UO 6 Sedimentation Study Unit
UO 6 Sedimentation Study Unit
UO 6 Sedimentation Study Unit
6.1 Introduction:
The size and type of particles to be removed have a significant effect on the operation of the
sedimentation tank. Because of their density, sand or silt can be removed very easily. The
velocity of the water-flow channel can be slowed to less than one foot per second, and most
of the gravel and grit will be removed by simple gravitational forces. In contrast, colloidal
material, small particles that stay in suspension and make the water seem cloudy, will not
settle until the material is coagulated and flocculated by the addition of a chemical, such as
an iron salt or aluminum sulfate.
The shape of the particle also affects its settling characteristics. A round particle, for
example, will settle much more readily than a particle that has ragged or irregular edges. All
particles tend to have a slight electrical charge. Particles with the same charge tend to repel
each other. This repelling action keeps the particles from congregating into flocs and
settling. [1]
The experimental unit is a simple assembly of five cylinders made of borosilicate glass with
removable PVC cap.(O.D.: 53 mm, thickness: 2 mm, length 1,000 mm)
The cylinders are mounted on a vertical back-panel which is illuminated from behind.
Measuring scales are provided for each of the cylinders to measure the suspension height.
Each of the cylinders may be removed from the board for filling and mixing of the solid
particles as well as for cleaning.
Approximately Two beakers made of polypropylene (Capacity 2,000 ml) are required for
the conduct of the experiment. A front view of the assembly of the rig is shown in Figure
EKC 493 Chemical Engineering Laboratory III
At the beginning of a batch sedimentation process, the solid is uniformly distributed in the
liquid, as shown in Figure 6.2. The total depth of the suspension is Z0 After a short while,
the solids have settled to give a zone of clear liquid, zone A and a zone D of settled solids
as in Figure 6.l b. Above zone D is a transition layer, zone C, in which the solids content
EKC 493 Chemical Engineering Laboratory III
varies from that in the original pulp to that in zone D. In zone B, the concentration is
uniform and equal to the original concentration, since the settling rate is the same
throughout this zone. The boundaries between zones D and C and between C and B may
not be distinct, but the boundary between zones A and B is usually sharp.
The depths of zones D and A increase as settling continues. The depth of zone C remains
nearly constant, and that of zone B decreases as shown in Figure 6.1c. Eventually zone B
disappears and the solids are all in zones C and D (see Figure 6.1d). Meanwhile, the
gradual accumulation of solid puts stress on the material at the bottom, which compresses
solids in layer D. Compression breaks down the structure of the flocs or aggregates, and
liquid is expelled into the upper zones. Sometimes liquid in the flocs spurts out of zone D
like small geysers as layer D compresses. Finally, when the weight of the solid is balanced
by the compressive strength of the flocs, the settling process stops, as shown in Figure 6.le.
This entire process as shown in figure 6.2 is called sedimentation.
A typical plot of interface height (the boundary between zones A and B) vs. time is shown
in figure 6.3. During the early stages of settling the velocity is constant, as shown by the
first portion of the curve When zone B disappears, the rate of settling starts to decrease
steadily drops until the ultimate height is reached.. In many instances the interface height
may still be decreasing after long height and the ultimate height can only be estimated.
EKC 493 Chemical Engineering Laboratory III
Slurries vary greatly in their settling rates and in the relative heights of various zones
during settling. The initial rate is a function of the feed concentration, but in the late
stages, the settling rate also depends on the initial height Z0 since compression effects are
more important with the thicker sludge layers. The design of an industrial thickener will
need for an experimental studies of the settling rate for different initial heights and
6.5 Experiment A: The effect of initial concentration and initial suspension height
upon sedimentation rates.
6.5.1 Objectives:
The effect of initial concentration and initial suspension height upon the sedimentation rates
will be studied.
EKC 493 Chemical Engineering Laboratory III
1. Prepare five different sets of calcium carbonate solutions as follows
a) Cylinder 1
Concentration :50 g of calcium carbonate in 2 L of water
Zo :90 cm
b) Cylinder 2
Concentration :100 g of calcium carbonate in 2 L of water
:90 cm
c) Cylinder 3
Concentration :15 0g of calcium carbonate in 2 L of water
:90 cm
d) Cylinder 4
e) Cylinder 5
Concentration :100 g of calcium carbonate in 2 L of water
Zo :30 cm
2. Stir the solution in Cylinder 1 until a uniformly distributed solids in the liquid is
achieved. Record initial time, t0
3. Record the height of clear liquid interface, Z every 5 minutes intervals until the
settling process stops as shown in figure 2. Record final time, t0
Zc t0 Time interval (min)
Cylinder tf Zf
(cm) (min)
5 .…… 50
1 90
2 90
3 90
4 60
5 30
6.6.2 Procedures:
Prepare five different sets of calcium carbonate solution as follows:
Cylinder 1
Concentration: 100 g of calcium carbonate in 2 L of water
Z0: 90 cm
Flocculant: 5 ml
Cylinder 2
Concentration: 100 g of calcium carbonate in 2 L of water
Z0: 90 cm
Flocculant: 10 ml
Cylinder 3
Concentration: 100 g of calcium carbonate in 2 L of water
Z0: 90 cm
Flocculant: 15 ml
Cylinder 4
Concentration: 100g of calcium carbonate in 2 L of water
EKC 493 Chemical Engineering Laboratory III
Z0: 90 cm
Flocculant: 20 ml
Cylinder 5
Concentration: 100g of calcium carbonate in 2 L of water
Z0: 90 cm
Flocculant: 25 l
2. Stir the solution in Cylinder 1 until a uniformly distributed solids in the liquid is
achieved. Record initial time, t0.
3. Record the height of clear liquid interface, Z every 5 minute interval until the setting
proses stops as shown in figure 2e. Record final time, tf
Cylinder Z0 t0 Z0 tf Zf
(cm) (min) Time interval (min)
5 10 50
1 90
2 90
3 90
4 90
5 90
a) Discuss the effects of flocculating agents upon sedimentation rates by comparing the
curves for cylinders 1 to 5 in part B.
[1] http://www.mrwa.com/sedimentation.htm