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Proceedings of the ASME-JSME-KSME 2015 Joint Fluids Engineering Conference

July 26-31, 2015, Seoul, Korea




Smriti Srivastava Sudipto Sarkar*

Galgotias University Galgotias University
Greater Noida, U.P, India Greater Noida, U.P, India

(* Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected])

ABSTRACT plate. Indirectly the value of Gc helps to control the cylinder

One of the most important researches in bluff body wake.
aerodynamics is to control the shear layer evolution leading to Yucel et al. [10] performed experiments for circular
vortex formation. This kind of research is closely associated cylinder splitter plate arrangement in a large scale water
with reduction of aerodynamics forces and acoustic noise. channel in between Re = 200 to 750. They varied the splitter
Passive and active control of wake-flow from bluff bodies have plate position both in streamwise and flow normal direction.
received a great deal of attention in the last few decades [1-4]. Modified near wake, vortex formation length and Strouhal
Keeping this in mind, authors investigate the interaction of a number (St = fa/U∞, where f is the frequency of vortex
square cylinder (side of the square = a) wake with a flat plate shedding) variation were shown in their results. They
(length L = a, width w = 0.1a) boundary layer positioned at concluded that the characterization of vortex shedding depend
various downstream locations close to the cylinder. The gap-to- both on vertical and horizontal locations of the splitter plate
side ratios are maintained at G/a = 0, 0.5, 1 and 2 (where G is with respect to the cylinder.
the gap between square cylinder and plate), and the simulation Ali et al. [11] numerically investigated the interaction
is performed at a Reynolds number, Re = 100 (Re = U∞ a/ν, of the square cylinder wake with a detached plate in between 0
where U∞ is free stream velocity and ν is kinematic viscosity). ≤ G/a ≤ 5 for a Reynolds number in periodic vortex shedding
Instantaneous flow visualization, aerodynamic forces and regime. They divided the flow field in three different zones: 1.
vortex shedding frequencies for all cases are described to gain Short gap (G/a < 2) for which the splitter plate has maximum
insight about the changes associated with wake of the cylinder influence on the cylinder wake. 2. Intermediate gap (2 ≤ G/a ≤
when a short plate is kept in its downstream. 2.5), where flow field transformed to a new mode of wake-
plate interaction and 3. Long gap (2.5 ≤ G/a ≤ 5), where the
INTRODUCTION flow structure at the near wake region was unchanged with the
Flow over a bluff body in an unbounded condition is a gap. Their results revealed that when the splitter plate was kept
classic fluid dynamics problem for over a century and has been at a short gap from the cylinder, the roll-up of vortices occurred
studied extensively by several researchers [5-8]. Bluff bodies only after the downstream of the plate. For long gap, roll-up of
are characterised by low or negligible lift, high drag and vortex shear layers started within the gap itself. A sudden increased in
shedding in the wake region. Several experimental and Strouhal number in between G/a = 2 to 3 indicate the change of
numerical studies have been performed for flow over a cylinder mode in transition zone.
(both circular and square cross-section) along with a In the present study, two-dimensional simulation of
downstream plate for different ranges of Reynolds number [9- flow around a square cylinder with a detached downstream
13]. These studies are mostly associated with the critical gap- plate at Re = 100 is performed using Ansys Fluent for short
ratios (Gc/a), where Gc is defined as the gap length up to which gap-ratios (G/a ≤ 2) to understand the changes in flow physics
vortex formation does not occur in between the cylinder and only when the wake region of the cylinder is interfere by a
downstream splitter plate.

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In the present simulation, non-dimensional mesh
spacing varies as Δx = 0.042 - 0.265 and Δy = 0.025 - 0.01 in
COMPUTATIONAL DETAILS the near wake region (x/a = 3 to 15 and y/a = 0 to ± 3) for all
The geometry of the flow domain is developed using G/a cases. These values are reasonably good to resolve the
Gambit 2.2.30, which also helps to impose the boundary interaction of vortices with the splitter plate boundary layer. The
conditions. The coordinates x and y denote the streamwise and time step is kept about t = 0.024 in non-dimensional unit (for
wall-normal directions respectively and the corresponding G/a = 2) per flow-time in the time of computation. This value of
velocities are denoted by u and v. time step helps to keep the Courant number below 1.0 for the
The 2-D simulation is performed in Cartesian grid entire simulation. The computation requires 3.125
considering the origin of axes lies at the centre of the microseconds/iteration/grid point, based on an i3 (Intel core)
downstream face of the square cylinder. The computational processor of 2.20 GHz.
domain extends up to -8.5D at the inflow and ±8D in flow
normal directions from the origin and 27.5D in the outflow from
the trailing edge of the flat plate for all cases. The schematic RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
diagram of flow geometry along with the boundary conditions is To understand the flow mechanism behind the square cylinder
shown in Fig. 1 for a better understanding of the present in the presence of a splitter plate, the authors calculate the
problem. The origin of the axes is also included in the figure. A aerodynamics forces, Strouhal frequency and draw the
mesh of 268×208 points in the streamwise and flow normal instantaneous flow field in different time instants.
directions are used for G/a = 0 after performing a grid
independent test for a square cylinder in an unbounded
condition. To illustrate further, a total of 72×80 uniform grid
points are employed in a domain (size 3a×2a) which covers
both the square cylinder and the splitter plate for G/a = 0. Away
from the domain, meshes are slowly stretched out in all
directions. The number of grid points in the streamwise
direction for G/a = 0.5, 1 and 2 are 280, 292 and 316 (a)
respectively, although no changes has been made in the flow
normal direction.

AND (b) PLATE AT G/a = 0.


Here the boundary conditions are set by considering (a)

velocity inlet (u = U∞), pressure outlet, symmetry (free-slip
boundary condition) at upper and lower domain. Wall boundary
condition (u = v = 0) is imposed both on the cylinder and the
splitter plate surfaces. The Navier-Stokes (momentum) equation
is non-dimensionalized by considering a and U∞ as unity. The
flow field is then solved by Ansys Fluent 14.5 using SIMPLE
algorithm [14] in second-order upwind momentum scheme with
a standard pressure solver. A total of 20 iterations at each time
step are considered to increase the accuracy of the solution. (b)
AND (b) PLATE AT G/a = 0.5.

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Cases St C̄D
Cylinder Plate Cylinder Plate
0 0.134 0.134 1.399 0.025
(a) 0.5 0.132 0.133 1.462 -0.051
1 0.127 0.109 1.44 -0.043
2 0.114 0.113 1.432 -0.078

Average drag coefficient (C̄D) along with Strouhal

frequency (St) are documented in Table 1 both for cylinder and
plate in all cases. These values are in good agreement with the
(b) previous studies [12, 15]. Also as the splitter plate is moved
more downstream from the cylinder, the influence of plate-
FIGURE 4. TIME EVOLUTION OF CL FOR (a) CYLINDER boundary layer reduces and the cylinder starts behaving like an
AND (b) PLATE AT G/a = 1.
unbounded body. Negative value of C̄D is obtained for plate
when the splitter plate is detached from the bluff body (G/a =
0.5, 1 and 2). This changes in the sign of C̄D is associated with
the change in vortex dynamics from G/a = 0.5 onwards. As the
splitter plate moves away in the downstream, its effects on the
cylinder diminishes which is reflected from the cylinder
Strouhal number data. The value of St at G/a = 2 comes close
to a single cylinder placed in the unbounded flow field.

AND (b) PLATE AT G/a = 2.

Time evolution of lift coefficient for both the cylinder

and plate are shown for all cases in Figs. 2 to 5. These figures
illustrate reduction in fluctuation of lift coefficient (CL/) for
cylinder with the increase in gap-ratio, although CL/ value for
plate shows just opposite trends. These differences in CL/
values can be attributed to different flow physics associated
with varying gap-ratios. The value of mean lift coefficient (C̄L)
is calculated as 0 in case of G/a = 0, 0.5 and 2. For G/a = 1, C̄L
values are obtained as -0.01 and -0.5 in case of cylinder and
plate respectively. The reason behind negative lift values for FIGURE 7. POWER SPECTRA DENSITY VS. St AT G/a = 2 FOR
both cylinder and plate at G/a = 1 is significant; here the vortex BOTH THE SQUARE CYLINDER AND THE SPLITTER PLATE.
rolls behind the cylinder try to perturb the flat plate boundary
layer in a different fashion. More detailed explanation is given
in the study of instantaneous vorticity.

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The power spectra density along with strouhal of equal spacing are considered in a single time-period (t/T = 0,
frequency for the two extreme cases (G/a = 0 and 2) are 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 and 1) to pertain the value of ωz.
depicted in Figs. 6 and 7 respectively. The spectra have drawn
by collecting the data of CL over 15 non-dimensional time
period. Single peak obtain for both cylinder and splitter plate
indicate the shear layers set vortices in a single frequency when
G/a value is in between 0 and 2.



Figures 8-9 reveal that when the gap between square

FIGURE 8. INSTANTANEOUS VORTICITY CONTOURS AT G/a cylinder and splitter plate is very less (G/a = 0, 0.5), both the
= 0. A TOTAL OF 10 NON-DIEMNSIONAL CONTOURS ARE upper and lower shear layers formed from the cylinder are
CONSIDERED IN BETWEEN -1 and +1. THE NEGATIVE stretched extensively and roll-up of shear layers with vortex
VORTICES ARE REPRESENTED BY DOTTED LINES. shedding occur in far downstream. A big separation zone is
created which hampered the formation of boundary layer over
the plate surface and delayed its formation. The differences in
To inspect the flow visualization more critically, celerity of the upper and lower vortices form from the shear
instantaneous vortex dynamics for different gap-ratios are layer of the cylinder can be understand from Fig. 8, where the
described with the help of spanwise vorticity (ωz) contours as translation of both vortices are shown by dashed lines.
depicted in Figs. 8-11. These figures are drawn between a time-
period (T) of vortex shedding that has been calculated from the
Strouhal frequency already discussed in Tab 1. Six time frames

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laminar periodic vortex shedding regime. Effect of this mode
change of the flow field is also evident in the mean
aerodynamic forces values which is demonstrated in Tab 1.



As the splitter plate moves away from the square

cylinder (G/a = 1 and 2, as given in Figs. 10 and 11), the low FIGURE 11. INSTANTANEOUS VORTICITY CONTOURS AT
pressure zone between these two solid structures (cylinder and G/a = 2. FOR DETAILS REFER FIG. 8.
splitter plate) reduces, which helps the shear layers to intrude in
the boundary layer of the plate and finally change the vortex
dynamics and magnitude of mean aerodynamic forces. This Figure 12 depicts the contours of pressure coefficient
interaction becomes more intense with the increase in gap- CP = (P-P∞)/0.5ρU∞2 along with instantaneous streamlines also
ratio. However, as the splitter plate is positioned downstream of reflect the similar flow physics already described in
the critical gap-ratio (Gc/a), the vortex-boundary layer instantaneous vortex dynamic. CP contours indicate that the
interaction reduces as the transition of flow field occurs to a maximum value of it occurs at the front stagnation point and
new mode of wake-plate interaction described by several pressure becomes negative in the downstream wake region. CP
researchers [11-14]. value is minimum at the extreme two edges of the front surface
Most of the researchers [11-13, 15] concluded that the of the cylinder indicating separation of shear layers from these
downstream flow field start behaving differently after G/a = 2. two edges. Selected instantaneous streamlines are also drawn in
But from the present simulation it is obvious that the vortex the same figure to understand the unsteady recirculation region
dynamics of wake-plate interaction starts to change flow mode due to the Kármán periodic vortex shedding from the shear
from G/a = 1 onwards at least for Reynolds number in the layers of the square cylinder.

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