Bpac Faq
Bpac Faq
Bpac Faq
1. Who can and should get the Autodesk Building Performance Analysis Certificate?
The BPA Certificate program is open to students, professionals, and educators who are
interested learning fundamentals and tools for building performance analysis.
Educators can use this program directly in their coursework, and track their student’s
progress (see the section for educators below). The course has been primarily designed
for architecture and engineering college students – and to be synergistic with their
coursework. It is particularly valuable for students working on studio projects or on
design competitions like the Solar Decathlon.
If you registered for the BPA Certificate before August 18, 2014, you registered for the
first release of BPAC. If you registered after August 18, 2014, you automatically
registered for the latest, updated release. While there are some notable differences
between the two versions, you will find most of the material similar. The newest release
features a Revit workflow (no Vasari), new case studies, updated software exercises,
and more Palette 2030 swatches. If you completed the original version, you might find it
most valuable to register for the Whole Building Energy Analysis for Revit individual
course, as this course has the most variation.
Follow the instructions on this page: How to register for the BPA Certificate.
No, this is a series of online courses that uses reference pages, pre-recorded videos, and
online tests to allow asynchronous learning at your own pace.
The content focuses on the design strategies and building science fundamentals
required to help buildings be more energy efficient. The content focuses on whole
building energy analysis and design studies like daylighting and solar studies as well as
wind and climate studies.
Autodesk Revit, Green Building Studio (GBS), and Flow Design. Autodesk Ecotect was
included in the pilot, but is no longer part of the certificate.
Revit 2014 or higher is required because the Whole Building Energy Analysis lesson uses
the “building element mode” for creating energy analytical models, which became
available with the 2014 release.
**Please note that Revit 2014 is NOT compatible with Microsoft Windows XP and
Windows Vista operating systems.
8. How long does it take to complete this certificate?
Time that it takes students to complete the BPA Certificate. Based on student feedback
(September - November 2013)
It depends on your experience with building science and with design software. Based on
the experience of students who’ve completed the certificate, it takes between 25 and
40 hours to complete everything (see graph at right).
This can be more if the student has no experience with the topics or the software. It can
also be less if the student already has a lot of relevant experience.
As of August 2014 we revised the certificate to be more actionable and concise based on
feedback. We are trying to make the program rigorous enough to have real merit, yet
achievable on your own time.
9. How much does it cost?
It is free for everyone, and there are no current plans to charge for it.
We’ve designed the certificate to help give you the skills and knowledge you need to do
valid building performance analysis. So the most important thing you’ll get is this new
skill set that you can use to market yourself to potential employers and/or put to work
on your projects.
That said, when you complete the certificate, you will also get:
1. A PDF certificate with your name, the date of completion, and the version of the course
you completed (digital copy, no hard copy)
2. A “digital badge” that you can use on your personal website or e-mail signature or
3. The ability to join the Autodesk Education Expert Program at an elevated level
11. Should students work through this on their own or with an instructor?
If students are doing this as part of a course where a professor using the BPA Certificate
as a mandatory or extra credit part of their course, they should register with the unique
access code that their professor provides for them. The amount of guidance and help
that their professor provides is determined by their professor.
Any student can sign-up for the certificate on their own by using the access code
provided on the main BPA Certificate webpage.
If the BPA Certificate platform is slow, please contact us. It is likely due to the load on
the server.
No, there are rolling admissions and the certificate is “self-service.” You can sign up and
start taking it whenever is convenient for you.
14. Is there an expiration date for the certificate?
No, once you’re signed-up you can work through the certificate at your own pace. There
is no end-date. However, if you do not log-in for a period of 3 months, your account will
be de-activated. You will receive a warning before de-activation.
Also, while you are taking the course we may release an updated version of the
certificate. If a newer version of the certificate is available, it will not impact the
certificate you are currently taking. Watch the main BPA Certificate website for any
announcements for new versions of the certificate. As of August 2014 we officially
released our second version.
Yes, we plan to update the certificate as the software tools change and improve – and as
we get feedback from users of the certificate. We will likely update the certificate 1-2
times per year. Continuous improvement is important to us, and is necessary to keep
this program relevant in the midst of technology and industry changes.
In August 2013 we released the first version of the certificate. In August 2014 we
released an updated version. If you started the original August 2013 version, your
certificate version has not changed. If you registered for the certificate after August 18,
2014, you have automatically been registered for the updated release.
The certificate never expires. If you’ve completed an older version of the certificate and
would like to refresh your knowledge or learn the latest tools, you can always take the
latest version.
Yes, the modules can be completed in any order, so students and instructors can
customize their own order. We encourage instructors to guide students to the modules
in the order that best maps to their coursework. We’ve included a default order based
on the flow of the topics and tools that we think work the best.
18. What is the difference between the BPA Certificate and individual courses?
Simply put, the BPA Certificate is comprised of indivual courses. If you are a student, or
want to learn all there is to learn about high performance buildings, the BPA Certificate
will be a good option for you. If you are a professional with less time, or just interested
in learning about one specific topic, the individual courses will be a better fit for you.
The courses that make up the BPA Certificate are the same as the individual offerings.
For example, the Climate & Weather Analysis course in BPAC is the same as the stand-
alone offering.
19. Does it cover modeling basics? Do I need to already be proficient in the software?
The program is achievable for people with limited modeling expertise. You do not need
to be an expert with Revit or any other architectural modeling software – but some
experience is highly recommended. If you have no experience with the tools, we suggest
you visit the Autodesk BIM Curriculum to help.
There are no tests and exercises that require the creation of new building models –
rather, the certificate focuses on simulation and analysis tools/functionality.
20. What if I have an issue or problem with the software or the Autodesk Building
Performance Analysis Certificate program?
If you have an issue with the installation and basic operation of the software, contact
the Autodesk student support line at autodesk.com/education.
If you have questions about building science, analysis, and the BPA Certificate program,
we have a dedicated “help line” to answer and respond to your questions. Please e-mail
[email protected].
21. How does the Autodesk Building Performance Analysis Certificate relate to LEED?
This online certificate focuses on the design tools and principles needed for
performance-based design. We’ve built it to be synergistic with the LEED rating system
and LEED Accreditation. It is a good complement for those who have gotten or plan to
get the LEED GA.
Energy analyses in Autodesk Revit, and Green Building Studio are based on the DOE-2
simulation engine, which is permitted by ASHRAE 90.1, the referenced standard within
LEED. However, since these tools are intended for use early in the process, they are
streamlined and don’t allow full control over energy settings (uses a set of defaults,
which you can customize to a point). They are not compliance tools and do not produce
the required LEED submittal documentation on their own.
Yes, you can get CEU hours. Each individual course has been pre-approved for USGBC
and AIA CEUs as well as the entire BPA Certificate. To get credit for your completion, be
sure to enter your information in the Feedback Survey at the end of each course.
23. How does the Autodesk Building Performance Analysis Certificate relate to Revit
The Revit Certification is an in-person, proctored exam that certifies a deep knowledge
in Revit.
Unlike the Revit Certification, the BPA Certificate can be done entirely online.
24. How is this program related to the Autodesk Education Expert program?
If you’d like to join the Autodesk Education Expert program, you will get enough
“points” in that program to level-up within the program immediately.
If you are an Autodesk Student Expert, you can get points for completing this certificate
program. You can also get points for helping others within your university to get this
Also, the Building Performance Analysis group on the St|Ex Net is a forum for students
interested in building performance analysis to help each other with their projects.
If you have access to the software (Revit 2014 or higher, GBS, and Flow Design), we
invite you to take the certificate. You might also consider the individual courses (see 18).
Unfortunately at this time, the certificate and courses that comprise it are only offered
in English. We are currently investigating means of translating the content and quizzes.
Check back soon for updates.