Epidemiologic Basis For TB Control. Rieder. 1999
Epidemiologic Basis For TB Control. Rieder. 1999
Epidemiologic Basis For TB Control. Rieder. 1999
of Tuberculosis Control
First edition
First edition
Hans L. Rieder
Preface .......................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Acknowledgements.................................................................................................................................... 7
Introduction.......................................................................................................................................................... 9
Approaches to determining the prevalence of tuberculous infection
in the presence of cross-reactions attributable to environmental mycobacteria
Prevalence of infection .............................................................................................................................. 43
Prevalence of infection by age and sex
Prevalence of infection and population density
Tuberculous infection and socioeconomic indicators
3. Tuberculosis .............................................................................................................................................. 63
Etiologic epidemiology: risk factors for disease given
that infection has occurred .............................................................................................................. 63
Time elapsed since becoming infected
Infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
Spontaneously healed tuberculosis with fibrotic residuals
Genetic factors .............................................................................................................................................. 72
Body build
HLA types
Blood groups
Virgin populations
Other genetic factors
Environmental factors ................................................................................................................................ 77
Substance abuse
Alcohol abuse
Injection drug use
Medical conditions ...................................................................................................................................... 79
Diabetes mellitus
Renal failure
Jejunoileal bypass
Corticosteroid treatment
Factors associated with the etiologic agent ........................................................................................ 83
Infecting dose effect
Strain virulence
Infection with M. bovis
Predictive epidemiology: prospects for the course of the epidemic ........ 119
Industrialized countries
Low income countries
Descriptive epidemiology: mortality.................................................................................... 126
Predictive epidemiology: expected death toll of tuberculosis ........................ 131
References...................................................................................................................................................... 139
Efficient tuberculosis control can be achieved in the absence of an extensive
theoretical background. However, a thorough understanding of the etiologic agent,
the clinical presentation of tuberculosis, the epidemiology of tuberculosis, the role
of various intervention strategies, and of how to efficiently apply the tools currently
available for the control of tuberculosis, is likely to increase the efficiency of a
national tuberculosis program. A theoretical background will also help program
managers at all levels to base their practice on modern concepts of tuberculosis
control, and to justify their actions when these are questioned by others.
The International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (IUATLD)
organizes international courses on tuberculosis control. These courses are largely
aimed at health care personnel with responsibility at regional or national level within
national tuberculosis programs. An attempt is made to provide the participants with
a thorough theoretical knowledge of the basis of modern tuberculosis control
strategies. The course content encompasses the following major components:
● Bacteriologic basis of tuberculosis control
● Clinical presentation and diagnosis of tuberculosis
● Epidemiologic basis of tuberculosis control
● Intervention strategies in tuberculosis control
● Principles of tuberculosis control (figure 1).
Figure 1. The five elements which are necessary for the understanding of modern tuberculosis
Course participants are provided with a selected tuberculosis library containing
approximately 100 original articles (continuously updated) which constitute the
essential basis of the modules.
The five components are logical and coherent, each one building upon the others
(figure 1). Course participants first learn in depth about the etiologic agent,
Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex, i.e., the bacteriologic basis of tuberculosis
control. Second, they see what the etiologic agent does to the individual, i.e., the
clinical presentation and diagnosis of tuberculosis. Third, they are taught how it
affects the community, i.e., the epidemiologic basis of tuberculosis control. From
these first three core facets, interventions to protect the individual and the community,
i.e., intervention strategies, are discussed. Finally, all four components are combined
with implementation in mind and integrated into a single package for control: the
principles of tuberculosis control.
Despite the wealth of original literature provided, course participants have
repeatedly voiced their interest in obtaining illustrated monographs with the most
important figures/graphics from each module. This monograph on the epidemiologic
basis of tuberculosis control is an attempt to meet this need for this particular module.
The author wishes to express his deepest appreciation to the hundreds of
participants in the courses for which this material was developed and in which it
was tested. The interaction among the participants over a number of years has
strengthened the logic, improved the flow and increased the comprehension of
epidemiology as a basic science for the control of tuberculosis.
Martien W Borgdorff, George W Comstock, and Kevin M De Cock made major
contributions to improve the content of this monograph. Thuridur Arnadottir,
Christopher Dye, Donald A Enarson, and Arnaud Trébucq have critically reviewed
the document and provided valuable suggestions for its improvement. Robert
L Cowie and Robert Steffen positively commented on the text of the monograph.
Clare Pierard provided support in the final edition of the manuscript.
The production and distribution of this monograph would not have been pos-
sible without the generous financial contributions of the World Health Organization’s
Global Tuberculosis Programme, the Norwegian Heart and Lung Association, the
British Columbia Lung Association, the Anti-Tuberculosis Association of Thailand,
the Finnish Lung Health Association and the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Epidemiology is the basic science of preventive medicine and public health. It
is relevant for those involved in clinical practice, research, and public health policy.
This monograph deals with the epidemiology of tuberculosis. It attempts to deli-
neate the determinants of exposure, infection, disease, and death from tuberculosis.
To convey the conceptual framework of the epidemiology of tuberculosis, a selection
of pertinent examples published in the biomedical literature is provided. This
approach should give the basis for an intuitive and rational comprehension of the
dynamics of the epidemic.
To facilitate the understanding of the relevance of the epidemiology of tubercu-
losis as a basis for implementing a successful national tuberculosis control program,
a model following the pathogenesis of tuberculosis from exposure to death is useful.
The model should be complex enough to allow the distinction of the major
determinants of the epidemiology of tuberculosis, but simple enough to delineate the
major indicators that are essential for comprehending the dynamics of the disease.
Such a model, derived from the tuberculosis classification of the American Thoracic
Society and the United States Centers for Disease Control (CDC, now Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention) [1], is proposed in figure 2 [2]. According to this
model, four distinct steps in the pathogenesis of tuberculosis can be identified:
exposure, infection, disease, and death.
Exposure infection Death
Exposure to a potentially infectious case is a prerequisite for becoming infected.
Once an individual is exposed, there are factors which determine the risk of becoming
infected, risk factors which determine the probability that an infected individual will
develop tuberculosis, and risk factors which determine the probability that a diseased
individual will die from tuberculosis.
The epidemiologic framework for the approach to understanding the dynamics
of tuberculosis in a community that is proposed here pertains, simplified, to three
types of epidemiologic questions. These are denoted here as analytic epidemiology
or, to use an intuitively more appealing term, etiologic epidemiology [3]. Etiologic
epidemiology aims at disentangling and identifying factors which increase the
likelihood of progression from one stage to the next. Descriptive epidemiology of
tuberculosis outlines the frequency and distribution of infection, disease, and death
from tuberculosis in different populations. Finally, predictive epidemiology uses
modeling techniques to forecast the likely course of the tuberculosis epidemic in a
given community, based on observations from the past. In this monograph, exposure,
infection, disease, and death are discussed sequentially. While in other texts
descriptive epidemiology is often discussed before etiologic epidemiology, it seemed
more appealing to reverse this order here and begin each pathogenetic step with
etiologic epidemiology, followed by descriptive epidemiology, and finally predictive
epidemiology. This approach is chosen because one needs first to know the factors
leading up to the current situation to understand the reasons for its magnitude, from
which the prospects for the epidemic might then be derived.
- 10 -
The major factors that determine the risk of becoming exposed to tubercle bacilli
include the number of incident infectious cases in the community, the duration of their
infectiousness, and the number and nature of interactions between a case and a sus-
ceptible contact per unit of time of infectiousness.
Given a defined number of infectious sources, the number of persons who might
be exposed to the tubercle bacilli from these cases may vary considerably, depending
on the duration of their infectiousness and the number and nature of possible case-
contact interactions per unit of time of infectiousness. It is not easy to define “expo-
sure”, because in its widest sense all human beings are exposed to the same air space.
What is needed, therefore, is a pragmatic definition of exposure. In this monograph,
the underlying definition of significant exposure is contact between two individuals
in sufficient proximity to allow conversation between them, or, within confined
spaces, where the air exchange (ventilation) of the space has been incomplete
between the visits of two persons.
In rural areas, for example, the number of persons who become exposed to a
single case might be considerably lower than in urban areas. Similarly, a case occur-
ring in a household may expose few or many persons, depending on the size of the
household. Cases are more likely to expose people with whom they tend to socia-
lize, e.g., people of a similar age or social group. Climatic conditions may affect
behavior substantially by influencing the amount of time spent outside confined
- 11 -
incidence, risk of exposure may still vary greatly. The following modifiers of expo-
sure risk can be identified, given a constant number of incident sources of infection
in the community.
Duration of infectiousness
The duration of infectiousness of an incident infectious case is of crucial impor-
tance for the risk of the general population becoming exposed to such a case. The
risk of becoming exposed is greatly enhanced if infectiousness is prolonged, as com-
pared with a short duration of infectiousness. The point in time at which infection
during the transmission period occurs is, of course, important, as repeated superin-
fections from the same source case might be redundant and of little epidemiologic
significance. However, as the proportion of contacts found to be infected at the time
of the diagnosis of a sputum smear-positive index case is around 30 to 40 per cent
[4], a large proportion remains who would still be susceptible to new infection if the
case were not detected (and placed on adequate chemotherapy).
An untreated case of infectious tuberculosis will remain infectious for a longer
period of time than a patient who is diagnosed and treated appropriately in a timely
manner. Early intervention with appropriate chemotherapy reduces the time of infec-
tiousness, and thus the potential that members of the community continue to be
exposed. Of similar concern for prolonged infectiousness are patients who are dia-
gnosed and started on chemotherapy, but where chemotherapy is inadequate.
Inadequate chemotherapy includes improper combinations of drugs or inadequate
dosages of anti-tuberculosis drugs, or occurs when patients have strains resistant to
one or more of the antimicrobial agents used [5-7] or when patients become irregular
or selective in ingesting the prescribed medications.
Population density
Population density varies greatly between and within countries. The nature of the
dwelling in which people live and the number of persons who share that dwelling
have an important impact on the risk of exposure, given that a case of tuberculosis
- 12 -
lives in that dwelling. In addition, urban areas have a much higher population density
than rural areas. The number of possible contacts of a tuberculosis patient in a rural
area may be smaller per unit of time than that of a patient living in an urban setting
(given a similar dwelling and family size). Thus, the likelihood that a susceptible
person will be exposed to an infectious tuberculosis patient increases with population
density, even if the incidence is the same.
Family size
Family size changed considerably in industrialized countries during the twentieth
century. In 1900, the average private household in Switzerland, for example, had close
to two children present, and by 1990 the number of children present per family
household had decreased below one [8]. Clearly, the number of exposed children must
decrease under such circumstances, even if the probability of infectious tuberculosis
occurring in a parent remains the same. Of further importance are social arrange-
ments within the family, i.e., the sleeping arrangements or responsibilities for childcare.
- 13 -
past few decades, with most cases of disease occurring now in the elderly (see
chapter 3), the chance that children will be exposed must necessarily have decrea-
sed. This is quite clearly depicted in figure 3 [9]. Within just 30 to 40 years the
median age of tuberculosis patients in Finland increased by 30 years, moving from
the generation of parents to that of grandparents.
Patterns of social participation are key to the transmission dynamics of
tuberculosis [10, 11]. It is a common notion that people tend to socialize with those
of their own age: it is highly unusual to see a septuagenarian mingle with teenagers
heading for a disco. A notable exception is a household of parents with small chil-
dren. Here, two generations closely interact, and this social interaction goes beyond
the family: the children’s friends and their parents often join in as well.
There is no reason to believe that tuberculosis patients will behave differently in
this respect from the non-affected population. Indeed, there is evidence that the risk
of tuberculous infection varies considerably with age [12], an important observation,
yet not in itself sufficiently conclusive to accept the hypothesis of preferential intra-
generational transmission. The generation raising children has both important inter-
and intra-generational contacts, but with the aging of this birth cohort an increasingly
larger proportion of their children is released from parental custody, and contacts
Age-adjusted median age (years)
50 Males
40 Females
60 70 80 90
Year of
of notification
Figure 3. The median age of new cases of respiratory tuberculosis among males and females
in Finland, 1954 – 1995, adjusted for changes in the age structure of the population. Data from [9].
- 14 -
become dominated by intra-generational social interaction. The epidemiology of
tuberculosis morbidity in Europe has shown a rapid increase in the median age of
tuberculosis patients. Even if the crude incidence of tuberculosis were the same, the
risk of transmission to the youngest generation must surely decrease in this case, since
elderly patients are less involved in child-rearing than younger patients. Furthermore,
while the risk of tuberculous infection may remain high in the oldest generation, as
has been demonstrated in nursing home residents in Arkansas, United States [13], the
consequences are not nearly as grave as when tuberculosis predominantly occurs
among the young, for two reasons. First, transmission is more likely to be predo-
minantly intra-generational, and second, the cumulative probability of ultimate
progression to disease is markedly reduced by the shorter remaining potential
life span.
The degree of social interactions differs by gender to a great extent in different
societies. In some countries, women and men take part almost equally in public
activities, while in other countries women’s lives are very secluded. The opportu-
nity of becoming exposed to an infectious case both inside and outside of the home
will thus differ for men and women.
- 15 -
- 17 -
the square of their diameter. It is consequently very short for small droplets, much
shorter than the time it takes for them to fall from a height of two meters if they settled
without evaporation. Approximate evaporation times for droplets of different sizes
in unsaturated air are shown in figure 5 [17].
Very small droplets thus settle slowly and evaporate almost immediately, whereas
large drops settle rapidly and reach the ground without appreciable loss by evapo-
ration. Wells gives the example of raindrops, which are sufficiently large in size to
travel from the clouds to the earth, while in contrast spray drying is used in indus-
try using very small droplets. Wells’ concept is depicted schematically in figure 6
[17]. The curves of evaporation and falling time (falling two meters in unsaturated
air) are very similar in shape but in the opposite direction. Somewhere between
0.1 mm and 0.2 mm lies the droplet size which reaches the ground from a height of
2 meters, while smaller particles evaporate before reaching the ground.
The falling times in figures 5 and 6 assume droplets of fixed size. However, eva-
poration creates droplets of diminishing size, which may become droplet nuclei.
Wells demonstrates that the distance a droplet will fall before ceasing to be a droplet
is proportional to the square of the surface or the fourth power of the diameter [17].
Time (sec) of falling
2 m (log scale)
droplet(mm) (log
(mm) scale)
(log scale)
- 18 -
Evaporation time (seconds)
droplet(mm) (log
(mm) scale)
(log scale)
Figure 5. Evaporation time of water droplets in unsaturated air at 18o C. Data from [17].
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20
Falling time (seconds)
To evaporation
To ground
Figure 6. Falling time of droplets and evaporation as a function of droplet size diameter. Figure
reproduced with the permission of the American Journal of Epidemiology from [17].
- 19 -
Other factors, principally temperature and humidity, also enter into the equation. In
high humidity, evaporation is less pronounced than in low humidity: thus small
droplets of a given size are more likely to settle in humid than in dry air. The speed
of fall depends on the first power of factors of humidity and temperature, but on the
fourth power of the surface area. Thus, a minor change in droplet size is more impor-
tant than a major change in atmospheric conditions.
Droplets produced by a patient with tuberculosis may contain tubercle bacilli.
Tubercle bacilli may still be contained in droplets below the critical size of settling
before evaporation. Thus, such droplets may evaporate to the size of infectious dro-
plet nuclei containing one or more tubercle bacilli that remain buoyant in the ambient
air for a prolonged period of time. It is these infectious droplet nuclei which are the
principal source of transmission of M. tuberculosis.
Talking, coughing, sneezing or singing produces droplets. The landmark experi-
ment of Loudon and Roberts has greatly contributed to the understanding of the
transmission of M. tuberculosis [18]. They demonstrated that one cough was the equi-
valent of about 5 minutes of loud talking in terms of the resulting number of droplet
nuclei, about half of which were still suspended in air 30 minutes after coughing.
These physical properties are important, because M. tuberculosis is almost exclu-
sively transmitted by the airborne route, apart from accidental direct inoculation of
infectious material into the skin [19-22]. Successful transmission requires airborne
infectious droplet nuclei, small enough to reach an alveolus in the periphery of the
lung. Such particles may remain suspended in the air for several hours. Larger par-
ticles generally drop more rapidly to the ground or, if inhaled, are trapped in the
mucociliary system of the tracheobronchial tree, swept up and rendered harmless
through swallowing. Sonkin found that the majority of particles above 5 µm in dia-
meter are trapped in the nose, while those smaller than 0.1 µm tended to remain sus-
pended and able to reach the alveoli [23]. Conversely, retention of particles decreased
with diminishing size. Thus, there is a critical diameter range that maximizes the
probability of inhalation and retention of infectious particles leading to the esta-
blishment of infection. This diameter size lies somewhere between 1 µm and 5 µm.
Riley and co-workers then conducted a series of studies on experimental airborne
tuberculosis [16, 24]. A tuberculosis ward with single rooms in which there were
tuberculosis patients was connected through a carefully controlled and calibrated clo-
sed circuit ventilating system to a large animal exposure chamber with healthy guinea
pigs located in the exhaust of these ducts. Monitoring of these animals and
examination of their organs once they were killed allowed quantification of the number
of infectious droplets in the air that led to successful transmission. On average, one
- 20 -
infectious droplet nucleus was present in 340 cubic meters of air. The time was esti-
mated for a nurse to breathe this amount of ward air (and inhale one infectious par-
ticle). It was estimated that infection (and hence tuberculin conversion from negative
to positive) would take, on average, one [25] to one and a half years [26].
70 s+/c+
Per cent infected
30 s+/c+
10 s-/c+ s-/c-
Bedfordshire Rotterdam
Rotterdam Saskatchewan
1948 -- 1952
1952 1967
1967 - 1969
1969 1966
1966- -1971
- 21 -
studies, three major ones are exemplary in demonstrating the relative infectiousness
of sputum smear-positive, sputum smear-negative, culture-only positive, and cul-
ture-negative tuberculosis [29-31]. Each of these studies confirmed that patients
with sputum smear-positive tuberculosis of the respiratory tract are by far more
infectious than patients whose smears were negative, but whose cultures were posi-
tive (figure 7). This was evidenced in the proportion of children in close contact with
the source case who had a positive tuberculin skin test (figure 8). The absolute dif-
ferences in prevalence of infection in the three studies are not relevant; they can be
explained by differences in the background prevalence and different definitions of a
contact. The important point is the relative difference between the prevalence of
infection among those children exposed to a sputum smear-positive versus a sputum
smear-negative, culture-only positive case. These differences are large and are
consistent across all three studies. It appeared, in fact, that patients with culture-only
positive tuberculosis were not much more infectious than patients with neither smear-
nor culture-positive tuberculosis or control cases. These studies demonstrated
convincingly that patients with sputum smear-positive tuberculosis are by far the
most potent sources of infection in the community.
In a study in Finland, contacts of patients with sputum smear-positive and spu-
tum smear-negative tuberculosis (all confirmed by culture) were followed up for
2 years [32]. Among the 609 contacts of 134 index cases, four developed tubercu-
losis during the follow-up period, all of them among contacts of the 69 cases with
heavily sputum smear-positive tuberculosis. However, it can not be concluded from
these studies that patients whose sputum is negative on direct microscopic exami-
nation are not transmitters at all. A study in San Francisco, California, using
molecular fingerprinting techniques demonstrated that 17 per cent of transmissions
were attributable to index cases with sputum smears negative at diagnosis, and that
the relative transmission rate from smear-negative compared to smear-positive tuber-
culosis was 0.22, or roughly one fifth of all transmissions [33].
While the probability of being infected following contact with an infectious source
decreases with decreasing proximity of the contact person to the index case [34], the
absolute number of persons an infectious case may infect outside the context of close
contact might be considerable, and may exceed the number of infected close contacts.
This occurs when the number of casual contacts of an infectious case far exceeds that
of susceptible close contacts. This is illustrated schematically in figure 9, which shows
that the probability of infection among the closest, inner-circle contacts was three out
of 10, in the next to closest contact circle three out of 20, and much lower in casual
contacts beyond these two inner circles. The absolute number of people infected out-
side the closest contacts, however, exceeded the number among close contacts.
- 22 -
Per cent infected 35
Casual Close
5 Casual
Smear Smear- -
Figure 9. Example for the risk of infection among close contacts (inner circle), intermediate
contacts (outer circle), and casual contacts. The index case is indicated by a cross, infected contacts
by filled circles, and uninfected contacts by hollow circles.
- 23 -
Air circulation and ventilation
Given a defined number of tubercle bacilli expelled into the air, the volume of air
into which the bacilli are expelled determines the probability that a susceptible
individual breathing that air will become infected. Droplet nuclei have negligible
settling tendency, disperse rapidly throughout the air of a room, and are carried
wherever air currents take them [35].
Tuberculosis is not as easily transmitted as are certain other airborne infectious
diseases [36]. Riley has estimated that on average12 to 18 months of exposure to
tuberculosis patients were required for a student nurse to become infected in the
pre-chemotherapy era [25, 26].
A study of a tuberculosis outbreak on a United States Navy ship provided infor-
mation on the importance of ventilation and air circulation [37, 38]. On this ship,
139 of 308 persons previously known to be tuberculin skin test negative ultimately
became infected from a single source. Men sharing the same compartment with the
case had the highest frequency of skin test conversions. Nevertheless, a very high
proportion of those living in other compartments and of those who did not work or
significantly socialize with the index case, but whose compartments were connected
through a close circuit ventilation system, also became infected. Men with similar
social exposure but living in compartments without direct exposure to the air of the
ventilation system converted much less frequently. Conversions continued for a
prolonged period of time after removal of the infectious source case, suggesting that
air in closed circuits may contain viable infectious droplet nuclei for a prolonged
period of time.
Ventilation dramatically dilutes the concentration of infectious droplet nuclei.
Wherever possible, opening windows during and after cough-inducing procedures
or in hospital wards is one of the most, if not the most, efficient means of reducing
the probability of exposed persons becoming infected.
Wearing surgical masks by exposed persons is likely to be of low efficiency,
because most masks neither filter out particles of less than 5 µm, nor do they gene-
rally fit snugly enough around both mouth and nose. In industrialized countries,
the emergence of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis, and exposure of staff in hospitals
with often poor ventilation and usually little to no direct exchange with fresh outdoor
air, has led to the recommendation for staff to wear a special mask, called a high-
efficiency particulate air-filter respirator [39]. This mask is designed to filter out par-
ticles in the droplet nucleus size of 1 µm to 5 µm. It costs several times the price of
usual surgical masks, and data on how snugly they fit to prevent droplet nuclei from
- 24 -
entering between skin and mask are scarce. The financial repercussions of imple-
menting a policy of wearing particulate respirators may be huge [40].
- 25 -
identified [48]. In Europe, the battle against bovine tuberculosis began much later.
In Britain, in 1932, 40 per cent of animals had evidence of tuberculosis, and 0.5 per
cent of all dairy cows produced milk containing tubercle bacilli [47]. Tuberculin skin
testing and slaughtering of infected animals in Britain was introduced systemati-
cally in 1935 [47]. By 1965, only 1 per cent of herds remained infected [47]. The
site of disease in cattle was thoracic in the majority of cases (80 to 90 per cent) and,
in descending order of frequency, liver, kidneys, spleen, uterus, and udders, the lat-
ter occurring in 1 to 2 per cent of diseased animals [47]. Dairy cattle with tuber-
culous mastitis are the source of infected milk that can cause bovine bacilli to be trans-
mitted to humans by ingestion of milk if it is not pasteurized or boiled.
The relation between the frequency of infected herds and tuberculosis in humans
was studied extensively by Magnus in Denmark [49-51], where, in 1937, almost
50 per cent of dairy herds were infected with tubercle bacilli, rapidly decreasing to
0.3 per cent in 1950 (figure 10) [49]. The figure also demonstrates that the occurrence
of tuberculosis in cattle varied greatly throughout the districts of the country. A very
strong correlation between the proportion of infected herds and human tuberculin
reactors was demonstrated (figure 11) [50]. Thus, M. bovis was an important contri-
butor to the overall prevalence of tuberculous infection.
Conversely, cattle, sheep, goats, and horses may be infected with M. tuberculosis,
but in most cases the disease is self-limiting in animals [28, 52].
There is strong evidence that M. bovis is much more difficult to transmit from man
to man than M. tuberculosis [53, 54].
- 26 -
1936 1938 1940 1942 1944 1946 1948 1950 1952
Figure 10. Frequency of tuberculous herds in Denmark in two selected counties, 1937–1950.
Figure reproduced from [49].
Per cent of human reactors
Urban Rural
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
Figure 11. Correlation between percentage of tuberculous herds (1937–1939) and percentage of
tuberculin reactors in the human population (1950–1952), Denmark. Figure reproduced with the
permission of the World Health Organization from [50].
- 27 -
The history of the tuberculin skin test can be broadly grouped into three periods.
In a first period at the beginning of the twentieth century, research on tuberculin
concentrated on the sensitivity of the test. In a second phase, research sought to
address the problem of the test’s specificity, and today, research is concentrating on
both characteristics depending on the expected and observed prevalence of infection,
and thus the predictive value of the test under different circumstances. Attempts to
identify a better tool to determine infection more accurately, and to distinguish
infection from disease with such a test, have so far remained unsuccessful.
- 28 -
Table 1. Operating characteristics of a test.
consequences for the patient of the knowledge of having a lethal disease when the
diagnosis is based on an erroneous test result.
The importance of tuberculosis in cattle was early recognized in the United States,
and a rigorous program of culling infected cattle was implemented. The decision to
slaughter an animal was made based on the presence of a positive tuberculin skin test.
With the progression of the eradication program, it was noted that an increasing pro-
portion of tuberculin-positive cattle had no detectable tuberculous lesion [67-69].
These observations indicate early considerations of the dependence of the predictive
value of a positive test result on the prevalence of the condition: Hastings recognized
that the frequency of no-lesion reactors increased as the prevalence of reactors decrea-
sed (figure 12) [68]. This finding was interpreted as the result of reactions caused
by the presence of environmental mycobacteria.
- 29 -
Standardization of tuberculin and dosage in humans
With some delay, it was recognized that the tuberculin skin test posed similar pro-
blems in humans as in veterinary medicine. To increase the specificity, a purifica-
tion of tuberculin was attempted, because it was recognized that the preparation then
in use (Old Tuberculin) contained varying proportions of a number of different pro-
teins depending on the production technique. Florence Seibert is credited with the
purification of tuberculin and of establishing a mechanism for international stan-
dardization [70-72]. The tuberculin produced by her was recommended by the World
Health Organization (WHO) in 1951 to be the international standard [73]. Lot No.
49608 of tuberculin Purified Protein Derivative (PPD) is the international standard,
called PPD-S (S denoting “Standard”) or PPD-M (M denoting “Mammalian”) [74].
The international unit of tuberculin is defined as the biological activity contained
in 0.000028 mg of the standard preparation, Lot 49608, consisting of 0.00002 mg
PPD plus 0.000008 mg salts. A portion of the referent is kept in Copenhagen,
Denmark, at the Statens Serum Institut, and is distributed in volumes of 500,000
units in lyophilized form. Each new tuberculin produced for sale should be calibrated
against this standard in guinea pigs.
Because sensitivity and specificity are interdependent, and a gain in sensitivity
is offset by a loss of specificity and vice versa, it was necessary to determine the opti-
mal dosage with the already standardized form of application (intradermal tech-
nique) and the standardized tuberculin PPD. Persons stratified into groups with and
without a history of contact with a tuberculosis patient received sequentially increa-
sing doses of tuberculin, calculating the cumulative proportion of reactors (figure 13)
[75]. Persons with a history of contact reacted to relatively small doses of tubercu-
lin, and their reactivity could not be enhanced significantly after a certain dose was
administered. In contrast, only a small proportion of persons without a history of
contact reacted to small doses, but could be provoked to react to larger doses.
Perhaps even more convincing was the demonstration of the differences in the
frequency of reactions among healthy children and tuberculosis patients [75]. The chil-
dren were chosen from an orphanage in Ohio, United States, an environment with
little chance for the children of exposure to tuberculosis [76]. The tuberculosis
patient group consisted of the entire patient group with confirmed tuberculosis but
who were not critically ill. One ten-thousandth of a milligram of tuberculin PPD-S
caused a positive reaction in nearly every tuberculosis patient, but in only 20 per cent
of the unexposed children who, incidentally, had been raised in an area where cross-
reactions due to environmental mycobacteria were not uncommon (figure 14) [75].
- 30 -
Per cent reacting
0 10 20 30 40
Per cent
cent with
Figure 12. Correlation between prevalence of tuberculin-positive cattle and the frequency of
negative autopsy findings. Data from [68].
80 No contact
Per cent reacting
-9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Dose of
Figure 13. Cumulative frequency of reactors responding to increasing doses of tuberculin, stratified
by history of contact with a tuberculosis patient. Data from [75].
- 31 -
These findings were confirmed in another study [77], where the relative risk of
reacting to a higher than the established standard dose of 5 TU (denoting “Tuberculin
Units”) of PPD-S was much greater among persons without a history of contact than
among persons with such a history of contact (figure 15). From these studies it
was concluded that the dose that struck the best balance between sensitivity and
specificity was 5 TU PPD-S.
In 1955, the Statens Serum Institut in Copenhagen, Denmark, agreed at the
request of UNICEF to produce a large batch of tuberculin for international use; it was
called Tuberculin PPD RT 23 [78, 79]. A stabilizing agent, Tween 80 (a polyoxi-
ethylene derivative of sorbitan mono-oleate) was added to the tuberculin. This
resulted in a stronger potency, approximately double that of tuberculin PPD-S. In a
subsequent study in the United States, a comparison was made between 5 TU tuber-
culin PPD-S and different doses of tuberculin PPD RT 23 [80]. In this study it was
demonstrated that 2 TU tuberculin PPD RT 23 and 5 TU tuberculin PPD-S resulted
in a similar distribution of tuberculin skin test reaction sizes in healthy Eskimo chil-
dren with a high prevalence of tuberculous infection and a low prevalence of infec-
tion with environmental mycobacteria (figure 16). The two doses also elicited similar
distributions in United States Navy recruits with a relatively low prevalence of tuber-
culous infection and a relatively high prevalence of infection with environmental
Tuberculosis patients
Per cent reacting
Healthy children
-9 -2 -1
10 10-8 10-7 10-6 10-5 10-4 10-3 10 10 100
Dose of
Dose oftuberculin
Figure 14. Cumulative frequency of reactors responding to increasing doses of tuberculin, among
healthy children and patients with tuberculosis. Data from [75].
- 32 -
No contact
Relative risk (log scale)
Close contact
5 TU PPD-S 250
250 TU PPD-S
Figure 15. Relative risk of reacting to a higher than the standard dose of tuberculin by history of
contact. Data from [77].
Eskimo children 2 TU PPD RT23
Per cent reacting
2 TU PPD RT23 US Navy recruits
5 5 TU PPD-S
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Induration (mm)
Induration (mm)
Figure 16. Frequency distribution of tuberculin skin test reaction sizes with 5 TU Tuberculin PPD-S
(solid line) and 2 TU Tuberculin PPD RT 23 (dotted line) among Eskimo children and United States
Navy recruits. Figure reproduced with the permission of the World Health Organization from [80].
- 33 -
mycobacteria. However, the authors noted that 2 TU tuberculin PPD RT 23 identi-
fied a considerably larger proportion (40 per cent) of persons with intermediate sized
reactions (6 mm and more), among recruits from the south-eastern States, indicating
a lower specificity of tuberculin PPD RT 23 in areas with a particularly high preva-
lence of infection with environmental mycobacteria [80].
- 34 -
15 50 +
Minnesota North Carolina
North Carolina
Per cent reacting
40-49 40 +
18-29 10-19
0 0
0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30
Induration (mm)
Induration (mm)
Figure 17. Frequency distribution of tuberculin skin test results by age, in Minnesota and North
Carolina, United States. Figure reproduced with the permission of the European Respiratory Society
Journals Ltd. from [82].
Per cent reacting
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Induration (mm)
Figure 18. Frequency distribution of tuberculin skin test results (5 TU PPD-S) in 5,544 tubercu-
losis patients, United States. Figure reproduced with the permission of the American Thoracic
Society / American Lung Association from [76].
- 35 -
recruits reacting to the sensitin obtained from that environmental
Mycobacterium (figure 20) [76].
The same diameter of tuberculin skin test induration can indicate a different pro-
bability of tuberculous infection, depending on the situation. This is exemplified in
the model developed by Rust and Thomas using the United States Navy recruit data
[89]. The probability of tuberculous infection is greatly increased if there is a his-
tory of contact with tuberculosis as compared with those with no such history
(figure 21). While a 10 mm induration size, for example, indicates a probability of
over 70 per cent for tuberculous infection in a person with a history of contact with
a tuberculosis patient, the same induration indicates a probability of only 10 per cent
in a person without such a history. This study reveals the limitations of the predictive
value of a positive test result, if the test specificity and the prevalence of the condition
sought are low. Applying the test to persons with a history of contact raises the
expected prevalence of tuberculous infection in comparison to a population without
such a history: it increases the predictive value of a positive test (its ability when posi-
tive to correctly separate the infected from the non-infected).
The specificity of the tuberculin skin test is not predictable in different areas of
the world, as there are large variations in the presence of environmental mycobacteria,
4 History of contact
Per cent reacting
No history of contact
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Induration (mm)
Figure 19. Frequency distribution of tuberculin skin test results (5 TU PPD-S) in United States Navy
recruits with (dashed line) or without (dotted line) a history of tuberculosis. The solid line shows
the difference between the two groups. Figure reproduced with the permission of the American
Thoracic Society / American Lung Association from [76].
- 36 -
Figure 20. Frequency of reactions to PPD-B in white United States Navy recruits who were life-
time residents of a single county, by county of origin. Figure reproduced with the permission of the
American Thoracic Society / American Lung Association from [76].
20 No history of contact
0 5 10 15 20 25
Induration (mm)
Induration (mm)
Figure 21. Probability of infection with M. tuberculosis as a function of diameter of reaction size to
tuberculin and history of contact. Data from [89].
- 37 -
which induce cross-reactions. In Djibouti, for example, cross-reactions to tuberculin
PPD are virtually absent (figure 22, data kindly provided by Dr. Arnaud Trébucq,
IUATLD). Thus, in this situation, the error is minimal, even if all reactions of a size
above 0 mm are considered to be indicative of infection with M. tuberculosis. In
contrast, data from the large tuberculin skin test survey in Tanzania show that the
mode of reactions is below 10 mm of induration, and that the expected mode resulting
from tuberculous infection is hidden [90]. An intermediate picture emerges from a
survey conducted in Korea in 1975 [91]. Among males aged 10 to 14 years, a clear
dichotomy of reaction sizes can be observed (figure 23) [91]. The fraction of reactors
with indurations of 5 mm to 9 mm is fairly small, and the misclassification, considering
as infected those with 10 mm induration or greater, is likely to be very small. The
ability to distinguish infected from non-infected persons is largely dependent on the
ratio of the prevalence of infection with environmental mycobacteria, usually causing
smaller reactions, to the prevalence of infection with M. tuberculosis, usually causing
larger reactions. This ratio may change over time, making the distinction between the
infected and non-infected more or less difficult. This is exemplified in two surveys
Figure 22. Distribution of tuberculin skin test reaction sizes to 2 TU PPD RT23 compared in sur-
veys conducted in Djibouti and Tanzania. Persons with a reaction size of 0 mm were excluded for
easier display. Data for Tanzania from [90]. Data for Djibouti courtesy :Trébucq A, IUATLD.
- 38 -
Fraction reacting
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Induration (mm)
Figure 23. Distribution of tuberculin skin test reaction sizes to 1 TU PPD RT23 in Korea, 1975.
Persons with a reaction size of 0 mm were excluded for easier display. Data from [91].
Per cent reacting
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Induration (mm)
Per cent reacting
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Induration (mm)
Figure 24. Distribution of tuberculin skin test reaction sizes to 1 TU PPD RT23 in Korea, results
of two surveys from 1965 and 1995. Data from [93, 94].
- 39 -
from Korea, one carried out in 1965, and the other in 1995 (figure 24) [92-94]. In
1965, differentiating those who were infected with M. tuberculosis from those who
were not was straightforward. By 1995, when the prevalence of infection with
M. tuberculosis had markedly decreased, the distinction had become much more dif-
ficult, as the gray zone at that time contributed a much larger fraction of all reactors.
Vaccination with Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) induces tuberculin sensitivity
to various degrees [95]. The largest trial on BCG vaccination ever conducted was
carried out in Chingleput, India [96]. This trial also provided follow-up information
on tuberculin sensitivity following vaccination. An example of the distribution of
reaction sizes to tuberculin 2.5 months and 4 years following vaccination in children
aged less than 5 years is shown in figure 25. Shortly following vaccination, the dis-
tribution is indistinguishable from that caused by natural infection with M. tubercu-
losis. Within a few years, the mode shifted to the left, but a considerable proportion
of children still showed large reactions. The influence of BCG vaccination on the
results of tuberculin skin testing is clearly related to the time elapsed since
Per cent reacting
Induration (mm)
Figure 25. Distribution of tuberculin skin test reaction sizes following BCG vaccination 2.5 months
and 4 years after vaccination, Chingleput, India, and 4 to 5 years after vaccination in Puerto Rico. Figure
reproduced with the permission of the Indian Council of Medical Research from [96] and with the
permission of the American Public Health Association from [97].
- 40 -
vaccination. In Puerto Rico, a tuberculin skin test showed considerably less waning
4 to 5 years after vaccination (figure 25) [97]. The age of the children in this case
was between 1 and 18 years at intake. In Chingleput, BCG strains 1331 (“Paris”
strain) and 1173 P (“Copenhagen” strain) were both used, and in Puerto Rico the
Birkhaug-Albany strain was used. It is documented that post-vaccination reactivity
to tuberculin varies not only with the strain [95], but also with age at vaccination and
time elapsed since vaccination [96].
Induration (mm)
Figure 26. Model of the composite distribution of tuberculin skin test reactions reaction sizes in the
presence of non-specific reactions. The observed composite distribution (solid histogram) is attribu-
table to at least three distributions: a distribution from those infected with M. tuberculosis (solid line),
a distribution of those infected with mycobacteria other than M. tuberculosis (dotted line with a mode
at around 2 to 3 mm). Zero mm reactors are excluded. Figure reproduced with the permission of
Churchill Livingstone from [98].
- 41 -
is misclassified. Moving to the left, i.e., towards a lower cut-off point, increases
sensitivity by reducing the proportion with false-negative results among those with
the characteristic, while decreasing specificity by increasing the proportion of false-
positive results among those without the characteristic. Moving to the right, i.e.,
towards a higher cut-off point, has the opposite effect. To determine the prevalence
of infection is possible only if both the sensitivity and the specificity of the test are
known. However, while the sensitivity of the tuberculin test is fairly well characte-
rized, the specificity of the test remains largely unpredictable.
Arbitrary cut-off points to denote the presence or absence of infection, such as
10 mm, 14 mm, or 18 mm of induration or more, might be adequate under certain
circumstances, but not at all under others.
In a tuberculin skin test survey on mainland Tanzania in 1957, the frequency of
non-specific sensitization varied considerably in different districts in the southeas-
tern part of the country [99]. Nevertheless, it was assumed that non-specific reac-
tions did not exceed 14 mm induration. Under this assumption, the sensitivity at this
cut-off (based on areas with little cross-reaction) was 82 per cent, i.e., 18 per cent
of infected persons were missed with this cut-off point. For this reason, the preva-
lence of infection was subsequently determined by dividing the number of those
with ≥14 mm reaction sizes by 0.82 to account for the loss of sensitivity. As stated
in the paper, this approach was dependent on the assumption that the specificity of
the test at this cut-off point was 100 per cent, an assumption not borne out by fin-
dings in the much larger surveys later carried out in Tanzania [90].
The sensitivity of the tuberculin skin test is much better defined than its specifi-
city. This is indicated by similar, close to normal distributions of reaction sizes in
tuberculosis patients [76, 83] and healthy persons in areas with little interference from
environmental mycobacteria (Djibouti survey). In such settings, the mode occurs at
a size from 16 mm to 19 mm [81]. This has led to the use of the so-called mirror
image technique [100]. This approach assumes that the number of persons with
reaction sizes above the mode equals the number of those with reaction sizes below
the mode. The number of infected persons is calculated by doubling the number with
reaction sizes larger than the mode plus the number of those with a reaction size loca-
ted at the mode. Again, the assumption is made that the specificity at this diameter
is 100 per cent, an assumption that is certainly more justified than with 14 mm.
Nevertheless, there are several problems with the approach. First, a large amount of
information is lost. Second, a mode can not always be easily identified, as shown
in the example of the Tanzania survey. However, the choice of the exact location of
the mode is crucial, as the calculated prevalence of infection is very sensitive to the
location of the mode [98].
- 42 -
Fraction reacting
Induration (mm)
Figure 27. Mixture model applied to the Tanzania tuberculin survey [90]. The histogram represents
the recorded indurations. The distributions resulting from sensitization to environmental myco-
bacteria (line with hollow circles) and from infection with M. tuberculosis (line with filled circles) are
modeled. Unpublished data (Neuenschwander BE, Zwahlen M, Rieder HL).
Prevalence of infection
- 43 -
prevalence of infection is higher, findings from early surveys in industrialized coun-
tries and from surveys in countries with a currently high prevalence of tuberculous
infection are particularly meaningful.
Mantoux conducted the first survey giving age-specific prevalence of tuberculous
infection using the intradermal technique (with Old Tuberculin) in healthy children
in Paris, France [61]. Figure 28 shows that at the age of 5 years, about half the chil-
dren were already infected with M. tuberculosis. Figures 29 and 30 show the age-
specific prevalence of infection, stratified by sex, in Denmark [102] and India [103],
respectively. In both countries, the prevalence of infection among males and females
increases in children at approximately the same increments, but increases more
rapidly in males than in females after childhood. The resulting difference in the
prevalence of infection among adult males and females is noticeable in Denmark and
rather large in India. This is best demonstrated in the male-to-female ratio of age-
specific prevalence of infection in the two surveys (figure 31) [102, 103].
The age-specific prevalence of infection in industrialized countries markedly
decreased during this century, as exemplified in Switzerland (figure 32) [104-107].
In 1920, virtually everybody was infected with M. tuberculosis by the age of 20
years. By 1978, the proportion infected at 20 years had dropped to 10 per cent.
Similarly, in a middle-income country, Korea, the age-specific prevalence of persons
Per cent reacting
0 5 10 15
Age (years)
Age (years)
Figure 28. Age-specific prevalence of tuberculous infection in children, Paris, France, 1910. Data
from [61].
- 44 -
Prevalence of infection (%) 80 Females
0 5 10 15 25 35 45 55
Age (years)
Age (years)
Figure 29. Age- and sex-specific prevalence of tuberculosis infection in Denmark, 1950–1952.
Data from [102].
Prevalence of infection (%)
0 5 10 15 25 35 45 55
Age (years)
Age (years)
Figure 30. Age- and sex-specific prevalence of tuberculosis infection in India, 1961–1962. Data
from [103].
- 45 -
with reaction sizes of 10 mm or more decreased rapidly from 1965 to 1995
(figure 33) [91, 93, 94, 108, 109]).
Male-to-female ratio
0 5 10 15 25 35 45 55
Age (years)
Age (years)
Figure 31. Age-specific male-to-female ratio in prevalence of tuberculous infection in Denmark and
India. Data from [102] and [103].
- 46 -
100 1920
Prevalence of infection (%)
60 1978
20 (modeled)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Age (years)
Figure 32. Age-specific prevalence of tuberculous infection in Switzerland from 1920–1990. Data
from [104-107].
Figure 33. Age-specific prevalence of tuberculous infection, Korea, 1965–1995. Data from
[91, 93, 94, 108, 109].
- 47 -
Per cent infected
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Age (years)
Figure 34. Age-specific prevalence of tuberculous infection ( ≥10 mm induration of tuberculin skin
test) in urban and rural areas of Korea, 1965. Data from [93].
Per cent infected
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Age (years)
Figure 35. Age-specific prevalence of tuberculous infection (only reactors with ≥16 mm indura-
tion of tuberculin skin test included), in urban and rural areas of Zanzibar, 1961. Data from [110].
- 48 -
Kuemmerer and Comstock examined the variation in prevalence of infection
among high-school students in Washington County, United States, according to the
education level of parents and housing characteristics (figure 37) [112]. Crowding
was a particularly important predictor of large tuberculin skin test reactions.
60 Trondheim
Prevalence of infection (%)
Poor Poor
Heidelberg Rich
0 10 20 30
Age (years)
Age (years)
Figure 36. Age-specific prevalence of tuberculous infection in three countries. Surveys from 1910
to 1920 in Heidelberg (Germany),Trondheim (Norway), and Hué (Vietnam) by socioeconomic status.
Figure reproduced with the permission of the British Medical Research Council from [111].
- 49 -
Education Housing characteristics
Reactors per 1,000 25 of parents Persons per room
12+ yr < 12 yr <1 1+
Figure 37. Frequency of large tuberculin skin test reactions among high school students in
Washington County, by education of parents and housing characteristics, United States, 1963. Data
from [112].
of children will have escaped infection during the first year of life. A subsequent
90 per cent of 90 per cent, i.e., 81 per cent, will remain free of infection at the end
of the second year, and 90 per cent of 81 per cent, i.e., 72.9 per cent, will remain unin-
fected by their third birthday, etc. This is the principle behind deriving risk of infec-
tion from prevalence of infection, elaborated in more detail below.
- 50 -
prevalence of infection at the time of the survey, where both risk and prevalence are
expressed as fractions. Thus, if the prevalence of infection among 10.5-year-old
children is found to be 10.0 per cent at the midpoint of the survey (assumed to be at
the end of June 1997, for example, i.e., 1997.5,) then the risk of infection is:
R1992.25 ≈ 1 - (1 - 0.1)1/10.5 = 0.010
i.e., 1 per cent at the approximate calendar time of the end of March 1992.
Even sequential surveys a few years apart will not necessarily provide informa-
tion on the change in infection risk. If an earlier survey conducted in 1988, for
example, had also provided an estimated average annual risk of infection of 1.0 per
cent (approximated at calendar time 1983), the risk of infection has not necessarily
remained unchanged over calendar time up to the time of the second survey in 1997.
It may well be that the risk decreased in the first years after the birth of the second
at birth: 1 – Pb = 1
at age = 1: 1 – Pb+1 = 1 (1 – R)1
at age = 2: 1 – Pb+2 = 1 (1 – R)1 (1 – R)2
at age = a: 1 – Pb+a = 1 (1 – R)1 (1 – R)2. . . .(1 – R)a
1 – Pb+a = (1 – R)a
(1 – Pb+a)1/a = (1 – R)
R = 1 – (1 – Pb+a)1/a
- 51 -
cohort, for example as a result of implementation of an efficient program for
identifying and curing infectious cases. But the number of infectious cases may
subsequently have begun to increase because of increasing prevalence of HIV
infection among persons with tuberculous infection, leading to an increasing number
of transmitters and thus an increased risk of infection in the community. The net
effect of an initial decline, followed by an increase in risk of infection, may be that a
similar prevalence of infection is measured in the two surveys. Only serial estimates
will allow the determination of a trend. Because tuberculin surveys are by their very
nature not capable of identifying short-term changes in the risk of infection in a com-
munity, spacing of surveys should be sufficiently large to economize on resources.
- 52 -
England and Wales
10 Serbia
Per cent risk (log scale)
10% Netherlands
0.1 15%
Figure 38. Secular trends in the annual risk of infection in selected European countries. Data from
[107, 118, 121-125].
Risk of infection (%)
3 Africa
Lesotho Korea South-East Asia
2 Gambia Pakistan Eastern Mediterranean
Botswana Western Pacific
Argentina Malaysia Algeria
70 75 80 85
Figure 39. Recent estimates of the annual risk of infection in different regions and countries.
Figure reproduced with the permission of the World Health Organization from [120].
- 53 -
reaching adulthood. In the Netherlands the risk of infection was in the order of
magnitude of 10 or more per cent [122], and it was probably very similar in most
European countries, as a comparison of analyses from different countries shows
(figure 38) [107, 118, 121-125]. The slope of decline in all countries is parallel,
and the average annual decline is in the order of magnitude of 10 to 12 per cent.
While a similar level may not be reached in the different countries until as much as
15 to 20 years later, this is less important than the rate of the decline. This has, for
example, resulted in a reduction in the annual risk of infection in the Netherlands from
around 10 per 100 in 1910 to less than 10 per 100,000 population in 1990.
Cauthen and collaborators analyzed the trends in the average annual risk of infec-
tion from available tuberculin skin test surveys in several low income countries
[120]. A summary of the most recent estimates of the risk of infection shows large
differences between regions and countries (figure 39) [120]. Examples of the results
of this analysis are summarized in figure 40 for the WHO African Region, in figure 41
for the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region and in figure 42 for the WHO
Risk of infection (%)
(log scale)
50 60 70 80
Figure 40. Trends in the annual risk of infection in the World Health Organization Africa
Region. Dark symbols and lines are used to display risk estimates and trends for national
populations and large parts of national populations; light symbols and lines are used to display
risk estimates for sub-national units; solid lines connect surveys that closely represent the
same population; dashed lines connect surveys that represent approximately the same popu-
lation. Figure reproduced with the permission of the World Health Organization from [120].
- 54 -
Risk of infection (%)
2 Bahrain
(log scale)
1 Pakistan
Slope reference: Syria
% decline / year
0.5 1%
50 60 70 80
Figure 41. Trends in the annual risk of infection in the World Health Organization Eastern
Mediterranean Region. Dark symbols and lines are used to display risk estimates and trends for
national populations and large parts of national populations; light symbols and lines are used to
display risk estimates for sub-national units; solid lines connect surveys that closely represent
the same population; dashed lines connect surveys that represent approximately the same popu-
lation. Figure reproduced with the permission of the World Health Organization from [120].
Risk of infection (%)
(log scale)
Slope reference:
% decline / year
0.5 1%
5% India
0.2 Indonesia
50 60 70 80
Figure 42. Trends in the annual risk of infection in the World Health Organization South-East
Asia Region. Dark symbols and lines are used to display risk estimates and trends for natio-
nal populations and large parts of national populations; light symbols and lines are used to dis-
play risk estimates for sub-national units; solid lines connect surveys that closely represent the
same population; dashed lines connect surveys that represent approximately the same popu-
lation. Figure reproduced with the permission of the World Health Organization from [120].
- 55 -
South-East Asia Region. In the WHO Africa Region, the annual decline is less than
5 per cent in all countries for which data were available. In the Eastern Mediterranean
Region the average annual decline was between 5 and 10 per cent, and in the South-
East Asia Region the decline was difficult to ascertain, but the data also suggest an
annual decline of less than 5 per cent.
Thus, this analysis shows that the decline in the annual risk of infection varies greatly
in different areas of the world. In no country is the risk currently known to be as large
as it was in Europe at the beginning of the twentieth century. However, the rate of
decline is so slow in some countries that the prospects for an acceleration of the decline
in the risk of infection in the near future are small. Furthermore, the rapid increase in
the number of infectious cases observed in many countries, particularly in sub-Saharan
Africa, is most likely to lead to an increase in infection risk. Because the risk of infection
and its change over time will affect the prevalence of infection as people enter into
adulthood, the speed of decline in risk of infection has important repercussions on
subsequent morbidity in different regions of the world. To achieve this goal, a much
more aggressive approach to control than currently applied will be required [126].
- 56 -
Per cent of total population 20
Not infected
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Age (years)
Age (years)
Figure 43. Estimated age-specific prevalence of tuberculous infection in Western Europe in 1990.
Data courtesy: ten Dam HG, 1990.
Per cent of total population
Not infected
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Age (years)
Age (years)
Figure 44. Estimated age-specific prevalence of tuberculous infection in sub-Saharan Africa in 1990.
Data courtesy: ten Dam HG, 1990.
- 57 -
approximately 50 per cent of the population younger than 15 years of age. Half or
more of the population aged 15 to 49 years is infected with tubercle bacilli according
to this model. Taking into account the slow rate of decline in infection risk, and per-
haps even an increase in some of the countries, it is unlikely that this picture will
change substantially for the better over the coming decades.
In South-East Asia, the age distribution of the population resembles the distribu-
tion in sub-Saharan Africa, but with a slightly lower proportion of the population found
in the youngest age groups (figure 45). Here, the proportion infected in the economi-
cally productive years of life (15 to 49 years of age) is even larger than in sub-Saharan
Africa. Any change in this picture will depend on the trend in risk of infection.
In all of these analyses, the role that HIV may impart on the transmission dyna-
mics of M. tuberculosis has not been accounted for. As the discussion on increased
morbidity in high HIV incidence and prevalence countries will show, the risk and pre-
valence of tuberculous infection is likely on the increase in some countries. This will
provoke a vicious cycle: an increase in the prevalence of tuberculous infection will
lead to ever more incident cases (and thus transmitters), which will lead to a further
increase in the risk of infection. The situation is further aggravated if some of the
tuberculosis infected are, or are becoming, co-infected with HIV infection.
Per cent of total population
Not infected
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Age (years)
Age (years)
Figure 45. Estimated age-specific prevalence of tuberculous infection in South-East Asia / Oceania
(excluding Australia and New Zealand) in 1990. Data courtesy: ten Dam HG, 1990.
- 58 -
These modeled estimates of the prevalence of infection from risk of infection must
nevertheless be interpreted with caution. Estimates of the risk of infection were
usually derived from surveys in a single age group, and have thus assumed a constant
risk of infection across age groups. That this is not necessarily the case has been
demonstrated by Sutherland [12], and more recently by Nagelkerke [127]. If the risk
of infection varies considerably by age, extrapolations from a single age group might
thus be erroneous.
Overall, available estimates suggest that approximately one third of the world
population is currently infected with M. tuberculosis. This crude proportion is very
similar in different regions of the world, but the age-specific analyses demonstrate
important differences. In most industrialized countries (as exemplified with Western
Europe), tuberculous infection is concentrated among the elderly, while in Latin
America, South-East Asia, and sub-Saharan Africa, the young economically produc-
tive and reproductive age groups constitute the most important population segment
with tuberculous infection. Furthermore, the rapid decline in risk of infection is likely
to accelerate the disappearance of tuberculous infection as a public health problem in
industrialized countries, while the slow decline or probable increase in some parts of
the world will result in a continued high prevalence of infection in young adults.
- 59 -
infection is intrinsically coupled to duration of undiagnosed, untreated, transmis-
sible tuberculosis, and thus with person-time of infectiousness in the community.
This person-time of infectiousness may be variable, except in the absence of inter-
vention in a standardized population and in the presence of an epidemiologic equi-
librium. The duration of infectiousness, coupled with the incidence of new infectious
cases, is reflected in the prevalence of such cases (i.e., prevalence is a function of inci-
dence and duration). As soon as an effective intervention is introduced, the duration
of infectiousness is reduced, transmission is decreased and the relation between
prevalence and incidence is disturbed.
This is demonstrated in figures 46 and 47. In the first example, the point preva-
lence is double (24 cases) the incidence (12 cases), and the person-time of infec-
tiousness or period prevalence (the sum of the periods of infectiousness contributed
by each case) in year three is 288 person-months. In the second example, the aver-
age duration of each case is only 6 months, and the period prevalence in year three
is 72 person-months. If the cases in these examples are infectious tuberculosis cases,
the first situation might reflect no intervention, while in the second situation
In year 3:
Incidence: 12 cases
Point prevalence, March 15: 24 cases
Period prevalence year 3: 288 person-months
Figure 46. Schematic presentation of the relation between incidence, point prevalence, and period
prevalence. This figure depicts a situation where the prevalence is double the incidence. The straight
horizontal lines symbolize each incident case and its duration of infectiousness. The straight vertical
lines symbolize the beginning / end of a calendar year, and the dotted vertical line an arbitrary chosen
point of a prevalence survey on March 15.
- 60 -
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4
In year 3:
Incidence: 12 cases
Point prevalence, March 15: 6 cases
Period prevalence year 3: 72 person-months
Figure 47. Schematic presentation of the relation between incidence, point prevalence, and period
prevalence. This figure depicts a situation where the prevalence is half the incidence. The straight
horizontal lines symbolize each incident case and its duration of infectiousness. The straight vertical
lines symbolize the beginning / end of a calendar year, and the dotted vertical line an arbitrary
chosen point of a prevalence survey on March 15.
- 61 -
Figure 48. Cumulative percentage of sputum smear-positivity after onset of symptoms of
pulmonary tuberculosis among patients who where ultimately sputum smear-positive, Sweden,
1910–1911 and 1934. Data from [129].
- 62 -
- 63 -
Figure 49. Selected risk factors for tuberculosis given that infection has occurred. Data from
[132] and various other sources (see text). The diamond represents the referent (infection that has
occurred > 7 years in the past), full circles are relative risks (from population-based studies), open
circles are odds ratios (from case-control studies), and dotted lines connecting circles indicate ranges
in different studies.
Number of cases
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Week afterinfection
Figure 50. Development of primary tuberculosis after infection. Figure reproduced with the
permission of Churchill Livingstone from [133].
- 64 -
Number of cases
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Month after infection
Figure 51. Development of tuberculous meningitis after infection. Figure reproduced with the
permission of Churchill Livingstone from [133].
low, but measurable for a prolonged period of time (figure 52) [134]. Information from
the tuberculin-positive placebo group in BCG vaccination trials also indicated that the
incidence of tuberculosis is highest in the first few years after infection, and then
rapidly falls off (figure 52) [135]. Of the 140 cases observed in this group in the BCG
trial conducted by the British Medical Research Council during a 20-year follow-up,
64 (45.7 per cent) developed within the first 2.5 years, and 95 (67.9 per cent) within
Cases per 1,000 reactors
Figure 52. Incidence of tuberculosis among household contacts receiving placebo, compared to
household contacts receiving preventive chemotherapy with isoniazid [134] and number of tuber-
culosis cases among unvaccinated persons with large tuberculin skin test reactions by time interval
after beginning of observation in a controlled clinical trial on BCG vaccination in Great Britain [135].
- 65 -
the first 5 years. It must be stressed that it was not known in the latter study at what
time infection had actually been acquired before intake into the study.
The quality of the information on the absolute incidence of tuberculosis varies
considerably in different studies and at different times. These differences are attrib-
utable to differences in the case definition of primary tuberculosis, to differences of
time elapsed since becoming infected, to differences in the age of the patients at the
time of assessment, and other factors. A commonly used rule of thumb is that the
lifetime risk of a newly infected young child might be 10 per cent [136], and that half
of this risk falls within the first five years following infection. The qualifying words
here are “young child” (1 to 3 years in this case), because it is apparent that the shor-
ter the remaining life span, the smaller the cumulative lifetime risk will be. For ope-
rational purposes, the term “primary tuberculosis” has been proposed for disease
developing within 5 years following infection [122, 137]. While a 5-year cut-off
may seem somewhat arbitrary, it approximates the time required for achieving the
median cumulative lifetime risk of a child.
The reason for the high risk of tuberculosis following shortly after acquisition of
infection is most likely largely attributable to a “filter” effect: those with the least
defenses against progression from sub-clinical infection to tuberculosis are the most
likely to develop disease shortly after infection. Not developing tuberculosis imme-
diately following infection, by contrast, may indicate superior defense mechanisms.
The period of time that has elapsed since becoming infected is probably one of
the most important risk factors for tuberculosis. It is a strong factor, with recent
infection being 10 times more likely to produce a case than a long-standing infec-
tion. Furthermore, virtually every new case of infectious tuberculosis is accompa-
nied by new infections that may lead to new cases. The contribution of disease
resulting from recent infection to overall tuberculosis morbidity in a community
will, however, vary with the risk of infection in a community and the pre-existing pre-
valence of tuberculous infection. A qualification of the definition of recent infection
as a risk factor is indicated here. It refers solely to the average annual risk of tuber-
culosis during each of the 5 years following primary infection defined above cumu-
latively as primary tuberculosis, as the cumulative risk of tuberculosis from remote
infection (lasting for more than 5 years) might become considerable over a
sufficiently long period of observation.
- 66 -
initially tuberculin-positive persons was prospectively assessed [138]. Among 49
tuberculin-positive, HIV-seropositive persons, seven developed tuberculosis over an
observation period of approximately 2 years (7.9 per 100 person-years). The risk
of development of disease in previously infected persons might be considerably
higher, however, because 13 of the 49 had received preventive therapy, and none of
the cases appeared in this group. This study has demonstrated that HIV infection is
the most powerful factor yet recognized in the progression to disease from pre-exis-
ting infection with M. tuberculosis [132]. In a retrospective cohort study in Zaire
[139], the relative risk of tuberculosis among HIV-seropositive women was 26 com-
pared with seronegative women.
The risk of development of disease in previously infected persons is not equally
spread over the course of HIV infection. A study in Florida, United States, conducted
before the definition of the acquired immune-deficiency syndrome (AIDS) included
tuberculosis [140], and another one in New York City [141], have shed some light on
the temporal association between tuberculosis and the occurrence of other
opportunistic diseases. In the Florida study [140], tuberculosis occurred more than
1 month before other opportunistic diseases in 50 per cent; in another 30 per cent it
occurred within 1 month before or 1 month after, and it was diagnosed more than
1 month after the occurrence of other opportunistic diseases in 20 per cent (figure 53).
No. of cases
-15 -12 -9 -6 -3 0 3 6
Quarters before Quarters after
Quarters after
AIDS diagnosis
AIDS diagnosis AIDS diagnosis
Figure 53. Temporal association between tuberculosis and other AIDS-defining opportunistic
diseases in Florida, United States. Figure reproduced with the permission of the American Medical
Association from [140].
- 67 -
Similarly, in New York City [141], the occurrence of tuberculosis was temporarily
skewed towards precedence before other opportunistic diseases by a median of
2 months. Tuberculosis started to occur with increasing frequency about 3 years
before onset of other opportunistic diseases, and increased in frequency with dimi-
nishing interval to form a bell-shaped curve around the diagnosis of other opportu-
nistic diseases. This is biologically plausible, because HIV infection tends to induce
increasing immunosuppression with increasing duration of infection, thus increa-
sing the likelihood of offsetting the precarious balance between the tubercle bacillus
and the host's cellular immune system.
The risk of tuberculosis among HIV-infected persons is closely correlated with
the number of CD4+ lymphocytes, as shown in a prospective study among HIV-
infected persons with tuberculin skin test reactions of 5 mm or more in Italy
(figure 54) [142]. De Cock has reviewed the relation between degree of
immunosuppression and manifestation of tuberculosis [143]. If tuberculosis in an
HIV-infected individual develops relatively early on in the course of HIV infection,
pulmonary tuberculosis is a common manifestation. With progression of immuno-
suppression, lymphatic tuberculosis and serous forms ensue (pleural, peritoneal, and
pericardial tuberculosis), followed by tuberculous meningitis. With very low CD4
cell counts, disseminated tuberculosis is a common feature (figure 55). This is
Tuberculosis incidence per
100 person-yr (log scale)
Figure 54. Risk of tuberculosis (cases per 100 person-years) among HIV infected persons, by
CD4+ lymphocyte count. Data from [142].
- 68 -
consistent with studies in animal models conducted by Lurie [144]. Rabbits inbred
for susceptibility to bovine tuberculosis showed that the more susceptible animals
were considerably less likely to form cavities, but more likely to develop lymphatic
and disseminated tuberculosis. Similarly, children who develop primary progressive
tuberculosis are more likely to develop lymphatic and disseminated tuberculosis
[145, 146].
The annual risk of progression from latent, sub-clinical tuberculous infection to
disease is in the order of 5 to 15 per cent if HIV infection becomes superimposed
[138, 139, 147, 148]. Because reactions of between 5 and 9 mm are less likely to
be attributable to tuberculous infection, the risk might be larger in dually infected per-
sons. This was shown in another prospective study from Italy (figure 56) [149].
Thus, an assessment of the tuberculosis risk among HIV-infected persons depends
first on the certainty that there is co-existing tuberculous infection and then on the
level of immunosuppression. The risk is likely to be much larger if HIV infection
is followed by tuberculous infection: in that case, the host might be almost completely
defenseless against the invading organism. Thus, risk differences in individuals
might be hugely different, as shown in figure 57.
Lymphatic, serous tuberculosis
Tuberculous meningitis
Duration HIVinfection
- 69 -
Cases per 100 person-years
(log scale)
0 2 5 10
Induration (mm)
Figure 56. Risk of tuberculosis among HIV-infected persons by size of tuberculin skin test reaction.
Data from [149].
Cases per 1,000 person-years
(log scale)
Long-standing Recent
Long-standing Recent Super-
Super- Underlying
infection infection
infection imposed HIV
imposed HIVinfection
HIV infection
HIV infection
Figure 57. Example of risk of tuberculosis following tuberculous infection in individuals with
different risk factors.
- 70 -
Spontaneously healed tuberculosis with fibrotic residuals
Tuberculosis may spontaneously remit without treatment. However, if not treated,
the disease is likely to recur in a large proportion of cases. Persons who had tuber-
culosis which healed spontaneously leaving fibrotic residuals (“fibrotic lesions” is
another commonly used term) are at increased risk of developing tuberculosis again
[150-152]. The 5-year follow-up in the trial on preventive therapy carried out by the
International Union Against Tuberculosis provided data for estimating the incidence
of tuberculosis among persons with fibrotic, stable lesions suggestive of old, healed
tuberculosis [152]. From the 5-year follow-up in the untreated placebo group it can
be estimated that the natural incidence was 2.9 per 1,000 person-years. This is similar
to that obtained by Falk and Fuchs [151], who estimated an incidence of two cases
per 1,000 person-years. However, the incidence varied considerably (2.6, 4.0, and
13.6 per 1,000 person-years) in three studies reviewed by Edwards et al. [150].
The size of the radiographic lesion resulting from healed tuberculosis is an impor-
tant determinant of the risk for reactivation [152]. Persons with fibrotic lesions of
2 cm or more in diameter were twice as likely to develop tuberculosis compared
with patients with smaller sized lesions.
There are large differences in tuberculosis incidence by age. Theoretically, these
disparities may be attributed to differences in risk or prevalence of infection, diffe-
rences in disease risk once infected, or both. The trend of commonly observed
higher incidence of disease with increasing age can be partly explained by the cumu-
latively increasing prevalence of tuberculous infection. Adolescents and young
adults appear to be especially prone to progression from latent infection to disease
(figure 58) [136], while children around the age of 10 years appear to be least prone.
Variation with stage of maturity is not as likely an explanation of the steady increase
in incidence rates among adults up to the age of 60 years. However, there are indi-
cations that the risk of tuberculosis following infection increases beyond the age of
60 years [153].
A study of the occurrence of different forms of extrapulmonary tuberculosis in
the United States among patients with tuberculosis [145] opens anew questions of
differences in susceptibility to the manifestation of tuberculosis among different
age, sex, and race/ethnic groups. The relation of tuberculosis with age at one extreme
showed the decreasing likelihood of lymphatic tuberculosis with increasing age and
at the other the increasing likelihood of genitourinary tuberculosis with increasing
age. Lymphatic tuberculosis, particularly intrathoracic, is commonly perceived as
- 71 -
an expression of increased susceptibility because of immunosuppression [141, 154]
or period of time elapsed since infection coupled with maturational factors.
Conversely, genitourinary tuberculosis is believed to be most often the result of
recrudescence of long-standing latent tuberculous foci [155]. Pleural tuberculosis
is virtually absent in small children. Pleural tuberculosis is generally perceived as
a delayed hypersensitivity reaction to antigens of M. tuberculosis [156], often leading
to sequestration of antigen-reactive T-lymphocytes into the pleural space [157]. It
is conceivable that the virtual absence of tuberculous pleurisy in very young children
might be attributable to a lower sensitivity to tuberculin at that age.
Genetic factors
A re-analysis of the data from the Prophit survey, adjusting for various potential
confounding factors, has shown that concordance for tuberculosis risk was signifi-
cantly higher among monozygotic than dizygotic twin pairs [158]. This finding
indicates that inherited susceptibility is an important risk factor for tuberculosis.
There are numerous discernable genetic factors that might affect the risk of
tuberculosis, some of which are summarized here.
There appears to be a difference between males and females in tuberculosis inci-
dence rates following infection. Among tuberculin-positive participants in the BCG vac-
cination trial in Puerto Rico, incidence was 18 per cent higher among females than
among males [136]. In the Danish national survey [102], the risk of tuberculosis among
infected females was also greater than among infected males from the age of 15 to
44 years, but was lower among females than among males beyond 44 years of age.
In a study of extrapulmonary tuberculosis in Cambodian refugees in Thailand,
lymphatic tuberculosis was equally frequent among male and female children, but
was much more common among adult females than among adult males (figure 59)
[159], suggesting that underlying genetic and maturational factors may impact on the
expression of tuberculosis.
A striking difference in the likelihood of developing extrapulmonary tuberculosis
was found between male and female patients with tuberculosis in the study on extra-
pulmonary tuberculosis in the United States [145]. Among all forms of extrapulmonary
tuberculosis, only pleural tuberculosis was equally likely to develop in male and
female tuberculosis patients (adjusted for age, race/ethnicity, and country of origin).
All other extrapulmonary forms (lymphatic, osteoarticular, peritoneal, pericardial,
meningeal, and rarer forms) were consistently more likely to develop in female than
- 72 -
Average annual case rate (per 100,000)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Figure 58. Incidence of tuberculosis among initial reactors to tuberculin by age when tuberculosis
was first diagnosed. Figure reproduced with the permission of the American Journal of Epidemiology
from [136].
Per cent of cases
20 Male
<< 15
15 yr >
>== 15
15 yr
Figure 59. Tuberculosis of peripheral lymph nodes by age and sex, Cambodian refugees,Thailand,
1981-1984. Data from [159].
- 73 -
in male patients. The preponderance of lymphatic tuberculosis among female patients
has been noted in a large, detailed review [160]. The investigator noted that female
preponderance was relatively greatest in the 20- to 24-year-old group, and absolutely
greatest in the 10- to 14-year-old group. These data suggest that maturational and
hormonal factors may play a role in the risk of tuberculosis and its manifestations.
Body build
There is considerable evidence that tuberculosis incidence is strongly associated
with body build [161]. Data from studies in United States Navy recruits [162, 163]
and from the BCG trial in Georgia/Alabama, United States [164], suggest that the inci-
dence of tuberculosis among persons below ideal body weight is 2.2 to four times
greater than among persons with normal weight for height. In these studies adjust-
ments had been made for tuberculin status. In Norway, Tverdal [165] studied the
association between body mass index and tuberculosis incidence among 1.2 million
persons older than 14 years of age who were followed for periods of 8 to 19 years.
With increased body mass index, the incidence of pulmonary (but not extrapulmonary)
tuberculosis decreased by a roughly linear trend on the logarithmic scale. The age-
adjusted incidence in the 17 per cent with the lowest body mass index was 3.1 times
greater than that in the 12 per cent with the highest body mass index, and 2.5 times
greater than in the group at the body mass index median (containing 22 per cent of
persons followed). The incidence of infectious tuberculosis by body mass index
among 30- to 49-year-old persons, stratified by sex, is shown in figure 60 [165].
HLA types
Among the genetic traits that have been implicated as tuberculosis risk factors,
the role of human leukocyte antigen (HLA) types has been studied extensively.
Among HLA types, A11-B15 and DR2 have been shown in some studies to increase
the odds of tuberculosis 1.5- to 3.5-fold [166-168]. An association between HLA type
and occurrence of tuberculosis is not consistently found, however. Hawkins et al.
[169] found no statistically significant association in a large study among Hong Kong
Chinese (256 pulmonary cases and 100 healthy control subjects). In addition,
Hawkins et al. found no association by haplotype segregation analysis among 93 off-
spring and 38 parents in 21 multicase families.
Blood groups
In a study by Overfield and Klauber [170] of Eskimo tuberculosis patients, the
disease was significantly more likely among those with blood group AB or B than
among those with blood group O or A.
- 74 -
In an outbreak of tuberculosis in a pediatric hospital, children with hemophilia
were more likely than children with other disorders to develop the disease [171,
172]. Of the 16 children with hemophilia who were exposed, six developed tuber-
culosis, compared with three of 75 with other disorders. If the two boys in the study
with HIV infection are excluded, the relative risk is 7.1. The incidence observed in
exposed hemophiliacs was similar to that in children receiving cytotoxic chemothe-
rapy for leukemia and solid tumors (10 of 21 exposed).
Virgin populations
There are indications that the risk of disease following infection might be
considerably higher in populations which have not previously been in contact with
tuberculosis [173, 174].
100 Female
2.1 2.3 2.5 2.7 2.9 3.1
Body massindex (g/cm22))
Figure 60. Incidence of infectious tuberculosis by body mass index and sex among adults, Norway.
Data from [165].
- 75 -
a family particularly prone to developing a rare form of skin tuberculosis, lupus
vulgaris, while other forms were virtually absent (figure 61) [175]. Natural resis-
tance to progression to disease following infection with tubercle bacilli has been
postulated to be influenced by the gene for the natural-resistance-associated macro-
phage protein 1 (nramp1) as was shown in a case-control study of tuberculosis in the
Gambia, West Africa [176]. However, the results of the study have been challenged
because of the failure to adjust either for pre-existing tuberculous infection or for the
probably ubiquitous presence of environmental mycobacteria in the country where
the study was conducted [177]. Animal experiments suggest further that nramp1-
determined defenses are subordinate to other defenses against tuberculosis [178].
While it has been argued that black Americans might be more susceptible to
tuberculosis than white Americans given that tuberculous infection has occurred
[179, 180], this has been challenged [181, 182]. Differences in disease frequency
observed among different races appear mainly attributable to differences in incidence
and prevalence of infection. Follow-up of large numbers of participants in a BCG
vaccination trial in Puerto Rico revealed no major differences in the incidence of
tuberculosis between black and white tuberculin reactors [97, 136]. In a follow-up
study of tuberculin-positive United States Navy recruits, incidence rates for blacks
and whites were also similar. However, a much higher incidence was observed in
Figure 61. Excess frequency of lupus vulgaris in a family. The filled symbols indicate death from tuber-
culosis, the double vertical line unspecified decendency, and circles indicate unknown sex. Figure
reproduced with the permission of Springer-Verlag GmbH from [175].
- 76 -
Asians (nearly all of whom were from the Philippines) than in blacks or whites
[183]. Black/white disparities in the incidence of disease following infection in the
United States are relatively minor. Inequities between races in the long-term decline
of tuberculosis incidence observed in adult age groups appear to reflect disparities
between blacks and whites in the rate of decline in the risk of tuberculous infection.
However, in the study on extrapulmonary tuberculosis in the United States consi-
derable differences were observed between the race/ethnic groups with regard to the
likelihood of extrapulmonary tuberculosis at a particular site [145]. For instance,
black patients with tuberculosis were only half as likely to develop genitourinary
tuberculosis as non-Hispanic white patients, and twice as likely to develop miliary
tuberculosis. American Indians with tuberculosis had the same likelihood of deve-
loping lymphatic tuberculosis as non-Hispanic white patients, but were 11 times
more likely to develop peritoneal tuberculosis. These differences remain largely
unexplained, but suggest that there may be underlying genetic or environmental
factors that determine the site of disease.
Environmental factors
Substance abuse
Two studies in England examined the relationship between cigarette smoking
and risk of tuberculosis [184, 185]. From these case-control studies, there is evidence
that the odds of tuberculosis increase with an increasing number of cigarettes smoked
(figure 62) [185].
In a study in Shanghai, tuberculosis incidence was shown to be higher among
smokers than among non-smokers [186]. The effect remained after adjustment for
age, sex, type of work, history of contact, and area of housing.
Alcohol abuse
Clinicians often point out an association between alcohol consumption and tuber-
culosis incidence. Nevertheless, epidemiologic evidence of a causal association is
inconclusive. The postulated association is confounded with environments (in indus-
trialized countries at least) which are conducive for increased transmission and thus
infection with M. tuberculosis. Nevertheless, because immune mechanisms affected
by alcohol are also those which are essential for resistance to tuberculosis [187],
excessive alcohol consumption might indeed increase the risk of tuberculosis.
- 77 -
Figure 62. Relative odds for tuberculosis among male smokers aged 30 years and older by num-
ber of cigarettes smoked per day, Great Britain. Figure reproduced with the permission of the BMJ
Publishing Group from [185].
It is a common notion that malnutrition adversely affects the immune system. In
Germany, tuberculosis mortality increased rapidly during the First World War,
declined subsequently, and increased again during the period of monetary inflation
with serious food shortages in the years 1922–1923 [189]. This second peak has been
attributed to malnutrition-associated tuberculosis. In the Netherlands, tuberculosis
mortality increased with the beginning of the Second World War, but the increase was
accentuated when a German food embargo led to a sharp drop in available calories
[189]. Switzerland, spared from the Second World War, nevertheless had to introduce
- 78 -
food rationing; increases in tuberculosis mortality were smaller than in Germany or
the Netherlands, but nevertheless noticeable [189].
Vegetarian diet has been identified as a risk factor for tuberculosis [190]. In this
case-control study, an increasing trend in risk was found with decreasing meat or fish
consumption. The highest odds were found for lactovegetarians. In this context, it
has been recommended that vitamin D supplementation might be particularly impor-
tant in persons with reduced exposure to sunlight [191]. The active metabolite of
vitamin D, 1,25-hydroxy-vitamin D3, promotes maturation and activation of human
monocytes and macrophages, and its inhibitory activity on multiplication of virulent
tubercle bacilli in human macrophages has been demonstrated [192]. It has been
hypothesized that some of the characteristics of tuberculosis among immigrants to
the United Kingdom (particularly the frequency of non-respiratory tuberculosis)
might be partially related to vitamin D deficiency [193]. However, the presence of
a large number of confounding effects precludes a firm conclusion.
Medical conditions
That tuberculosis is common among miners and patients with silicosis has long
been recognized [194]. Paul has estimated that the incidence of tuberculosis among
miners with silicosis was 26 times greater than among miners without silicosis [195].
Westerholm et al. published the results of a study of tuberculosis from the National
Swedish Pneumoconiosis register which found the odds of tuberculosis among
silicosis patients to be 30 times that of appropriate controls [196]. In a long-term
follow-up study of gold miners in South Africa, the relative risk for tuberculosis
was 2.8 for men with silicosis compared with that in men without silicosis [197].
Only about 55 per cent of those with the most severe form of silicosis remained
tuberculosis free after 7 years of follow-up, a 6.3 per cent average annual risk
(figure 63) [197]. A detailed study on risk factors among South African gold
miners has also shown the importance of the precise type of occupation of the
miners [198]: drilling, for example, was associated with a more than two-fold higher
risk of tuberculosis than working in low dust occupations within the mines.
Diabetes mellitus
The notion that diabetes mellitus and tuberculosis are associated is so old and
prevalent that it has long been taken for granted as more than a coincidence. There
- 79 -
are, however, only a few large surveys that permit a quantitative assessment of the
incidence of tuberculosis among diabetics in comparison with appropriate controls.
In a large survey in Philadelphia in the mid-1940s, the incidence was 8.4 per cent
in diabetics, compared with 4.3 per cent in non-diabetic industrial employees
[199]. In Sweden, Silwer and Oscarsson [200, 201] found pulmonary tuberculosis
in 3.6 per cent of their diabetic patients, compared with 0.88 per cent in a general
population control group. After adjustment for age and sex, the relative risk was
estimated to be 3.6. Opsahl et al. found the incidence of tuberculosis among
diabetics to be more than three times greater than in the general population [202].
These studies suffer in that they fail to adjust for tuberculous infection. It can
thus not be excluded that tuberculous infection was more frequent among diabetics
than non-diabetics. However, as the major studies were population-based, this
potential bias might not be so severe as to invalidate the findings. Furthermore, it
should be noted that diabetes is positively correlated, while tuberculosis risk is
negatively correlated with increasing body mass index [162, 165, 203], thus leading
to a potential underestimation of the risk of tuberculosis among diabetics
without adjustment for body weight.
Malignant lymphomas are recognized as being associated with high tuberculosis
morbidity [204]. Tuberculosis was reported to be common among patients with
lung cancer, and (what was then termed) lymphosarcoma, and reticulum cell
sarcoma [205]. Feld et al. investigated the occurrence of tuberculosis in a series
of patients with malignant disease and found a strikingly high frequency of
tuberculosis specifically in patients with carcinoma of the head and neck [206]. The
occurrence of 10 tuberculosis cases among 1,366 (seven cases per 1,000) patients
with squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck would suggest a relative risk
of the order of 16, compared with an annual incidence of 45 per 100,000 in the
general population of similar age (45 to 65 years). Tuberculosis cases were
ascertained from the time of primary cancer diagnosis, but the length of follow-up
was not determined. However, tuberculosis occurred much less frequently among
patients with other malignancies, which provides a degree of assurance through
specificity of effect that the association is not the spurious result of bias associated
with hospital-based studies.
Renal failure
Patients with end-stage renal failure and those on hemodialysis have consistently
been shown to be at increased risk of tuberculosis [207-212]. The incidence among
- 80 -
such patients is estimated to be 10 to 15 times greater than that of the general
Measles is recognized to reduce tuberculin skin test reactivity [213, 214]. It is
a commonly held belief that measles may also increase the risk of tuberculosis.
Nevertheless, a critical review of available data suggests that there is little evidence
to support the hypothesis that it does so [215].
Gastrectomy has been associated with high tuberculosis morbidity [216].
Although many studies claim a higher incidence among gastrectomized patients than
in the general population, a major deficiency has been the lack of an appropriate
control group. Thorn et al. partly overcame this deficiency in a study that found the
incidence of tuberculosis among male gastrectomy patients to be five times greater
than among men of the same age from the same area [217]. Whether gastrectomy
itself is a risk factor, or whether it is secondarily associated with another risk factor
Category 0
Per cent disease-free
Category 1
Category 2
Category 3
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Year of observation
Year of observation
Figure 63. Proportion with silicosis remaining free of tuberculosis among South African gold
miners, by severity of silicosis. Figure reproduced with the permission of the American Thoracic
Society / American Lung Association from [197].
- 81 -
such as departure from ideal body weight, remains unclear, however. In the study
by Thorn et al., for example, it was noted that gastrectomy patients weighing less than
85 per cent of ideal body weight were 14 times more likely to develop tuberculosis
than those whose weight was normal for height [217].
Jejunoileal bypass
The limited available data suggest that jejunoileal bypass surgery for obesity
might be a risk factor for tuberculosis [218]. Although a strikingly high prevalence
and incidence have been reported among such patients [219, 220], the overall number
of reported cases has been small.
Corticosteroid treatment
The relative importance of treatment with steroids as a risk factor for tuberculosis
has been a controversial question. Lurie demonstrated in several experiments that
glucocorticoids in large doses reduced resistance to a challenge with tubercle bacilli
in rabbit models [221]. In a review of reports of tuberculosis complicating corti-
costeroid therapy, Horne concluded that the risk was small [222]. Similarly, Haanaes
and Bergmann concluded from a large survey of tuberculosis patients in Norway
that the risk of reactivation during prolonged therapy with corticosteroids at 10 mg
or less per day, or with higher doses for short periods, must be low [223]. Schatz et al.
found no tuberculosis among their asthmatic patients who were treated with
systemic steroids [224]. Smyllie and Connolly prospectively studied 555
hospitalized patients who received corticosteroids compared with 499 who did
not [225]. Assessment after follow-up of 1.5 to 7 years revealed only one tubercu-
losis case in the corticosteroid group and two cases in the control group. However,
in the light of strong laboratory evidence [221, 226] and individual case reports that
high doses of steroids may adversely affect the outcome of tuberculosis [227, 228],
it is generally perceived as a risk factor requiring preventive intervention [229].
The role of pregnancy in the development of tuberculosis has long been debated
[230]. In his review, Snider came to the conclusion that there is no solid evidence
that pregnancy has an adverse effect on tuberculosis [230]. However, there are
indications that the post-partum period might increase the risk of progression to
tuberculosis [231]. Out of 65 cases of tuberculosis occurring between the beginning
of pregnancy and 6 months post-partum, 37 developed during the post-partum period,
suggesting that the risk of progression to tuberculosis in the post-partum period
might be double that during pregnancy.
- 82 -
Factors associated with the etiologic agent
Infecting dose effect
Experimental studies by Ratcliffe and Palladino in small mammals have shown
that almost all tubercle bacilli inhaled as single organisms reached the alveolus and
produced a tubercle [232]. It would thus appear that no dose effect would be expected
in the risk of tuberculosis given that infection has occurred, i.e., disease might not
depend on the number of inhaled tubercle bacilli. Nevertheless, a study in British
Columbia and Saskatchewan, Canada, by Grzybowski et al. appears to show that the
risk of disease given infection is larger if infection was caused by a sputum smear-
positive than if it was caused by a sputum smear-negative source case [30]. This effect
still holds after adjustment for race and sex (figure 64) [30, 132]. However, these data
should be interpreted with caution. It seems that in this study, a tuberculin skin test
was considered to be positive if the diameter of induration exceeded 5 mm [233]. At
this diameter the specificity of the test was unlikely to have been 100 per cent.
7 sm+/cul+
Per cent cases among reactors
4 sm+/cul+
sm-/cul- sm-/cul+
Intimate Casual
contact contact
Figure 64. Percentage of secondary cases with bacteriologically confirmed tuberculosis among infec-
ted contacts by type of contact and bacteriologic status of source case, British Columbia and
Saskatchewan, Canada, 1966 – 1971; sm+ and sm- indicates sputum smear-positive and sputum
smear-negative respectively; cul+ and cul- indicates sputum culture-positive and sputum culture-
negative respectively. Adjusted for race and sex, calculated from [30] and published in [132].
- 83 -
Because the prevalence of tuberculous infection is expected to be higher in close than
in casual contacts, the predictive value of 6 mm and more induration is lower in the
latter than in the former group. Thus, the risk of tuberculosis among reactors would
be expected to be lower in the latter. However, because cross-reactions due to en-
vironmental mycobacteria are likely to be of minor importance in British Columbia
and Saskatchewan, if the Navy Recruit study findings in the neighboring States
(Washington, Idaho, Montana) in the United States are taken as indicative [76], it
remains unresolved whether non-specificity of the test can explain the entire diffe-
Strain virulence
Different strains of tubercle bacilli exhibit different virulence in experimental
animal models [234-239]. Recently, stronger evidence has emerged that strains that
are more virulent in animal models might also be more virulent in humans [240], and
it appears that certain virulent strains may have a particular propensity to cause
tuberculous meningitis [241].
In guinea pigs, highly isoniazid-resistant, catalase-negative organisms have been
shown to be of low virulence [242]. However, in a more recent experiment in mice,
drug-resistant strains of tubercle bacilli exhibited a range of virulence [239].
Intravenous infection in mice with mycobacterial catalase-peroxidase protein
(katG)-deleted, isoniazid-resistant M. tuberculosis compared with mice infected with
tubercle bacilli in whom katG was restored has shown that the katG restored catalase-
peroxidase activity and enhanced tissue persistence [243]. These results indicate
that katG contributes to the ability of M. tuberculosis to grow and survive within
infected host tissue. Loss of the katG gene in another experiment led to loss of
virulence of a M. bovis strain, but subsequent re-integration of a functional katG gene
restored full virulence in guinea pigs [244].
In New York City, the implementation of effective control measures led to a
19 per cent decrease in tuberculosis cases from the period 1991–1992 to 1993–1994
[245]. However, in the same period the number of multidrug-resistant cases
(resistant to at least isoniazid and rifampicin) fell by 44 per cent. This disparity
continued into 1994 [246]. This is unexpected, as one would think that multi-
drug-resistant mutants would have a selective advantage to be transmitted (through
prolonged transmission due to treatment failure) and thus cause proportionately
more cases of secondary disease. Patients with multidrug-resistant strains will
remain infectious for a longer time on average than will patients with fully
susceptible organisms, as chemotherapy is likely to be less efficient in rapidly
reducing transmissibility.
- 84 -
It seems to be confirmed that certain genetic mutations in tubercle bacilli which
cause them to become isoniazid-resistant also reduce their virulence in experimental
animals. However, because several different mutations may independently cause
isoniazid resistance [247], it can not be concluded that all isoniazid-resistant strains
are less virulent than fully susceptible strains.
Figure 65. Correlation between the prevalence of tuberculous herds and the risk of tuberculosis
among human tuberculin reactors, Denmark. Figure reproduced with the permission of the World
Health Organization from [50].
- 85 -
7 urban
Figure 66. Estimated morbidity rates for 20- to 39-year-old tuberculin reactors infected from
human (and bovine) sources and bovine sources only. Data from [50].
One of the first comparative studies of BCG vaccination versus no vaccination
was carried out in Norway in 1927 [248]. It was noted during the study that student
nurses starting their work with a positive tuberculin skin test reaction had a much
lower risk of developing tuberculosis than those with an initially negative reaction.
From these findings it might be concluded that a pre-existing infection provided
some protection against re-infection compared to acquisition of new infection. This
is, however, not necessarily so, as those entering with infection pre-existing for an
unknown duration are precisely those who had escaped disease, most likely because
of better immunity. Thus, if infection occurs, those with pre-existing infection will
have, on average, better defense mechanisms than those who have not been previously
infected. Because nurses who were initially uninfected and were then vaccinated had
a similarly low tuberculosis risk during follow-up as those with pre-existing infection,
and much lower risk than that of uninfected student nurses who remained unvac-
cinated, one might conclude that a pre-existing infection does indeed provide some
protection against re-infection. This is borne out by immunologic reasoning that in
persons with pre-existing infection the cellular immune system is more rapidly
prepared to respond to bacillary multiplication and dissemination than the immuno-
logically unprepared system.
Protection against re-infection is, however, incomplete. There is plenty of
anecdotal evidence bearing on this point. Disease due to re-infection has been
- 86 -
noted to occur in cases with a strain which was susceptible and from which they
were cured. Some of these cured patients developed disease again with a resistant
strain [249-253], a strain with a different phage type [254], or a different Restriction
Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP) pattern [255-257] between a first and a
second episode of tuberculosis. Vynnycky and colleagues have assessed the
protection afforded by a primary infection against re-infection by means of mathe-
matical modeling [258]. Using data from notifications in England and Wales, and
taking age into consideration in their analyses, they suggest that the protection
provided by pre-existing infection against re-infection for adults is approximately
40 per cent. This relatively low level of protection (compared to higher levels of
protection observed in some BCG trials) might be attributable to the fact that
tubercle bacilli are entirely removed by the host in a considerable proportion of
cases [259]. With increasing time between complete removal of tubercle bacilli
acquired during the first infection and the time of acquisition of the second, the
immunologic memory may wane in a similar fashion to that imputed from the
observations from long-term follow-up in BCG trials, where the protective effect
decreased over time.
- 87 -
After reaching a low in 1985, reported tuberculosis cases increased until 1992, and
decreased subsequently through 1997 [263, 267]. This has been attributed, in part,
to the spread of HIV, homelessness, increased drug abuse, and immigration from
countries where tuberculosis is common; deterioration in the living conditions of
and health care delivery to the poor have also been proposed as factors contributing
to the increase [268, 269]. The increase in tuberculosis has been particularly conspi-
cuous in New York City, where it reached its trough in 1978, and then increased stea-
dily [269]. It is apparent that infection with HIV can not entirely explain this increase,
which started quite some time before HIV was expected to have a noticeable impact.
It may be noted, however, that the only factor that has changed for the better
since tuberculosis case rates started to decline again in the United States after 1992
is adequate funding for tuberculosis control. This seems to provide strong evidence
that the resurgence of tuberculosis, although helped by HIV, homelessness,
substance abuse, immigration, and other factors, was really only due to the lack of
capacity to handle these problems during the 1980s.
Similarly to the United States, the crude number of tuberculosis cases in 14
European countries combined decreased regularly from 1974 through 1991, with an
average annual decline of 5.4 per cent (figure 68) [270]. In almost all of the 14 coun-
tries evaluated in this study, tuberculosis declined over the period of observation
(figure 69). However, the rate of decline differed in individual countries. Generally,
in countries with higher initial rates, tuberculosis declined more rapidly than in those
where the rates were initially lower. Figure 69 also shows the irregularity of reporting,
particularly in two countries, highlighting the need to be careful in the interpretation
of notification data. While the range of notifications by country was wider at the
beginning of the observation period (7.8 to 76.3 per 100,000 population in 1974, an
almost ten-fold difference), it was considerably narrower by the end of the period
(6.6 to 19.7 per 100,000 population in 1990, a three-fold difference). In a number
of these European countries, tuberculosis notification rates have not appreciably
declined in recent years, and in several an increase has been observed.
Härö, in a comprehensive analysis of tuberculosis data from Finland, sheds some
light on the development of tuberculosis over time [9, 271]. One indicator of progress
in the control of the tuberculosis epidemic is the change in the age structure of
diseased persons. Härö calculated the age-adjusted median age of tuberculosis
cases over time (figure 3) [9, 271]. Until about 1975, female cases always tended
to be younger than male cases, but subsequently the median age was lower among
male than among female patients. A shift in the mean age or, perhaps a better mea-
surement, the median age, towards older age groups points at a lessening of the
problem in the society [272]. It indicates that transmission of tubercle bacilli is
- 88 -
Number of cases (log scale)
Figure 67. Reported tuberculosis cases in the United States, 1953–1997. Data from [260] [261]
[262, 263].
Notifications per 100,000 (log scale)
- 89 -
Notifications per 100,000 (log scale)
75 80 85 90
500 1954
0 20 40 60 80
Age (years)
Figure 70. Age-specific tuberculosis notification rates among males in Finland. Cross-sectional
observations from 1954 to 1989. Data from [271].
- 90 -
decreasing and that an increasing proportion of cases emanates from the pool of
persons infected many years in the past. The shift implies that cohorts with less and
less infection are successively replacing cohorts born at the time when risk of
infection was much higher.
Cross-sectional information is useful, but tends to hide the underlying epide-
miology in successive cohorts. In 1930, Andvord proposed to study tuberculosis
within generations, i.e., its development within birth cohorts [273-275]. It was a
publication by Frost [276], however, which brought birth cohort analysis to the atten-
tion of epidemiologists [277].
The usual reporting systems for tuberculosis provide age-specific morbidity
figures for the year the cases were reported (cross-sectional reports). Cases occur-
ring in different age groups can also be viewed as cases occurring among people born
in different calendar years (i.e., people belonging to different birth cohorts). If
cross-sectional surveys are matching available age groups, i.e., if cross-sectional sur-
veys are available for example every 10 years, and during each survey the age is
known for 10-year age groups, then morbidity experience can be examined within
each birth cohort. For example, surveys are available for 1975, 1985, and 1995, and
people who became ill in these years were known to be aged on average 5 years
(0 to 9 years of age), 15 years, 25 years, etc. In this example, persons with an
average age of 25 years in 1995 belong to the birth cohort of 1970. In the 1985
survey, the 1970 birth cohort was 15 years old, and in the 1975 survey it was 5 years
old. In addition to information about age effects, this analysis now also gives
information about birth cohort effects: it allows the examination of morbidity (in this
example, but it might be equally applied to infection or mortality) within each
successive birth cohort. If sufficiently detailed information is available, a third
component can be examined. In addition to the effects of age and birth cohort on
morbidity, certain periods, such as times of war, might entail a particularly high risk
of morbidity.
Härö analyzed respiratory tuberculosis morbidity cross-sectionally and among
birth cohorts [9, 271]. In cross-sectional observations, age-specific notification
rates increased, particularly in later years, to peak in the oldest age groups, as exemp-
lified among males in figure 70. Because age-specific notification rates and notifi-
cation years could be synchronized (by 5-year groupings), it was possible to analyze
age-specific notification rates also within birth cohorts (figure 71). In each successive
birth cohort, respiratory tuberculosis peaked in young adults. This phenomenon can
be found when tuberculosis is in decline: the cross-sectionally observed peak among
the elderly is merely a residual of the much higher morbidity experienced by the
- 91 -
cohort when it was young. A similar picture was found in Upstate New York, United
States (figure 72) [278].
Figure 71. Age-specific tuberculosis notification rates among males in Finland. Cross-sectional
observation (dotted lines with circles) in 1954 and 1989 and analysis by birth cohorts (solid lines)
born from 1892 through 1972. Data from [271].
- 92 -
Figure 72. Age-specific tuberculosis notification rates among females in Upstate New York, United
States. Cross-sectional observation (dotted lines with circles) in 1940–1944 and 1970–1974 and
analysis by birth cohorts (solid lines) born from 1900 through 1950. Figure reproduced with the
permission of the American Journal of Epidemiology from [278].
Figure 73. Relative risk of tuberculosis notification among foreign-born compared to Canadian-
born tuberculosis patients. Data from [283].
- 93 -
McKenna reported a similar analysis from the United States, showing a very similar
uneven distribution in tuberculosis case notification rates by country of origin [284]
(figure 74).
Despite the enormous difficulties, Murray et al. [285], Sudre et al. [286, 287],
Raviglione et al. [288], and Dolin et al. [289, 290] have all made efforts to estimate
the incidence of tuberculosis expected in the world. Given the often poor quality of
tuberculosis notification data, estimates are not easy to make. The available detailed
estimates by Dolin et al. are presented here (figure 75) [289]. The data indicate that
the largest annual number of cases emanates from South-East Asia, accounting for
almost half of the total cases in the world. The incidence rate, however, is estima-
ted to be highest in Africa, and lowest in industrialized countries, with a ten-fold
difference in the incidence between the extremes.
The estimates made by Sudre [286, 287] and Dolin [289, 290] suggest the
occurrence of approximately 7.5 to 8 million new tuberculosis cases per year for
the early 1990s.
Figure 74. Adjusted incidence rate ratios of tuberculosis among the foreign-born in the United
States. Data from [284].
- 94 -
Eastern Europe
Eastern Mediterranean
Western Pacific
South-East Asia
0 1 2 3 4
Number cases(in(inmillions)
Figure 75. Estimated incidence of tuberculosis in the world in 1995. Data from [289].
Notifications per 100,000
0 20 40 60 80
Figure 76. Age-specific notification rates of infectious tuberculosis among females, Norway 1946
and 1972. Figure reproduced with the permission of the European Respiratory Society Journals Ltd.
from [291].
- 95 -
between countries. As shown previously, the median age of tuberculosis patients has
increased markedly in countries where the risk of infection declined rapidly and
thus the infected population segments became increasingly older [271]. The example
by Bjartveit from Norway, comparing age-specific notification rates of infectious
tuberculosis among females, very clearly shows the large risk in young adults in
1946 which had completely disappeared by 1972 (figure 76) [291]. In 1972, tuber-
culosis notification rates had become very low compared to 1946, and the highest
rates were now found in the oldest segments of the population.
In contrast, in many low income countries, tuberculosis notification rates currently
still peak in young adults, as shown in the example of Senegal (figure 77) [292].
In virtually all countries, notification rates among males are higher than among
females [293]. Disease notification is the result of multiple steps in a process which
incorporates the following components: prevalence of infection, risk of disease given
that infection has occurred, access of the patient to diagnosis, and notification
discipline in the health care system. It has been demonstrated earlier (figures 29 – 31)
that the age-specific prevalence of infection in adulthood is often greater among
males than females, but to different degrees in various situations. Risk of progres-
sion from infection to disease also differs among females and males, and varies
depending on age. The observation of differences is further complicated by gender
issues, i.e., unequal access to diagnostic services for males and females with tuber-
culosis, which makes it difficult to disentangle the underlying epidemiologic diffe-
rences. It is easier to determine the epidemiologic component in countries where
males and females have presumably equal accessibility to health care. Thus, the
two-to-one male-to-female ratio in tuberculosis incidence rates observed in many
industrialized countries, such as the United States [294], appears best explained by
the generally higher prevalence of infection observed among males than among
females [295].
The male-to-female rate ratio may also differ over time as the age structure of
tuberculosis changes, and may differ within sub-populations within the same coun-
try. This is exemplified by observations from Denmark [102]. In Copenhagen,
males had consistently higher case rates from the early 1920s through the late 1960s,
while in the rest of Denmark the ratio inverted over time (figures 78 and 79). Outside
Copenhagen, males had consistently lower rates than females until the mid-1940s.
Only in subsequent periods did the risk become similar, and actually became higher
for males towards the end of the observation period. It is conceivable that this
phenomenon is attributable to a combination of the fairly similar (but slightly lower)
- 96 -
2.7 2.7
Notifications per 100,000
150 Male
100 1.9
50 Female
0 15 25 35 45 55 65
Age group(years)
Figure 77. Age-specific notification rates of sputum smear-positive tuberculosis among males and
females, Senegal, 1997. Numbers above the notification rates among males indicate the age-specific
relative risks of males compared to females. Figure reproduced from [292].
Incidence per 100,000 (log scale)
Rest of Denmark
25 Female
Figure 78. Incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis in Denmark, in Copenhagen and the rest of
Denmark, among males (lines without symbols) and females (lines with circles), 1921–1957.
Figure reproduced with the permission of the World Health Organization from [102].
- 97 -
prevalence of tuberculous infection among females compared to males (figure 29),
but a higher risk of progression to disease among young females in the earlier part
of the century. With an improving epidemiological situation, the age of tuberculosis
patients increased to the point in age where the risk of progression from infection to
disease inverted among the sexes and became larger for men than for women.
Socioeconomic status
Poverty has been strongly associated with the incidence of tuberculosis [296,
297]. Although these analyses are based on ecological studies with census tracts
[296] or postal codes [297] as units for analysis, the differences are of such a
magnitude that the strength of association lends credibility to a causal relation. A
study from Upstate New York, United States, exemplifies the similar findings of
various studies (figure 80) [278]. This phenomenon is at least partially attributable
to the differences in the underlying prevalence of tuberculous infection, as shown by
Kuemmerer and Comstock [112]. Clearly, low socioeconomic indicators tend to
result in crowded living conditions, conditions that are conducive to increased trans-
mission of tubercle bacilli should a case occur, resulting thus in a generally higher
prevalence of tuberculous infection with subsequent increased incidence of disease.
Poverty may also reduce access to health care services [298], thus prolonging the
period of infectiousness of tuberculosis patients, and further increasing the risk of
infection among the contacts of such a patient.
- 98 -
Male-to-female rate ratio
(log scale)
Figure 79. Male-to-female tuberculosis rate ratio in Denmark (excluding Copenhagen), 1921–1957.
Data from [102].
Cases per 100,000 per year
Socioeconomic level
Figure 80. Incidence rates of tuberculosis by socioeconomic level, Upstate New York, United States,
1973. Figure reproduced with the permission of the American Journal of Epidemiology from [278].
- 99 -
minorities in the United States has a potentially serious impact on the future epide-
miology in the country. Tuberculosis in children always indicates recent transmis-
sion of M. tuberculosis, and thus indicates a failure of the public health system to
sufficiently contain the epidemic [299]. In 1992, it was reported that the number of
tuberculosis cases among children in the United States increased by one third from
1987 to 1990 [300]. An analysis by race shows, however, that case rates among
whites (including Hispanic whites) and blacks decreased in a similar fashion until
about 1989. From then onwards rates increased sharply among whites and
remained unchanged in blacks until 1992 (figure 83) [260, 261]. This could indicate
that excess transmission during the recent re-emergence of tuberculosis in the United
States did not affect minority children more strongly than white children.
The high incidence among South-East Asian refugees and other immigrants in the
United States [264, 301] appears largely explicable by the high risk of tuberculous
infection in their countries of origin [120], resulting in a large pool of infected
persons from which cases arise.
Migration from high to low incidence countries continues to increase globally.
This has an increasing impact on tuberculosis morbidity in several industrialized
Rate ratio
50 60 70 80
Year of
of notification
Figure 81. Nonwhite-to-white tuberculosis notification case rate ratios, United States, 1953–1987.
Figure reproduced with the permission of the American Medical Association from [266].
- 100 -
Average annual decline (%)
6 White
2 Female
0 5 15 25 45 65
Age group(years)
Figure 82. Average annual percentage decline in tuberculosis notification rates, by age, sex, and race,
United States, 1963–1984. Figure reproduced with the permission of the American Medical
Association from [266].
Cases per 100,000
Figure 83. Tuberculosis case rates among white and black children, United States, 1981–1992.
Data from [260, 261].
- 101 -
countries, as shown in the example from Sweden (figure 84, data courtesy of Victoria
Romanus, Swedish Institute of Infectious Disease Control, written communication,
February 4, 1997) [282]. While the number of reported cases among the Swedish-
born population continuously decreased from 1984 to 1993, with only a minor
increase in 1995, the number of tuberculosis cases among the foreign-born increased
rapidly in the same observation period. As a result, the total number of cases has
remained stable in the most recent past. Similar observations have been made in other
countries in Europe [302]. From the European tuberculosis surveillance project, a
total of 13 countries in the WHO Europe Region reported more than 100 cases of
tuberculosis and provided information on country of birth of their tuberculosis
patients [282]. Figure 85 shows that the proportion of foreign-born among all cases
in these countries ranged from 0 per cent in the Czech Republic to 83 per cent in Israel
in 1996.
As tuberculosis retreats in the indigenous population, cases among immigrants
become both absolutely and relatively more pronounced. The epidemiology of tuber-
culosis is frequently quite different among foreigners compared with the indigenous
population (figure 86) [303]. While the incidence of tuberculosis in the indigenous
population is highest among the elderly, tuberculosis case rates among foreigners com-
monly peak in young age groups, reflecting the situation in their country of origin.
Reported cases (log scale)
Born in Sweden
Born abroad
Figure 84. Notified cases of tuberculosis in Sweden by country of birth, 1984–1995. Data courtesy:
Romanus V, Swedish Institute of Infectious Disease Control and data from [282].
- 102 -
Czech Republic
0 20 40 60 80 100
Per cent foreign-born
Figure 85. Proportion of cases reported as foreign-born from 13 countries of the World Health
Organization Europe region, 1996. Data from [282].
Number of cases
Figure 86. Reported tuberculosis cases among Swiss and foreign patients, by 5-year age groups,
Switzerland, 1990. Reproduced with the permission of the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health
from [303].
- 103 -
There is limited evidence from the Netherlands that tuberculosis among the
foreign-born population measurably affects the epidemiology among the indigenous
population [304]. The effect is, however, relatively small, and does not seem to
affect the overall trend of tuberculosis morbidity once the balance has been tipped
against the disease as it has in the indigenous population of most industrialized coun-
tries. One study in Montreal has shown that the prevalence of infection with M. tuber-
culosis among Canadian-born school children did not differ between areas with high
and low proportions of foreign immigrants [305]. Furthermore, in the United States,
the country with one of the most heterogeneous populations in the world, the epi-
demiology of tuberculosis has been very different in the majority population and
the various racial/ethnic minorities over a very long time [266]. This suggests that
a high tuberculosis incidence in one population segment does not necessarily affect
that in another. That tuberculosis is not easily transmissible is evident from numer-
ous studies among close and other contacts. They have consistently shown that
those living in closest proximity are at highest risk of acquiring infection from an
undiscovered infectious source [29-31]. Refugees, asylum seekers, and foreign
workers are commonly set apart from the indigenous population at work and in their
personal life. Prevailing circumstances often force them to live under crowded
conditions, in environments that are conducive to transmission of tubercle bacilli.
Because of multiple barriers, such people may have poorer access to health care
facilities, and diagnosis of infectious tuberculosis may be unduly delayed.
- 104 -
Number of notified cases
Figure 87. Tuberculosis notifications among Asians in London who never visited Asia again after
entry to the United Kingdom, and those who visited Asia again, by interval between entry and re-
entry respectively. Data from [306].
Population density
As the age-specific prevalence of infection is frequently lower in rural than in
urban areas, the incidence of tuberculosis is accordingly also expected to be lower.
This was indeed shown in two studies from Denmark [308, 309]. The first study com-
pared provincial towns with rural districts in 1950–1952 and found the rates consis-
tently lower across all the age groups examined (figure 88) [308]. In the second
study, conducted from 1960–1968, comparing the capital Copenhagen with rural
districts showed that the differences had remained large (figure 89) [309].
Marital status
A study in Copenhagen has shown important differences in disease frequency by
marital status (figure 90) [309, 310]. The highest incidence of pulmonary tubercu-
losis among men was found in those who were divorced, and the lowest in married
men. Single and widowed men had an incidence between the two extremes. These
findings might be attributable to different social behavior of men depending on their
- 105 -
Incidence per 100,000
300 towns
200 Rural
15 20 25 30 35
Age (years)
Age (years)
Figure 88. Incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis among males in provincial towns compared to rural
districts, Denmark, 1950–1952. Data from [308].
marital status, resulting in lower or higher risk of infection and subsequent disease
frequency. Nevertheless, it is conceivable that bereavement (widowers) may also
adversely affect the immunologic functions, thus leading to a higher disease break-
down among those infected.
Substance abuse
Despite the long-standing notion of an association between alcohol consumption
or other substance abuse and tuberculosis incidence, epidemiologic evidence of a
causal association is not convincing. The proportion of patients with alcoholism in
Canada was strongly associated with incidence of tuberculosis, but was most likely
confounded by socioeconomic status [296]: the lower the socioeconomic group, the
larger the proportion of alcoholics, both inversely associated with incidence of tuber-
culosis. Screening of substance abusers (of alcohol and other drugs) has repeatedly
shown the excess risk of tuberculosis in these populations compared with the general
population [311-314].
- 106 -
Incidence per 100,000
20 40 60 80
Age (years)
Age (years)
Figure 89. Incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis among married men in Copenhagen compared to
rural districts, Denmark, 1960–1968. Data from [309].
Incidence per 100,000
150 Divorced
100 Widowed
20 40 60 80
Age (years)
Age (years)
Figure 90. Incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis by marital status among men in Copenhagen,
Denmark, 1960–1968. Data from [309].
- 107 -
health care workers will, on average, be more frequently exposed to tuberculosis
patients than persons in most other occupations, an excess risk of tuberculosis in
this group might be most readily identified in settings where tuberculosis remains a
prevalent condition among patients attending health care services. Conversely, excess
risk might be difficult to recognize in areas where tuberculosis has become a rare
condition in the general population.
- 108 -
estimated to have increased by more than 10 per cent in the late 1980s and early
1990s. The increase in risk of infection in the general population is likely to be less,
because children from ethnic/racial minorities are disproportionately represented
among tuberculosis patients in the United States [146].
HIV pos
patients Personnel
Figure 91. Secondary cases following an index case of tuberculosis in a ward for HIV-infected
patients in Verona, Italy. The filled circle symbolizes the source case, hollow circles indicate the
secondary cases. Data from [319].
- 109 -
did not yet include tuberculosis as an AIDS-defining condition. This collaboration
aimed to gain better knowledge about demographic and clinical characteristics of
tuberculosis patients with and without AIDS. These descriptive, retrospective studies
confirmed what had earlier been suggested in smaller studies [334]. The following
points were noted [335]. Firstly, tuberculosis was common among patients with
AIDS in populations with a recognized high prevalence of infection with tubercle
bacilli. Secondly, tuberculosis often preceded conditions constituting the then-valid
surveillance definition of AIDS. Thirdly, in patients with AIDS, clinical forms of
tuberculosis often deviated from the accustomed manifestations of the disease in
non-compromised hosts.
In the retrospective study in Florida, cases known to have developed AIDS were
matched against the tuberculosis register in the State to determine the proportion of
cases who had both tuberculosis and AIDS (figure 92) [140]. The differences were
large and the frequency ranged from 2 per cent among non-Hispanic whites to 27 per
cent among Haitians. The reason for this difference is clearly to be found in diffe-
rences in the underlying prevalence of infection with M. tuberculosis. Because
tubercle bacilli are a necessary cause of the development of HIV-associated tuber-
culosis, little tuberculosis will be found in a population segment with a low preva-
lence of tuberculous infection. The frequency of HIV-associated tuberculosis thus
critically depends on the size of the segment in a population with tuberculous infec-
tion, the prevalence of HIV infection, and the extent to which these two population
segments overlap (figure 93). In the Florida study [140], not all Haitians with AIDS
had been previously infected with tubercle bacilli, and not all of those who developed
tuberculosis amongst them did so in the State of Florida and were thus amenable to
case ascertainment. It may thus be assumed that the lifetime risk of a dually infected
person to develop tuberculosis during the course of HIV infection is likely to exceed
30 per cent.
From the age-specific prevalence of infection (figures 43–45) it is apparent that
HIV infection, which preferentially affects people in the 15- to 49-year-old age
groups, will have quite a different impact on tuberculosis in sub-Saharan Africa than
in the United States or Western Europe.
In the United States, it appears from data among blacks in New York City that HIV
infection seemed to have a major impact on ethnic minorities, but much less on the
white, non-Hispanic population [266]. Not all of this increase can be attributed to
HIV infection, and other factors must be considered as well [268, 269, 336]. There
is little doubt, however, that in the United States, the HIV epidemic has led to a
deterioration of the tuberculosis epidemic in certain minority populations. Because
- 110 -
Per cent with tuberculosis
White, non- Hispanic Black Haitian
Hispanic American
Figure 92. Tuberculosis among AIDS patients, by race/ethnicity, Florida, United States, 1981–1986.
Data from [140].
Total population
- 111 -
tuberculosis in these groups has continued to affect persons in their reproductive
age to a large extent, transmission to their offspring is more likely than among the
white population, where tuberculosis has long since become a disease of the elderly.
There is currently little evidence that HIV has seriously affected tuberculosis
epidemiology in most of Western Europe [270]. Nevertheless, the differences
between European countries are large, as is evidenced by the frequency with which
extrapulmonary tuberculosis was diagnosed as an indicator disease for AIDS (figure
94) [337]. The highest proportions of AIDS cases with extrapulmonary tuberculosis
were found in Spain and Portugal. This is not surprising, as these two countries
reported the highest rates of tuberculosis among all Western European countries in
1996 [282]. Almost 30 per cent of AIDS patients in Spain had extrapulmonary tuber-
culosis as an indicator disease between 1988 and 1993 [314]. The crude incidence
rate of tuberculosis in Catalonia (north-eastern Spain) increased by 50 per cent from
1987 to 1993, and 60 per cent of this increase was attributed directly to AIDS [338].
In other European countries, increases in tuberculosis notifications attributable to HIV
infection have been much less conspicuous. Nevertheless, certain cities such as
Paris, France [339], and Amsterdam, the Netherlands [340], have noted a pronounced
effect. In contrast, the impact of HIV infection on increased notifications in England
and Wales has been much less clear-cut [341], and its overall contribution to mor-
bidity was judged to be modest in 1991 [342]. In a study from Edinburgh, Scotland,
it was found that only five of over 1,000 cumulative HIV-infected patients had tuber-
culosis [343].
Sub-Saharan Africa
The tuberculosis epidemic in a large number of sub-Saharan African countries
has been seriously affected by the HIV epidemic [143, 288, 344, 345]. It has been
estimated that approximately one third, ranging from 0 to 72 per cent, of
tuberculosis cases between 1985 and 1993 would not have occurred in sub-Saharan
Africa if pre-1985 trends had continued [346].
In Burundi, tuberculosis notifications more than doubled from 1984 to 1991
[347]. In a hospital in Brazzaville, Republic of Congo, the prevalence of HIV infec-
tion among tuberculosis patients increased from 3 to 24 per cent just in the 4-year
period between 1988 and 1992 [348]. In Côte d’Ivoire, an autopsy study in patients
who died with HIV infection revealed that tuberculosis was the cause of death in
32 per cent [349]. In Malawi, the number of notified tuberculosis cases almost qua-
drupled from 1985 to 1995 [350]. Large increases in tuberculosis notifications
attributed at least partially to HIV have also been reported from Kenya [351], Zambia
[352], Zimbabwe [353], and other countries [354, 355].
- 112 -
Adjusted odds ratio (log scale)
Figure 94. Relative odds of extrapulmonary tuberculosis as an indicator disease for AIDS in Europe,
by country (selected countries only), transmission group, and sex. The dotted vertical line indicates
the unity for comparison, the hollow circles represent the referent for each variable and horizon-
tal boxes indicate the 95% confidence intervals. Data from [337].
20000 Smear-positive
Number of cases
85 90 95
Year of notification
of notification
Figure 95. Tuberculosis case notifications by type of disease,Tanzania, 1984–1995. Figure repro-
duced from [356].
- 113 -
In Tanzania, tuberculosis case notifications increased virtually exponentially
from 1984 to 1995 (figure 95) [356]. In addition to the increase in the case rates, it
is of particular concern that the age distribution of sputum smear-positive cases also
changed. From 1984 to 1995, the peak rate of sputum smear-positive cases shifted
very clearly to a younger age group (figure 96) [356]. This is an epidemiologically
ominous sign, as improvements in the epidemiological situation must invariably be
associated with an increase in the median age of tuberculosis patients, while
conversely a lowering of the median age would indicate a higher perpetuation of
transmission to younger population segments.
The large impact of HIV on the tuberculosis situation in Tanzania (indicative of
the situation in many other sub-Saharan countries) has been shown in a country-
wide, representative HIV seroprevalence study among tuberculosis patients [357].
The results indicate that between 30 and 45 per cent of patients with tuberculosis had
HIV infection. The risk of HIV infection is unevenly distributed in the country.
This investigation showed that the likelihood of a tuberculosis patient being infected
with HIV was greatest in the 25- to 34-year-old age group. Female tuberculosis
patients were more likely to be infected with HIV. Extrapulmonary tuberculosis
cases were much more likely to have HIV infection. BCG vaccination appeared to
provide relative protection against tuberculosis among adults as long as they were
not HIV-infected. A second round of the survey has shown a rapid progression of
HIV infection even over such a short span as 3 years (figure 97, unpublished data
Tanzania National Tuberculosis/Leprosy Programme, WHO, and IUATLD). The
rapid increase is particularly conspicuous in rural areas.
In Asia, the impact of HIV on tuberculosis morbidity has manifested itself most
obviously in northern Thailand. In a study that included systematic HIV testing of
tuberculosis patients, a rapid increase in tuberculosis notifications was noted between
1990 and 1994 (figure 98) [358]. This increase was apparently solely attributable to
HIV infection.
Little is yet known about HIV infection among tuberculosis patients in India.
One study from North Arcot, Tamil Nadu State, showed a prevalence of HIV infec-
tion of only two per cent among the over 3,000 tuberculosis patients tested [359].
However, the potential for increases in tuberculosis cases is large: the first four
patients presenting with HIV infection in Manipur, one of India’s north-eastern
States, in 1991, all presented with tuberculosis [360].
The potential impact of HIV infection on tuberculosis in Vietnam is illustrated
by a study in the respiratory disease center of a hospital in Ho Chi Minh City,
- 114 -
200 1995
Notifications per 100,000
0 15 25 35 45 55 65
Age group(years)
Figure 96. Age-specific notification rates of sputum smear-positive tuberculosis cases in Tanzania,
1984 compared with 1995. Data from [356].
Per cent infected (log scale)
50 Urban Female
Rural Male
1991-93 1994-96 1991-93 1994-96
Figure 97. Change in the HIV seroprevalence among tuberculosis patients in Tanzania, from the
1991-1993 survey to the 1994-1996 survey. Unpublished data Tanzania National Tuberculosis /
Leprosy Programme,World Health Organization, and International Union Against Tuberculosis and
Lung Disease.
- 115 -
where 70 per cent of symptomatic HIV-infected patients had tuberculosis [361].
The prevalence of HIV infection among injection drug users rose from 1 per cent
in 1992 to 39 per cent in 1996 in Ho Chi Minh City. HIV infection has been iden-
tified in 42 of 53 provinces of the country [362]. Consequently, tuberculosis is
expected to noticeably increase in the very near future.
Latin America
In 1987-1988, HIV infection among patients with pulmonary tuberculosis in
one study in Brazil was below 1 per cent [363]. In another study in Rio de Janeiro,
HIV infection among tuberculosis patients was documented to have increased to just
above 5 per cent in 1989 [364]. In a more recent study, tuberculosis is recognized
as the third most common manifestation of AIDS, and transmission of tuberculous
infection among HIV-infected persons has been documented to an important extent
in the prison system in a study among incarcerated women in São Paulo,
Brazil [365].
In Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, a study of children with tuberculosis
showed a seroprevalence of HIV of 6 per cent between 1991 and 1994 [366].
- 116 -
No. of cases (log scale) All cases
HIV-neg cases
85 90 95
Year of notification
Year of notification
Figure 98. Tuberculosis notifications in Chiang Rai, by HIV status,Thailand, 1990–1994. Data from
Per cent of all cases
Per cent of all cases
Figure 99. Estimated percentage contribution to morbidity from tuberculosis resulting from recent
infection (filled circles), endogenous reactivation (triangles), and from exogenous reactivation (hol-
low circles). Model fitted to data from the Netherlands for males aged 15 to 19 and 60 to 64 years
old, respectively. Data from [367].
- 117 -
contributors played only a minor role. In contrast, in the older age group, primary
tuberculosis was a minor contributor to morbidity over the entire observation period,
while the relative contributions from exogenous reactivation and endogenous re-
infection exchanged their places in an important way: the smaller the risk of infection
became, the more important was the role of endogenous reactivation in this age
These findings hold most likely universally: the larger the decline in risk of infec-
tion, and the older the population, the more important is endogenous reactivation of
a pre-existing infection as a source of new cases. This has generally been the situation
in most industrialized countries. Knowledge of the relative contributions of these
three components to overall tuberculosis morbidity has important programmatic
repercussions. The larger the proportion of cases that is attributable to either recent
infection or exogenous reinfection and the smaller the proportion of cases attributable
to endogenous reinfection, the more it likely is that the intervention targeted at
reducing the duration of infectiousness will be successful.
Molecular approaches to characterizing individual M. tuberculosis strains allow
an actual determination of the role of disease resulting from recent and reinfection
tuberculosis compared to disease resulting from endogenous reactivation. Using
such techniques as RFLP typing of M. tuberculosis strains, it could be shown in
certain areas of the United States that tuberculosis resulting from recently acquired
infection has been noted to occur much more frequently than had previously been
In New York City, 40 per cent of tuberculosis cases were attributable to recent
transmission [368], and a third in San Francisco [369]. It is only on this basis that
it can be understood that improved control measures in New York City had an
immediate impact on the tuberculosis incidence [245].
- 118 -
Predictive epidemiology: prospects for the epidemic
Industrialized countries
The course of the tuberculosis epidemic in industrialized countries will be shaped
by multiple factors. In the majority of countries of Western Europe, HIV infection
is expected to exert only a small impact, as the population segments at particular risk
of HIV infection are rapidly replaced by cohorts with virtually no tuberculous
infection. While HIV infection may cause increases in tuberculosis in HIV-infected
substance abusers, it is unlikely that this excess morbidity will affect morbidity to a
great extent in the general, indigenous population of these countries.
Härö has projected tuberculosis incidence for Finland based on a historical
analysis of tuberculosis morbidity within birth cohorts [271]. These projections
predict a rapid decrease of tuberculosis in the indigenous population in Finland
(figure 100). By the year 2015 to 2020, the expected incidence will have fallen
below one case per million population.
400 Observed in
Cases per 100,000 (log scale)
birth cohorts
3 2000
20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Age (years)
Figure 100. Projected incidence of respiratory tuberculosis in Finland for males for the years 2000
and 2010. Observed values are age-specific reported tuberculosis cases within 5-year birth cohorts.
Dotted lines indicate projections of incidence within the same birth cohorts. From these, the
expected age-specific incidence is construed for the years 2000 and 2010. Data from [271].
- 119 -
The Finnish projections are likely to hold in general for the indigenous
population of most of Western Europe, with a caveat, however: as has been shown,
international migration increasingly impacts on tuberculosis notifications in
industrialized countries. Thus, tuberculosis morbidity in many of these countries
may continue to decrease, level off, or even increase, depending on the extent of
migration and the origin of the immigrants. As the risk of infection from indigenous
cases is rapidly decreasing, the contribution of transmission from cases among
migrants will become relatively more important. For the Netherlands during the
years from 1993 through 1995, it was estimated that slightly less than one fifth of
all cases among the Dutch population were the result of recent transmission from
a non-Dutch source [304]. The absolute magnitude of cases resulting from this
type of transmission is relatively small, and is likely to remain so, but its relative
contribution is expected to slow down the natural trend of self-elimination of tuber-
culosis in the countries concerned.
In multi-ethnic countries such as the United States it has been shown that laxity
in control can rapidly lead to a resurgence of tuberculosis in ethnic/racial groups
with a higher prevalence of tuberculous infection than the general population. This
will be particularly important if several factors accumulate that favor transmission
and progression from infection to disease. These experiences, especially those
reported from New York City, also show that decisive control measures can clearly
influence the course of the epidemic.
- 120 -
Million cases
1990 1995
1995 2000
2000 2005
Figure 101. World Health Organization forecasts of tuberculosis incidence, comparing Africa and
highly industrialized countries, years 1990–2005. Data from [289].
- 121 -
Tuberculosis deaths
- 123 -
“open” tuberculosis compared to about 10 to 15 per cent in cases with “closed”
tuberculosis (figure 102) [376]. Several studies from the pre-chemotherapy era
testify to the high case fatality of sputum smear-positive tuberculosis [129, 377-
382]. Three examples, from the United Kingdom [380], Sweden [129], and Denmark
[382], show that about one third of patients with sputum smear-positive tuberculosis
had died 1 year after diagnosis, and by 5 years half to two thirds of patients had died
(figure 103).
The prognosis of tuberculosis has appreciably improved with the advent of
chemotherapy. Nevertheless, case fatality from tuberculosis continues to remain
unacceptably high for various reasons.
It is difficult to ascertain to what extent patients die from undiagnosed tubercu-
losis, because most of these cases never become known. Nevertheless, the relative
importance of the problem has been addressed in several studies. In a 4-year period
from 1985 to 1988, 5 per cent of all tuberculosis cases notified in the United States
never received anti-tuberculosis treatment [383]. The proportion of cases diagnosed
at death increased with age (figure 104), and was 15 to 20 per cent for miliary,
meningeal, and peritoneal tuberculosis. This study did not distinguish between cases
recognized at autopsy only and cases clinically suspected but with the definite
diagnosis becoming available only after the patient’s death. From other studies, it
80 "Open" tuberculosis
Per cent dead
"Closed" tuberculosis
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Years after
after first
Figure 102. Long-term follow-up of the fate of pulmonary tuberculosis patients without specific
treatment in a Swiss sanatorium, by initial bacteriologic findings. Data from [376].
- 124 -
United Kingdom
Deaths per cent
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Years after
after first
Figure 103. Cumulative case fatality from untreated sputum smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis
in the United Kingdom 1928–1938 [380], Sweden 1910–1934 (15 to 29 years old) [129], and
Denmark 1925–1929 (16 to 25 years old) [382].
Per cent diagnosed at death
0 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 100
Age (years)
Age (years)
Figure 104. Proportion of tuberculosis cases diagnosed after death, by age, United States, 1985–1988.
Data from [383].
- 125 -
is known that both are relevant [143, 349, 384, 385]. Several autopsy studies have
revealed that tuberculosis may be entirely missed and never suspected [385-388]. In
three different studies, tuberculosis was the underlying or a contributing cause of
death in up to 50 per cent of tuberculosis cases unrecognized until autopsy [384, 385,
389]. Case fatality has also been shown to vary according to the specialty of the
diagnosing physician [390].
Failure to diagnose tuberculosis may result not only in the death of the patient,
but may also — in persons with pulmonary tuberculosis — contribute to unre-
cognized transmission to family, friends, health care workers and other contacts. In
a survey in Baltimore in the early 1960s, 44 per cent of cases first registered at death
were considered to have been communicable [391]. A failure to diagnose pulmonary
tuberculosis places those who have become infected by such cases beyond the reach
of preventive measures. In industrialized countries, reports indicate that the over-
whelming majority of patients reported or diagnosed at death were hospitalized prior
to death [384, 387, 391]. This indicates that a window of opportunity for preventing
these deaths was lost. The reasons for failing to make the diagnosis include omis-
sion of appropriate diagnostic measures for the confirmation of tuberculosis [373,
392, 393], and mistaking radiographic or clinical signs and symptoms of tuberculosis
for those of malignancy, pneumonia or other conditions [387]. Recent studies of
tuberculosis patients with HIV infection have shown that delayed diagnosis of tuber-
culosis resulting in death could have been avoidable if adequate numbers of
specimens had been obtained, and if empirical chemotherapy of tuberculosis had
been administered to symptomatic patients with chest radiographs suggestive of
tuberculosis [394-396]. Once diagnosed, the quality of treatment also affects treat-
ment outcome. A study from North Arcot, India, demonstrates this clearly [397].
Patients had an increasing probability of dying the less they took of the prescribed
medication, a point accentuated with increasing age (figure 105).
- 126 -
< 50%
Deaths per cent
50 - 79%
20 80 - 100%
15 25 45 65
London Stockholm
Deaths per 100,000
800 Hamburg
1750 1800 1850 1900 1950
Figure 106. Mortality from tuberculosis in London, Stockholm, and Hamburg, modeled from
available data. Figure reproduced with the permission of the American Thoracic Society / American
Lung Association from [399].
- 127 -
that the tuberculosis epidemic in Western Europe has spanned at least some 300
years, and has claimed, at its height, the lives of 1 per cent of the population per year.
Data from industrialized countries during the twentieth century show that tuber-
culosis mortality progressively declined, but each of the world wars resulted in a
peak in mortality [402, 403]. Particularly instructive are the mortality data from
Germany for the period from 1892 to 1940 (figure 107) [402]. Tuberculosis mortality
increased steeply and early in the war, but at the end of World War I it fell rapidly
and resumed its previous decline. Thus, the long-range trend of mortality remained
unaffected by the epidemic during the war. It must therefore be concluded that risk
of infection most likely continued to decline throughout the war, and that the
increased morbidity that most likely occurred (but was not measured), was also
associated with increased and accelerated case fatality that prevented excess trans-
mission [122].
Usually, age-specific mortality data are displayed cross-sectionally as they are
collected in a given year. Andvord from Norway first pointed out that cross-sectional
mortality data provide an incomplete picture of tuberculosis epidemiology, and
that an analysis by birth cohort was much more informative [273-275]. Analyzing
tuberculosis mortality data from Massachusetts cross-sectionally, Frost found that the
Deaths per 100,000
1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940
Figure 107. Tuberculosis mortality in Germany, 1892–1940. Figure reproduced with the permission
of Georg Thieme Verlag from [402].
- 128 -
death rate was relatively constant beyond the age of 30 years [276]. However, within
each birth cohort, tuberculosis mortality peaked in infancy and between the ages of
20 and 30 years. The mortality data from respiratory tuberculosis from Switzerland
are illustrative of the situation for industrialized countries where such information
is available. For example, the cross-sectional data show that in each successive
decade tuberculosis declined, but since 1901 it has increased with increasing age
among males (figure 108) [404]. Among females, two peaks can be observed, one
among young adults and the other in the elderly (figure 109). Clearly, the high rates
seen in the elderly on cross-sectional examination of the data reflect only residuals
of a much higher mortality experienced by the cohort when it was much younger.
Three major factors determine the characteristics of mortality. These include
age-specific differences in mortality; differences in mortality in each cohort; and
differences at particular periods or events, such as during a war.
Cross-sectional studies alone of mortality thus fail to tell the whole story. Age-
specific differences in each cohort are apparent and indicate, as for example in
Switzerland, that through the entire period of observation tuberculosis claimed its
highest toll in young adults within each successive cohort. In the example from
Figure 108. Age-specific mortality from respiratory tuberculosis among males, 1901–1981,
Switzerland. The dotted lines show the data analyzed cross-sectionally, the solid lines the analysis
by birth cohort. Figure reproduced with the permission of Birkhäuser Publishing Ltd. from [404].
- 129 -
Switzerland each successive cohort experiences less mortality (figures 108 and 109)
[404]. This way of looking at the data also permits one to look much further back
into the past than is possible by examining the data only cross-sectionally. In this
example, the first cross-sectional survey is available for 1901. Nevertheless, the
cohort-contour approach suggests that tuberculosis mortality in Switzerland had
started to decline much earlier.
The degree of parallelism observed between lines produced in successive cohorts
is the essence of the period-contour approach. A distortion caused by deviation from
parallelism indicates the importance of secular or period events that modify tuber-
culosis mortality. The model proposed by Collins [405] and his analysis of data
from England and Wales suggest that the introduction of medical measures, although
resulting in a marked period influence, could account for only 2 to 3 per cent of the
total decline in mortality from respiratory tuberculosis. In other words, the trend in
cohort effects suggested continuing declines in deaths from tuberculosis even in the
absence of medical measures.
Estimates of the global death toll from tuberculosis have been given as 2.5 million
per year [288], yet more recently WHO has revised these estimates, now set at
1.5 million deaths per year [406].
Figure 109. Age-specific mortality from respiratory tuberculosis among females, 1901–1981,
Switzerland. The dotted lines show the data analyzed cross-sectionally, the solid lines the analysis
by birth cohort. Figure reproduced with the permission of Birkhäuser Publishing Ltd. from [404].
- 130 -
Deaths in 1,000
Southeast Asia
1990 1995
1995 2000
Figure 110. World Health Organization estimates of the number of annual deaths due tuberculosis,
1990–2000. Data from [289].
- 131 -
Summary and conclusions
Significant exposure depends on the presence of incident cases, but important
modifiers determine the magnitude of exposure. These include most particularly
duration of infectiousness and number of case-contact interactions per unit of time
of infectiousness. These modifiers may vary greatly across populations, time, popu-
lation density, climatic conditions, and other factors.
Tuberculosis is essentially transmitted by the airborne route. Milk contaminated
with M. bovis can be an important source of infection in the community, but it appears
that its contribution to overall tuberculosis morbidity is generally low. Tuberculosis
is not as easily transmitted as other airborne communicable diseases. The number
of bacilli expelled by a tuberculosis patient critically determines the number of per-
sons that the patient is capable of infecting. Patients with sputum smears positive
for acid-fast bacilli on direct sputum smear microscopy are the major sources of
infection in the community.
The risk to a susceptible individual of becoming infected depends on the density
of tubercle bacilli in inhaled air and the duration of exposure to that air. Ventilation
is thus important to reduce the concentration of infectious droplet nuclei in the air.
Infectious droplet nuclei may remain suspended in indoor air for a prolonged period
of time retaining their potential of infectiousness, while outdoors, exposed to the
ultraviolet rays of sunlight, rapid death of bacilli is the rule.
Theoretically, the incidence of infection is epidemiologically the most informative
parameter, because it points to the extent of current transmission in the community.
- 133 -
Table 3. Summary of the epidemiology of tuberculosis.
Type of
epidemiology Exposure Infection
Etiologic ● Incidence P/V * ∆t
● Duration of ● P: Number of infectious particles
infectiousness expelled into shared air
● Contacts / unit time space – exogenous, source
determinants (site of disease,
aerosolization, bacterial load)
● V: Volume of airspace shared
- 134 -
Disease Death
Major risk factors (endogenous): Major risk factors for case fatality:
● Time since infection ● Major site of disease
- 135 -
It is usually not feasible to measure infection incidence, and the derivation of the
average annual risk of infection from a tuberculin prevalence survey, a proxy of this
parameter, has become one of the most cherished tools in tuberculosis epidemiology.
Unfortunately, tuberculin skin testing is fraught with problems of a technical nature,
including selection of standardized tuberculin, the technique of administration, and
reading of the test result. Even if all these barriers are overcome, it is often exceed-
ingly difficult to interpret the results and to arrive at an estimate of the prevalence
of infection. Sensitization to environmental mycobacteria and M. bovis BCG results
in cross-reactions with the standard tuberculin. The higher this sensitization and
the lower the prevalence of true infection with tubercle bacilli, the more difficult it
becomes to disentangle the truth from confounding factors.
Should the determination of infection prevalence be successful, then the
calculation of the risk of infection from a single or even two sequential surveys
provides only information on the extent of transmission somewhere in the past, deter-
mined by the age of those tested. Because of its “averaging” characteristic, the risk
of infection may not capture short-term changes.
The knowledge of risk of infection cannot provide precise information on the
expected case incidence. It can only express the extent to which such cases are
capable of transmitting tubercle bacilli within the community. This is a function of
the number of infectious cases, the duration of infectiousness, the characteristics of
exposure, and the population exposed.
The determination of risk of infection has, nevertheless, been regularly used to
compare the extent of the tuberculosis problem in various populations. It is, if
technically interpretable, the only available mean to indicate the extent of transmis-
sion that has occurred, on average, over specified periods of time in the past. It is
useful for global estimates of the level of the tuberculosis problem in a community
and of trends over relatively long periods of time.
Infection is unevenly distributed in the world. In most industrialized countries,
a very large proportion of those aged 65 years and over remains infected, while
younger generations are increasingly free of infection, because the risk of infection
has rapidly declined from very high to very low levels over the past decades. In
contrast, in many countries in Asia, Africa, and Latin America, the risk of infection
continues at much higher levels than is the case in industrialized countries, and the
trend, rather than declining rapidly, has declined more slowly or not at all.
Current estimates suggest that about one third of the world’s population is infected
with M. tuberculosis. In industrialized countries, the bulk of infected persons is
found among the elderly, while in most low income countries, the large majority of
infected persons is in the economically most productive and reproductive age groups.
- 136 -
Improving the epidemiologic situation will require means that will reduce the risk
of infection in the community. This will initiate a cohort effect, resulting in a reduction
of the pool of infected persons by replacement of heavily infected cohorts with
cohorts with increasingly less infection. Reducing the risk of infection entails both
timely identification of infectious cases and curative treatment of those identified.
The latter emphasis is of importance as inadequate treatment may prolong survival
at the cost of the creation of patients with prolonged excretion of tubercle bacilli.
Furthermore, bacilli in such patients are likely to be more frequently resistant to
medications used in standard treatment protocols, thus leading again to secondary
treatment failures among those who progress to clinically overt tuberculosis following
infection from such a chronic excretor.
A multitude of risk factors for the progression from sub-clinical, latent infection
with M. tuberculosis to overt disease has been identified. The three most important
for all practical purposes are co-infection with HIV, recent infection with tubercle
bacilli, and healed lesions from previous tuberculosis which was never treated.
Globally, low body weight might be of considerable epidemiological importance
because of its high prevalence, particularly in low income countries. Other factors,
such as for example jejunoileal bypass surgery, are essentially epidemiological
In industrialized countries, tuberculosis has markedly declined in the twentieth
century and is on the brink of its elimination in the indigenous population of many
of these countries. Nevertheless, increased international migration will further contri-
bute to tuberculosis morbidity in many of these countries. Large differences in
disease frequency can also be observed within industrialized countries, dispropor-
tionately affecting the poor and, as in the United States, ethnic/racial minorities.
Among the latter, tuberculosis remains largely a disease of the young, while in most
of Europe, among the non-Hispanic white population in the United States, and in non-
aboriginal (but born in the country) populations of other affluent countries such as
Australia, New Zealand and Canada, tuberculosis has become a disease of the elderly.
In population segments in which a large proportion of young people continues to be
infected with tubercle bacilli, the HIV epidemic is causing a resurgence of tubercu-
losis, be it in affluent or low income countries. In many industrialized countries, the
proportion of cases that are foreign-born increases steadily.
The distribution of tuberculosis is very uneven throughout the world. Of the
estimated 7.5 to 8 million estimated cases emerging globally each year, only
- 137 -
5 per cent occur in industrialized countries. The HIV pandemic is drastically
worsening the tuberculosis situation in countries with a high prevalence of infection
with M. tuberculosis among young people and a high incidence and prevalence of
HIV infection. At this point in time, this is particularly the case in sub-Saharan
African countries. HIV may alter the course of tuberculosis directly by leading to
reactivation of latent infection or by direct progression from new infection to disease
depending upon which comes first, HIV or M. tuberculosis infection. Even more omi-
nous from an epidemiological point of view is the inherent danger that excess cases
caused by these mechanisms are likely to result in a disruption of the encouraging
decline in risk of infection with M. tuberculosis in the past.
Tuberculosis case fatality is largely determined by site and type of disease and
by appropriate and timely intervention. Untreated sputum smear-positive tubercu-
losis leads to death in about 30 to 40 per cent of cases within one year, and cumula-
tively kills about 50 to 70 per cent within 5 to 7 years. Unrecognized tuberculosis
is not uncommon either in low income countries, or in industrialized countries. With
decreasing frequency of the disease in industrialized countries, the diagnosis may
indeed be missed more frequently, leading to unnecessary death and, in the case of
infectious pulmonary tuberculosis, to unrecognized transmission of tubercle bacilli.
Tuberculosis mortality data indicate that the current tuberculosis epidemic in
industrialized countries has spanned some several centuries, reaching its peak in
different European countries between the end of the eighteenth and the middle of the
nineteenth century. Tuberculosis mortality is no longer useful as an epidemiologic
index, largely because it has become a rare event in most industrialized countries, and
because it is usually not reliably recorded and reported in low income countries.
Currently, it is estimated that some 1.5 million people die each year from
The extent to which tuberculosis continues to kill will largely depend on the
extent to which modern intervention strategies become available to the low income
countries of the world.
- 138 -
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