Ta Taking Apart Numbers and Shapes
Ta Taking Apart Numbers and Shapes
Ta Taking Apart Numbers and Shapes
Numbers and
Area Models and Rectangles
Lesson Overview
This lesson begins with an open-ended activity designed to engage students in thinking about
different and equivalent ways to represent the number 24. Students then rewrite the product of two
factors as a factor times the sum of two or more terms, leading to the formalization of the Distributive
Property. Throughout this lesson, students decompose and compose numeric expressions to create
equivalent representations.
Essential Ideas
• Equivalent expressions can be rewritten using properties.
• The area of a rectangle is the product of its length and width.
• An area model of a rectangle with side lengths a and (b 1 c) can be used to illustrate the
Distributive Property.
• The Distributive Property states that for any numbers a, b, and c, a(b 1 c) 5 ab 1 ac.
Facilitation Notes
In this activity, students create different numeric expressions for the same
number. This is an open-ended activity that is designed to engage students
in thinking about different and equivalent ways to represent the same
Ask a student to read the definition of numeric expression aloud. Have students
work individually on Question 1 to write their own numeric expressions.
Circulate as they work to observe the types of expressions they write.
Differentiation strategy
For students who may struggle to generate even one numeric expression,
provide students with 1–2 examples to start or suggest a specific
operation to use.
As students work, look for
• Common ways students wrote each numeric expression.
• The use of addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division as an
• Different types of numbers, e.g., fractions, decimals.
• The use of grouping symbols.
There are many different numeric expressions that can be written to equal
the same number.
Activity 1.1
DEVELOP Connecting Area Models and the Distributive Property
Facilitation Notes
In this activity, students decompose given factors to create equivalent
representations, which lays the foundation for the the formalization of the
Distributive Property.
Have students answer Questions 4 and 5 with their partner or group, and
share responses as a class.
Questions to ask
• When is the use of parentheses necessary? What do they indicate?
• Did anyone split the rectangle up into three regions? How does that
change the way you write the corresponding equation using the
Distributive Property?
• Which combination of values is the most efficient one to use?
Ask a student to read the definition of the Distributive Property aloud and
complete Question 6 as a class.
Questions to ask
• What does it mean to distribute something?
• Explain what it is meant by “multiplication over addition.”
• What would a “multiplication over subtraction” problem look like?
• The multiplication symbol is not shown but rather implied. Where is
multiplication implied in a(b 1 c) 5 ab 1 ac.
• What is the purpose of showing the arrows in the example?
Differentiation strategy
To extend the activity, explain the mathematical notation to show the
Distributive Property of Division over Addition and the Distributive
Property of Division over Subtraction.
An area model is used to illustrate the Distributive Property. The Distributive
Property is used to create equivalent expressions.
Activity 1.2
Interpreting a Real-World Situation
Using the Distributive Property
Facilitation Notes
In this activity, students design the floor plan in a gymnasium for different
after-school activities. They represent their model using the Distributive
The Distributive Property allows you to represent areas in different ways.
The Distributive Property can be used to write number sentences with and
without parentheses.
Taking Apart 1
and Shapes
Writing Equivalent Expressions Using
the Distributive Property
You have learned how to operate with numbers using different strategies. Sometimes taking
apart numbers before you operate can highlight important information or make calculations
easier. How can you use these strategies to express number sentences in different ways?
3. The collected set of numeric 1. Write five different numeric expressions for the number 24.
expressions are all
In mathematics, a
group of symbols that
make a mathematical
statement is called
an expression. A
numeric expression
is a mathematical 2. Share your numeric expressions with your classmates.
phrase that contains
numbers and a. Did you and your classmates use common strategies to
operations. write your expressions? Explain.
Students may be unfamiliar with the idiomatic expression “comes to
mind.” Ask students what the word “mind” means, and then talk with
them about what it would mean for something to “come to mind.”
Remember that
an area model is a
Let’s think about other ways to represent this area. rectangular array of
identical rows and
1. Draw a line to split one side length of the area model into identical columns.
two parts to represent the area of 135 square units a
different way. Label the dimensions of the smaller regions
in the area model.
Help students M1-10 • TOPIC 1: Factors and Area
differentiate between
the terms expression
C01_SE_M01_T01_L01.indd 10 29/03/17 8:02 AM
and equation. Read the
following statements
aloud. Have students Write an example or counterexample to illustrate.
use thumbs-up or • All equations have equal signs in them.
thumbs-down to • All expressions are equations.
indicate understanding. • All equations include expressions.
1. False;
3(2 1 4) 5 3 ? 2 1 3 ? 4 2. True False 6(10 1 5) 5 6 ? 10 1 6 ? 5
2. True
3. True False 7(20 1 8) 5 7 1 20 ? 8
3. False;
7(20 1 8) 5 7 ? 20 1 7 ? 8 4. True False 4(5 1 10) 5 20 1 10
4. False;
4(5 1 10) 5 20 1 40 5. True False 2(6 1 11) 5 12 1 22
5. True
1. Sample answer.
3. 244 3(100 1 22) 5 300 1 66
2. Sample answer.
6(120 1 2) 5 720 1 12
3. Sample answer.
6(200 1 40 1 4) 5
1200 1 240 1 24
Evaluate each expression using the Distributive Property. Show your work.
4. 6(12 1 4) 5 72 1 24
5 96
4. 6(12 1 4)
5. 10 1 4(2 1 20) 5. 10 1 4(2 1 20)
6. 7(4 1 19) 5 10 1 8 1 80
5 98
6. 7(4 1 19) 5 28 1 133
5 161
2. 1
9 6 1. 1 2. 1
6 9
1 2 6
3 1
2 3
1 1 1 1 __
9 1 __ 5 __
6) 3
? 9 1 __
3 6
Review Calculate the area of each rectangle.
1. 3__
square feet
1. Width 5 5 feet 2. Width 5 10 feet
2. 6__
square feet Length 5 __
foot Length 5 __
M1-14 • TOPIC
Numbers and Shapes