Activity (EM Induction)

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Electromagnetic Induction

Objective: Identify the factors that affect the magnitude of the induced emf and the magnitude and direction of the
induced current (Faraday’s Law)
After the experiment, each group will present their observation and answers to guide question in a PowerPoint
Part I.
1. Click the multiple coil option. A two-turn coil and a four-turn coil will be set-up on the screen.
2. Drag the magnet towards the center of the two-turn coil.
3. Drag the magnet towards the center of the four-turn coil.
4. Compare the brightness of the bulb when the magnet is drag towards the two-turn coil and four-turn coil.
Note: As much as possible, drag the magnet towards the center of the coils with the same speed.
Part 2.
1. Click the reset button.
2. Drag the magnet towards the center of the coil then observe the brightness of the bulb.
3. Click the reset button again.
4. Drag the magnet relatively slow compared to the second step. Observe the brightness of the bulb.
5. Compare the brightness of the bulb when the magnet is drag with different speed.
Part 3
1. Click the reset button.
2. With North Pole pointing towards the coil, drag the magnet towards the center of the coil. Observe the direction of
the needle in the galvanometer (positive or negative).
3. Click the reset button again.
3. Drag the magnet towards the center of the coil with the South Pole pointing towards the coil. Observe the direction
of the needle in the galvanometer (positive or negative).

Short Discussion
The brightness of the bulb is directly affected by the induced emf and induced current in the coil. It means that
as the induced voltage and induced current in the coil increase, the brightness of the bulb also increases.
The algebraic sign in the galvanometer reading simply pertains to the direction of electrical current. Observing
a change of sign implies that the direction of current passing through a circuit is reversed.
Guide Questions
1. Does the number of turns in a coil affects the magnitude of induced voltage and induced current? Explain how?
2. Does the speed of the magnet passing through the center of the coil affects the magnitude of induced voltage and
induced current? Explain how?
3. What happen when you change the polarity of magnet passing through the coil?
4. What are the factors that affect the magnitude of the induced emf and induced current? How about the factor that
affect the direction of the induced current?
Sample of expected PowerPoint presentation output
Slide 1 Slide 2

Slide 3 Slide 4

Slide 5

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