Facebook Ads Cheatsheet PDF

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#1 The Basics
NOTE: If you read through this entire Cheat sheet until the end
and understand it, NOT memorize it, understand it - I am 100%
confident in telling you that you could open a Facebook ad
agency tomorrow.


Campaign Level:
This is your highest level, you can have
multiple Ad Sets per Campaign, and each
Ad Set can have multiple Ads!

Ad Set:
This is where the MAGIC happens, you
here to only show your ad to the
people most likely to buy your
product or service!

This is what the customer
actually sees, this is where
you write your ad copy and
choose your images or
videos to actually show new
potential customers!

© THATLifestyleNinja LLC 2017.

Facebook Vocabulary You Need to Know
Custom Audience:

You make a custom audience from pretty much anything, the

two most common examples are from a customer file (email
list), or website traffic (people who visit your website or spe-
cific web pages) these are important because you can get
fancy with what you do with them…

For example you can create a custom audience of everyone

who viewed your sales or order page but DID NOT view your
thank you page (the thank you page only shows after a pur-
chase) this means you can later retarget buyers who were
close to buying but HAVEN’T YET for whatever reason!

For advanced tips on how to create custom audiences based

on how much of your videos people have watched make sure
to subscribe to my youtube channel, and join our Facebook
group listed below where we consistently release the newest
best content related to Facebook Ads!

© THATLifestyleNinja LLC 2017.

Facebook Vocabulary You Need to Know
Lookalike Audience:
A lookalike audience utilizes Facebook’s almost unimaginable
store of data on pretty much everyone on earth to create NEW
audiences of people who are SIMILAR to another audience (or
they look alike ;)

For example - let’s say you have a facebook page where you’re
advertising your product or service, if you get 100 people from
the USA to all like your page, you can create a lookalike
audience of people in the USA who share a number of data
attributes including age, education, and purchase history with
those 100 people who liked your page!

Once you create lookalike audiences you want to set them to

1/10 (or the most accurate - make one you’ll see what I mean
when you go to make one) and then choose additional interests
after you create a lookalike audience to even FURTHER target
your audience for example you might make a lookalike
audience of the 100 people in the USA who like your page, and
then from that audience further narrow to only include people
from your broad lookalike audience that ALSO like Tony

You can also create lookalike audiences from people who

purchase your product to create the most targeted possible
lookalike audience, the more purchasers you have the more
accurate the audience becomes!

© THATLifestyleNinja LLC 2017.

Facebook Vocabulary You Need to Know
Facebook Pixel:
Have you ever noticed that one day you’ll be casually browsing
your favorite micro pig clothing website, and then all of a
sudden you have micro pig outfit advertisements all over your
Facebook feed!! How does that happen?

Think of a Facebook pixel as an identifier - meaning when you

visit a website, say www.MicroPigOutfits.com they have what is
called a Facebook pixel installed in the HTML backend of their
website hidden from your view! Facebook has ID’s for each of
its users so when you visit www.MicroPigOutfits.com, that
Facebook pixel fires and says YOU visited that website, and
allows the owners of www.MicroPigOutfits.com to then retarget
you with more ads because they know you’ve expressed
interest in their fine Micro Pig Merch!

You can also get fancy with Facebook Pixels by creating

custom audiences of users who visited only your order page,
but did NOT view your Thank you page (which only shows after
a purchase) this means you can retarget users who were close
to making a purchase but didn’t!

© THATLifestyleNinja LLC 2017.

#2 What Type of Ads to Use
Naming Your Campaign:

Name your campaign something specific, Name of campaign,

date, strategy or experiment etc... don’t be lazy here you will
get confused when you start having hundreds of different cam-


Micro Pig Sweatshirt | August 2017 | Retargeting Order Page


Most Important Ad Objectives:

There are a ton of different advertising types but don’t get
overwhelmed, there are 3 main types of ads I use, and 99.9% of
Facebook ad users can completely ignore all other ad

© THATLifestyleNinja LLC 2017.

Post Engagement: This advertising type is important to build
what is called social proof (meaning you ad has likes,
comments and shares), I like to show my ad to people who’ve
liked my page, as they are more likely to like and comment on
my ads; or third world countries with the interests I am going to
target (as likes and comments from third world countries such
as India are SIGNIFICANTLY cheaper) social proof is important

Traffic: This is the MOST IMPORTANT method of advertising,

it literally can drive TRAFFIC to anywhere, if you want to bring
customers to your shopify store, to your affiliate link promoting
someone else’s product, your landing page where you give
away a lead magnet (lead magnet think a cheat sheet or
something of value people will give you their email for). Think
of traffic campaigns as step two of your ad lifecycle (step one
being post engagement to build social proof)

Conversion: Think of conversion campaigns as campaigns

you run once you know something about your customer. When
you use your Facebook pixel you can set what is called event
codes which signal that certain people took certain actions, for
example: If you set an event code to tell you pixel any time
someone added a product to the cart, or made a purchase, then
you could later use this data to create conversion campaign
OPTIMIZING for only targeting people who are most likely to
also add to cart or purchase (again based on Facebook’s
insane amount of data!)

© THATLifestyleNinja LLC 2017.

Ad Lifecycle:
I think it is important here to understand the logic of Facebook
Ads and the lifecycle they take to be most efficient.

You want to start out with post engagement ads for 5-20 dollars
to build some likes and comments and shares so that when
other people see your ad already has some activity they are
MUCH more likely to engage/click themselves!

The next step is to take these same ads and run them as traffic
campaigns to drive clicks to your website, or landing page
(where you have installed your pixel on ALL pages!) Once your
pixel has some activity, when people view your content, add
your products to cart, or purchase from you, you will then be
able to retarget them based on those actions with custom audi-
ences and lookalike audiences which is where the real profit
comes from!!

© THATLifestyleNinja LLC 2017.

#3 Defining Your Audience
Defining your Audience:

This is where the profitable advertisers set themselves apart.

Remember Facebook advertising is as much of an art as it is a

This is the area where you will can choose any custom or loo-
kalike audiences you’ve created, or create an audience from
scratch based on interests (interests would include fact based
actions for example targeting people who like Tony Robbins
Facebook page, or algorithm based, for example liking the in-
terest cooking - but not specifically liking any Facebook page;
this is an important distinction because Fact based is much
more powerful!)

Interests, sometimes called narrowers can be confusing, but

think of them as ways of targeting people who are likely to be
INTERESTED in your product based on other things they’re in-
terested in, for example someone who likes Tony Robbins, who
also likes Tim Ferriss is quite likely to be interested in entrepre-

An invaluable tool for finding related pages people are inter-

ested in which is VITAL for targeting, is a tool Facebook cre-
ated called audience insights!

© THATLifestyleNinja LLC 2017.

Audience insights:

There is a lot of info here, most of which can be ignored, the

main thing you are concerned with is demographics can be
interesting for split testing age groups and genders/geographic
location, for example if you see that 72% of your audience
interested in your product are women, and live in Texas you
probably want to target, you guessed it, mainly women from
Texas in your ads!

But far the MOST IMPORTANT part of audience insights is the

‘Page Likes’ section, this will show you Facebook pages people
like related to your interest, for example maybe you’re selling
baby products you would search baby magazine in the interest
section of Audience insights and it would show you a ton of
other related Baby Facebook pages which you could then
target as interests which will make you Ad only serve to people
interested in multiple different baby related Facebook pages!

© THATLifestyleNinja LLC 2017.

Google Trends:
Google is probably the best aggregator of data in the world,
followed closely by Facebook, and utilizing the power of
Google to gauge interest for any specific product is a vital
activity! Let’s say you are searching for cat jewelry on Google
trends, you can then narrow it to only the United States, and
scroll down and see the individual CITIES in the USA that are
most interested in Cat Jewelry, and then only target those
Cities in your Facebook campaigns to better target, with your
other interest narrowers, to get a super defined audience more
likely to buy your adorable kitty necklaces!

Facebook is a business that wants to make money, you are a
person/business that wants to make money. If you want to
make money more than you want Facebook to make money
Normally I split test between Mobile and Desktop Facebook
feeds, meaning I run one campaign only on mobile feeds, and
one on desktop feeds (you can easily copy or clone ads and
change one feature to split test when you’ve finished creating
an ad).


PLACEMENTS I USE, and I have iteratively tested the heck out
of this and trust me it’s the best. For some products such as
fashion or apparel, instagram works quite well, but generally I
split test instagram as its own category.

© THATLifestyleNinja LLC 2017.

Naming Ad Sets:
Similar to campaigns, you want to be specific with naming your
Ad sets, this takes a bit of practice but try to get a convention
down you stick to, it will save you a ton of time, I generally use
the following schema


“Cat Jewelry | USA | Family Households 100k+ | 24-44 | Mobile + Desktop”

Campaigns - you pick Objectives and Ad Type
Ad Sets - you pick Targeting (IMPORTANT STUFF)
Ad - is what your Customers see on Facebook!

© THATLifestyleNinja LLC 2017.

#4 Creating Ads
Creating Ads seems like the easiest part but it actually can be
quite daunting starting one from scratch! It’s much MUCH
easier to look at successful examples, I recommend first and
foremost START NOTICING the ads shown to you on Facebook
and what you think works and keep a file of ad copy and
screenshots of the ads themselves in a folder you store some-
where safe!

The next methods I recommend are using the following two

awesome resources!

Adespresso shows examples related to any search strings (if

you use adblocker which everyone does, opening this link in an
incognito works like a charm ;)


Swiped.co - Shows Ad example for Facebook ads, you can also

look at sales copy when you do generate your email cam-
paigns, landing pages simply by choosing them from the drop
down menu! I personally follow a guy who sells hundreds of
millions of dollars worth of ecommerce products every year
named Ryan Deiss, and read the notes from the Swiped.co
teams they annotate on his campaigns, you can learn a lot
mimicking the success of others!

© THATLifestyleNinja LLC 2017.


Some of my favorite models are the free plus shipping model

where an item costs you 2 dollars to purchase and ship from
AliExpress and you tell the customer its a FREE item and they
only pay 6.99 in shipping, which means you net 4.99, even with
a free item ;)

[FREE GIVEAWAY] - Free plus shipping model (great for drop


TODAY ONLY - Simulates scarcity makes people think if they

don’t click now they will never get the offer!

Also use some Emojis , they incite emotion, and are

eye catching, don’t be afraid to throw them into your ad copy
and headlines!

© THATLifestyleNinja LLC 2017.

#5 Retargeting
The final step of Facebook advertising is utilizing the magic of
retargeting. Up until this point you’ve build tens or even hun-
dreds of ads (the more the better) split testing on age, location,
interests, and pausing poorly performing ads, and scaling the
spend of your ads performing well!

The next step is to build your retargeting campaigns and opti-

mize your current campaigns. This is the most advanced and
important aspect of Facebook marketing, and I go over it IN
DEPTH on my YouTube Channel so make sure to come check
out my videos there on it for step by step tutorials, you can find
the link to subscribe below if you’re interested!

Conversion Campaigns:

Conversion Campaigns show their power here - because as

you collect more and more pixel data, you start to amass more
and more data points to retarget your customer base with, and
form lookalike audiences based on a ton of different types of
custom audience combinations (like video view percentage,
people who like your Facebook fan page, people who purchase
your product or service, all website visitors and SO much

© THATLifestyleNinja LLC 2017.

Generally conversion campaigns start out more expensive per
click than traffic campaigns, but as your pixel information
grows Facebook’s algorithm gets better at matching more and
more data points to find other people who are more and more
similar to people who HAVE taken action or caused a specific
pixel action to fire such as adding to cart etc...

Quiz Time!

Would you rather create a conversion campaign for 100 people

who visit any page of your website, 10 people who add your
product to cart, or 1 person who actually purchased your
product or service which conversion type should you create
your ads for?

(Remember each of these events is able to be tracked by

placing the appropriate Pixel Event codes which I explain on
my YouTube Channel!)

The KIND OF correct answer is the 100 people who visit any
page of your website, because the more data points you have,
the more accurate Facebook will be able to target other people
who share a variety of attributes with the people who did visit
your website, the MORE correct answer is all three because
with Facebook split testing means PROFIT!

© THATLifestyleNinja LLC 2017.

How long should I let an ad run?
When should I stop it?
You can tell a lot about an ad for 60 dollars of ad spend, I
generally set brand new ads to 20 dollars a day and let them
run for 3 days, at which point I review the results!

So that is everything about setting up awesome facebook ads

but it’s really just scratching the surface of what is possible
with Facebook ads!

If you are interested in seeing me show a campaign where I

turned $262 into $11,000 profit then do two things…

STEP #1:

Subscribe to my channel and click the little bell icon that

appears AFTER you press subscribe so whenever I release a
brand new video on exactly how to make thousands and
thousands of dollars profit using Facebook Ads, you’ll be the
first to know!


© THATLifestyleNinja LLC 2017.

Step #2:

Leave a comment letting me know EXACTLY what you want me

to make my next video about on any of my YouTube videos!

BONUS: Top 2 Ways to Make money starting TODAY using

Facebook ads!?

#1 Affiliate marketing:
Watch my video on how one of my students made $30,000
affiliate marketing!

#2 Dentist doctor method:

Use the following funnel to do location specific Facebook ad
campaigns to market for your local doctors and dentists, I have
personally made 10’s of thousands of dollars offering to bring
them free leads upfront and then once I show them the power
of Facebook ads, we worked out a deal that I would run their
monthly ad campaigns bringing them new clients for a retainer
fee of 2,000 dollars per month (which they were easily making
and much more in downstream income from their new
clientele!) If you guys want me to make a video on exactly how
to do this leave me a comment on my Facebook Advertising
video letting me know!

Discounted ClickFunnels >> https://goo.gl/PptMLh

Doctor/Dentist Funnel >> https://goo.gl/krKUw3

© THATLifestyleNinja LLC 2017.

#3 Drop shipping method:
Use a basic funnel to automatically dropship products from
Aliexpress to your end customers with no website!
Clickfunnels handles all the payments and hosting and
domains for you, all you do is plug and play your product
information into the prebuilt funnel below!

Discounted ClickFunnels >> https://goo.gl/PptMLh

Dropshipping Funnel >> https://goo.gl/nHDd6V

© THATLifestyleNinja LLC 2017.

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