Compliance - Work Procedure For Lateral Pile Load Test-18.09.19

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Compliance of Comments on work procedure for lateral pile load test


DOCUMENT TITLE:Work procedure for lateral pile load test
S.No. NPCIL Comments TPL- Comments TPL-Compliance on
Compliance 18/09/2019
1. Section 4, point Corrected
number 5: Correct
abbreviation LVDT is
linear variable
transducers. The same
is to be corrected in the
2. Page no 4 of 10_Figure- Removed
1b: Arrangement type
B of instruments are
not used in the latera
pile as per drawing
and delete the figure.

3. Section 6: Anchor pile Corrected

numbering system
shall be ascending
order to avoid
confusion of
numbering system of
anchor pile.
4. Page-5 of 10_Figure-3: Sketch
Projected length of the modified as
test pile above the per the
ground level is 600mm. details.
Width of girder
(vertical dimension)
shall be restricted to
maximum 750mm to
avoid eccentricity in
load transfer
5. Figure-3: Suitable Will be
sketches shall be complied
included showing the after getting
location of supports for the vendor
datum bars for dial details.
gauges and LVDTs for
lateral load test.
6. Include in Cl No-7.2: Added Criteria of 45 Noted.
degrees should be
Datum bars shall be
follow as per
placed with its sketch.(given in
supports placed at 3D
(D- diameter of pile)
away from the edge of
test pile on either side.
7. One dial gauge or LVDT Noted and Couldn’t find at any Noted and Added.
shall be suitably placed corrected. clause?
on each reaction pile to
measure the
displacement of
reaction pile as per IS

8. Please add in Sec -7.2 Added

that readings of the
strain gauges shall be
recorded just
before start of test, just
after and 12hrs after
completion of test in
addition to the
readings during the
test at all load steps.
9. Cl No-7.3: The Load Steps Mention the time Noted and added.
percentage of lateral &Un- and load steps in
load incremental steps Loading the unloading step.
(loading & unloading Steps
steps) shall be same as attached in Include
per validation pile procedure in load/unload step
tests. The loading steps line with in the form of table
should be attached in load steps along with
the procedure. delete for 1200mm percentage of
Cl No-7.3: Bullet no- dia pile. estimated ultimate
1(a) load as per
validation pile load
test and not as per
1200 mm dia piles.
Review Cl 7.3 as per
10. Cl No-7.3: Bullet No-2: Noted and Please clarify the Please refer IS 2911 part-
Give the distance corrected. no. of dial gauge 4 (2013) of Clause 8.3 for
between two dial and LVDT. As per the details of dial gauges.
gauges, which are kept code min 2 dial
horizontally one above gauge if the dial
the other on the test gauge are not in the
pile. axis of jack. And
same shall be
verified by LVDT.
11. Indicate Noted and incorporated.
of LVDTs and dial
gauges at the back
of test pile in
12. At CL 9.0 : Noted and added.
Update the
relevant paragraph
as follows:
“LVDTs and load
cell data shall be
stored/recorded at
5 min interval. Dial
gauge and pressure
gauge data shall be
recorded at 15 min

13. Dial gauge is not Noted and incorporated.

mention in the
plant and
14. For the rate of Noted and mentioned in
deflection, mention point-5 of section-9
the time interval in
displacement is
measured. Every
10min or 15 min
and what is min.
time for one load
15. Movement of Noted and added in the
Anchor pile during section-11
the testing shall be
measured by
coordinate if
required by total
16. Clarify the Loading and unloading
unloading same as table added in this
loading revised report

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