Philhealth cf4
Philhealth cf4
Philhealth cf4
A. The CF4 shall be accomplished using capital letters and by checking the appropriate boxes. All
items should be marked legibly by using permanent ink only.
B. The information in CF4 should be the same as that in the patient’s chart and all other claim forms
submitted to PhilHealth.
C. All required information may be encoded (or written) in the CF4. Please do not write “see attached
patient chart/clinical abstract/discharged summary” or any equivalent in lieu of CF4. Exceptions
to this are indicated in the specific sections below.
D. All claims shall require CF4 including hemodialysis, chemotherapy, and outpatient procedures like
cataract surgeries and laparoscopies. Please refer to the list of exclusions in PhilHealth Circular
No. 2018-0007 and its revisions (PhilHealth Circular No. 2018-0014).
E. Claims involving repetitive procedures such as dialysis (hemo- and peritoneal), radiotherapy
(LINAC and COBALT), blood transfusion, brachytherapy, and chemotherapy may be filed at one
time (using one CF4). The dates written in item no. 9a (Date Admitted) of CF 4 should be
consistent with CF2. The date of filing for these procedures should be after the last treatment
Part I – Health Care Institution Information requires information about the facility to
ascertain the identity and eligibility under the Program.
Part II – Patient’s Data requires information about the patient to ascertain patient identity and
Part III – Reason for Admission provides the clinical information about the patient’s
condition during admission.
Part IV – Course in the Ward provides a description of the care received by the patient during
confinement or episode of care. This section includes results of laboratory tests and/or imaging
procedures, as applicable.
Part V – Drugs and Medicines provides a list of medicines or drugs ordered by the physician(s)
and received by the patient during confinement and/or prescribed during outpatient consultation.
Part VI – Outcome of Treatment provides information about the result of care or the patient’s
decision to leave the hospital before the end point of care (when applicable).
Part VII – Certification of Health Care Professional provides a guarantee by the attending
health care professional or physician regarding the information provided. This section includes
the date when the data in the form was provided and/or reviewed.
Write the name of the health care institution as it appears in the DOH License to Operate
2 Accreditation Number
Write the mailing address of the health care institution, indicating the No., Building Name,
Lot/Block/Building Number, Street, Subdivision/Village Barangay, City/Municipality,
Province, and Zip Code.
The name of sitio/purok/poblacion (if applicable) of the mailing address should be indicated
before the barangay.
Write the complete name of the member starting with last name, first name, name extension
and middle name. Extensions such as, but not limited to the following – Jr., Sr., III, should
be indicated with the first name.
Name with Suffix: The name Juan Sipag Dela Cruz, Jr. should be written as
Write the PhilHealth Identification Number (PIN), a 12-digit number, as reflected in the
PhilHealth Number Card/Identification Card/Member Data Record (MDR) using the format
Illustration: 07-123456789-1
3 Age
The age of the patient upon admission in years. For very young children (including newborn),
the age may be written in months/weeks/days/hours (as appropriate) with the appropriate
label (e.g., 25 days, 3 months or 48 hours).
4 Sex
5 Chief Complaint
It is the concise statement of the patient as he/she describes his/her symptom, problem,
condition, return, or other factor that prompted the confinement or medical encounter.
Important note:
For special cases like chemotherapy, may indicate as chief complaint “chemotherapy for breast cancer”;
radiotherapy treatment, write “radiotherapy session for prostate cancer; or hemodialysis treatment, write
“hemodialysis” or extracorporeal dialysis.”
6 Admitting Diagnosis
Write the initial impression or working diagnosis as documented by the attending physician
based on assessment upon admission.
7 Discharge Diagnosis
Write the final diagnosis of the attending physician just before the patient leaves the hospital.
For purposes of CF4, the discharge diagnosis refers to the identified nature and cause of a
disease or injury through evaluation of patient history, physical examination, and review of
laboratory/imaging data.
Write the appropriate ICD-10 or RVS code. Rates or amounts are not needed.
1st case rate is defined as the case rate claimed by Health Care Institutions (HCIs) for
PhilHealth reimbursement which represents/covers the medical condition of the patient with
the most resources used, not necessarily the main condition (source: PC no. 35 s-2013).
Write the appropriate ICD-10 or RVS code. Rates or amounts are not needed.
2nd case rate is defined as the case rate claimed by HCIs for PhilHealth reimbursement which
represents/covers the medical condition of the patient with the second most resources used
(source: PC no. 35 s-2013).
Write date of admission in the hospital (month-day-year). Follow date format as indicated in
general guidelines.
Write date when confinement or patient encounter ended (month-day-year). Follow date
format as indicated in general guidelines.
Write time when confinement or patient encounter ended (hour-minute) and tick if AM or
Write a concise statement about the history for the medical encounter (in chronological
Write all relevant past diagnosed condition(s) including hospitalizations and previous
surgeries of the patient.
a) Write the obstetric code and date of last menstrual period. As applicable only for pregnant
G_P_(_,_,_,_) LMP (month-day-year)
This refers to signs and symptoms of the patient on admission. This is equivalent to ROS or
review of systems. Check pertinent boxes only. Use ‘Others’ if there are symptoms other
than what are specified in CF4.
To be filled-out only when patient came from another health facility for a stated reason in
the chart. Check appropriate tick box. If yes, write the reason(s) for referral and the name
of the originating HCI.
This refers to PE findings on admission. All body-systems should be filled out. If there are
no findings, check Essentially normal. For additional notes and laterality (when applicable),
may indicate as side note beside each box.
a) Enumerate all relevant activities/actions taken during episode of care arranged in chronological order
(i.e., start from date of admission). This section also includes notes of patient’s progress and
corresponding action(s) taken by appropriate health care professional(s). The date for each activity should
be indicated in the appropriate space provided for.
b) For day surgeries and repetitive procedures, may write only the essential orders of attending physician(s).
State any key changes in patient’s condition, if any. For repetitive procedures, especially those with multiple
sessions in one claim, pertinent events for each procedure date should be reflected in this section. If there
are no significant events during the session/encounter, may write “No reportable or pertinent incidents
during the procedure/session.” or a similar statement.
c) Please attach photocopies of pertinent laboratory and/or imaging results to support the management
during episode of care and final diagnosis during discharge.
d) For manual submission, please indicate if there is/are additional sheet(s) attached to CF4 by ticking the
check box.
e) For patients with long hospital stay, may opt to attach photocopy of doctor’s order sheet in lieu of
writing the entire course in the wards in CF4.
a) If there is a procedure, write the description of operation/procedure including RVS code. Attach
photocopy of Operative Room (OR) Record/Technique.
Repair of wound, extraocular muscle, tendon and/ or Tenon's capsule - 65290
b) The operative room (OR) record/technique shall not be required as attachment for the following
repetitive procedures only:
Name of Procedure RVS code
1. Blood transfusion 36430
2. Clinical brachytherapy 77761 77781
77776 77789
3. Chemotherapy 96408
4. Dialysis other than Hemodialysis 90945
5. Hemodialysis 90935
6. Radiotherapy (Cobalt or Linear Accelerator) 77401
7. Other: Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy (IMRT) 77418
b) For manual submission, please indicate if there is/are additional sheet(s) attached to CF4 by ticking the
check box provided for
c) For patients with long list of medications, may use additional sheet with the same prescribed elements
in CF4 or attach photocopy of medication sheet in lieu of writing in the CF4.
Note: For salaried physicians in government or private training hospitals, the medical director, hospital administrator or chief
of clinics may sign in lieu of the attending physician. SOURCE: PhilHealth Circular No. 14, s-2008.