Fractal Nature of Stratigraphic Sequences: Wolfgang Schlager
Fractal Nature of Stratigraphic Sequences: Wolfgang Schlager
Fractal Nature of Stratigraphic Sequences: Wolfgang Schlager
Wolfgang Schlager* Earth and Life Sciences, Vrije Universiteit, De Boelelaan 1085, 1081 HV Amsterdam, Netherlands
Although the principle of defining orders by
duration has been almost universally followed,
the actual values used in the definitions scatter
widely. Figure 1 shows the definitions used in
key publications since the introduction of the
concept. In the range of 2nd to 3rd order, the
discrepancies at any one boundary are about Figure 1. Duration of orders of stratigraphic
one-half order; for shorter categories, they are sequences as defined by various authors. In
each category, oldest publication is on top. Figure 2. Durations of sea-level cycles of 3rd
Note large differences, particularly in 4th– and 2nd order of eustatic curve of Haq et al.
*E-mail: [email protected]. 6th orders. (1987). Two orders broadly overlap.
q 2004 Geological Society of America. For permission to copy, contact Copyright Permissions, GSA, or [email protected].
Geology; March 2004; v. 32; no. 3; p. 185–188; doi: 10.1130/G20253.1; 5 figures. 185
Figure 3. Proportions of se-
quences terminated by expo-
sure surfaces (black) and by
flooding surfaces (gray) in well-
documented carbonate rocks.
Each bar represents measured
section with number of ana-
lyzed surfaces on left. Top pan-
el: cycles longer than 1 m.y.
Bottom panel: cycles shorter
than 1 m.y. Sources: Buchbin-
der et al. (2000), D’Argenio et al.
(1997, 1999), Egenhoff et al.
(1999), Föllmi et al. (1994), Hill-
gärtner (1999), Immenhauser et
al. (2001, 2004), Minero (1988),
Saller et al. (1993), Strasser and
Hillgärtner (1998), Van Buchem
et al. (2000, 1996), Wendte et al.
(1992), and Wendte and Muir
Figure 4. Migrating shelf breaks on Great
Bahama Bank (Eberli and Ginsburg, 1988)
and offshore New Jersey (Greenlee, 1988)
during Cenozoic phases of progradation. A:
Part of migration path of Bahama shelf
break (as I determined by using Western
Geophysical seismic line described in Eberli
and Ginsburg [1988]); TWT—two-way trav-
considered supratidal features, as is meniscus (Posamentier et al., 1992; Posamentier and eltime. B: Fractal analysis of shelf-break mi-
cement if it occurs in supratidal deposits. Allen, 1999), fully developed sequences on gration paths using box-counting technique
Two important criteria were used for data the scale of 105 yr during the Pliocene– (see text). Straight-line trends for box sizes
221–226 and 227, respectively, indicate
inclusion in Figure 3: (1) detailed and specific Pleistocene (e.g., Carter et al., 1991), and fa- power-law relationship between box size
observations had been made on the nature of cies patterns in plan view (e.g., Rankey, and number of boxes required to cover
each discontinuity surface, and (2) the au- 2002). In an even broader perspective, Van curve. This result, in turn, suggests that
thor(s) accepted the possibility that a flooding Wagoner et al. (2003) interpreted sediment ac- paths of shelf-break migration are fractal
features in these limits. Trends on right are
surface can be a sequence boundary. cumulation radiating from a point source as
somewhat irregular because of finite-size ef-
Figure 3 indicates that standard sequences energy-dissipation patterns that are scale- fects (dashed part); trends break down on
bounded by exposure surfaces and parasequ- invariant over the range of centimeters to left because of limited seismic resolution
ences bounded by flooding surfaces are both hundreds of kilometers. (dotted part).
common among cycles of 103–106 yr duration. Tests for fractal properties of long, contin-
This demonstration is at variance with the as- uous sequence successions seem to be lacking damental sequence controls—sea-level and
sumption of the standard model of sequence in the literature. Figure 4 presents two exam- sedimentation rates. (See Fluegeman and
stratigraphy that 3rd-order sequences are ples from small seismic data sets showing mi- Snow [1989]; Hsui et al. [1993], and Harrison
bounded by exposure surfaces, whereas the gration paths of prograding shelf breaks. The [2002] for sea-level rates and Sadler [1999]
higher-order parasequences are bounded by fine structure of these paths was tested by box- for sedimentation rates.)
flooding surfaces. counting (Turcotte, 1997, p. 135). This tech-
nique measures the ‘‘wiggliness’’ of a curve Conceptual Model of Fractal Sequence
SCALE-INVARIANT MODEL OF and tests for fractal properties by covering the Stratigraphy
SEQUENCES entire curve with progressively smaller boxes The experience with the concept of orders
Scale Invariance in the Sedimentary and plotting box size against the number of in sequence stratigraphy leads to the conclu-
Record boxes needed to cover the curve. A straight- sion that they are subdivisions of convenience.
Sedimentation and erosion, the processes line (power-law) relationship in a bilogarithm- Examination of the architecture of sediment
that are ultimately responsible for the sedi- ic plot suggests a fractal. The slope of the line accumulations indicates that many patterns
ment record, operate in the same fashion over is the fractal dimension, a measure of the in- relevant for the sequence model are invariant
a wide range of scales. It is characteristic of tricacy of the pattern. In Figure 4, power-law in a wide range of scales. Moreover, sea-level
hydrodynamics that flow properties are largely relationships were found, suggesting fractal fluctuations and sedimentation rates, two basic
determined by dimensionless ratios, and few properties. Other examples of prograding mar- forcing factors of sequence architecture, prob-
characteristic scales enter in the analysis. De- gins yielded similar results. However, the di- ably have a fractal nature in the time domain.
positional patterns have been found to be scale agnosis is somewhat tenuous because the On the basis of these observations and in-
invariant over a wide range of time and space. power-law region covers less than two orders sights, I propose the following conceptual
Examples include prograding clinoforms of spatial magnitude. model. The pattern of sequences and systems
(Thorne, 1995), systems-tract architecture on Strong evidence for scale invariance in the tracts is scale invariant and a statistical fractal.
meter-scale features formed in hours or days time domain has been observed on two fun- In the arrangement of systems tracts and the