ICSE Class 10 Biology Solved Paper 2008 PDF
ICSE Class 10 Biology Solved Paper 2008 PDF
ICSE Class 10 Biology Solved Paper 2008 PDF
Class X Biology
Board Paper 2008
(One hour and a halt)
(b) The following paragraph is related to absorption of water from the soil. Copy and
complete the following paragraph by selecting the correct words from those given in
the box. You may use the term only once.
Water enters the root hair from the soil by the process of _ _. This is because the
solution in the soil i s _ , whereas the cell sap in the root hair cell is _ _. The
water then passes through the _ _ cells by cell to cell _ _ and reaches the xylem of
セイッ@ セ@
(c) Given below are sets of 5 terms each. Without changing the first term, rearrange the
remaining four, so as to be in logical sequence as per the directions given in brackets
for each. One has been done for you as an example.
(d) State whether the following statements are True or False. If False, rewrite the
correct form of the statement by only changing the last word of the statement.
(i) The alpha cells of the pancreas secrete insulin.
(ii) Duplicated chromosomes remain attached at a point termed centrosome.
(iii)The number of pairs ofautosomes in man is 22.
(iv) Penicillin obtained from a fungus is an example of an antibody.
(v) Plants which manufacture their own food are termed heterotrophs. [5]
(e) Given below is an example of a particular structure and its special functional activity,
e.g. Glomerulus and ultrafiltration. On a similar pattern, complete the following:
(i) Corpus luteum and _ _.
(ii) Iris of the eye and _ _.
(iii) Seminal vesicle and _ _.
(iv) Phloem and _ _.
(v) Eustachian tube and _ _. [5]
(f) Given below is an experimental setup to study a particular process.
(g) Given below are incomplete explanations of certain biological processesftenns where
a keyword has been left out. Rewrite the completed explanation by Inserting the key
word in the space indicated by'"'.
(i) Birthrate Is the number of''v births per thousand of the population per year.
(ii) Photolysis is the splitting of water molecules into hydrogen ions and hydroxyl ions
in the presence of"" and light.
(UI)Vacctne is a preparation consisting of'"' microbes which help to build immunity in
the human body.
(iv) Osmosis is the movement of water molecules from its region of high concentration
to its region oflow concentration through a'"' membrane.
(v) Antiseptics are chemical substances applied to the "" to destroy or prevent the
growth and multiplication ofhannful microbes. [S]
SECTlON D (40 Marb)
Attttmptany fmJr questionsfrom tiUs section.
(a) Draw a diagram of the human eye as seen in a vertical section and label the part
which suits the following functions/descriptions:
(i) The layer which prevents the reflection of light.
(ii) The structure which alters the focal length of the lens.
(iii) The region of distinct vision.
(iv) The part which transmits the impulse to the brain.
(v) The outermost transparent layer in front of the eye lens.
(vi) The fluid present in the anterior part of the eye in front of the eye lens. [5]
(b) Complete the following table by filling in the blanks 1 to 10 with the appropriate
(a) Given below are diagrams showing different stages in the process of fertilisation of an
egg in the female reproductive tract.
(i) Use the letters given below each diagram to show the correct order in the process
of fertilisation.
(ii) Where in the female reproductive system does this process normally take place?
(iii) What is the biological term for the product of fusion?
(iv) What is the chromosome number of (1) the egg (2) the fused product?
(v) Draw a neat labelled diagram of a mature human sperm. [5]
(b) Differentiate between the following on the basis of what is given in brackets:
(i) Myopia and hypermetropia (condition of eyeball)
(ii) Rods and cones (pigment present)
(iii) Tonoplast and plasma membrane (location)
(iv)Wall pressure and turgor pressure (explain briefly)
(v) OPT and BCG (expanded form of the vaccine) [5]
(a) The diagram given below depicts dle cross section of the spinal cord. Study tile same
md dlen answer the questions which follow:
4 5
1 2
(i) Mention an;v tbree functions of dle Red Cl'oss.
(11) Name any two microbes which cause diseases in man. In each case, give an
example of disease caused by theDL
(iii)Mention three reasons why the growth of popuJation has not been appreciably
checked in India. [S]
Question 6
(a) Given below are diagnuns of plant cells as seen under the microscope after haviDg
been placed In two different solutions.
(1) What is the tecl111ical term for the condition of
1. Cell A 2. Cell B
(i11 From the solutions given in brackets (water, strong supr solution. 1% salt
solution), name the solution into which
1. Cell A and .Z. Cell B was placed before being viewed uDder the mlaoscope.
(lii)Under what conditions in the soil wm the root hair cell resemble 1. Cell A and
2.Cell B?
(iv)Name the pressure responsible for the movement of water from the root hair cell
to the xylem of the root. How is it set up?
(v) Name the pressure which helps In the movement of water up thezylemofthe root.
(i) Bxp)ain the following terms:
(1) Mutation (2) Homologous chromosomes (3) Alleles
(ll) Give the dlhybrtd rado. Name and state the law wi!Jcb explains the same.
(HI) Mention three main reasons for the sharp rise in 'human population' in 1he
world. [S]
Question 7
(i) Draw a diagram of the nucleus of a cell, having chromosome number 6, as it would
appear in the metaphase stage of mitosis and label the following parts in the
1.Aster 2. Achromatic spindle
3. Chromatid 4. Centromere
(ii) Mention the difference between mitosis and meiosis with reference to
1. Number of daughter cells formed at the end of the division.
2. The chromosome number of the daughter cells formed. [5]
ICSE Board
Class X Biology
Board Paper 2008 - Solution
(i) Nuclear membrane
(ii) Vitreous humour
(iii) Stroma
(v) Acetylcholine
(b) Water enters the root by the process of endosmosis. This is because the solution in
the soil is hypotonic, whereas the cell sap in the root hair cell is hypertonic. The
water then passes through the cortical cells by cell to cell osmosis and reaches the
xylem of the root.
(i) Destarched plant -+ placed in sunlight -+ a leaf boiled in alcohol -+ washed in water
-+ iodine added
(ii) Interphase -+ Prophase -+ Metaphase -+ Anaphase -+ Telophase
(iii) Seminiferous tubules-+ epididymis-+ vas deferens-+ urethra-+ penis
(iv)Pinna-+ auditory canal-+ tympanum-+ ear ossicles-+ cochlea
(v) Soil water-+ root hair-+ cortex-+ endodermis -+xylem
(i) False.
Correct statement: The alpha cells of the pancreas secrete l'lucal'on.
(ii) False.
Correct statement: Duplicated chromosomes remain attached at a point termed
(iii) True.
Correct Statement: Penicillin obtained from a fungus is an example of an antibiotic.
(v) False.
Correct Statement: Plants which manufacture their own food are termed
(i) Corpus luteum and proKesterone.
(ii) Iris of the eye and control amount of liKht enterinK the eye.
(iii) Seminal vesicle and produce secretions for the transport of sperms.
(iv)Phloem and transports food from the leaves to the other parts of plant.
(v) Eustachian tube and egualises air pressure on both sides of the ear drum.
(i) Transpiration.
(ii) Transpiration: It is the process in which water in the form of water vapour is lost
from the aerial parts of the plant such as the leaves and soft stems of the plant. Only
a small quantity of water absorbed by the roots is actually used by the plant body.
The rest of the water is lost through transpiration. Transpiration helps to cool the
plant body. It also helps to regulate the temperature of the surrounding area.
(iii) The plastic sheet will prevent the escape of water vapour from the pot which will
help to carry out the experiment without any errors.
(iv)Transpiration creates a suction force and thus helps in the ascent of sap in the plant.
Increased transpiration results in more water and minerals being absorbed from the
soil by the root hair cells.
(v) A suitable control for this experiment would be a pot without a plant covered with a
plastic sheet and kept in the bell jar.
(i) Birth rate is the number of live births per thousand of the population per year.
(ii) Photolysis is the splitting of water molecules into hydrogen ions and hydroxyl ions
in the presence of chlorophyll and light.
(iii)A vaccine is the preparation consisting of dead or weakened microbes which help
to build immunity in the human body.
(iv) Osmosis is the movement of water molecules from its region of high concentration
to its region oflow concentration through a semi-permeable membrane.
(v) Antiseptics are chemical substances applied on the body (skin) to destroy or
prevent the growth and multiplication of harmful microbes.
(i) Destarched plant: A destarched plant is a plant which has no stored starch available
in its body. Its leaves will not show the presence of starch. Usually a plant is
destarched before the experiment by keeping it in the dark for 24-48 hours.
(ii) Phenotype: The external, observable characters in the body controlled by genes are
called the phenotype.
(iii) Death rate: It is the number of deaths per thousand of population per year.
(iv)Power of accommodation of the eye: It is the ability of the eye to focus at nearby and
far off objects clearly.
(v) Natural immunity: It is the immunity which one inherits from one's parents. It is by
virtue of the genetic constitution of the body.
(i) Chloroplast
(ii) Photosynthesis
(iii) Photosynthesis provides food to all mankind indirectly.
(iv) 1 - Light independent reaction
2 - Light dependent reaction
(v) NADP: Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate
It traps the hydrogen ions formed during the photolysis of water and gets reduced
to NADPH. The hydrogen of NADPH is used to combine with C02 by utilising energy
to produce glucose.
(vi) 6C02 +12H2 0 :::: )C6 H120 6 +6H20+602 t
(i) Menarche
(ii) Presbyopia
(iii) Endometrium
(iv) Photophosphorylation
(v) Synapse
(vi) Meninges
(vii) Lenticels
(viii) Phagocytosis
(ix) Diffusion
(x) Bleeding
(a)Structure of the human eye:
(i) D, B, C, A
(ii) In the oviduct/fallopian tube
(iii) Zygote
(iv)l. Chromosome number of the egg= 23
2. In the fused product (zygote)= 46
(v) A mature human sperm:
Myopia Hypermetropia
In myopia, the eyeball is lengthened In hypermetropia, the eyeball is shortened
from front to back. from front to back.
Rods Cones
Rhodopsin is present in rods. Iodopsin is present in cones.
Wall Pressure Turgor Pressure
Wall pressure is the pressure exerted Turgor pressure is the pressure exerted by
by the cell wall on its contents. the cell contents on the cell wall.
Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus Bacillus of Calmette and Guerin
(i) Nervous pathway and spinal reflex
(ii) 2. Cell body of sensory neuron
5. Central canal
6. Grey matter
(iii) Receptor cells (skin cells)
(iv)3- (Sensory neuron) carries sensory impulses from the receptor towards the spinal
4 - (Association neuron) receives impulses from 3 and passes them to the motor
7 - (Motor nerve) carries response impulses towards the effector organs.
The technical term given to the pathway represented by 3, 4 and 7 is reflex arc.
(v) In the spinal cord, the cell bodies of neurons lie on the inner side, i.e. grey matter,
and the axons of neurons lie in the outer region, i.e. white matter. In the brain, the
arrangement is exactly opposite. The grey matter lies outside and the white matter
lies on the inner side.
(i) Functions of the Red Cross:
1. The Red Cross provides relief and help to the victims of natural calamities such as
floods, earthquakes, fires etc.
2. It procures and supplies blood to the needy victims of war.
3. It is engaged in training mid -wives.
4. It arranges ambulance services in all emergencies.
(ii) Bacteria - Tuberculosis
Virus -AIDS
(iii) The growth of population has not been appreciably checked in India because of the
following reasons:
1. Most of the rural population is illiterate and ignorant which makes them unaware
about the importance of a small family.
2. Most of the Indian families hold the view that the male child is essential for the
Therefore, till they get a son, such families keep having several children.
3. Our religious and social customs are such that most people do not accept family
planning norms.
(i) 1. Turgid cell 2. Plasmolysed cell
(ii) 1. Water 2. 1% salt solution
(iii)1. The root hair cell will resemble cell A when the soil is well watered.
2. The root hair cell will resemble cell B when there is a high concentration of
fertiliser in the soil and less water in it.
(iv) Root Pressure: Root pressure is responsible for the movement of water from the
root hair cell to the xylem of the root. It is built up by endosmosis in the root hair
cells and cell to cell osmosis in the cortex cells which push water into the xylem.
(v) Transpirational pull
1. Mutation: A sudden change in one or more genes or in the number of or in the
structure of chromosomes which causes changes in certain traits is called a
2. hッュャセオウ@ chromosomes: Homologous chromosomes are a pair of
corresponding chromosomes of the same shape, size and length (but not
identical) containing the same genes in the same order, one from each parent.
3. Alleles: The alternative forms of a gene responsible for the alternative forms of a
character occupying the same position on homologous chromosomes are called
(ii) Dihybrid ratio: 9:3:3:1
The law of independent assortment explains it.
Law of independent assortment: In a dihybrid cross, the distribution of the
members of one pair into the gametes is independent of the distribution of the other
(iii) Reasons for the sharp rise in human population in the world are as follows:
1. Better health care is available for all age groups. There are advanced facilities,
doctors and medicines available for medical treatments.
2. Food shortage has been overcome due to the Green Revolution. Better quality
food is produced and is available to all.
3. There are now fewer deaths as compared to ancient times. This is because of the
discovery of medicines and vaccines which have controlled and even wiped out
many diseases. More patients get cured and live longer.
(i) Metaphase:
Cen tromere
Mitosis Meiosis
1. In mitosis, the number of daughter 1. In meiosis, the number of daughter
cells formed at the end of the division c:eJ1s formed at the end of the division
is 2. is4.
2. The chromosome number oftbe
2. The chromosome number of the daughter c:eJ1s Is 23.
daudtter cells is 46.
(i) The pituitary gland controls the secretions of all the other endocrine glands of the
body by producing tropic hormones. Therefore, the pituitary gland is known as the
'master gland'.
(ii) Plants produce their own food by using light and chlorophyll. The herbivores
directly eat plants. The carnivorous animals feed on the herbivores. Thus, all types
of animals, including man, depend on plants directly or indirectly for food.
Therefore, animals owe their existence to chlorophyll.
(iii) Sometimes, two eggs are released from the ovaries at a time and both may get
fertilised by two different sperms. Such twins are dizygotic and not identical.
Sometimes, a single fertilised egg may split during the early stages of cell division.
Such twins are monozygotic and are identical. Therefore, twins may or may not be
(iv)On a hot day, herbaceous plants wilt even in well watered soil because their rate of
transpiration exceeds the rate of water absorption by the roots. Due to less water in
the cells, they become flaccid and leaves become soft and wilt.
(v) The Eustachian tube is the part of the middle ear. It also connects the cavity of the
middle ear to the throat. Hence, throat infections can lead to ear infections.