This document contains pinout diagrams and inspection specifications for the auto ECU sockets of three different auto transmission control modules. It lists the wire colors and pin numbers for 26, 16, and 22 pin sockets. For each pin, it specifies the inspection item, inspection conditions, and standard voltage or inspection values. The purpose is to provide information on connecting to and testing the auto ECU sockets.
This document contains pinout diagrams and inspection specifications for the auto ECU sockets of three different auto transmission control modules. It lists the wire colors and pin numbers for 26, 16, and 22 pin sockets. For each pin, it specifies the inspection item, inspection conditions, and standard voltage or inspection values. The purpose is to provide information on connecting to and testing the auto ECU sockets.
This document contains pinout diagrams and inspection specifications for the auto ECU sockets of three different auto transmission control modules. It lists the wire colors and pin numbers for 26, 16, and 22 pin sockets. For each pin, it specifies the inspection item, inspection conditions, and standard voltage or inspection values. The purpose is to provide information on connecting to and testing the auto ECU sockets.
This document contains pinout diagrams and inspection specifications for the auto ECU sockets of three different auto transmission control modules. It lists the wire colors and pin numbers for 26, 16, and 22 pin sockets. For each pin, it specifies the inspection item, inspection conditions, and standard voltage or inspection values. The purpose is to provide information on connecting to and testing the auto ECU sockets.
PFL ( Series 1) ~~ Auto ECU Pinout ~ Socket ~ 26 Pins
Wire Pin # Colour Inspection Item Inspection condition Standard value
R Selector lever position: Sport mode (1st gear) Battery voltage + 12 V
1 UD Solenoid valve (R) Selector lever position: P Approximately 7~9 V P-L Solenoid valve power Ignition switch: OFF 0V 2 (P-L) source Ignition switch: ON Battery voltage + 12 V R-L Solenoid valve power Ignition switch: OFF 0V 3 (R-L) source Ignition switch: ON Battery voltage + 12 V B-P Speed change step: 1st gear Battery voltage + 12 V 4 1st Gear sensor switch (B-P) Speed change step: Other than described 0V W-B Speed change step: 3rd gear Battery voltage + 12 V 5 3rd Gear sensor switch (W-B) Speed change step: Other than described 0V G Speed change step: 5th gear Battery voltage + 12 V 6 5th Gear sensor switch (G) Speed change step: Other than described 0V 7 ~ Not Connected Not Connected Not Connected 8 ~ Not Connected Not Connected Not Connected 9 ~ Not Connected Not Connected Not Connected G-U A/C compressor load A/C switch: OFF 0V 10 (G-U) signal A/C switch: ON Battery voltage + 12 V L-U Ignition switch: OFF 0V 11 Power source (L-U) Ignition switch: ON Battery voltage + 12 V 12 B (B) Ground (Earth) Usual 0V 13 B (B) Ground (Earth) Usual 0V L Selector lever position: Sport mode (3rd gear) Battery voltage + 12 V 14 OD Solenoid valve (L) Selector lever position: P Approximately 7~9 V O-R Selector lever position: Sport mode (1st gear) Battery voltage + 12 V 15 DCC Solenoid valve (O-R) Selector lever position: Sport mode (3rd gear −50 km/h) Battery voltage + 12 V R-O Selector lever position: Sport mode (2nd gear) Battery voltage + 12 V 16 2ND Solenoid Valve (R-O) Selector lever position: P Approximately 7~9 V Y-B Speed change step: 2nd gear Battery voltage + 12 V 17 2nd Gear sensor switch (Y-B) Speed change step: Other than described 0V Y-G Speed change step: 4th gear Battery voltage + 12 V 18 4th Gear sensor switch (Y-G) Speed change step: Other than described 0V 19 G-B (G-B) Not Connected Not Connected Not Connected 20 ~ Not Connected Not Connected Not Connected U Torque decrease signal to 21 Ignition switch: ON (while shifting gear other than Reverse) Approximately 4~5 V (U) ECU(Eng) from TCL 22 ~ Not Connected Not Connected Not Connected 23 A-R (A-R) Diagnostics control --- ---- L-U Ignition switch: OFF 0V 24 Power source (L-U) Ignition switch: ON Battery voltage + 12 V 25 B (B) Ground (Earth) Usual 0V 26 B-W (B-W) Ground (Earth) Usual 0V PFL ( Series 1) ~~ Auto ECU Pinout ~ Socket ~ 16 Pins Wire Pin # Colour Inspection Item Inspection condition Standard value W Between No.31~43 terminals with oscilloscope measurement Oscilloscope inspection main Input axis speed sensor point (P.23-45 reference) 31 (W) engine: 2000 r/min selector lever positions: Sport mode (3rd gear) B Between No.32~43 terminals with oscilloscope measurement Oscilloscope inspection main Output axis speed sensor point (P.23-45 reference) 32 (B) engine: 2000 r/min selector lever positions: Sport mode (3rd gear) 33 G-U (G-U) Crank angular sensor Engine: Idling in Drive D: 2.0 V ~ 2.4 V 34 ~ Not Connected Not Connected Not Connected 35 ~ Not Connected Not Connected Not Connected Y-R Engine: Idling in Drive D: 0V 36 Idle switch (Y-R) Engine: Other than Idling in Drive D: 5V 37 ~ Not Connected Not Connected Not Connected 38 R-B (R-B) Backup power source Usual Battery voltage + 12 V 39 ~ Not Connected Not Connected Not Connected 40 ~ Not Connected Not Connected Not Connected 41 ~ Not Connected Not Connected Not Connected 42 ~ Not Connected Not Connected Not Connected 43 G-Y (G-Y) Sensor ground Usual 0V B-L Oil temperature sensor ATF temperature: @25 degrees c 3.8 V ~ 4.0 V 44 Oil temperature sensor (B-L) Oil temperature sensor ATF temperature: @80 degrees c 2.3 V ~ 2.5 V Y-B Throttle opening sensor Accelerator pedal: Full closing (engine stop) 0.4 V ~ 1.0 V 45 (Y-B) (TPS and APS) Accelerator pedal: Full opening (engine stop) 4.5 V ~ 5.0 V 46 ~ Not Connected Not Connected Not Connected PFL ( Series 1) ~~ Auto ECU Pinout ~ Socket ~ 22 Pins Wire Pin # Colour Inspection Item Inspection condition Standard value 51 L (L) Not Connected Not Connected Not Connected 52 ~ Not Connected Not Connected Not Connected Comms to ECU on car not W equipped with TCL Engine: Idle operational selector lever position D Other than 0 V 53 (W) ASC-ECU (TCL control section) with TCL fitted Comms to ECU on car not B equipped with TCL Engine: Idle operational selector lever position D Other than 0 V 54 (B) ASC-ECU (TCL control section) with TCL fitted B-L Selector lever position: P Battery voltage + 12 V 55 Inhibitor switch P (B-L) Selector lever position: Other than in P 0V B-W Selector lever position: N Battery voltage + 12 V 56 Inhibitor switch N (B-W) Selector lever position: Other than in N 0V R-B Selector lever operation: Sport mode Battery voltage + 12 V 57 Tiptronic selection switch (R-B) Selector lever operation: Other than Tiptronic 0V B-Y Selector lever operation: In sport mode downshifting with gear lever Battery voltage + 12 V 58 Down shift switch (Tiptronic) (B-Y) Selector lever operation: Other than Tiptronic 0V G Brake pedal: Depressed (on) Battery voltage + 12 V 59 Stop lamp switch (G) Brake pedal: Not depressed (off) 0V 60 ~ Not Connected Not Connected Not Connected 61 ~ Not Connected Not Connected Not Connected L-B Selector lever position: Battery voltage + 12 V 62 LR Solenoid valve (L-B) Selector lever position: Sport mode (2nd gear) Approximately 7~9 V 63 R-W (R-W) Diagnostics Output OBD II Earthed 1-4 (there is no diagnosis cord/code output) 0--->5 V flashing 64 ~ Not Connected Not Connected Not Connected 65 ~ Not Connected Not Connected Not Connected R-G Selector lever position: R Battery voltage + 12 V 66 Inhibitor switch R (R-G) Selector lever position: Other than in R 0V Y Selector lever position: D Battery voltage + 12 V 67 Inhibitor switch D (Y) Selector lever position: Other than in D 0V W-R Selector lever operation: In sport mode upshifting with gear lever Battery voltage + 12 V 68 Up shift switch (Tiptronic) (W-R) Selector lever operation: Other than Tiptronic 0V W-G When stopping Battery voltage + 12 V 69 Speed sensor (W-G) Slow acceleration Battery voltage + 12 V 70 ~ Not Connected Not Connected Not Connected W Ignition switch: OFF 0V 71 A/T Control relay (W) Ignition switch: ON Battery voltage + 12 V 72 B (B) Ground (Earth) Ignition switch: ON 0V