Catholic Teaching On The Human Person and Gender Dysphoria
Catholic Teaching On The Human Person and Gender Dysphoria
Catholic Teaching On The Human Person and Gender Dysphoria
SUMMER 2019 FEATURE ARTICLE Catholic Teaching on the Human
Person and Gender Dysphoria
soul to be the “form” of the body: i.e., and femininity.” This anthropology is based on
it is because of its spiritual soul that the God’s plan in the creation of man and woman
body made of matter becomes a living, which, as St. John Paul II states, “is a plan that
human body; spirit and matter, in man, ‘from the beginning’ has been indelibly
are not two natures united, but rather imprinted in the very being of the human
their union forms a single nature.2 person -men and women- and, therefore, in the
make-up, meaning and deepest workings of the
To exist at all, the human creature must be individual.”7
unified, body and soul.3 Moreover, the “living,
human body” of a person, which is made It is important to point out that while an
possible by the body/soul unity, is necessarily individual’s act of being is as male or female,
female or male. In other words, the very act by this does not entail that the soul, per se, is sexed.
which a person exists is inextricably bound up As the principle by which a human person
with the unity of body and soul and with exists, the soul by itself does not have the
existence as male or female. The Catechism of the individual materiality of a person’s sex. It is
Catholic Church affirms this: only this individual qua individuation of human
nature that is properly described as sexed (that
Man and woman have been created, is, the particular body/spirit unity that is this
which is to say, willed by God: on the person).8 Sex is not part of the definition of
one hand, in perfect equality as human human essence, but being created as male or
persons; on the other, in their female is an inseparable accident of the individual
respective beings as man and woman. existence of a person as a human substance.9
“Being man” or “being woman” is a
reality which is good and willed by God It is also important to address potential
. . . .4 difficulties regarding the teaching on the
creation of the human person as male or
Man and woman are both with one and female. For instance, is the church’s teaching
the same dignity “in the image of God.” on the role of sexual identity in the creation of
In their “being-man” and “being- the human person question-begging insofar as
woman,” they reflect the Creator’s it assumes that sexual identity is determined by,
wisdom and goodness.5 or is reducible to, one’s physical sex
characteristics at birth? But what if it is not
The Catechism also calls attention to Genesis sufficient to determine sexual identity in this
5:1-2: “When God created man, he made him way? Scientific evidence indicates that a
in the likeness of God. Male and female he person’s sense of gender could be influenced by
created them, and he blessed them and named multiple biological and social factors. Such
them Man when they were created.”6 Thus, to factors include genetic, epigenetic,
come into being as this or that particular neuroanatomical and endocrine causes, fetal
human individual created by God, is to come to development, and both positive and negative
be as female or male according to Catholic social experiences.10 Pope Francis recognizes
teaching. St. John Paul II wrote about an that “masculinity and femininity are not rigid
“anthropological foundation for masculinity categories.” However, he also states that it “is
SUMMER 2019 FEATURE ARTICLE Catholic Teaching on the Human
Person and Gender Dysphoria
SUMMER 2019 FEATURE ARTICLE Catholic Teaching on the Human
Person and Gender Dysphoria
SUMMER 2019 FEATURE ARTICLE Catholic Teaching on the Human
Person and Gender Dysphoria
the human being is defined as relationality to new life. All of these points are evident in the
others, sexual identity ought to be determined following texts from the Catechism, beginning
as a relational reality. It is not defined by with Genesis, 1:27:
stagnant ontological strictures, but rather is
defined over time as persons relate to others ‘God created man in his own image . . .
and to their environment. male and female he created them’; He
blessed them and said, ‘Be fruitful and
In response, it could be argued that in Catholic multiply.’19
teaching the soul-as-form and the body-as-
matter are principles of being that at the The Catechism elaborates on this biblical
moment of creation unify in an individual’s act teaching in many places, including #2332.
of existence as either female or male. In his
article, Cardinal Ratzinger prescinds or excludes Sexuality affects all aspects of the
from consideration the questions of the human person in the unity of his body
soul/body unity and individuation. He does not and soul. It especially concerns
reject the reality of the human person as a affectivity, the capacity to love and to
substance constituted by a body/soul unity, but procreate, and in a more general way
only that the category of substance defines the aptitude for forming bonds of
human essence. Insofar as relationality defines communion with others.20
the essence of human nature for Cardinal
Ratzinger, he does not deny the reality of the The ontological relation between the creation
individuation of the human person as male or of the human person as female or male and the
female, which is a reality entirely compatible complementarity of the sexes is also
with the human person as relational. It could be underscored by St. John Paul II: “When the
argued that to be “relativity toward the other” Book of Genesis speaks of ‘help’ [for Adam], it
is not possible without at the same time being a is not referring merely to acting, but also
body/soul unity as male or female. to being. Womanhood and manhood are
complementary not only from the physical and
It is just such an ontological basis of the person psychological points of view, but also from
as relational that describes another aspect of the ontological. It is only through the duality of
Catholic teaching on the creation of the human the ‘masculine’ and the ‘feminine’ that the
person. This is evident in the statement from ‘human’ finds full realization.”21 These texts on
the Catechism that “God created man and the creation of the human person indicate that
woman together and willed each for the other.”18 in Catholic teaching being male or female is
Notice that intrinsic to the creation of integral to the creation and act of existence of
individual men and women according to this an individual person and is a fundamental
text is an ordering or tendency toward others of source of relating to and being in communion
the opposite sex. This reinforces the reality that with others. The texts also show that the
the individual human person is created as ordination toward the generation of new life
female or male, is created in relation to others, within the complementarity of the sexes is
and has an intrinsic ordination toward others of integral to the sexual identity of the person as
the opposite sex that entails the generation of male or female. The intrinsic relationship
SUMMER 2019 FEATURE ARTICLE Catholic Teaching on the Human
Person and Gender Dysphoria
between being-female and being-male, the essential differentiating capacity being the
complementarity of the sexes, and the reproductive capacity. As the teaching from the
relationality of human persons is emphasized in Catechism indicates, “being-man” and “being-
Male and Female He Created Them: Towards A Path woman” delimits ways or kinds of being, and
of Dialogue on the Question of Gender Theory in what makes the specific difference to these
Education: “The self is completed by the one particular kinds of being are the primary sex
who is other than the self, according to the specific characteristics. The contingency of individual
identity of each person, and both have a point material existence means that there will be
of encounter forming a dynamic of reciprocity variation among the primary sex characteristics
which is derived from and sustained by the of individual females and males, but this does
Creator.”22 not contradict the fact that being-female and
being-male in God’s creative act of the
PRIMARY AND SECONDARY SEX individual (at the moment of creation) is
CHARACTERISTICS: A PIVOTAL defined generally by characteristics that
DISTINCTION differentiate these ways of being. Thus, even
though biologically there may be slight or great
The procreative ordination toward the variation among the primary sex characteristics
generation of new life as an intrinsic element of of individuals, these characteristics are still
the creation of individual humans as female or ontologically integral to God’s creative act of
male forms the basis for understanding the individual persons as female and male, not in
distinction between primary and secondary sex their potency for difference among individuals
characteristics as representing what is and is not but in the way they delimit the kind of being
ontologically integral to the creation of the into which an individual is created. Thus, the
individual human person as female or male. claim of their integral status is not disproved,
Primary sex characteristics are chromosomes for example, simply because individuals can
and phenotypic features that are directly related have the atypical conditions of intersex, or
to reproduction and are indicative of biological because the primary sex characteristics can be
sex. Secondary sex characteristics are removed, or because a person may be sterile by
phenotypic features not directly related to accident of nature.24
reproduction.23 The primary sex characteristics,
the reproductive organs in particular, are It is important to understand that delineating
integral to the ordination to new life intrinsic to the ontological significance of the primary and
the creation of an individual as female or male. secondary sex characteristics for the creation of
They are ontologically “integral” because the human person as female or male, and
together they constitute the material condition identifying the primary sex characteristics as
by which ontologically an individual is created ontologically integral to God’s creative act, does
as female or male, even though biologically not reduce human sexuality to the reproductive
there is variation in these characteristics among organs and is consistent with the totality of
individuals. sexuality as being inclusive of its biological,
spiritual, emotional, and psychological
Ontologically, to be male or to be female is to dimensions. Human sexuality is a complex
be constituted by certain capacities, the reality and different aspects of it can be ordered
SUMMER 2019 FEATURE ARTICLE Catholic Teaching on the Human
Person and Gender Dysphoria
differently to different objects but retain their secondary sex characteristics in order to treat
unity in the real person. Just as the conjugal act gender dysphoria may be morally permitted in
is integral to the complete and reciprocal gift of Catholic health care, particularly because the
spouses to each other does not mean that their secondary sex characteristics do not have an
relationship is reducible to the conjugal act, so integral ontological status. The integral status of
too identifying the primary sex characteristics as the primary sex characteristics, however, means
integral to God’s creative act does not reduce that modifying them for the sole purpose of
human sexuality to organs. treating gender dysphoria would not be morally
permitted.26 Before this making this case and
It is also important to understand that the applying the ontological distinction between the
ontological significance of the difference primary and secondary sex characteristics to the
between the primary and secondary sex question, a brief overview is needed of what
characteristics does not divide the human gender dysphoria is, the suffering that it
person or entail a dualistic view of the person. presents, and the prospects for treatment.
Insofar as this distinction is based on a real
biological difference among the sex GENDER DYSPHORIA AND ITS SUFFERING
characteristics within one and the same person
it cannot be interpreted as being contrary to the The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
unity of the person. Similarly, it is not a Disorders (DSM–5) defines the diagnosis of
dualistic view to hold that not all aspects and gender dysphoria in adolescents and adults in
characteristics of the human person function the following way:
equally with respect to the individual’s
existence. The fact that there is a real A. A marked incongruence between one’s
distinction between body and soul, or a experienced/expressed gender and
distinction among the powers of the soul itself, assigned gender, of at least 6 months
does not mean that the individual human being duration, as manifested by at least two
does not exist as a unified whole. For the same of the following:
reason, the fact that ontologically a person is
created as female or male and that this is 1. A marked incongruence
contrary to the individual’s sense of gender between one’s
identity does not entail a dualistic view of the experienced/expressed gender
human person.25 and primary and/or secondary
sex characteristics (or in young
I will argue below that the ontological adolescents, the anticipated
significance of the distinction between the secondary sex characteristics).
primary and secondary sex characteristics 2. A strong desire to be rid of
means that there is a corresponding significant one’s primary and/or secondary
moral difference between directly affecting the sex characteristics because of a
primary sex characteristics and directly affecting marked incongruence with one’s
the secondary sex characteristics for the experienced/expressed gender
purpose of treating gender dysphoria. Under (or in young adolescents, a
certain conditions, directly affecting the desire to prevent the
SUMMER 2019 FEATURE ARTICLE Catholic Teaching on the Human
Person and Gender Dysphoria
SUMMER 2019 FEATURE ARTICLE Catholic Teaching on the Human
Person and Gender Dysphoria
examine long-term quality of life, psychosocial …we “need more studies with
outcomes, and psychiatric outcomes to appropriate controls that
determine the long-term benefits of surgical
treatment.”36 At the same time, a recent study examine long-term quality of
has found that “generally SRS [Sex life, psychosocial outcomes, and
Reassignment Surgery] may reduce
psychological morbidity for some individuals psychiatric outcomes to
while increasing it for others.”37 The Sweden determine long-term benefits of
cohort study concluded that “surgery and
hormonal therapy alleviates gender dysphoria” surgical treatment.”
but that these therapies are “apparently not
sufficient to remedy the high rates of morbidity
and mortality found among transsexual relevance of the primary/secondary sex
persons.” The study authors concluded that it is characteristics distinction for understanding
“important to note that the current study is what is ontologically integral and what is not
only informative with respect to transsexuals integral for the creation of the individual
[sic] persons’ health after sex reassignment; no person as female or male, certain interventions
inferences can be drawn as to the effectiveness as direct treatment specifically for gender
of sex reassignment as a treatment for dysphoria in adults can be ethically justified.
transsexualism. In other words, the results Interventions for the treatment of gender
should not be interpreted in such a way as to dysphoria can be justified by the principle of
suggest that sex reassignment per se increases totality, if, and only if, the services are restricted
morbidity and mortality.”38 The World to secondary sex characteristics. Pope Pius XII
Professional Association for Transgender expressed the principle in this way: “It declares
Health makes the general observation that that the part exists for the whole, and that,
“while many transsexual, transgender, and consequently, the good of the part remains
gender nonconforming individuals find comfort subordinated to the good of the whole: that the
with their gender identity, role, and expression whole is that which determines the part and can
without surgery, for many others surgery is dispose of it in its own interest.”40 Consistent
essential and medically necessary to alleviate with the principle of totality, the loss or
their gender dysphoria. . . . Follow-up studies alteration of secondary sex characteristics
have shown an undeniable beneficial effect of through hormonal or surgical treatment may be
sex reassignment surgery on postoperative justified for the good of the whole person for
outcomes such as subjective well-being, the following reasons: (1) the presence of
cosmesis, and sexual function.”39 secondary sex characteristics may, in a given
case, represent a serious harm to the well-being
INTERVENTIONS INVOLVING SECONDARY of the patient; (2) the intervention can be
SEX CHARACTERISTICS AND THE effective for the patient; and (3) the good of
PRINCIPLE OF TOTALITY restoring well-being and avoiding grave harm is
proportionate to the loss.41
Given Catholic teaching on the creation of the
human individual examined here, and the
SUMMER 2019 FEATURE ARTICLE Catholic Teaching on the Human
Person and Gender Dysphoria
Evidence for the first two conditions has been to justify treatment of gender dysphoria.45 His
indicated. Proportionality is also key to this review focuses on Catholic teaching and
argument. Interventions on secondary sex theological opinion from the 1940s to the
characteristics directed to the good of the present. In my view, there are three flaws in
whole of the person are proportionate means to Jones’ analysis of these historical sources. These
remedy the lack of psychological and emotional flaws are based on misconstruing the
cohesiveness and even suicidality. They are also distinction between historical interpretation of
proportionate since the sex characteristics the principle and the intelligibility of the
affected do not have an integral role for the principle itself.
body/soul unity of the individual human
person as female or male. These interventions The first flaw in the historical interpretation of
can be accomplished without being directed the principle is that the focus and object of the
toward eliminating primary sex characteristics principle is reducible to the physical integrity of
that are integral to who the person is as a the person, such that the intelligibility of the
created being.42 principle is identified with the preservation of
the physical whole of the person. This does not
Similarly, the use of hormonal therapy, even mean that Catholic theologians have historically
though it can have a sterilizing effect in the rejected the notion that the human person is a
long term, is permissible for the purpose of body/soul unity, or that they rejected the fact
treating gender dysphoria. Any sterilizing effect that people may experience psychological
on the primary sex characteristics would be conditions that are in some way related to the
foreseen but unintended.43 Moreover, the sex body; but what some have assumed is that the
hormones affected in hormonal therapy for object of the principle of totality qua moral
gender dysphoria considered in themselves are guide for evaluating actions that directly cause
neither primary nor secondary sex harm to the body is delimited to physical parts
characteristics. They are causes of primary and and the physical integrity of the person. For
secondary sex characteristics, but as causes, and Jones and his most of his sources, the part-
because they are found in both males and whole relationship specified by the principle is
females (their different levels in each sex conceptualized strictly as a relationship of
notwithstanding), they do not qualify as sex organic part to physical whole.46 In this
characteristics per se.44 For these reasons, understanding of the principle, integrity is
hormonal treatment for gender dysphoria is not reduced to physical integrity that can be
deliberately directed at eliminating a primary justifiably preserved through the sacrifice of
sex characteristic that is integral to the creation physical parts. Thus, the only ethically
of the person as female or male. justifiable physical interventions to treat
psychological conditions on this view are
A RESPONSE TO THE VIEW THAT TOTALITY treatments for conditions that have a basis in
CANNOT BE APPLIED organic disease.
A recent article by David Albert Jones reviews However, since the whole of the human person
the history of Catholic teaching and theological is constituted by the composite unity of body
opinion on the principle of totality and its use and soul, aspects of a person that are
SUMMER 2019 FEATURE ARTICLE Catholic Teaching on the Human
Person and Gender Dysphoria
immaterial qualify as parts of the whole just as that gravely affect a person’s freedom to the
the physical aspects qualify. Thus, to modify extent of turning the person into “an
organic parts to preserve the psychological well- automaton.”50 Thus, Pius’ limits on the
being of a person, whether those physical parts application of the principle of totality were not
are diseased or not, is not contrary to the generated from a view of the principle that
principle. Pope Pius XII described and applied reduced the notions of integrity and part-whole
the principle of totality with an understanding relations to the physical dimension of the
of human integrity as encompassing both person. The fact that the principle was applied
physical and psychic integrity. Even when he to the relationship of the individual to the state
referenced the “destruction or . . . mutilation of also indicates that the notions of a whole and
anatomic or functional character,” he did not relation of part to whole as they function in the
reduce the meaning and application of the principle are not reducible to physical reality.51
principle to physical integrity.47 His text bears
this out: Consistent with this view of Pius’ application of
the principle of totality is the fact that he used
. . . he [the patient] does not possess the term “organism” in three different senses,
unlimited power to allow acts of only one of which is limited to the physical. For
destruction or of mutilation of Pius, “organism” can apply to the physical
anatomic or functional character. But, organs and their integrated physical function, to
in virtue of the principle of totality, of the organism of the whole person as unity of
his right to employ the services of the body and soul, and to the “moral organism” of
organism as a whole, he can give humanity. Pius used the term “organism” to
individual parts to destruction or mean an integrated whole of parts, whether that
mutilation when and to the extent that whole is material, immaterial, or a composite of
it is necessary for the good of his being the two. Here is a sampling of how he used
as a whole, to assure its existence or to these terms:
avoid, and naturally to repair, grave and
lasting damage which could otherwise The physical organism of the “the man”
be neither avoided nor repaired.48 is one complete whole in its being. The
members are parts united and bound
The concepts of “services of the organism as a together in their very physical essence.
whole” and “being as a whole” are related but They are so absorbed by the whole that
distinct as they function in this text. Because they possess no independence. They
Pius does not restrict the meaning of “being as exist only for the sake of the total
a whole” to physical integrity, his use of organism and have no other end than
“services of the organism of the whole” that of the total organism.
legitimately includes modification on organic
parts for the good of the whole of the It is entirely a different matter in the
individual understood as a unified physical and case of the moral organism that is
psychic composite.49 Pius’ prohibition against humanity. This constitutes a whole only
mutilation of the body that follows his text in regard to act and finality.52
quoted here is limited to medical experiments
SUMMER 2019 FEATURE ARTICLE Catholic Teaching on the Human
Person and Gender Dysphoria
In an address to country doctors, Pius uses the organism,” and “body” includes the immaterial
term “whole organism” to describe the human dimension of the human person, his
person as a composite unity of body and soul: understanding and application of the principle
of totality ought not to be interpreted
You [the doctor] are in a position to exclusively in terms of material integrity or
consider man in his own nature of body physical part-whole relations of the human
and soul subject to reciprocal influence, person.56 There may be reasons why medical
coexisting in the human composite. intervention is not justified for gender
According to nature, body and soul are dysphoria, such as when the intervention
not in opposition, but in intimate and directly violates some essential aspect of human
constant collaboration. And so when, as nature or a person’s existence, but a reason
often happens, you can be of aid to based on a physicalist interpretation of totality
souls, you must act with the conviction is not one of them.
that thus you render a sound service to
the whole man, not only to his spiritual A second flaw in Jones’ analysis is that the
part, for often this will contribute to the ontological meaning of the distinction between
greater efficiency of the whole the primary and secondary sex characteristics is
organism.53 not recognized. Partly because the
interpretation of the principle considered by
Similarly, Pius describes the “physical Jones did not take into account the ontological
organism” of the person as a “subsisting unity,” significance of the sex characteristic distinction,
which is the substantial unity of body and soul: it focused on treatment that affects the
“What follows with regard to the physical reproductive organs. As a result, use of the
organism? The master, the person who uses principle of totality to justify treatment for
this organism, which possesses a subsisting gender dysphoria has historically been rejected.
unity, can dispose directly and immediately of Even Jones’ recognition of the possible ethical
the integrant parts, the members and organs, justification of “minor medical procedures” for
within the framework of their natural finality.”54 gender dysphoria that do not destroy
For Pius, the “physical organism” of the human “biological function” is not grounded in an
individual is not intelligible apart from the ontological distinction. 57 However, recognition
subsisting unity of the individual. In an address of this distinction makes a critical difference to
to the Italian Medical-Biological Union of St. the proportionality of goods and evils weighed
Luke, Pius pointed out that while the work of by the principle, as has been shown.
physicians directly affects “the body with its
members and organs, [this work] will The third flaw, related to the first, is that the
nevertheless concern too the soul and its historical interpretation does not take account
faculties” due to the “compenetration of matter of the fact that the psycho-social effects of a
by spirit in the perfect unity of the human dysphoric condition may be legitimately
composite.”55 considered in an application of the principle.
Since application of the principle is not
Insofar as Pius’ use of the terms “organism,” reducible to physical totality, its use to evaluate
“physical organism,” “whole organism,” “total the moral status of treating gender dysphoria is
SUMMER 2019 FEATURE ARTICLE Catholic Teaching on the Human
Person and Gender Dysphoria
suffering is a legitimate whole of the person as a body/soul unity. The
part of the whole suffering of gender dysphoria is as much a
individual who has legitimate part of the whole person as is any
other type of suffering, just as virtue and vice
gender dysphoria, and is and human behavior itself also constitute parts
a part that threatens the in the part/whole relation of the person. In the
case of interventions on the secondary sex
health of the whole characteristics, they have an intrinsic relation to
person. the suffering of gender dysphoria precisely
because they are sex characteristics; therefore,
the removal or altering of these characteristics
represents, consistent with the principle of
not restricted to whether or not the origins of totality, the sacrificing of one part to heal
the condition reside in organic disease. Rather, another part for the sake of the whole in such a
psycho-social suffering is a legitimate part of way that does not violate the individual’s
the whole individual who has gender dysphoria, created existence as female or male.
and is a part that threatens the health of the
whole person. Therefore, this suffering is a INTERVENTIONS INVOLVING PRIMARY SEX
legitimate factor in the application of the CHARACTERISTICS
principle to determine whether a physical part
may be sacrificed or altered to heal the part that Due to the integral nature of the primary sex
is threatening the whole. characteristics with respect to sexual identity as
a component of the body/soul unity of the
Jones explicitly argues that the distress of individual human person, interventions directed
gender dysphoria is an “intentional object of a specifically toward and only for the purpose of
mental state” and as such cannot be in a “part- removing such an integral sex characteristic are
to-whole relation” that could be evaluated by not justified by the principle of totality. The
the principle of totality.58 The distress is about a reason is that the sole immediate end (moral
physical aspect of the person, it is not the object) in this case is the removal of an integral
physical object itself. He concludes that as a sex characteristic, precisely and insofar as it is a
result of this fact the principle of totality cannot primary sex characteristic. While it is true that
be used to justify what he calls “serious and its presence is a cause of severe psychological
lasting harm at the level of function,” which he pain, this pain is inextricable from the fact that
does not define.59 The assumption behind this it is a reproductive organ of a certain sex (a
claim is that only physical objects have the primary sex characteristic); as such, its removal
nature necessary to be parts of the whole that is cannot be justified by the principle of totality
the person as considered in the principle of because it is essential to the whole of the
totality. However, this is the very thing in person as male or female. In contrast, in the
question. The fact that the distress of gender case of sacrificing a reproductive organ that is a
dysphoria is about a physical object and is not pathophysiological threat to the whole
the physical object itself does not disqualify the organism (whether or not the reproductive
reality of the distress as a legitimate part of the organ itself is functioning normally), the moral
SUMMER 2019 FEATURE ARTICLE Catholic Teaching on the Human
Person and Gender Dysphoria
object of the act is the cessation of the threat or orchiectomies directly to treat
precisely insofar as there is either a disease pathophysiological conditions of the uterus or
involving the organ, or a known threat being testes but which happen to coincide with their
caused by a healthy organ, not precisely and desire for gender transition.
specifically the removal of the organ as an
integral sex characteristic.60 An example of this Foreseeing the intent of the patient does not of
distinction is the provision of a hysterectomy itself mean that the Catholic institution shares
solely and only to treat gender dysphoria and a that intention or approves gender transition.
hysterectomy to treat a pathophysiological Foreseeing and intending are not mutually
condition of the uterus, whether or not the inclusive. Though foreseeing and intending can
patient has gender dysphoria. While the be related in specific actions, they arise from
ontological individuation of the individual different powers of the soul—foreseeing from
person as female or male cannot be changed by the intellect, and intending from the will.
removing sex characteristics that are integral to Moreover, if merely foreseeing the consequence
an individual’s unity, to remove them strictly of an action entailed the intention of it, then the
for the purpose of treating gender dysphoria is traditional principle of the double effect would
directly to prevent the functionality of this not be possible. When we treat a
integral component precisely as it represents pathophysiological condition that affects
the individuation of the person as male or primary sex characteristics, we intend treatment
female. For a Catholic health care institution to of the condition. Foreseeing that the
approve such procedures would be to share in institution’s actions will coincide with the
the same object of eliminating a sex patient’s intention for gender transition in both
characteristic integral to the creation of the cases does not undermine the moral legitimacy
person for its own sake. of the interventions.
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Person and Gender Dysphoria
SUMMER 2019 FEATURE ARTICLE Catholic Teaching on the Human
Person and Gender Dysphoria
SUMMER 2019 FEATURE ARTICLE Catholic Teaching on the Human
Person and Gender Dysphoria
SUMMER 2019 FEATURE ARTICLE Catholic Teaching on the Human
Person and Gender Dysphoria
cause of theological scandal regarding Catholic continued dialogue about how Catholic health
teaching on human sexuality, so too it is not care can work to alleviate the suffering of
necessarily a legitimate cause of scandal that persons with gender dysphoria and generally
Catholic health care provides treatment for give care to transgender persons consistent with
gender dysphoria simply because there is a that teaching. 68
gender ideology whose tenets are contrary to
Catholic teaching. The inherent human dignity
of these patients requires a more fair PETER J. CATALDO, Ph.D.
consideration. Senior Vice President, Theology and Ethics
Providence St. Joseph Health
When approaching the issue of caring for Renton, WA
persons with gender dysphoria in Catholic [email protected]
health care we do well to apply the teaching of
Pope Francis. He taught that we should “avoid
a cold bureaucratic morality in dealing with
more sensitive issues . . . for although it is quite
true that concern must be shown for the
integrity of the Church’s moral teaching, special
care should always be shown to emphasize and
encourage the highest and most central values
of the Gospel, particularly the primacy of
charity as a response to the completely
gratuitous offer of God’s love.”67 Using the
distinction between the primary and secondary
sex characteristics in the way I am suggesting is
not to deny or ignore the reality of biological
variation in sex, or the very real psychological
and social dimensions of how transgender
persons view themselves. Catholic health care
responds to that experience and to those who
suffer from gender dysphoria as it responds to
any need or request—from its institutional
conscience. This conscience rests in part upon
Catholic teaching on the creation of the human
person as either female or male. The argument
here for the ontological significance of the
distinction between the sex characteristics
recognizes the reality of Catholic teaching and
attempts to reconcile that teaching with the
Catholic theological, metaphysical, and moral
traditions and relevant science. The hope of
this approach is that a path might emerge for
SUMMER 2019 FEATURE ARTICLE Catholic Teaching on the Human
Person and Gender Dysphoria
Creating Dialogue
1. How would you summarize the key points of Cataldo’s argument?
2. The principle of totality is used widely in health care ethics (e.g. everytime
surgery is performed). Do you agree that it can be applied to transgender
interventions as well (p.9-10)?
3. Can you think of other cases in which subjective suffering justifies medical
1The Congregation for Catholic Education (CCE) in its “Male and 4 Catechism, 369,
Female He Created Them” Towards A Path of Dialogue on the Question of
Gender Theory in Education (February 2, 2019, n. 11) states that “it is 5 Catechism, 369,
different realities. . . . The problem here does not lie in the
distinction between the two terms, which can be interpreted 7 St. John Paul II, Apostolic Exhortation Christifideles Laici,
correctly, but in the separation of sex from gender.” December 30, 1988, 50,
2 Catechism of the Catholic Church, 365, ii/en/apost_exhortations/documents/hf_jp- See ii_exh_30121988_christifideles-laici.html. Additional confirmation
Vatican II, Gaudium et spes, 14: “Though made of body and soul, of the ontological basis of this anthropology is found in the
man is one”; Fourth Lateran Ecumenical Council, Chapter 1, The connection made by him between this anthropology and “the
Catholic Faith, DS 800: “the human creature [is] . . . composed of whole history of salvation.” See also St. John Paul II, Apostolic
spirit and body.” Letter Mulieris Dignitatem, August 15, 1988, 1, 6, 10,
ocuments/vat-ii_const_19651207_gaudium-et-spes_en.html; see ii/en/apost_letters/1988/documents/hf_jp-
also n. 3; First Vatican Ecumenical Council, c. 1: “. . . humanam ii_apl_19880815_mulieris-dignitatem.html.
quasi communem ex spiritu et corpore constitutam,” 8 For a sampling of Thomas Aquinas’ view of the principle of
SUMMER 2019 FEATURE ARTICLE Catholic Teaching on the Human
Person and Gender Dysphoria
Dialogue on the Question of Gender Theory in Education, n. 23. obligation not to remove the uterus and ovaries of a person with AIS,
15 See, for example, Luke Timothy Johnson, The Revelatory Body: and conversely it does not entail that there is a moral obligation to
Theology as Inductive Art (Cambridge: William B. Eerdmans, 2015): remove these organs because the person has the primary sex
SUMMER 2019 FEATURE ARTICLE Catholic Teaching on the Human
Person and Gender Dysphoria
Romine, Autumn Hamilton, and Eli Coleman, “Stigma, Mental Sabine E. Hannema, Walter J. Meyer, M. Hassan Murad, Stephen
Health, and Resilience in an Online Sample of the US Transgender M. Rosenthal, Joshua D. Safer, Vin Tangpricha, and Guy G.
Population,” American Journal of Public Health 103 (2013): 943–951 at T’Sjoen, “Endocrine Treatment of Gender-Dysphoric/Gender-
948,; see also Jillian C. Incongruent Persons: An Endocrine Society Clinical Practice
Shipherd, Shira Maguen, W. Christopher Skidmore and Sarah M. Guideline,” The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology Metabolism 102 (2017):
Abramovitz, “Potentially Traumatic Events in a 3869–3903 at 3895,; see
SUMMER 2019 FEATURE ARTICLE Catholic Teaching on the Human
Person and Gender Dysphoria
Standards of Care for the Health of Transsexual, Transgender, and Gender Surgery: A Catholic Bioethical Analysis,” 330–332.
47 The discussion of the principle of totality, and in particular Pius
Nonconforming People 7th Version (2011): 54–55, WPATH Standards XII’s view of it, is not intended to be a complete study of the
do not delineate the types of surgery that it characterizes as “sex concept, nor does it need to be for the purposes of this paper.
48 Pope Pius, XII, Address to the First International Congress of
reassignment surgery.” It must be acknowledged that the studies to
date indicate that hormonal and surgical treatment are effective for Histopathology (September 13, 1952), Monks of Solesmes, ed., The
some but not all individuals suffering from gender dysphoria. Human Body: Papal Teachings, 199.
49 See Becket Gremmels, “Sex Reassignment Surgery and the
40 Pope Pius, XII, Address to the First International Congress of
Histopathology (September 13, 1952), in Monks of Solesmes, ed., Catholic Moral Tradition: Insight from Pope Pius XII on the
The Human Body: Papal Teachings (Boston: Daughters of St. Paul, Principle of Totality,” 8, and Becket Gremmels, “More Insight
1960): 206; see also: “The principle of totality itself affirms nothing
SUMMER 2019 FEATURE ARTICLE Catholic Teaching on the Human
Person and Gender Dysphoria
Congress of Urology (October 8, 1953), Monks of Solesmes ed., paper, especially those by Dan O’Brien, Ron Hamel, Fr. Charlie Bouchard,
The Human Body: Papal Teachings, 277–279; see also, Colloquium O.P., Dan Dwyer, and the members of the CHA Task Force on Transgender
Participants, “Medical Intervention in Cases of Maternal–Fetal Health.
Vital Conflicts: A Statement of Consensus,” National Catholic
Bioethics Quarterly 14 (2014): 477–489,; Becket Gremmels, Dan