Englot2011 PDF
Englot2011 PDF
Englot2011 PDF
Clinical article
Dario J. Englot, M.D., Ph.D., Seunggu J. Han, M.D., Michael T. Lawton, M.D.,
and Edward F. Chang, M.D.
Object. Seizures are the most common presenting symptom of supratentorial cerebral cavernous malformations
(CCMs) and progress to medically refractory epilepsy in 40% of patients. Predictors of seizure freedom in the resec-
tion of CCMs are incompletely understood.
Methods. The authors systematically reviewed the published literature on seizure freedom following the resec-
tion of supratentorial CCMs in patients presenting with seizures. Seizure outcomes were stratified across 12 potential
prognostic variables. A total of 1226 patients with supratentorial CCMs causing seizures were identified across 31
predominantly retrospective studies; 361 patients had medically refractory epilepsy.
Results. Seventy-five percent of the patients were seizure free after microsurgical lesion removal, whereas 25%
continued to have seizures. All patients had had preoperative seizures and > 6 months of postoperative follow-up.
Modifiable predictors of postoperative seizure freedom included gross-total resection (OR 36.6, 95% CI 8.5–157.5)
and surgery within 1 year of symptom onset (OR 1.83, 95% CI 1.30–2.58). Additional prognostic indicators of a
favorable outcome were a CCM size < 1.5 cm (OR 15.4, 95% CI 5.2–45.4), the absence of multiple CCMs (OR 2.02,
95% CI 1.13–3.60), medically controlled seizures (OR 2.38, 95% CI 1.29–4.39), and the lack of secondarily general-
ized seizures (OR 3.33, 95% CI 2.09–5.30). Other factors, including extended resection of the hemosiderin ring, were
not significantly predictive.
Conclusions. In the surgical treatment of supratentorial CCMs, gross-total resection and early operative inter-
vention may improve seizure outcome. While surgery should not be considered the first-line treatment for CCM-
related epilepsy, it is important to understand the variables associated with seizure freedom in CCM resection given
the considerable morbidity and diminished quality of life associated with epilepsy. (DOI: 10.3171/2011.7.JNS11536)
erebral cavernous malformations are endothe- important and often underappreciated treatment goal in
lial-lined vascular malformations composed of managing these lesions.
dilated sinusoids filled with blood and no inter- Factors associated with seizure control in the re-
vening brain tissue and may be associated with intracra- section of supratentorial CCMs remain incompletely
nial hemorrhage.4,39,42 Seizures, the most common pre- understood as a result of patient diversity, small sample
senting symptom of supratentorial CCMs, are thought to sizes, and disagreement about operative approaches. For
arise from the excitotoxic effects of blood products on instance, there is controversy regarding whether exci-
perilesional parenchyma.52–54 Overall, epilepsy affects sion of the hemosiderin-stained parenchymal ring typi-
35%–70% of patients with CCMs, with approximately cally surrounding CCMs is necessary to achieve seizure
40% of individuals progressing to medically refractory freedom6,7,28,49,56,57 and whether an expedited surgical ap-
epilepsy.13,37,44 It is well known that epilepsy can dramati- proach predicts improved seizure outcome.1,8,14 Neither is
cally diminish quality of life with serious morbidity and it fully understood how the preoperative seizure profile
that AEDs frequently have unfavorable side-effect pro- might predict postoperative seizure recurrence.13,37 The
files.10,18,46 Therefore, while most authors examining the systematic consolidation and analysis of predictors of sei-
natural history and treatment of CCMs focus on the risk zure freedom as reported across various smaller studies
of intracranial hemorrhage,34,39,41 abolishing seizures is an may help to clarify these issues.
Our goal was to perform a quantitative and compre-
Abbreviations used in this paper: AED = antiepileptic drug; CCM hensive systematic literature review of seizure outcomes
= cerebral cavernous malformation; ECoG = electrocorticography; following the resection of supratentorial CCMs associat-
GTR = gross-total resection. ed with seizures. We analyzed the proportion of patients
in whom complete seizure freedom was achieved after Begg funnel plot method was applied to detect the pos-
surgery, and we stratified outcomes according to several sible effect of publication bias. Missing values were ad-
potential prognostic variables. dressed by listwise deletion, and multiple imputation was
not used. Given the number of comparisons being made,
the level of significance was set at 0.02 for all analyses.
Methods Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS version 17
Article Selection and Data Extraction software (SPSS, Inc.).
We conducted a PubMed search of articles published
between 1985 and February 2011 by using the following Results
search terms alone and in combination: “seizure,” “epi-
We identified 1226 patients across 31 studies on sei-
lepsy,” “cavernous malformation,” “cavernous angioma,” zure control following the resection of supratentorial
“cavernous hemangioma,” “cavernoma,” “surgery,” and CCMs.1–3,5,6,8,9,13,15,16,19–21,23,24,26–29,33,35,37,38,43,47,49–51,55–57 Three
“resection.” References from all selected papers were studies identified on initial query were excluded because
further examined for additional suitable studies and to of a sample size smaller than 5 patients, the lack of seizure
identify possible patient duplication. We selected only outcome disaggregation, or data redundancy, respectively.
those reports of patients harboring supratentorial CCMs All included papers were retrospective analyses, except for
causing preoperative seizures, in which postoperative one prospective observational study, and are listed in Table
seizure status was a primary outcome and the follow-up 1. No controlled trials of seizure outcomes in CCM resec-
spanned a minimum of 6 months for all patients. Studies tion were identified. All patients had experienced lesion-
were excluded if they included fewer than 5 patients, re- related seizures preoperatively and were followed up for at
ported only redundant data, did not disaggregate seizure least 6 months after surgery, with a mean follow-up rang-
outcomes, were not written in English, or consisted of a ing from > 12 to 97 months within the individual studies.
review. Studies that considered lesions other than CCMs Across individual data sets, 33%–100% of patients were
or examined infratentorial lesions were included in part seizure free after resection, as summarized in Fig. 1. Over-
only if the outcomes related to other lesion types could all, 915 patients (75%) were free of seizures after surgery
be excluded. Outcomes from all studies were disaggre- (Engel Class I), whereas 311 (25%) continued to have sei-
gated across 12 variables where possible: 1) patient age zures (Engel Classes II–IV).
at surgery (< 18 vs ≥ 18 years old); 2) sex; 3) CCM loca- Seizure outcomes were stratified across 12 variables
tion (temporal lobe vs extratemporal); 4) CCM laterality; of interest where disaggregation was possible, as summa-
5) CCM size (maximum diameter < 1.5 vs ≥ 1.5 cm); 6) rized in Table 2. We first looked at patient demographics
CCM multiplicity (resection of solitary vs multiple le- and observed similar rates of postoperative seizure free-
sions); 7) preoperative seizure control on medication dom among pediatric versus adult patients (75% vs 73%
(controlled vs refractory); 8) seizure semiology (partial seizure free, respectively) and among female versus male
seizures only vs secondarily generalized seizures); 9) du- patients (71% each). Next, we examined factors related to
ration of epilepsy before surgery (≤ 1 vs > 1 year); 10) the lesion. There was no statistical difference in seizure
extent of resection (gross total vs subtotal); 11) whether outcomes between patients with temporal lobe versus ex-
perilesional hemosiderin-stained parenchyma was ex- tratemporal CCMs, nor with left versus right hemispheric
cised (lesionectomy only vs additional corticectomy); and lesions. However, we did find that individuals with smaller
12) whether awake ECoG was used intraoperatively. Ce- (< 1.5 cm) CCMs attained a dramatically higher seizure
rebral cavernous malformation size was dichotomized at control rate (86%) than did those with a lesion size ≥ 1.5
1.5 cm because prior evidence has suggested a more fa- cm (29% seizure free; p < 0.001). Resection of a solitary
vorable postoperative seizure outcome with lesions below CCM was also predictive of a favorable outcome: while
this size.12 Gross-total resection was defined based on the 71% of those with a solitary lesion became seizure free
lack of residual lesion both intraoperatively and on post- after surgery, only 55% of those with multiple resected
operative imaging. Seizure outcomes were defined using CCMs attained this outcome (p < 0.02).
the Engel classification scheme.22 We next analyzed whether characteristics related
Statistical Analysis to epilepsy predicted the postoperative seizure status.
It was noted that individuals with preoperative seizures
Separate meta-analyses were performed on calculat- controlled with AEDs attained a higher rate of seizure
ed pooled rates of seizure freedom (Engel Class I) versus freedom after CCM resection (84%) than did those with
persistent seizures (Engel Class II–IV) for each variable. medically refractory epilepsy (69%; p < 0.01; Table 2).
Initial between-group comparisons were performed us- Seizure semiology also predicted variable outcomes, as
ing the Pearson chi-square test. Binary logistic regression 81% of patients experiencing only partial seizures be-
analysis was then used to evaluate the variables found to came seizure free postoperatively, compared with only
be significant on chi-square testing by using a backward 56% of individuals with secondarily generalized events
stepwise approach. Odds ratios were calculated with a (p < 0.001). Furthermore, a shorter preoperative history
95% confidence interval. The Friedman test and Kendall of seizures (≤ 1 year) prognosticated a better result (81%
W test were used to analyze data heterogeneity between seizure freedom) than did a longer history (> 1 year) of
studies to ensure that a fixed-effects model was appropri- epilepsy (p < 0.001).
ate, and the Cox and Snell R-squared values were calcu- Finally, factors related to surgical intervention were
lated to ensure goodness-of-fit of the applied model. The examined for possible outcome prognostication. Gross-
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39. Ojemann RG, Ogilvy CS: Microsurgical treatment of supra- Address correspondence to: Edward F. Chang, M.D., Department
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10:433–440, 1999 505 Parnassus Avenue, Box 0112, San Francisco, California 94143-
40. Pozzati E, Acciarri N, Tognetti F, Marliani F, Giangaspero F: 0112. email: [email protected].