Benbrook-Football Parent Meeting Powerpoint 2018
Benbrook-Football Parent Meeting Powerpoint 2018
Benbrook-Football Parent Meeting Powerpoint 2018
Parent – Meeting
High School Staff :
Head Coach / Boys Athletic Coordinator Cody Slater
* UIL defines “three school weeks” as 15 class days. Exception: One, but only one of the three school weeks may
consist of only three or four class days, provided school has been dismissed for a scheduled holiday period.
** All students are eligible from the 3:45 bell on Dec. 21st to Jan. 6th.
All students are eligible during a school holiday of a full calendar week or more (i.e. Thanksgiving and spring break).
What can you do to make your child’s high
school athletic experience successful?
Parents are the single most
influential people in a child’s life.
• Promote sportsmanship.
If you have a concern to discuss with a
coach, what procedure should you
Follow chain of command.
1. Student-Athlete should talk with Coach first
2. If the issue/concern is not resolved, then the
parent should contact the Coach
3. If issue/concern is not resolved, then the
parent should contact the Athletic
4. Always make an appointment with the coach.
Do not approach a Coach before, during, or after a
practice or game to discuss issue/concern.
Inappropriate topics
to discuss with a Coach:
1. Playing Time
2. Team strategy or play calling
3. Other student-athletes
Athletic Trainer Tips
BMHS Athletic Trainers
Symone Johnson & Andrew Dallinger
•If an athlete is injured during a practice or game, they should
report it to their coach immediately.
•The coach will determine whether the athlete should be
evaluated by our Athletic Trainer.
•The trainer will evaluate the injury and will recommend
treatment or further evaluation by a doctor. The trainer will
send home written notification if He feels that a doctor should
examine your child. He will also call home for serious injuries.
•If the trainer feels that a doctor should examine your child, a
signed, written release by a doctor is required to allow the
athlete to resume activity.
•If an athlete sees a doctor for any injury…they must be
medically released by a doctor. A signed release by a doctor
must be given to the trainer before returning to play.
•Parents cannot override the doctor or trainers decisions.
Health Concerns
•Maintain a healthy, balanced diet and make sure to stay
hydrated to avoid heat exhaustion and heat stroke.
•Examine your body regularly. Report any rashes or skin
changes to coaches/ trainer immediately. (MSRA, impetigo,
ringworm etc.)
•Head injuries are to be treated with extreme caution. Concussions are
not just “dings.”
Some common signs and symptoms of a concussion may include:
Headache or a feeling of pressure in the head
Temporary loss of consciousness, loss of memory
Confusion or feeling as if in a fog
Dizziness or "seeing stars"
Sensitivity to light and noise
Ringing in the ears
Nausea or vomiting
Slurred speech