prior to marriage) has a positive effect on
religious participation in young adults.4
Religious practice leads to a reduced incidence of domestic abuse, crime, substance
abuse and addiction, and an increase in health, longevity, and education attainment.5
Families with both biological or adoptive parents present have the highest quality of
parent-child relationships.6
Married men and women report having more enjoyable sexual intercourse more
Married couples file less than half of all income-tax returns, but pay nearly three-quarters of
all income taxes.8
A child’s likelihood of living in poverty is reduced by 82 percent if he is raised in a
married two-parent family with a mother and father.9
Married men are less likely to commit crimes10 and acts of domestic violence. 11
Adolescents from intact families commit fewer violent acts of delinquency.12
Parental divorce contributes to “externalizing behaviors,” including weapon carrying,
fighting, substance abuse, and binge drinking.13
Married people are least likely to have mental disorders, 14 and have higher levels of
emotional and psychological well-being than those who are single, divorced, or
Conclusion: The intact, married family naturally delivers fundamental benefits to society.
MARRI research available online16 shows the many ways that marriage contributes to societal
1 “Married two-parent families,” “married-couple families,” and similar terms within this document all refer to families in which there is a
married mother and father present. Note, according to the US Census Bureau, “Family households and married-couple families do not include
same-sex married couples even if the marriage was performed in a state issuing marriage certificates for same-sex couples.”
2 Ginther, Donna K., “Family Structure and Children’s Educational Outcomes: Blended Families, Stylized Facts, and Descriptive Regressions.”
Demography Vol. 41(4) (2004) pp. 671-696. As cited in Patrick F. Fagan and Scott Talkington,” Ever Received a Bachelor’s Degree by Current
Religious Attendance and Structure of Family Origin,” Mapping America: Marriage, Religion, and the Common Good No. 105 available at
3 Barry D. Ham, “The Effects of Divorce on the Academic Achievement of High School Seniors,”
of Sociology 98, no. 3 (1992): 643. As cited in Patrick F. Fagan, Anne Dougherty, and Miriam McElvain,” 164 Reasons to Marry,” at
5 Patrick F. Fagan, “Why Religion Matters Even More: The Impact of Religious Practice on Social Stability,” (Washington, D.C.: The Heritage
in Early Adulthood,” Criminology, 445 (2007): 33-65. As cited by The Heritage Foundation: Family Facts. Available at Accessed 22 September
Robert J. Sampson and John H. Laub, “Crime and deviance over the life course: The salience of adult social bonds,” American Sociology
Review 55 (1990): 609-627.
11 Catherine T. Kenney and Sara S. McLanahan, “Why Are Cohabiting Relationships More Violent than Marriages?” Demography 43 (2006):
Jan Stets, “Cohabiting and Marital Aggression: The Role of Social Isolation,” Journal of Marriage and the Family 53, no. 3 (1991): 674 Galena
Kline, et al., “Timing Is Everything: Pre-Engagement Cohabitation and Increased Risk for Poor Marital Outcomes,” Journal of Family
Psychology 18, no. 2 (2004): 315.
12 Stephen Demuth and Susan L. Brown, “Family Structure, Family Processes, and Adolescent Delinquency: The Significance of Parental
Absence Versus Parental Gender,” Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 41, no. 1 (February 2004): 58-81. As cited on The
Heritage Foundation: Family Facts. Available at
delinquency-violence-and-crime. Accessed 20 July 2011.
13 Kathleen Boyce Rodgers and Hilary A. Rose, “Risk and Resiliency Factors among Adolescents Who Experience Marital Transitions,” Journal
“The Effect of Union Type on Psychological Well-being: Depression among Cohabitors versus Marrieds,” Journal of Health and Social Behavior
41, no. 3 (2000): 241-255; J.K. Kiecolt-Glaser and T.L. Newton, “Marriage and Health: His and Hers,” Psychological Bulletin 127, no. 4 (2001):
472-503; Lee A. Lillard and Constantijn W.A. Panis, “Marital Status and Mortality: The Role of Health,” Demography 33, no. 3 (1996): 313-
327; Lee A. Lillard and Linda J. Waite, “’Til Death Do us Part: Marital Disruption and Mortality,” The American Journal of Sociology 100, no. 5
(1995): 1131-1156; Kristen Marcussen, “Explaining Differences in Mental Health Between Married and Cohabiting Individuals,” Social
Psychology Quarterly 68, no. 3 (1999): 239-257; Steven Stack and J. Ross Eshleman, “Marital Status and Happiness: A 17-Nation Study,”
Journal of Marriage and the Family 60 (1998): 527-536; K.A.S. Wickrama, et al., “Marital Quality and Physical Illness: A Latent Growth Curve
Analysis,” Journal of Marriage and the Family 59, no. 1 (1997): 143-155. All as cited in Daniel Lees, “The Psychological Benefits of Marriage,”
Research Note (April 2007): 1-4. Available at Accessed 27 July