MIDTERM - REVIEW OF The Flight From Conversation
MIDTERM - REVIEW OF The Flight From Conversation
MIDTERM - REVIEW OF The Flight From Conversation
At home, families sit together, texting and reading e-mail. At work executives
text during board meetings. We text (and shop and go on Facebook) during
classes and when we’re on dates. My students tell me about an important
new skill: it involves maintaining eye contact with someone while you text
someone else; it’s hard, but it can be done.
Over the past 15 years, I’ve studied technologies of mobile connection and
talked to hundreds of people of all ages and circumstances about their
plugged-in lives. I’ve learned that the little devices most of us carry around
are so powerful that they change not only what we do, but also who we are.
Our colleagues want to go to that board meeting but pay attention only to
what interests them. To some this seems like a good idea, but we can end up
hiding from one another, even as we are constantly connected to one
A 16-year-old boy who relies on texting for almost everything says almost
wistfully, “Someday, someday, but certainly not now, I’d like to learn how to
have a conversation.”
In the silence of connection, people are comforted by being in touch with a lot
of people — carefully kept at bay. We can’t get enough of one another if we
can use technology to keep one another at distances we can control: not too
close, not too far, just right. I think of it as a Goldilocks effect.
Texting and e-mail and posting let us present the self we want to be. This
means we can edit. And if we wish to, we can delete. Or retouch: the voice,
the flesh, the face, the body. Not too much, not too little — just right.
We are tempted to think that our little “sips” of online connection add up to a
big gulp of real conversation. But they don’t. E-mail, Twitter, Facebook, all of
these have their places — in politics, commerce, romance and friendship. But
no matter how valuable, they do not substitute for conversation.
Connecting in sips may work for gathering discrete bits of information or for
saying, “I am thinking about you.” Or even for saying, “I love you.” But
connecting in sips doesn’t work as well when it comes to understanding and
knowing one another. In conversation we tend to one another. (The word
itself is kinetic; it’s derived from words that mean to move, together.) We can
attend to tone and nuance. In conversation, we are called upon to see things
from another’s point of view.
During the years I have spent researching people and their relationships with
technology, I have often heard the sentiment “No one is listening to me.” I
believe this feeling helps explain why it is so appealing to have a Facebook
page or a Twitter feed — each provides so many automatic listeners. And it
helps explain why — against all reason — so many of us are willing to talk to
machines that seem to care about us. Researchers around the world are
busy inventing sociable robots, designed to be companions to the elderly, to
children, to all of us.
And so many people found this amazing. Like the sophomore who wants
advice about dating from artificial intelligence and those who look forward to
computer psychiatry, this enthusiasm speaks to how much we have confused
conversation with connection and collectively seem to have embraced a new
kind of delusion that accepts the simulation of compassion as sufficient unto
the day. And why would we want to talk about love and loss with a machine
that has no experience of the arc of human life? Have we so lost confidence
that we will be there for one another?
WE expect more from technology and less from one another and seem
increasingly drawn to technologies that provide the illusion of companionship
without the demands of relationship. Always-on/always-on-you devices
provide three powerful fantasies: that we will always be heard; that we can
put our attention wherever we want it to be; and that we never have to be
alone. Indeed our new devices have turned being alone into a problem that
can be solved.
When people are alone, even for a few moments, they fidget and reach for a
device. Here connection works like a symptom, not a cure, and our constant,
reflexive impulse to connect shapes a new way of being.
So, in order to feel more, and to feel more like ourselves, we connect. But in
our rush to connect, we flee from solitude, our ability to be separate and
gather ourselves. Lacking the capacity for solitude, we turn to other people
but don’t experience them as they are. It is as though we use them, need
them as spare parts to support our increasingly fragile selves.
We think constant connection will make us feel less lonely. The opposite is
true. If we are unable to be alone, we are far more likely to be lonely. If we
don’t teach our children to be alone, they will know only how to be lonely.
I am a partisan for conversation. To make room for it, I see some first,
deliberate steps. At home, we can create sacred spaces: the kitchen, the
dining room. We can make our cars “device-free zones.” We can
demonstrate the value of conversation to our children. And we can do the
same thing at work. There we are so busy communicating that we often don’t
have time to talk to one another about what really matters. Employees asked
for casual Fridays; perhaps managers should introduce conversational
Thursdays. Most of all, we need to remember — in between texts and e-mails
and Facebook posts — to listen to one another, even to the boring bits,
because it is often in unedited moments, moments in which we hesitate and
stutter and go silent, that we reveal ourselves to one another.
I spend the summers at a cottage on Cape Cod, and for decades I walked
the same dunes that Thoreau once walked. Not too long ago, people walked
with their heads up, looking at the water, the sky, the sand and at one
another, talking. Now they often walk with their heads down, typing. Even
when they are with friends, partners, children, everyone is on their own
So I say, look up, look at one another, and let’s start the conversation.
“The Flight from Conversation” is an article by Sherry Turkle and it is about how this
generation of people are losing their ability to communicate via face to face and how we
are always communicating on social media websites. The author backs up her
argument of how we sacrificed our face to face conversation to only only
communication. She continues on about how we’ve became accustomed to being
“alone together” and how we are always connected to people without being with one
another (paragraph 4). Sherry talks about how conversation is more intimate and better.
She backs it up when she explains ” FACE-TO-FACE conversation unfolds slowly. It
teaches patience. When we communicate on our digital devices, we learn different
habits. As we ramp up the volume and velocity of online connections, we start to expect
faster answers” (Paragraph 14). We are losing our ability to function as normal human
beings and technology is taking over. The biggest statement she provided which
solidifies her argument is “One of the most haunting experiences during my research
came when I brought one of these robots, designed in the shape of a baby seal, to an
elder-care facility, and an older woman began to talk to it about the loss of her child”
(Paragraph 18). Sherry Turkle explains it to us how these are consequences and they
are only leading it to worse things. That doesn’t mean it is over. Sherry Turkle also tells
us how we can resolve this. She says people have to lessen their online
communications and further more their face to face conversations. Otherwise
technology will take over and there will no more face to face conversations.
In this article the main idea that Turkle is getting across is that we have lost the skills of
conversation and replaced it with connection through text and social media. Turkle
supports her main idea by constant examples throughout the article. In paragraph 12
Turkle says ‘We are tempted to think that out little “sips” of online connection ass up to a
big gulp of real conversation. But they don’t. E-mail, Twitter, Facebook, all of these have
their places – in politics, commerce, romance and friendship. But no matter how
valuable, they do not substitute for conversation’. She also states that “FACE-TO-FACE
conversation unfolds slowly. It teaches patience, When we communicate on our digital
devices, we learn different habits”. Turkle says that we use conversation with other to
learn to converse with ourselves. And lack of conversation diminishes the chances of
learning the skill of self-reflection. After Turkle did some research about people and their
relationship with technology and says “Researchers around the world are busy inventing
sociable robots , designed to be companions to the elderly, to the children, to all of us”.
in paragraph 24 Turkle said “So, in order to feel more, and to feel more like ourselves,
we connect. But in our rush to connect, we flee from solitude, our ability to be separate
and gather ourselves. Lacking the capacity for solitude, we turn to other people but
don’t experience them as they are. It is as though we use them, need them as spare
parts to support our increasingly fragile selves”. However, burke does state that the skill
of conversation can be fixed, she says that we should make room for conversation both
at home and in the work place. she even says to listen to one another because it is
often in unedited moments, moments in which we hesitate and stutter and go silent, that
we reveal ourselves to one another. Turkle then ends the article and gives us a
challenge “So i say, look up, look at one another, and let’s start the conversation”.
“The Flight from Conversation” is an article written by Sherry Turkle for The New York
Times, focusing primarily on the willing sacrifice of conversation (personal, face to face
interaction and relationships) for online, technological connections. The author argues
in favor of conversation, stating that it’s more personal and intimate. Isolating yourself
to online connection leads to many consequences, according to the author. Such
consequences include reduced interpersonal skills, reduced patience, and lack of self-
reflection skills (being unable to express yourself appropriately). Furthermore, the
author states that living in these online worlds leads to delusional relationships, loss of
faith in others, weakened personalities, and greater loneliness. She cites a powerful
example to support her claim about delusional relationships: “One of the most haunting
experiences during my research came when I brought one of these robots, designed in
the shape of a baby seal, to an elder-care facility, and an older woman began to talk to
it about the loss of her child” (Paragraph 12). Turkle believes these devices and new
trends are changing people for the worse. To avoid this, she suggests that people limit
the use of their electronic devices and online connection, while continuing to seek out
face to face conversation.
In the article “The Flight From Conversation” written by Sherry Turkle discusses how
modern technology affects the way we communicate with each other. To support this
idea, the author wrote that “We’ve become accustomed to a new way of being “alone
together.” Technology-enabled, we are able to be with one another, and also elsewhere,
connected to wherever we want to be.” (Paragraph 3) This shows that with modern
technology, we are able to communicate with one another without physically being
together, we have grown accustomed to the idea of “alone together” in which we are
forgetting the importance of physical contact. To further support what she meant, the
author has provided an example in the statement ” A 16-year-old boy who relies on
texting for almost everything says almost wistfully, “Someday, someday, but certainly
not now, I’d like to learn how to have a conversation.” (paragraph 7) This example
shows that with the technology we have today, where we relies on it for almost
everything we do, causing the new generations to fear conversation, and not know how
to have a conversation. The author is concerned about the way that technologies are
affecting the society as a whole, where we rely too much on technology causing us to
forget about importance of having a true conversation, not through devices, but through
physical contacts, where we are able to create connection with one another. According
to the author technology affects the society as a whole, the more we rely on technology
the faster we loses our ability to connect and have a true conversation with each other.
The author’s main argument is that we should stop relying too much on technology for
communicating with one another, and that we should take the first step to look up, and
look at one another, and start a real conversation.
In the article The Flight From Conversation, the narrator Sherry Turkle discusses how
technologies change how people communicate with one another. Sherry Turkle states,
“I’ve learned that the little devices most of us carry around are so powerful that they
change not only what we do, but also who are.”(Paragraph 3) This statement by Sherry
Turkle shows, that technologies can alter a person’s personality because they are so
accustom with their individual devices. Sherry Turkle furthermore gives supporting
details on how technologies change the personal connections with one another. As she
states, “In conversation we tend to one another. (The word itself is kinetic; it’s derived
from words that mean to move together.) We can attend to tone and nuance. In
conversation, we are called up to see things from another’s point of view.”(Paragraph
13) She expresses her concerns that technologies bring about on everyone because it
disables the society to have an actual conversation and to have a connection with one
another. According to Sherry Turkle technologies decreases one’s ability to know how
to have an appropriate conversation in person. Sherry Turkle’s main message in her
article is that everyone needs communicate and look out for one another rather than
with technologies.
According above data, each respondent have different experience from global culture.
My sample based on age category of 18-35. Most of them have same experience with
regarding to media .All the youth respondents like use Internet and T.V to enhance their
global awareness. Majority of the respondents like use International brands in their
consumer pattern. Some of them use global brands to maintain their social standard.
Specially female respondents greater influence from advertisements to their buying
habits. Most of them built up their relationships through the social media. Apart from that
doesn‟t like use more time for social media. As a result of development of media their
life style has been changed. They can find out anything with a few minutes of time, due
to spread of global culture. Apart from that, negative consequences adopted to local
cultures from globe. Drug addiction is one of them. Some of respondents lose their
relationships due to global culture. Most of the time PUB culture is not relevant to
middle class people. Upper income level people like to use this culture as habit. It
shows their social standard and social worthiness. Specially Global cultural trends can
destroy social and cultural norms in local cultures. But we need know how to combine
global culture to domestic culture without destroying cultural norms.