Immunization Requirements
The District is required to provide educational services to all school age children who reside
within its boundaries. Attendance at school may be denied to any child who does not provide a
statement to the school regarding the child’s immunity to certain childhood diseases. Immunity
requirements are met if the child has received or is in the process of receiving immunization as
specified by the board of health and welfare or has previously contracted the disease. The parent
or legal guardian of the child must comply with the immunization requirements at the time of
admission and before attendance for the child.
Immunization Certification
The immunization certification statement must be signed by a physician or physician’s
representative stating the type, number, and dates of the immunizations received.
Children admitted to school and failing to continue the schedule of intended immunizations may
be excluded from school until documentation of administration of the required immunizations is
provided by the child’s parent or legal guardian.
2. Any minor child whose parent or guardian submits a signed statement to school
officials stating their objections on religious or other grounds is exempt from the
immunization requirements.
3. A child who has laboratory proof of immunity to any of the childhood diseases listed
above will not be required to be immunized for that disease.
4. A child who has had measles or mumps diagnosed by a licensed physician upon
personal examination will not be required to be immunized for the disease provided they
submit a signed statement from the diagnosing physician.
The school district shall submit a report of each school’s immunization status to the State
Department of Education on or before the first day of November of each year.
Legal Reference:
I.C. § 39-4801 Immunization Required
I.C. § 39-4802 Exemptions
IDAPA 16.02.15 Immunization Requirements for Idaho School Children
Policy History