Transfemoral Amputation of A Male With Type II Diabetes - A Case S
Transfemoral Amputation of A Male With Type II Diabetes - A Case S
Transfemoral Amputation of A Male With Type II Diabetes - A Case S
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Johnson, Daniel, "Transfemoral Amputation of a Male with Type II Diabetes: A Case Study" (2015). Physical Therapy Scholarly
Projects. 595.
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Transfemoral Amputation of a Male with Type II Diabetes: A Case Study
Daniel Johnson
~ f-lfrv-rc-®W
Cindy FrQ}ll-Meland
(Graduate School Advisor)
I. BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE ........................ . 1
I would like to thank my family, especially my wife, for always being so supportive
of my educational endeavors. Thank you for putting up with all the late nights of
studying and being understanding when, all too often, school work became more
pressing than family time. Without all of you I never would have been able to
make it as far as I have. I look forward to much more time with my close friends
and family once my journey through PT school has come to a close. This paper
signifies the impending closing of a significant chapter in my life and while I will
miss my friends and colleagues from school I know that the staff at UND has
prepared us for all the challenges that we will face in the future. Even though we
are no longer together we will share a special bond that has been formed and
strengthened over the course of the last 3 years. I know that we will all forge our
own path into what we are called to do and will be successful in our endeavors.
individual with a residual limb after a transfemoral amputation. The main goal is
to help provide a greater understanding of how to treat the residual limb after a
Case Description. This case study focuses on an older gentleman who recently
dysvacularity. The patient was obese and had diabetes which is not uncommon
for patients with an amputation. Physical therapy provided care in many ways
including but not limited to wound care, therapeutic exercise, gait training and
Discussion. The patient progressed well because of his efforts in therapy and the
proper management of his diagnosis. After much hard work, by both the patient
and the therapist, the patient was fitted with a prosthesis and was able to
ambulate house distances without assistance. For this patient's age and his
original functional abilities it was quite remarkable that he was able to progress to
the current functional status which he attained. At the start of treatment he was
unable to complete a one legged stance and had many co-morbidities. This led
the rehabilitation staff to assume that the patient would not be a good candidate
The individual that will be the focus of this case study was an 83 year old male.
He was obese and had type II diabetes. He sought medical attention for venous stasis
ulcers on both his knee and foot and after consulting with the medical staff it was decided
that it would be in the patient's best interest to amputate his leg above the knee. Patients
that need care after an amputation have been a main stay of the medical community for
many years, but new research and treatment methods need to be pioneered for the
comfort and functionality of amputees. Much research has been done recently with the
use of 3D printers and their application to the amputee treatment process l but there are
still many areas of treatment that need to be improved upon especially surgery, wound
populations often results in amputation. This can occur anywhere in the lower extremity,
but it is not uncommon for it to occur at or above the knee. Individuals with co-
morbidities such as heart disease and diabetes often see deleterious effects on the
diabetes mellitus and chronic venous insufficiency account for 82% of all lower
extremity (LE) amputations.3,4 There are approximately two million amputees in the
United States4 and roughly 185,000 amputations occur each year in the United States. s It
is predicted that this figure will more than double by the year 2050 as the population ages
and the prevalence of vascular disease increases. 4 Out of the amputees the ones that had
diabetes had a 55% chance of having the second leg amputated within 2-3 years. 6 Nearly
half of the individuals who have an amputation due to vascular disease will die within 5
years. This is higher than the five year mortality rates for breast cancer, colon cancer, and
garments can make a difference in the type of function and independence that patients
have for the remainder of their lives. 8 A recent study noted that a program for preventive
foot care and a multidisciplinary and multi-factorial treatment by a foot-care team can
The primary goal of the prosthetic and physical therapy team is to improve
individual rehabilitation protocols for each patient based on his or her functional ability,
is difficult for the patient to regain mobility and function, A recent study found that only
25% oftransfemoral amputees over the age of 50 years achieved community mobility,
and the percentage decreases the older the patients are,14 The same study also found that
only 50% of all people with a transfemoral amputation will ever be able to independently
ambulate household distances,14 Many studies have concluded that the preservation of
residual limb length, are associated with better ambulatory functioning. 15, 16, 17
Maintenance of ambulation, through the use of a prosthetic limb, has been shown to be an
important factor associated with preserving independence. 18, 19,20 Normally patients who
require a transfemoral amputation are older in age, and there is a high chance they will be
clinically depressed after the surgical procedure. 21 1t is necessary for the physical
Also critical, are the knowledge and skills to be able to give that patient the best
treatment possible.
trans femoral amputation. Pre-prosthetic rehab normally includes working on upper and
lower body strengthening exercises and maintaining good range of motion in the lower
extremity. This can be difficult since much of the leg musculature has gone though some
inactivity22 The physical therapist will also start desensitizing the patient's residual limb
by using skin rolling, tapotement, and soft tissue mobilizations. 23 The physical therapist
is often the person in charge of wrapping the patient's residual limb. Initially the patient
will be wrapped with gauze and ace wrap, but after the residual limb has healed enough
they will be issued a stump shrinker, which will occur normally 3 to 4 weeks post
amputation 24 The dressings which physical therapy uses to wrap patients residual limbs
has the disadvantage that the elastic wrap can generate high pressures that are detrimental
to skin survival. 25 Also, patients who are immobilized for long periods oftime, which
often happens with wound care, have been shown to have higher rates of pulmonary
complications. 26, 27, 28 Once the residual limb has healed well enough the patient will meet
with a certified prosthetist, the person who makes prosthesis. The prosthetist will measure
the dimensions of the residual limb. The measuring process can be done many different
ways. The prosthetist can make a casting of the patient's leg, use a laser system to scan
the leg or even use an MRI machine. All ofthese methods are used to accurately predict
the shape of the prosthetic liner. Once the prosthetist feels that he/she has an accurate
measurement of the residual limb he/she will proceed to make an artificial limb to the
dimensions which were measured. After the liner is made and shaped to the proper
dimensions, a trial and error process begins where the patient donns and doffs the liner to
see how the integument of the residual limb responds to the pressures applied. Once the
shaping process is complete, the physical therapist is able to begin the gait training
process. This is a slow process in which the physical therapist takes time to make sure
that the patient's integument remains intact. This often means donning and doffing the
prosthetic limb after every gait training attempt. This time is crucial for the patient to
learn not only how to effectively donn and doffthe prosthesis, but also to make sure that
they understand what to look for when checking for integument breakdown. The patient
will start by wearing the prosthesis for just a few minutes at a time and progressing to the
whole day.24 There currently is not much evidence for why physical therapy gait trains
how it does in the prosthetic phase of physical therapy. This is because what physical
therapists are doing is trying to restore the function of the individual. All individuals are
very different and need different things done in this phase. Some overarching principles
of this phase of rehabilitation are make sure that you check for integument break down,
and promote safety in the gait training process. Hopefully studies will be able to be
directed into this area to help provide greater insight into it.
Now that this paper has covered what a normal rehabilitation from a lower
extremity amputation looks like, this information will be applied to a patient who I
treated in the clinic. The information will be revisited throughout the paper to show what
a plan of care for a patient with a transfemoral amputation should look like.
Chapter II Case Description
The patient was an 83 year old Caucasian male who was hospitalized for chronic
non healing leg wounds and nnderwent a transfemoral amputation of his right lower
extremity. He had a diagnosis of type II diabetes and this was the foremost cause of him
Patient's History
The patient was 71 inches tall and weighed 230 ponnds making his BMI 32,
putting him into the obese category. His obesity, which directly attributed to his diagnosis
of Type II diabetes, had been a common issue in his family. He was a farmer from a
small town in the Midwest before his retirement in 2005 and he lived alone. There were 2
steps leading into his house, which was a one story with a basement. The only reason that
he needed to go into the basement was to do his lanndry. His house was not handicap
accessible. His daughter lived in the same town as him, but was unable to offer the
assistance that he required to manage his diabetes and venous stasis ulcers. He was
independent in all of his activities of daily living such as driving, shopping, and yard
work before he was admitted to the hospital because of his ulcers. He did not previously
consumed on average 1 alcoholic beverage per week. The patient did not exercise other
than the occasional garden work. He had a previous surgical procedure of a left total hip
arthroplasty. Because of either the lack thereof physical therapy, or poor quality of the
previous surgery, the patient had decreased range of motion in all directions of his
involved limb even before the amputation, including not having any extension. The
patient was on Warfarin for blood thinning and beta blockers for his high blood pressure.
His main goal was "1 just want to be able to walk again."
Examination/Systems Review
At his first checkup which was approximately three days after the amputation, the
patient's heart rate was 70bpm, blood pressure was 150/91, SpOz was 95% and the
patient was alert and oriented times 3. The patient's overall posture was assessed and no
abnormalities were detected other than the loss of his right lower extremity. His residual
limb was warm to the touch, swollen and red. These are all cardinal signs of
inflammation. z9 The residual limb measured 30 inches around the mid shaft offemur and
his wound was closed with staples. The physical therapist made sure to monitor the
healing of the incision for the duration of treatment. It takes time to know how the
incision site will heal, or if it will heal completely at all, so this monitoring was an
ongoing process. The rest of the patient's integument had many discolored spots and
bruises which are common with many patients on Warfarin. 3o Because of the increased
effect of the medicine on anticoagulation the patient took a vitamin K supplement each
prothrombin time. 3 ! When the patient was asked about his current pain he stated that
even though the medication was working well he still was a 5/1 0 for pain. Measurements
of the active range of motion (ROM) of the hip are as follows: hip flexion 120 degrees,
hip extension: he had no hip extension because of his previous total hip arthroplasty so
his hip flexion to extension ROM was 10-120, hip adduction: 5 degrees, hip abduction:
30 degrees. His active range of motion of the left knee was lacking 15 degrees of full
extension and 110 degrees of flexion. The patient was lacking in bilateral shoulder
motion he was only able to raise both arms up to 120 degrees of shoulder flexion. All of
these ranges of motion were measured with a goniometer which has been shown to be
both reliable and valid.32 His strength in the left leg was 2+/5 for hip flexion, 4+/5 for
knee extension, 5/5 for knee flexion, 3/5 for dorsiflexion and 4/5 for plantar flexion.
Manual muscle tests of the right leg were deferred because of pain. The manual muscle
tests (MMT) were done in accordance to traditional MMT procedure making them
The Functional Independence Measure (FIM) was the primary tool used to
evaluate changes in areas such as ambulation, bed mobility and balance for this patient
because of its reliability and validity.34 The FIM Levels are as follows: 7 Complete
task), 3 Moderate Assist (performs 50%-74% of task), 2 Maximal Assist (performs 25%
to 49% oftask), 1 Total Assist (performs less than 25% of task). The patient was unable
2 to stand, making him a FIM Level 2. The patient required minimal assistance with all
bed mobility skills making him a FIM Level 4. His balance in the seated position was
somewhat decreased, however not to the point of requiring assist to maintain an upright
posture. He needed supervision for safety while sitting, making him a FIM Level 5.
The patient's upper extremity range of motion and strength were adequate for all
his activities of daily living, even though his was lacking roughly 60 degrees of shoulder
flexion. His lower extremity strength in his uninvolved limb was functional according to
his MMT's, and he had no previous problems from weakness in this leg. However, his
hip flexion was slightly below average but, as stated previously, this has not affected his
functioning in the past. The range of motion on his uninvolved side was slightly
decreased but not of major concern to physical therapy. Controlling the patient's pain was
of major importance during the early stages of physical therapy. His therapists made sure
that they were conscientious of how he was tolerating treatment and his pain overall. The
biggest problems that most people who have had transfemoral amputations face are
regaining the strength and ROM in their residuallimb. 14 This was a major focus of the
patient's treatments as well as preparing the patient's residual limb for prosthetic fitting.
This will be an issue that the patient will have to contend with for the remainder of his
life. It will not be easy for a man in his mid 80's to learn to regain to walk independently
with the use of prosthesis. 14 It will be a difficult process because as has been previously
stated out of the amputees the ones that had diabetes had a 55% chance of having the
second leg amputated within 2-3 years. 6 Nearly half of the individuals who have an
The patient on his road to recovery will have to overcome many impairments,
1.) The main ones are that he has: decreased strength- both involved and uninvolved
lower extremity, decreased ROM- involved hip extension and bilateral upper extremity,
because of bed rest and loss oflimb, loss of knee joint- which makes ambulation with
prosthesis difficult, he had a previous total hip arthroplasty on right LIE, and finally
hearing loss, requiring that verbal directions need to be said loudly and clearly.
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Guide to Physical Therapist Practice: Second Edition, the preferred practice pattern for
the patient was 5J: "Impaired Motor Function, Muscle Performance, Range of Motion,
Gait, Locomotion, and Balance Associated With Amputation.,,35 The patients ICD9 code
is: V49.76
The patient's prognosis according to the Guide to Physical Therapist Practice is:
"Over the course of 6 months, patient/client will demonstrate optimal motor function;
muscle performance; range of motion; and gait, locomotion, and balance; and the highest
environments."35 Physical therapy believes that rehab will be difficult for the patient
because of his weight and the procedure that was performed. The patient has a poor
prognosis for functional ambulation with a prosthesis because he was unable to complete
a one legged stance and had many co-morbidities. He has a good prognosis for
The initial main anticipated goal ofPT is: Following two weeks ofPT treatment
the patient will have a transfer FIM score of a 5 to allow for increased abilities to perform
The initial main expected goal is: Following a minimum of 8 weeks of physical
therapy the patient will be able to demonstrate a 3/5 MMT for all hip motions of both
lower extremities to proceed with the prosthetic fitting which will allow the patient to be
The patient was re-evaluated every week and a progress note was written
documenting the changes in his functioning and changes in his plan of care.
InterventionIPlan of Care
For the duration of his time living in the community living center, the patient was
seen two times per day during the week day and once on Saturday. He was not seen on
Sunday. He was educated on how the transfemoral prosthesis was not going to help him
rise up to a standing position and he was advised to start thinking about an assisted living
facility. The patient was shown how to log roll to go from supine to sit, but he was unable
weeks before he would be considered for a prosthesis and was instructed that he needs to
consistently stretch into hip extension and adductionbecause if he does not perform the
The patient was started on a standard above knee amputation regimen that
included: Transfer training primarily learning how to perform a safe standing pivot
transfer, especially learning where to push off with his hands. 37 Bed mobility training was
also initiated. The main goal was to teach the patient how to properly go to and from sit
to supine, using the log rolling technique. 38 The patient was instructed in the proper way
to perform range of motion on his residual limb, especially into adduction and extension
because normally contractures will be into flexion and abduction. The patient was
such as short arc quads, glute sets, ham sets, quad sets, sit to stand exercises in the
parallel bars and ambulation in the parallel bars. 2 The patient's residual limb was dressed
and rewrapped two times per day. The dressing was standard gauze that was wrapped
with ace bandaging. The ace wrap is difficult to keep from falling off the residuallimb,39
so it normally needed to have two spicas around the waist. The patient was also
experiencing some phantom pain from his recently amputated limb and claimed that he
could still feel the ulcers on his ankle and knee. Phantom pain is a well documented
phenomenon with the loss of a limb as many as 70-90 percent of amputees experience
some form of phantom limb pain. 40,41 Physical therapy had the patient use the mirror box
technique to help with this problem. The mirror box technique is one in which the
therapist hides a patients residual limb with a long mirror and the patient moves their
non-involved side while watching this in the mirror. This treatment has been shown to
have positive effects in virtually all patients who use it 41 The patient was left alone to
perform this technique for approximately two minutes. When the therapist returned and
asked how he was doing the patient got a big smile and said, "I don't know what
happened but aU the pain is gone." Physical therapy continues to use this exercise
anytime the patient begins to feel phantom pain and it always greatly reduces the
patient's pain.
The above knee amputation regimen that was being performed in the first phase
of treatment was continued. Focus was placed on the patient's range of motion ofthe
residual limb into adduction and extension and the strengthening of both lower
extremities. Exercises such as short arc quadriceps, gluteal sets, hamstring sets, quadricep
sets, and sit to stand exercises continued to be utilized. The addition that was made to the
The patient had progressed to a point where he was strong enough to begin to
walk with a standard walker. He had to be shown how to properly perform a sit to stand
from the wheelchair to the walker. The patient at this time was used to performing sit to
stand exercises in the parallel bars, but was not performing them with a walker, so it took
him a few attempts to be able to perform it correctly. Once the patient was up, ambulation
was difficult because of how quickly he fatigued. The patient needed to be shown how to
walk by moving the walker slightly forward and then using his arms to support himself as
he hopped forward. This was a type of ambulation requires great energy expenditure
The major problem that occurred in this phase of rehabilitation was that the
patient's residual limb wraps would fall off his leg. This would occur when the patient
was ambulating with the standard walker and even just sitting in his wheelchair. The
sliding combined with the friction of walking and the patient's already fragile integument
caused breakdown of the integument of the anterior thigh and in the groin area. This
break down was accelerated when nurses attempted to keep his wraps up by taping them
to his legs, which has been shown to have deleterious effects on integument. 43 Eventually
this progressed to the point where physical therapy, with the consultation of doctors and
wound nurses decided to no longer wrap the residual limb until it was fully healed
because the wounds on the anterior side ofthe patient's residual limb would not heal with
the friction from the wrap. After the wound was left open to the air it healed in one week
and physical therapy applied Tubigrip to the area to help shape the residual limb in order
for possible prosthetic fitting. This was done for the same reasons as using the elastic
After 4 weeks the patient had progressed to the point where he could be fit with a
Shrinker sock and his mid-thigh measured 26 inches around. He had his meeting in
prosthetic clinic and they decided that it was best for the patient to have a prosthesis with
an immobile knee. The reasoning behind this decision was primarily because of his age
and the strength it would require would be difficult for him to achieve, thus making it
difficult to use. Since he will mainly be using it for in home ambulation, a prosthesis with
After receiving his prosthesis, the patient gradually increased his time spent in it.
The first couple of times that he put it on, it was only for 5 minutes before the therapist
took off the prosthesis and looked for integument redness or breakdown. Over the course
of two weeks the patient learned how to independently donn and doff his prosthesis and
what ply of sock to wear beneath his prosthesis. Learning how to effectively donn and
doff the prosthesis is one of the benefits of the gait training process. At the start of the
gait training process physical therapy would have him put on his prosthesis and walk the
length of the parallel bars. (Roughly 15 feet) When the patient got to the other side, he
would sit down and take off his prosthetic leg and check for redness and pressure points.
After a couple days of this physical therapy had him go down and back in the parallel
bars until he was fatigued, then he would take off his prosthesis and check for signs of
integument breakdown. Finally once the patient felt comfortable with ambulating in the
parallel bars he would walk the halls with the usage of a standard walker. The patient was
then discharged with a home exercise program to help maintain his strength and orders to
be as active as possible, which included the same exercises that he had been doing for the
duration of his rehabilitation process. (short arc quads, gluteal sets, hamstring sets,
quadricep sets, and stretching of the residual limb into extension and abduction)
The patient responded very well to the treatment that he was given. At the time of
discharge the patient had made many improvements from when he started.
BMI 32 30.68
This chart helps show many initial things that physical therapy did not put a major
focus on. (See table 1) One of the major things that benefitted that patient was his weight
loss over the course of his treatment. Weight loss, assuming that a person is losing fat and
not muscle, has been shown to make ambulation easier by reducing the body's energy
expenditure. 44 The biggest improvement to the patient's overall wellbeing was his
decrease in pain from a 5/10 on pain medication to a 0/10 without any medication for
pain management.
Table 2. Active Range of Motion of the Patient at Examination and Discharge
The patient was able to obtain the overall increases in his AROM that he needed
to become/stay functional. (See table 2) The biggest ROM deficit that the patient had to
overcome was his hip extension, which was minus ten degrees at the start of his therapy.
Since this originated from a previous total hip arthroplasty it was difficult for the patient
to regain this motion and he probably will never have a normal range of motion into hip
extension. For a man in his mid-eighties, for ease of ambulation, he should minimally
have five degrees of hip extension 45 Since he is currently lacking all hip extension,
certain modifications were made in his gait training to help him compensate for this
deficit. The main one being was taking smaller steps and this did not limit his function.
The patient experienced progressive increases in his strength over the course of
the treatment. (See table 3) The biggest changes occurred in the patient's residual limb.
At the time of the initial examination, the patient was less than a fair grade on the
majority of his movements. This was a combination of many of his prime movers of his
legs were cleaved, as well as the pain the patient was experiencing. His involved limb
graded roughly the same as his uninvolved leg. The manual muscle tests were performed
in the traditional manual muscle positions. For all of the tests, except for right hip
extension, he was able to handle additional resistance. He was unable to get any range of
motion into hip extension; therefore a fair grade was unable to be given. As a whole, all
of his lower extremity muscular strength and ROM improved and this was a major reason
why he was able to be fit for prosthesis and was able to use it with such success.
The anticipated goal of physical therapy for the patient was that following 2
weeks of treatment the patient will have a transfer FIM score of a Level 5 to allow for
increased abilities to perform his ADL's. The main expected goal is that following a
minimum of 8 weeks of physical therapy the patient will be able to demonstrate a 3/5
MMT for all hip motions of both lower extremities to proceed with the prosthetic fitting
which will allow the patient to be able to more efficient in his activities of daily living.
He failed to reach a 3/5 for the manual muscle test of the involved hip extensors. This
was because he lacked the range of motion from a previous surgery. The motion which he
did have was very strong but it could not be graded higher than a 2+/5 because of his lack
of ROM. If it was measured with resisted isometrics (RIM's) it would be graded strong
The patient was an ideal one. He came to therapy ready to work and was always
willing to do whatever was asked of him. He would take time out of his day to do his
exercises on his own even though he was going to physical therapy twice a day. He
would stretch while lying in bed and would always say "if you think it will work, I'm up
for it." He was always very grateful for the care that he was receiving and made sure to
thank all the stafffor the job that they were doing. He was the type of man that if he had a
complaint he would phrase it in a positive light saying things such as "the food could be
better but it is better than what I could make on my own." As a whole I know that the
patient was satisfied with the quality of care that he received and as a member of the team
that care for him it was a blessing to work with him because of his positive attitude and
resilient spirit.
distances (less than 50 feet) independently. While he was older and healed slowly, he
completed what his therapists asked him to do. His compliance to the therapy regiment
seemed to make a big difference for him. This is evident since he is in the minority of
people his age and with his comorbidities who are able to successfully receive a
transfemoral prosthesis. 2
Chapter III
The loss ofthe knee joint is extremely detrimental to a patient's function at any
age because the use of the knee joint is an integral component in the way people
ambulate; this is especially true for people above the age of 60 who have significant
comorbidities. 2 • 14 The fact that an 83 year old man who has significant comorbidities is
able to walk around an assistive living facility with a transfemoral prosthesis is quite
remarkable. It is very much a testament to his surgical team, his therapists but most of all
to himself for being able to push through physical therapy when it was difficult. This
patient is a great example of what the proper progression after an amputation should look
like. Hopefully using strategies and interventions such as the one used with this patient
As has been previously stated, he progressed much farther than the average
amputee does. The major factors that normally predict how well one recovers were all
against him. He was obese, had diabetes, was in his mid-80's, and did not have much of a
support system. The thing that he did have that is difficult to quantify, was his work ethic.
He came to therapy and did what he needed to do. He asked the right questions and was
always interested in new things that he could do to improve. Truly, I believe that he just
was not done living yet and he wanted to be as functional as he could be for the
remainder of his life. What I am suggesting is that motivation plays a huge role in the
outcomes of any treatment. This is something that is common and is well known in the
medical community and beyond. The real question which comes from this is, can
motivation/determination ever truly be quantified? Are the traits that make a person
strong willed more genetic or enviromnental? Can any of the questions that I have asked
Reflective Practice
One of the major things that I wish that I had done differently with the patient was
to have started this patient on an intense exercise regimen that focused on hip abduction
strength. This has been shown to be effective in the improving functional performance
and balance confidence in patients who have received a transfemoral amputation. 46 The
outcome of this study should be of no surprise to a physical therapist but it is still highly
relevant information for the type of patient that was treated because the biggest thing that
the therapy team was doing at the end of his treatment was attempting to improve his
overall function.
How is the care that was given justifiable to insurance companies? It very much
depends on the moral compass which is looked though to evaluate the situation. The cost
of care for this individual was well over $100,000 and the cost of living in an assistive
living facility is approximately $80,000 per year. All of these costs were necessary for
this man to get to the current level of functioning that he is now experiencing. If it was
the decision ofthe medical team to not consider him for a prosthesis he would have been
wheelchair bound for the rest of his life. This would have caused the cost of his overall
care to go up sharply, because of the extra assistance that he would have needed. So,
while more money was spent up front, the decisions made regarding his treatment plan
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