Recinto, Adrian Bernard A. - 2B MWF 5:30 - 6:30 PM: BSMT SEPTEMBER 16, 2019
Recinto, Adrian Bernard A. - 2B MWF 5:30 - 6:30 PM: BSMT SEPTEMBER 16, 2019
Recinto, Adrian Bernard A. - 2B MWF 5:30 - 6:30 PM: BSMT SEPTEMBER 16, 2019
Each country in the world has contributed to the world’s cultural heritage. One of
the most contributing parts of the world to cultural heritage is East Asia. Architectural,
religious, musical, visual, and literary forms of art practiced by East Asian people had
been greatly influenced by religious traditions practiced in the region—in particular,
Hinduism and Buddhism. One of the most outstanding monuments ever created
under the influence of these two paradigms was the temple complex of Angkor Wat
in Cambodia.
Angkor Wat is so vast that it is difficult to grasp its entire architectural plan if you
are walking around the monument’s territory. From a distance, Angkor Wat looks like
a colossal mass of stone, but if you get closer, you will see numerous elevated
towers, chambers, and courtyards—all of them located on different levels, and
connected with stairways and covered galleries. Angkor Wat’s central tower’s overall
height is surprisingly greater than it might seem; it is 699 feet high, which is an
amazing index for a building raised in ancient times, without modern cranes and
other facilities. This had been achieved with three rectangular or square levels; each
of them is progressively smaller and higher than the one below. Covered galleries
with columns are located on the first and second levels, and on the third level there
are five towers. Four of them are located in the monument’s corners, and the last one
is standing in the center. These towers are of a conical shape, and are decorated
with the ornament of lotuses (Tourism of Cambodia).
Moreover, the whole monument’s profile imitates a lotus bud. Surprisingly, you
cannot see all the five towers at the same time—they are visible only when looking at
the monument from certain angles, and if you look from the entrance, you will not be
able to see them. The shape of a cross is dominant for the majority of structures and
constructions located within the monument, such as courtyards, basins, and so
on. The hallmark of Angkor Wat is a curved sloping roof of galleries, chambers, and
aisles: from a distance, it looks like a series of long narrow ridges, which looks
incredibly beautiful (Tourism of Cambodia).