Beating The Numbers Through Strategic Intervention Materials (Sims) : Innovative Science Teaching For Large Classes
Beating The Numbers Through Strategic Intervention Materials (Sims) : Innovative Science Teaching For Large Classes
Beating The Numbers Through Strategic Intervention Materials (Sims) : Innovative Science Teaching For Large Classes
Venus M. Alboruto
Enhancing students’ science literacy using solar cell learning multimedia containing science
and nano technology
AIP Conference Proceedings 1848, 060015 (2017);
Validation of science virtual test to assess 8 grade students’ critical thinking on living things
and environmental sustainability theme
AIP Conference Proceedings 1848, 060016 (2017);
© 2017 Author(s).
Beating the Numbers through Strategic Intervention
Materials (SIMs): Innovative Science Teaching for Large
Venus M. Alboruto1,a)
Surigao City National High School San Juan, Surigao City, Philippines
Corresponding author:
Abstract. The study aimed to find out the effectiveness of using Strategic Intervention Materials (SIMs) as an innovative
teaching practice in managing large Grade Eight Science classes to raise the performance of the students in terms of
science process skills development and mastery of science concepts.Utilizing experimental research design with two
groups of participants, which were purposefully chosen, it was obtained that there existed a significant difference in the
performance of the experimental and control groups based on actual class observation and written tests on science
process skills with a p-value of 0.0360 in favor of the experimental class. Further, results of written pre-test and post-test
on science concepts showed that the experimental group with the mean of 24.325 (SD =3.82) performed better than the
control group with the mean of 20.58 (SD =4.94), with a registered p-value of 0.00039. Therefore, the use of SIMs
significantly contributed to the mastery of science concepts and the development of science process skills. Based on the
findings, the following recommendations are offered: 1. that grade eight science teachers should use or adopt the SIMs
used in this study to improve their students’ performance; 2. training-workshop on developing SIMs must be conducted
to help teachers develop SIMs to be used in their classes; 3. school administrators must allocate funds for the
development and reproduction of SIMs to be used by the students in their school; and 4. every division should have a
repository of SIMs for easy access of the teachers in the entire division.
One of the greatest challenges in teaching is finding methods that would make learning meaningful especially to
classes with large number of students. Teachers face many problems teaching in large classes but these problems
can be solved with genuine desire to conquer these difficulties with appropriate teaching aids, approaches and
strategies. According to Brawner as cited by Villafania [6], Philippines has a huge teacher and classroom deficit that
is affecting student performance and even their ability to stay in school. Citing statistics from the Department of
Education (DepEd) as of 2012, there was a lack of 61,510 teachers and17,939 classrooms. The recommended
teacher-student ratio by the DEpEd is 1:38 but the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural
Organization’s (UNESCO) recommendation is 1:30. In Surigao City National High School (SCNHS) where this
research was conducted, the minimum class size for the last three years is 55 and is still growing with the increasing
number of enrollees every year.
In 2011, O’Brein [3] wrote that large classes make it hard for teachers to control students and to guide their
learning. She further stated that the biggest problem of large classes is that students are not getting the education
they deserve. According to Kiewra as cited by Reis [4] students capture only 20-40 per cent of a lecture's main ideas
in their notes. Without reviewing the lecture material, students remember less than 10 per cent after three weeks.
These numbers present a clear challenge: how to guarantee that students learn and remember what they taught.
DepEd K-12 Curriculum Guide [9] emphasized that the core science standard for the entire K to 12 is for the
learner to demonstrate understanding of basic science concepts, apply science process skills, and exhibit scientific
attitudes and values to solve problems critically, innovate beneficial products, protect the environment and conserve
resources, enhance the integrity and wellness of people, and make informed and unbiased decisions about social
issues that involve science and technology. However, due to large number of students in classes, achieving this goal
becomes very challenging. Students in large classes do not develop the scientific skills nor master the concepts
taught. These result to the students’ low scores in the National Achievement Tests (NAT).
In SCNHS, NAT Results in Science need to improve. In S.Y. 2009-2010, the MPS was 62.66%. Then in
S.Y.2010-2011 it dropped to 39.97 %, and in S.Y. 2011-2012, the MPS was 68.7%.Similar results were obtained at
the regional level, urgently requiring interventions in classroom practices to improve student mastery of science
lessons. While there is no immediate solution to reducing class size into ideal one, teachers ought to try different
approaches and strategies to improve students’ learning in these classes. One of the ways to improve students’
learning is through the use of Strategic Intervention Material. According to Dy [2], SIM refers to teaching aid
introduced into the teaching methods to stimulate students’ interest in the activity to increasing their level of
understanding. It is a learning package composed of guide card, several hands-on and minds-on activities,
assessments, enrichments, and answer keys which the students can bring home as supplementary learning material
that will help them work and learn independently or with their peers.
The researcher proposed and implemented this project entitled Beating the Numbers through Strategic
Intervention Materials: Innovative Science Teaching for Large Classes to increase the mastery of science concepts
and skills of the students in large classes. The SIMs were designed by SCNHS science teachers and were used in
managing large Grade 8 Science and Technology experimental class. The SIMs were used to develop the students’
science process skills to increase the results of their test scores as indicators of the improvement of teaching and
learning effectiveness.
This project aimed to find out the efficacy of using Strategic Intervention Materials (SIMs) designed by SCNHS
science teachers as an innovative teaching practice in managing large Grade Eight Science and Technology classes
to improvethe performance of the students.Furthermore, this project also aimed to develop effective SIMs that will
be shared to other Science teachers in the school and the Division of Surigao City to also help them improve
instruction in large classes.
The researcher used experimental research design, specifically pre-test and post-test with control group design.
This design was appropriate because the study ascertained the relationship between the independent variable which
was the use of SIMs to the experimental group of students and the dependent variable which was the learning of the
students, as indicated by the development of science process skills and increase in test results.The participants of the
study were two heterogeneous Grade Eight Science and Technology classes of SCNHS selected using purposive
sampling. The basis for selection were the class size and the level of proficiency. Particularly, these students belong
to the regular or average classes having the size of 55, with almost similar point grade average based on their report
cards in Grade Seven and under the Basic Education Curriculum track. The Grade Eight Class – Section Daisy, was
used as the experimental group and the Grade Eight Class – Section Rosal, was used as the control group.
The study used the instruments: pre-test and post-test for science process skills which contained multiple choice
and open ended questions adapted from various authors from the internet. This measured students’ science process
skills which were anchored on the skills that the SIMs are expected to develop.Observation instrument was used to
monitor the implementation of the project. Teacher-observers answered the questions while the teacher-implementer
conducted the class. The researcher designed the instrument and experts validated it for content validity and
reliability. A 30-item teacher made test. This was given to the two groups of participants during the pre-test and
post-test. Questions on these tests were based on second and third quarter topics as specified in the Science Grade 8
Curriculum Guide of the K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum. The test was composed of multiple choices,
identification, and open-ended questions spread across specified science concepts. Ten SIMs developed by seven
SCNHS science teachers.which were validated by the experts before being used utilized by the experimental group
of participants. Two SIMs were used for the pilot testing of the study during the first grading period. Each
intervention material has seven parts, namely, the title card, guide card, activity card, assessment card, enrichment
card, reference card and key card [5]. The procedure used in this study is shown in Figure 1.
Developin ngand participantsbasedon Pilottestingofthe ConduuctingPreͲteston
10SIMs classsizeandgrade project Scien
n Condu
Gathering,AAnalyzing Conductin
ngPostͲteston innovation:Usingthe
2ndand3rdQuarter 2ndand3rdQuarter
andInterpreetingData ScienceP
ProcessSkills SIM,GroupMonitorring,
ScienceConcepts ScienceConcepts
GURE 1. Flow of
o procedure useed in the study
This paart presents, analyzes
a and interprets
i the data gathered.. The presentaation follows the
t sequence of the
problem poosed in the objective section.
Comparison of the Performance of the Students in Experimental and Control Groups
Before and After the Conduct of the Study in Terms of Science Process kills
Table 2 shows the comparison of the performance in science process skills of the students before and after the
implementation of the innovation based on their pre-test and post-test scores.
TABLE 2.Test of Difference of Science Process Skills of the Students in Experimental and Control Groups at the Start and at
the End of the Innovation based on Written Test
Variables Mean Std. Dev. T Value df P T critical Decision
Experimental Pre 6.89 5.22 3.52 6 0.0125 2.447 RejectHo
Pre vs. Post Post 10.47 6.94
Control Pre 8.52 6.10 4.66 6 0.03467 2.447 RejectHo
Pre vs. Post Post 9.40 6.51
Experimental vs. Control Exp 3.58 2.69 2.61 6 0.0360 2.1788 Reject Ho
Con 0.877 0.50
This data shows that the science process skills of the students have improved within the duration of this study.
As shown, there is a significant difference in the pre-test and post-test scores of the students in the experimental
class as indicated by the p-value of 0.0125 which is less than the confidence level of 0.05. There is also a significant
difference in the pre-test and post-test scores of the students in the control class, with the p-value of 0.03467, thus
rejecting the null hypothesis. This result indicates that there is a significant difference in the science process skills
developed by the experimental and control groups and the experimental class performed better on the science
process skills test. This implies that the use of Strategic Intervention Materials helped the students in the
experimental class to improve their scientific skills.
Mean Std.
Variable Mean T Df p DECISION
Diff. Dv.
Pre-test (Control) 13.92 3.17
6.66 70 0 Reject Ho
Post-Test (Control) 20.58 4.94 -6.82136
It can be gleaned from this table that the students in both the experimental and control classes have improved
their level of understanding and mastery of the content for second and third quarter lessons in Grade 8 Science and
Technology as indicated by the p-values of 0.0000 in both groups. Both the means of the experimental and control
group students have significantly increased. Thus, there is a significant difference in their conceptual understanding
before and after the study. The table also shows that the increase in the scores of the students in the experimental
class (mean diff = 11.675) is greater than the improvement of scores in the control class (mean diff = 6.66). This
suggests that the students have improved their understanding of the concepts after the study. These findings further
affirmed that the respondents from the experimental group had performed better than the respondents from the
control group after they were exposed to the innovation using the SIMs. Thus, this proved that the use of Strategic
Intervention Materials was effective in understanding and mastering grade 8 science and technology concepts.
Comparison of Students’ Understanding and Mastery of Science and Technology Concepts
Table 4 shows the comparison of pre-test and post-test scores of the experimental and control class students on
grade eight science and technology concepts for second and third quarters.
TABLE 4. Comparison of the Proficiency Levels of the Students in the Control and Experimental Classes Before and After
the Innovation Based on their Pre-test and Post-test Scores on Scientific Concepts for Second and Third Quarters
Mean Mean Std.Dev. Std.Dev.
Variables t-value df p DECISION
Experimental Control Experimental Control
Pre-test Experimental
vs. 0.0 Accept
12.65 13.9167 -1.7183 74 3.246695 3.165664
9 Ho
Pre-test Control
Post-test Experimental
vs. 24.325 20.5833 3.716 74 3.818897 4.936019 Reject Ho
Post-test Control
Table 4 shows that at the beginning of the study, the students in the experimental and control classes have the
same level of performance in terms of their stocked knowledge as indicated by the p-value of 0.089910 which is
greater than the confidence level. Thus, the null hypothesis that there is no significant difference in the students’
performance in the pre-test is accepted. This supports the criteria for purposive sampling done at the start of their
study, that the participants should have the same level of proficiency as indicated by their grade point average on
their report cards upon the selection process for participants of the study. The table also shows that at the end of the
study, the proficiency levels of the two groups varied significantly as shown by the p-value of 0.00039. The
experimental group with the mean of 24.325 (SD =3.82) performed better than the control group with the mean of
20.58 (SD =4.94).
Table 5 shows that the project Beating the Numbers through Strategic Intervention Material (SIMs): Innovative
Science Teaching for Large Classes is effective in in managing large classes and in improving teaching and learning
effectiveness evidenced by improved performance of the students in the experimental class in science process skills
test as well as in scientific concept test. This clearly proves that the innovation implemented through this project
significantly helps the students in large classes to understand and master science concepts and to develop scientific
From the findings of the study, the following conclusions were drawn:
1. The students in both experimental and control classes have improved performance but the experimental class
performed better.
2. The use of strategic intervention materials in managing large classes is effective in terms of improving
science process skills and mastery of science concepts.
3. The project is effective in improving student performance.
1. Department of Education, “K-12 Curriculum Guide Science” Indicators of Development of Process Skills.
(January 18, 2013)
2. J.O. Dy, How to Develop Strategic Intervention Material. Retrieved from MATERIAL
(12 March, 2012).
3. A. O'Brien, Large Classes Can be a Large Problem. Retrieved from
4. R. Reis, Tomorrow's Teaching and Learning. [Web blog post] Retrieved from
bin/tomprof/posting.php?ID=790 (2005).
5. A. L. Soberano, Strategic Intervention Materials in Chemistry: Development and Effectiveness. Retrieved – (2008).
6. A. Villafania, Public Schools Display Best Practices in Managing Large Classrooms. Retrieved from
7. Indicators of development of process skills (n.d.) Retrieved from
8. Indicators of development of Science Process Skills.(n.d) Retrieved from
9. K-12 Curriculum Guide Science, Department of Education (2013).
10. Science Process Skills Test - Grade 7 Science Teachers Network (n.d) Retrieved from