Polim - K Clase 2
Polim - K Clase 2
Polim - K Clase 2
Surge arrester
Technical data
U TOV at t = 1 s 1.120 U r = 1.400 Uc
Product description: U TOV at t = 3 s 1.090 U r = 1.362 Uc
Metal-oxide (MO) surge arrester without spark gap, U TOV at t = 10 s 1.066 U r = 1.333 Uc
designed and type tested according to IEC 60099-4,
with own ABB metal-oxide resistors since more than
Mechanical loads
30 years Torque 50 Nm
Direct molded silicone housing in patented loop design
Tensile strength axial 1000 N
for best environmental robustness Short term load SSL perpendicular 250 Nm
100% in-house production – fully in charge of complete
to axis
process Long term load SLL perpendicular 250 Nm
High quality, safe and reliable, maintenance free
to axis
For alternating current (a.c.) systems
For indoor and outdoor installations Service conditions
Ambient air temperature Tamb −60 to +55 °C
Especially recommended for overvoltage protection of: (for temperatures up to 80 °C
MV distribution transformer
consider instructions of application
Pole mounted MV transformer guide)
MV cable and cable termination
Altitude up to 1800 m
Air insulated MV switchgear and panel (for higher altitudes contact ABB)
Further MV distribution equipment Frequency of system voltage 15 to 62 Hz
Additional certification:
Shock and vibration tested according to IEC 61373
Fire and smoke behavior tested and classified according
to EN 45545-2
Electrical data
Surge arrester | POLIM-K 2
Surge arrester | POLIM-K 3
Housings & further Data
Power frequency voltage-versus time characteristics (TOV) Power frequency voltage-versus time characteristics (TOV)
based on U r Surge Arrester Type POLIM-K based on U c Surge Arrester Type POLIM-K
Power frequency voltage-versus time characteristics (TOV) based on rated voltage Ur Power frequency voltage-versus time characteristics (TOV) based on continuous voltage U c
- Tests carried out on thermal prorated sections - samples preheated to 60°C - - Tests carried out on thermal prorated sections - samples preheated to 60°C -
1.30 1.60
T = UTOV / Uc
T = UTOV / Ur
1.05 1.30
0.80 1.00
0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000
t/s t/s
without prior duty energy input with prior duty 4.0kJ/kV (Ur) = 5.0kJ/kV (Uc) energy input without prior duty energy input with prior duty 4.0kJ/kV (Ur) = 5.0kJ/kV (Uc) energy input
w ithout prior duty energy input w ithout prior duty energy input
w ith prior duty 4.0 kJ/kV (U r ) = 5.0 kJ/kV (U c) energy input w ith prior duty 4.0 kJ/kV (U r ) = 5.0 kJ/kV (U c) energy input
Samples preheated to 60°C Samples preheated to 60°C
Surge arrester | POLIM-K 4
Dimensions (mm)
Type of arrester
Uc = Continuous operating voltage
Surge arrester | POLIM-K 5
Common Top Accessories (optional)
Dimensions (mm)
Type 1002 Clamp type connector (stainless steel) Type 1023 Threated stud with nuts (stainless steel)
ø 69,4
Surge arrester | POLIM-K 6
Common Bottom Accessories (optional)
Dimensions (mm)
Surge arrester | POLIM-K 7
Common Bottom Accessories (optional)
Dimensions (mm)
Type 2020 Clamp type connector (stainless steel) Type 2000 Threated stud with nuts (stainless steel)
Surge arrester | POLIM-K 8
For further information please contact: Note
1HC0075855 EN AD
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Surge Arresters
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