Business Plan

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Mrs. Nidhi Gupta SHUBHAM GUPTA


1.2 Product and contents
2:Research methods and procedures
2.1 Purpose
2.2 Research Objective
2.3Type of Research
2.4Method of Data Collection
2.5Data Collection
2.6Limitation of Study
3: Data Analysis
3.1 Review of Methodology
3.2Results of Research Questions
4: Marketing Strategy to Increase Sale
4.1 Find Business Opportunity in Various Organization
4.2 Business Promotion
4.3 Promotion activities
4.4 Sales visualization
5: Findings, Conclusion and Suggestion
5.1 Findings and Conclusion
5.2 Suggestion
6: Appendix and Bibliography
This Is the Business Plan which we would wish to implement, the B Plan is on a
new type of probiotic green tea with Garcinia in it. This is submitted after
collection of all the relevant data and information about green tea,its contents and
different brands of green tea available in the Indian market.

Tea and coffee are the two most liked beverages by Indians and now Indians has
also started developing a taste for Green tea due the health effect advantage.Green
tea’s consumption has shown a rapid growth in the Indian beverage industry and
has been added to daily needs of people. Green tea’s increasing consumption
opens an opportunity to invest in the market. This opportunity can be best utilized
if some more value can be added to the product and this value could be probiotics
& garcinia, this will not only give us a competitive advantage but it will also help
us in branding our product.Probiotics and garcinia have their own advantages like
improving metabolism,energylevel,absorption of minerals,boostimmunity,fat
absorption etc.
For launch of any product it is necessary to study the market and research the key
areas where the product can make a difference. Key objectives for the project are:
1-To study the factors influencing the sale of product.
2-To find product awareness among people.
3-To find the demand of people about the product.
4-To find how business opportunity will be availed.
5-To find perception of retailers about the product.

For the completion of above objectives I have used both exploratory and
descriptive research methods and the data has been collected from both primary
and secondary sources.For this questionnaires, observation techniques, personnel
interviews and information on the internet has been used.The research has been
conducted in Delhi(NCR) and sample size is taken as 80 respodents of IT people,
Businessmen, medical shops and general shops & public.

The project has been done in four parts.The first part involves the market study of
green tea for which questionnaire and personnel interview has been conducted.
The market study conducted shows the following results
1-Tea is preferred by 20% of the people, 20% prefer coffee,10% prefer milk,30%
prefer both coffee and tea, 10% prefer other breverages,20% prefer green tea and
30% prefer green tea,coffee and tea.
2-Brookbond and Tajmahal are the most liked brands of tea.
3-Telley,twnings and Lipton are most preferred green tea brands.
4-Taste,quality and price are the parameters that people uses for selecting a
particular brand of tea for consumption.
5-Green tea is mostly consumed by people in between age groups of 16-30 and is
mostly preferred by women’s.
6-Most of people prefer green tea because of health benefits.

The second part of the project includes the study to find out business opportunities
in various organizations.For this I visited corporate offices, society clubs, cafes,
college canteens, food joints etc. and the results were quite satisfactory for our
product. Conversion ratio was recorded 44% for green tea and this seems and
excellent opportunity for the product to step in.

Third part involves doing sales research to examine and understand the perception
of retailers. Due to the limitation of time available it could only be done in the
retail outlets of sector - 45,41,51,125, and 18 Noida. Retailers are interested in
selling the product and most of them quoted “Logo jab green tea
laenaaeatatehaainvohumesha sari brands dekhkaae choose kartaaehaain”. This
shows that consumers give time in deciding in every purchase they make of green
tea and it also shows they demand for something more valuable in the product.

The final part includes understanding brand management, distribution system,

industry, IT, HR and finance.

Findings from the project:

1-There are many green tea products in the market but none of them contains
probiotics and garcinia in their products.
2-Many of the green tea brands uses discounting as a technique for sale.
3-Brands are highly competitive in nature.

Green tea is an emerging product in the market but has shown a rapid growth due
to the health effects so introducing an new product with more health benefits is
beneficial as is need a right branding,heavy promotions to increase brand
Green tea is made fromCamelliasinensisleaves that have undergone minimal oxidation
during processing. Green tea was originated in China, but its production and consumption has
spread to many countries in Asia and the world.

The green tea market in India is growing at about 50 per cent annually and is likely to be around
Rs. 400 crore by the end of 2015-16, according to Tata GlobalBeverages Ltd.
As of now, the total tea market is around Rs 18,000- 20,000 crore, whereas green tea is around
1.5 per cent of the market which comes around Rs 250 crore.More and more tea makers are
adding green tea in their portfolio as consumers in India are developing a taste for the beverage
for its many health-promoting effects.

The image below shows the financial returns of top green tea sellers in Indiai.eTata Global
Beverages (Tata) with Tetley and Hindustan Unilever (HUL)
With lipton and Twnings, which clearly states the sudden increase in green tea consumption in
India and an opportunity to step in the market with some uniqueness in the product to beat the
competitors and develop a brand.

1.1 Product
The green tea contains the leaves of oxidized Camellia sinensis with garcinia and
probiotics that makes it different from other tea.

Benefits from the product:

Green tea:

 Green Tea Contains Various Bioactive Compounds That Can Improve

 Compounds in Green Tea Can Improve Brain Function and Make You
 Green Tea Increases Fat Burning and Improves Physical Performance
 Antioxidants in Green Tea May Lower Your Risk of Various Types of
 Green Tea May Protect Your Brain in Old Age, Lowering Your Risk of
Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s
 Green Tea Can Kill Bacteria, Which Improves Dental Health and Lowers
Your Risk of Infection
 Green Tea May Lower Your Risk of Type II Diabetes


 GarciniaCambogia is a Fat Blocker

 GarciniaCambogia is an Appetite Suppressant
 GarciniaCambogia Boosts Metabolism
 GarciniaCambogia Lowers Blood Cholesterol
 GarciniaCambogia Improves Immune Function
 The strongest evidence to date finds that probiotic benefits include:
 Boosting immune system
 Prevent and treat urinary tract infections
 Improve digestive function
 Heal inflammatory bowel conditions like IBS4
 Manage and prevent eczema in children
 Fight food-borne illnesses
 Reduce flu and colds
 Reduce overuse of antibiotics
 Treat kidney stones
 Treat colic
 Prevent cavities and gum disease
 Treat colitis and Crohn’s disease
 Combat antibiotic-resistant bacteria
 Treat liver disease
 Battle cancer5
 Manage autism
 Lower cholesterol
 Fight bacteria that causes ulcers
 Improve acne

Research method and procedures
2.1 Purpose of the research

Research objective:
To study various factors, which directly or indirectly influence
sale of product. 

To find out product awareness among people. 

To find out requirement of people about product. 

To find out how business opportunity will be created 

To gain an insight about the perception of retailer.

2.2 Type of research:

Exploratory and descriptive Research The data collected through descriptive
research method.

2.3 Method of data collection 

There are two types of data collection method-primary and secondary data. 

1. Primary data: 

This data is collected directly from field survey through questionnaireand

personnel interaction with retailers. 

 Questionnaire method: In the process of survey, prepared question asked to

people to get information. 

 Observation method: The retailers were observed to have an insight about
the perception to keep stock in shop. 

 Personnel interaction method: During survey, I interacted with retailers and
also people in supermarket. This study was 
done without help of any

2. Secondary data: 
Some data as acquired from existing sources of

information which were accessed due to availability of various other forms
of information and data. Sources of these data are the company’s website,
other product information website. 

2.4 Data collection:

This research involved a study, which was descriptive in nature. It basically aims
at gathering the data about the people preference, perception of retailer.

Sample design

 Sampling unit:
IT people, businessmen, government /private employee,

Medical shop, general store, 

 Sample Size: 
The sample size taken is of 80 respondents for this study
and also some oral feedback was taken in supermarket and retailer shop-
kirana and medical.

 Sample area:Delhi(NCR). 

2.5 Limitation of study:

 The sample size and area is limited due to time constraints 

 Respondent were reluctant for their responses. 

 Respondent sometime gives wrong data. Opinions of respondent can’tbe

 The analysis of project was based on observations and interpretation on the
basis of sample survey. 

Visiting people of various age group of different region of Delhi (NCR).

Study design:
The study was done to know the perception of people and their attitude towards

Sample design:
Collect primary data through exploratory research specifically fields survey by
visiting people of different area.

Tools of data collection:

Questionnaire is research tool, which is consisting of series of questions for the
purpose of gathering of information. They are designed for statistical analysis of
the feedback & this is not always true.

Questionnaire has many advantages, as they can be orally asked and easy to
collect response.

Detail analysis

To do market survey and find out market analysis of tea (black and green tea).

Rational of study:
The purpose of this study is to assist company to know what market size is;
preference of people like flavor, health benefit of green tea and also main
competitors and their activities in the market.
Objective 1:To find out the percentage of people who prefer tea.
During the process of market survey, the first thing is to find out the percentage of
people who prefer tea daily .Out of those visited area, Information collected and it
has been noticed that most of the people prefer tea.

83%people prefer tea 

17% people don’t prefer tea 

Out of those who don’t prefer tea they take another nutritious
product like milk etc. 

Few people drink coffee 

Objective 2:To find out most selected brand in society. 

During survey it is important to find out particular brand and then why people
select that particular brand. Any preference for particular brand shows loyalty
towards brand and particular reason to prefer that brand. 

Most people use brook bond include Red Label and TajMahal,
80%people use this brand. This brand is old one and there is brand
awareness in society due to quality and taste. 

Consumption of Tata tea is less compared to Brook Bond, having

percentage of 16%. 

Another 14 % includes all remaining brands. 

This data shows, most people prefer Brook bond tea 

Objective 3:
To find out the preference of people for selection of tea. 

In the process of market survey, main thing is to find out the selection criteria of
people for any 
particular brand of tea. 
For collection of data related to
selection criteria, many questions have been asked regarding taste, price, company
image, quality. 
Most of consumer selects taste and quality as parameter. Only
few people select price and company image as selection criteria. Hence those
parameters are not taken in pie chart which is given below: 

People who prefer tea, out of those.

76 % prefers taste and flavor. 

24%people prefers quality. 

Objective 4:To find out percentage of green tea consumer.

This is our primary objective during survey. Study, which is conducted, is
limited,& which is not sufficient to find the percentage of green tea consumers .
Also IT companies, they serve green tea or tea to their employee. Some corporate
offices survey green tea to their employee.

Most of consumer of green tea is from sector-44 Noida, sector 62 with
percentage of 71%, 60% respectively and also saritavihar, there is good
percentage of green tea consumer.
Objective5: To find out preference of flavors of green tea
Lemon and combination of ginger and lemon flavor percentage is very low, so
they have not taken into consideration.


64%people prefers lemon flavor .It is better to have lemon flavor in green tea.
34% people prefer ginger flavor
Objective 6: To find out percent category of consumption of green
tea according to age group.

During survey, it is important to find out consumption of green tea according to

age group in order to focus more on that group.

Maximum consumer of green tea lies in between 20-30 age group. As feedback
studied which is taken from IT sector and corporate offices. Hence more
percentage of youth group see in column chart.
Objective 7:To find out health benefits people prefer in green

Green tea is expensive than normal tea. In the process of survey, it is important to
find out why People prefer green tea and what health benefits they prefer in green

Most of people drink green tea for refresh and activeness
purpose. People who prefer this health benefit generally falls under 20-30
and 30-40. 

Fat reduction is second choice of consumer. Generally, 45 and

above consumer prefers fat reduction as health benefit 

People prefer less other health benefit in green tea.
Objective 8:
To find out preference of different brands of green tea.

There are many different brands of green tea available in the market .It is
important to find out which brand people most prefer and who is the competitor in
the market. 

Most preferable brand is Lipton and Tetley, with percentage of 44% and 42%.
Objective 9:To do analysis of another green tea.

Rational of study:
The purpose of this study is to find out pricing strategy and packing of each

Different brands studied for the purpose of analysis.
 10 bags in each pack
 Citrus and natural flavor –Rs.50
 Ginger flavor - Rs .50

 Cinnamon and honey flavor - Rs .55
 Ginger, mint and honey flavor - Rs .50
 125 gm tea leaf- Rs .90

 250 gm tea leaf- Rs .162

(Souce :

 10 bags in each pack
 Mint flavor- Rs.50
 Citrus – Rs.40
 Jasmine- Rs.40


 25 bags in each pack-
 Green tea with mint flavor: Rs.200
 Lemon flavor-Rs.220
 Lemon flavor with 10 bags-Rs.99
 100 tea bags-Rs.589
 200 gm tea leaf-Rs.200
 Tetley gives 2% discount on each product.

and-Coffee- Tea-Green-tea/Twinings/Twinings-Green-Tea--Lemon-(100-Tea-

Tulsi green tea:

 25 bags –Rs.124
 Gives 10 % and 17 % discount on online shopee.
 Also it contains tulsi for healing properties and other medicinal use.
Provides bags with quantity of 1.5 gm.

tulsi-green-25- tea-bags-box/11268/p_P14892 )

 Economy pack (20 bags)-Rs.70
 DIA with herbal supplement (25bags) –Rs.190
 Lemon and ginger flavor (25 bags)-Rs.135

 Flavor: Tulsi/ Ginger/ Lemon 25 Tea Bags-Rs.-125
 Mint –Rs.130
Gives 5 and 6 % on online shops product.


Most green tea has green and light yellow colour. It will be better for
product having green and yellow colour, as it is match with green tea. 

Company can also use other flavor like cinnamon, tulsi, citrus 

People use green tea for health benefit. It will be better to use online shops
like health 
kart in addition to other also. 

Most of company price per gm is Rs.2.5. 

Twinning’s and Nature Treat decreases price as number of bags or gm

Mint flavor green tea has somewhat higher price than other green tea. 

Company has opportunity to make green tea pack having green tea leaves.
Itcost is less 
than Rs.1per gm. 

Marketing Strategy to Increase

4.1 Business opportunity in various organizations

To find out business opportunity and create brand awareness among the people.

Rational of study:

The purpose of this study is to assist company to find out business opportunity
and also to get IT companies to conduct promotion activities about products, so
that brand awareness will be created.


Different IT companies and corporate offices visited to find out business

opportunity and to do promotion activities so that brand awareness will be

Analysis of survey:

Area visited (NoidaandOkhla):




Okhla phase-2

Different IT companies, corporate offices visited .In some corporate office, I was
able to get entry and able to get some information as follows:

Some companies are already serving green to their employee.

Some say that they can allow for promotional activities.


There is big business opportunity in IT companies and other corporate offices .As
student they were not allowing inside, but if official person goes, company will
get business opportunity.

4.2 Business Promotion
Objective: To find out leading doctor in

particular area and arrange conference.

Rational of study:
The purpose of this study is to help getting more business through leading doctor
.As most local doctors will get influenced due to main leading doctors.


Visiting different superspeciality hospitals and finding out is there any possibility
to conduct conference.

In Apollo, there was conference of dietician held for promotion of green tea .I was
part of conference held at Apollo Hospital. I learned lot of things from conference
.For new product; we need to identify leading doctor and held conference .It helps
to influence local doctor and promotion of new product by giving detailed
information about product.

4.3 Promotion of green tea in supermarket Objective:

To acts as promoter in supermarket. Need of promotion:

To present information to the consumers. 

To create demand. 

To differentiate product 

Rational of study: 
The purpose of this is to assist company in product

movement in supermarket and to create awareness about company’s green

Stand in the supermarket and acts as promoter for company
green tea. 

Supermarket Name: 
Following are supermarket where I did promotion

These supermarkets are located in different areas .Due to this I was able to get
moreinformation about green tea. Following are some information I understood
during promotion:

For better product movement, it will be fruitful to keep promoter after 6 pm, as
good customer flow start.
Need to do promotion for product movement. While purchasing, consumer takes
price and quality into consideration. 30-50 age group people were preferring green

4.4 Sales visualisation


To observe the sale of green tea to retail chemist shops, cosmetics shops,
kiranastore .

Rational of study:

The purpose of this study is to sell product and learn to convince retailer.


Different area visited for sale of product.


Only few chemist shops have Himalaya green tea. 

Some Chemist shops and kirana shops don’t prefer cash and carry.

Most of kirana retailer told that if there would be advertising, then

they will keep product. 

Tetley is most preferred brand of Kirana retailer. 



Retailer convincing 

Price dealing 

Findings and Conclusion

5.1 Findings and Conclusion:


Company manufacture quality ethical products complying with the standards of

WHO [World Health Organization] for GMP.It is leading manufacturing company
of probiotics. Following are the findings:

 There are many green tea products in the market, but none of them contain

 Also, in market there is no green tea company uses garcinia in green tea for
better weight 

 There is some green tea company which gives discount .e.g.: Nature treat
on gives Rs.40 
discount on 250 gm pack having price Rs.225. 

 Company has opportunity to make green tea pack containing green tea
leaves. It sale price 
is in between Rs. 0.65 to 1 per gm in market. 

 If Company give discount green tea, there will be more sale. 

 During promotion activities people was asking about green tea .Awareness
instant green tea is slowly increasing. 

 Conclusion: 
After conducting market research for the company, I

understood different needs of consumer, their valuable suggestions, and
responses to different questions. 
Before launching product there is need
of market survey to analyze market .After launching of product during
initial phase, there is need to do promotion activities to create awareness
among consumer. 
Marketing is heart of organization. The only source of
revenue with the companies is the sales, its only sales which show the
growth of the organization so they should always make new creative and
innovative strategies for better sales. 

 Company has unique product of green tea compared to other green tea in
market .As probiotics is gives more health benefit along with green tea, it is
slowly increasing awareness in the mind of consumer of green tea .Also
none of the other brand provides green tea with Garcinia ,a herbal fruit for
weight reduction. So there will be fast movement of green tea in future.

5.2 Suggestion:

 The company should give discount on green tea. During promotion many
customer told that pricesshould be reasonable. 

 All area should be analyzed properly for proper distribution system .In
some area retailer complained about distributor. 

 Sales officer should make long-term co-operation with retailers so that they
can push the product. 

 Sales officer should review stock placed in retailer shop and supermarket.

 Many consumers take Tetley tea leaf pack as it cost less. Company has
opportunity to 
come up with tea leaf pack. 

 In India many people suffer from diabetes, company should have green tea

naming anti-diabetic tea. 

 Company should come up with scheme like discount and extra etc. ,it will
be helpful to 
increase sale 

 Most people prefer lemon and ginger flavor .It is better to have slim tea in
these flavors. 

 Company should target more slimming centers to increase sales. 

APPENDIX- Sample Questionnaire

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