JR Iit

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DAY – 1 :

1. Classify each of the following solids.

(a) Tetra phosphorus decoxide (P4O10) (b) Graphite (c) Brass
(d) Ammonium phosphate (NH4)3 PO4] (e) SIC (f) Rb (g) I2 (h) LiBr
(i) P4 (j) Si (k) Plastic
2. Which of the following is/are pseudo solids ?
I. KCI II. Barium chloride dehydrate
III. Rubber IV. Solid cake left after distillation of coal tar
1) I, III 2) II, III 3) III, IV 4) Only III
3. Identify molecular solid, covalent solid, Ionic solid : P4 (s), S8(s), SIC (s), Al2O3 (s), He(s), Al2Cl8(s).
4. Which of the following solids are not correctly matched with the bonds found between the constituent
1) solid CO2 : Vanderwaals 2) Graphite : Covalent and vanderwaal
3) Grey cast iron : ionic 4) Metal alloys : ions delocalized electrons
5. Which of the following is not correct for ionic crystals :
1) They possess high melting point and boiling point
2) all are electrolyte
3) exhibit the property of isomorphism
4) exhibit directional properties of the bond

DAY – 2 :
0 0 0
1. The lattice parameters of a given crystal are a = 5.62 A , b = 7.41 A and c = 9.48 A . The three
coordinate axes are mutually perpendicular to each other. The crystal is
1) tetragonal 2) orthorhombic 3) monoclinic 4) trigonal
2. Tetragonal crystal system has the following unit cell dimensions
1) a = b = c and       900 2) a = b  c and       900

3) a  b  c and       900 4) a = b  c and     900 ,   1200

3. The smallest repeating pattern which when repeated in three dimensions results in the crystal of the
substance is called
1) space lattice 2) crystal lattice 3) unit cell 4) coordination number
4. The crystal system for which a  b  c and       900 is said to be
1) triclinic 2) tetragonal 3) cubic 4) orthorhombic
DAY – 3 :
1. Which of the following are the correct axial distance and axial angles for rhombohedral system ?
1) a = b = c and       900 2) a = b  c and       900

3) a  b  c and       900 4) a  b  c and       900

2. Choose the correct statements
1) equivalent points in unit cells of a periodic lattice lie on a Bravals lattice
2) equivalent point sin unit cells of a periodic lattice do not lie on a Bravals lattice
3) there are four Bravals lattice in two dimensions
4) there are five Bravals lattices in three dimensions
3. The crystal system of a compound with unit cell dimensions, a = 0.387 and b = 0.387 and c = 0.504
nm and     900 ,   1200 is
1) cubic 2) hexagonal 3) orthorhombic 4) rhombohedral

DAY – 4 :

1. Given below are two dimension lattices with nicely shaded regions. You just have to find the
contributions (in fractions) of particles marked to the shaded regions and the total number of particle
sin the regions.

2. Body centred cubic lattice has co-ordination number of

1) 8 2) 12 3) 6 4) 4
3. Iron has body centred cubic lattice structure. The edge length of the unit cell is found to be 286 pm.
What is the radius of an iron atom ?
0 0
1) r = 124 pm 2) r = 128 pm 3) r = 124 A 4) r = 128 A
4. A metal crystallizes in a body centered cubic lattice (bcc) with the edge of the unit cell 5.2 A . The
distance between the two nearest neighbor is
0 0 0 0
1) 10.4 A 2) 4.5 A 3) 5.2 A 4) 9.0 A
5. At room temperature, Polonium crystallizes in cubic primitive cell. If edge length is 3.0 A , calculate
the theoretical density of Po. (atomic wt. of Po = 207 g)
0 0 0 0
1) 25/3 amu/ A 3 2) 23/3 amu/ A 3 3) 21/3 amu/ A 3 4) 27/3 amu/ A 3
6. Lithium crystallizes in a body centered cubic lattice. How many next nearest neighbors does each Li
have ?
1) 6 2) 8 3) 12 4) 4

DAY 5 :

1. Consider a Body Centered Cubic (bcc) arrangement. Let dgf, dfd, dbd be the distances between
successive atoms located along the edge, the face diagonal, the body diagonal respectively in a unit
cell. Their order is given by
1) de < dfd < dbd 2) dfd > dbd > de 3) dfd > de > dbd 4) dbd > de > dfd
2. A metal crystallizes in two cubic phases i.e., FCC and BCC whose unit cell lengths are 3.5 A and 3.0
A respectively. The ratio of their densities is
1) 3.12 2) 2.04 3) 1.26 4) 0.72
3. In a cop structure, the
1) first and third layers are repeated 2) first and fourth layers are repeated
3) second and fourth layers are repeated 4) first, third and sixth layers are repeated

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