Safety Practices in Chemical and Nuclear Industries
Safety Practices in Chemical and Nuclear Industries
Safety Practices in Chemical and Nuclear Industries
Nuclear Safety
The smallest unit of the reactor is Fuel assemblies are bundles of fuel
the fuel pellet. These are typically rods. Fuel is put in and taken out of
uranium-oxide (UO2). They are the reactor in assemblies. The
often surrounded by a metal tube assemblies have some structural
(called the cladding) to keep material to keep the pins close but not
fission products from escaping touching, so that there’s room for
into the coolant. coolant
Barriers to Prevent Radioactivity
As the nuclear plants are more concerned about radioactivity
protection, the following five barriers are built into the station design to
prevent radioactivity as a part of defense-in-depth concept as
prevention of the radio activities.
1. Ceramic Fuel - The ceramic uranium dioxide fuel pellets entrap
most of the fission products. These fission products would be
released if the fuel were to melt. Fortunately, the fuel has a high
melting point, but continuous cooling is nevertheless required,
whether the reactor is at power or not, to prevent fuel failures.
Another safety feature of the ceramic fuel is that it is relatively
chemically inert with the heavy water coolant. Therefore, dispersion
of fission products via corrosion and erosion when a sheath defect
permits contact between the fuel pellets and the coolant is a
relatively slow process.
Barriers to Prevent Radioactivity
2. Fuel Rod & Cladding - The fuel pellets are enclosed in a
high integrity, welded zircaloy sheath. This sheath contains
the gaseous and volatile fission products which escape from
the pellets. It also prevents corrosion and erosion of the
pellets by the coolant, and hence dispersion of fission
products from the pellets which would result from these
processes. The sheath is designed to withstand the stresses
resulting from pellet thermal expansion, gaseous fission
product build-up, external hydraulic pressure, and forces
imposed by fire.
Barriers to Prevent Radioactivity (cont’d)
3. Heat Transport System Boundary - The high integrity pressure
tubes, piping, and reactor vessel contain most fission products
escaping via sheath defects.
European Pressurized
Water Reactor (EPR),
Olkiluoto 3: Finland’s
Nuclear Reactor
Schematic representation of the major physical phenomena that may occur during
severe accident, and the safety systems involved.
Hydrogen Control and Mitigation
Main counter measures are:
Inertization of the atmosphere (pre or post inertization)
Dilution of burnable gases
by venting
Venting is a process in which Containment is vented
SCRAM is an emergency
shutdown of a nuclear reactor.
This emergency shutdown is
often referred to as a "SCRAM"
at boiling water reactors
(BWR), and as a "reactor trip"
at pressurized water reactors
SCRAM is achieved by a large
insertion of negative reactivity.
This is achieved by inserting
neutron-absorbing control rods
into the core. Courtesy: Google Images
(2) Facilities to cool a reactor
In a reactor core, decay heat (7% of rated power) is
generated even after shutdown of the reactor in the decay
process for radioactive materials to become more stable
nuclei. Therefore, it is necessary to continue cooling of the
reactor core not only during power operation but also after
Especially, if a break of reactor cooling system piping, etc.
causing loss of cooling water occurred, the reactor core
would become dry-out and reach a high temperature,
probably resulting in core damage. In preparation for such
a case, facilities to immediately inject cooling water into the
reactor core in an emergency are provided.
(2) Facilities to cool a reactor
ECCS (Emergency core cooling systems) are provided
to prevent melting of fuel cladding tubes containing
radioactive materials due to residual heat even in case of
an accident and the resulted emergency reactor shutdown.
The ECCSs immediately inject cooling water into the
reactor pressure vessel and to cool the fuel by flooding the
core when the water cooling the fuel has flowed out of the
core due to the accident. When the cooling water in the
reactor core decreases, this is detected and ECCSs are
actuated automatically.
An emergency core cooling system (ECCS) comprises a
series of systems that are designed to safely shut down a
nuclear reactor during accident conditions.
These systems allow the plant to respond to a variety of
accident conditions, and additionally introduce redundancy
so that the plant can be shut down even with one or more
subsystem failures.
In most plants, ECCS is composed of the following systems:
Coolant injection system: This system consists of pumps
that inject coolant in high-pressure and low-pressure
modes into the reactor vessel .
Core-spray system: This system uses special spray
nozzles within the reactor pressure vessel to spray water
directly onto the fuel rods, suppressing the generation of
steam. Reactor designs can include core-spray in high-
pressure and low-pressure modes.
Containment spray system: This system consists of a
series of pumps and nozzles which spray coolant into the
primary containment structure. It is designed to condense
the steam into liquid water within the primary containment
structure to prevent overpressure, which could lead to
involuntary depressurization.
Emergency core cooling system
Courtesy: Google Images
Construction in China
(3) Facilities to contain radioactive materials
Nuclear power plants are provided with the barriers
such as a containment etc. in preparation for an
accident releasing radioactive materials from their
reactor cores. These barriers will close immediately
in an abnormal event, and constitute an airtight
container. Moreover, in order to avoid the damage
by internal pressure rise due to decay heat etc., it is
designed to be cooled appropriately as needed.
Computer Code Development
collaborate on
the development
and assessment
of codes to
describe the
evolution of a
nuclear reactor
Based on the results of commissioning tests and
arrangements the following two things to be considered:
To operate safely (Management of installation
modifications –Significant or not).
To face an emergency situation (Long-term shutdown).
Decommissioning: Preparation and approval of an
updated decommissioning plan, which may comprise
several sub-stages. Installation remains licensed
throughout the decommissioning period.
Release from Regulatory Control: After completion of
the decontamination and dismantling and/or removal of
radioactive material, including waste and contaminated
components and structures. Before delicensing the
nuclear installation, a radiological survey should be
carried out to guarantee regulatory criteria and
decommissioning objectives have been fulfilled.
Uranium Fuel Cycle
Courtesy: Google Images
LWR Fuel
The Nuclear Fuel Cycle
Waste management and storage
The nuclear waste management (NWM) plays a key role
in the nuclear power industry. The NWM strategy involves
short-term management which deals with immediate
treatment of the waste and long-term management which
involves storage, disposal or transformation of the waste
into a non-toxic form.
Waste management and storage
The immediate nuclear waste treatment methods are as
Absolute safety??