Olsen Role Enzymes Modern Detergency 1998 PDF
Olsen Role Enzymes Modern Detergency 1998 PDF
Olsen Role Enzymes Modern Detergency 1998 PDF
ABSTRACT: Enzymes have effectively assisted the develop- lulases, the foundations were already laid in 1913 for the
ment and improvement of modern household and industrial de- commercial use of enzymes that continues to be important
tergents. The major classes of detergent enzymes—proteases, li- today.
pases, amylases, and cellulases—each provide specific benefits Today the most widely used industrial enzymes are hy-
for application in laundry and automatic dishwashing. Histori- drolases, which remove soils based on proteins, lipids, and
cally, proteases were first to be used extensively in laundry de-
polysaccharides. Cellulolytic enzymes are another class of
tergents. In addition to raising the level of cleaning, they have
hydrolases that provide fabric care through selective reac-
also provided environmental benefits by reducing energy con-
sumption through shorter washing times, lower washing tem- tions not previously possible on fabrics. Research is cur-
peratures, and reduced water consumption. Today proteases are rently underway into the possibility of using redox en-
joined by lipases and amylases in improving detergent efficacy zymes—oxidases or peroxidases—for bleaching colored
especially for household laundering at lower temperatures and, components (2).
in industrial cleaning operations, at lower pH levels. Cellulases To support the 18–19-million -ton global annual market
contribute to overall fabric care by rejuvenating or maintaining for laundry and dishwashing detergents (3), the world-
the new appearance of washed garments. Enzymes are pro- wide consumption of detergent enzymes amounted to
duced by fermentation technologies that utilize renewable re- ca. U.S. $500 million in 1995 (4). The principal producers
sources. of enzymes are Novo Nordisk A/S (headquartered in
JSD 1, 555–567 (1998).
Bagsvaerd, Denmark) and Genencor International Inc.
(headquartered in Rochester, NY), serving the market with
KEY WORDS: Amylases, automatic dishwashing, cellulases,
enzymes in detergents, industrial cleaning, laundry, lipases, more than 90% of the total volume of detergent enzyme
proteases, storage stability, wash performance. products.
Copyright © 1998 by AOCS Press Journal of Surfactants and Detergents, Vol. 1, No. 4 (October 1998) 555
Consumption During the Washing of Fabrics (European data) (Refs. 5–9)
Consumption/kg 1943–44 1965 1975 1985 1990–95
dry fabric (manual) (machine) (machine) (machine) (machine)
Chemicals (g)
Conventional 109 ca. 50 ca. 50 38–48 32
Compact 0 0 0 0 16–21
Water (L) 31 37 31 21 10–12
Energy for heating (kWh) 1.45 0.6 0.4 0.25 0.2
(to heat water)
Energy for motors
and pumps (kWh) 0 0.4 0.2 0.15 0.1
Detergent mechanism based on enzymes. From an enzyme zymes were introduced by Lion Corp. in 1979, and in the
point of view, detergents on the international market con- United States the resurrection of enzymes began in the
tain principal ingredients that operate by almost identical 1980s after health problems with factory workers had ar-
detergency mechanisms. Soil and stains are removed by rested the initial introduction in 1971 (3).
mechanical action assisted by surfactants, builders, and en- Throughout the period covered in Table 1, the develop-
zymes. Alkaline proteases, amylases, or lipases in heavy- ment of new ingredient combinations (builders and bleach
duty detergents hydrolyze and solubilize substrate soil at- systems) and machines was optimized in conjunction with
tached to fabrics or hard surfaces (e.g., dishes). Cellulases the improved cleaning properties offered by enzyme sys-
clean by hydrolysis of glycosidic bonds which removes tems. At the same time, the development of new enzyme
particulate soils attached to cotton microfibers. Key effects systems was influenced by the new compositions of deter-
of cellulases are to soften and improve the color brightness gent mixes.
of worn textile surfaces. Surfactants lower the surface ten- A comparison of calculated cost distributions for
sion at interfaces and enhance the repulsive force between washes from 1943 (5) and 1997 (10) reflects many dramatic
the original soil, enzymatically degraded soil, and the fab- changes in society and also indicates the benefits of new
ric. Builders act to chelate, precipitate or ion-exchange cal- developments. Table 2 shows the annual cost of washing
cium and magnesium salts, to provide alkalinity, to pre- on a family basis for the 2 yr. Interestingly, the proportion
vent soil redeposition, to provide buffering capacity, and of the costs attributable to the detergents has not changed.
to inhibit corrosion. The energy part of the washing costs has been reduced sig-
Laundry. Over the past 35 yr the role of enzymes in de- nificantly, but the costs for water have increased consider-
tergents has changed from one of a minor additive to be- ably due to the increasing shortage of clean water and
coming a key ingredient. The largest application in which heavy taxation of environmental resources.
the use of enzymes has grown is household laundry. Table 2 explains, to some degree, the developments seen
Before the introduction of modern detergent formula- in laundry technology over the years from 1943 to 1997.
tions, soap and sodium carbonate were the principal deter- New detergent compositions and enzymes made possible
gent constituents, and the cleaning effect in laundering was a lowering of washing temperatures and hence of energy
dependent mainly on mechanical action. Table 1 shows a consumption. Thus it is easy to understand the current
comparison of the consumption of chemicals, water, and trend of washing machine design heading in the direction
energy over the last 50 yr. The advent of washing machines of reducing water consumption.
brought a considerable reduction in the consumption of Dishwashing. Automatic dishwashing machines have
chemicals over that in manual washing. In the period of been in use for almost as long as washing machines but not
1967–1970 (5), a reduction in energy consumption of about as widely. Today, automatic dishwashers are found in
40% was brought about by the successful introduction of 50–60% of households in the United States, West Germany,
enzymatic detergents. In 1969, at least 50% of European de-
tergents were offering “biological attack” (proteolytic en-
zymes), which resulted in the energy-savings shown (3). TABLE 2
The move away from 95°C washes to 60°C washes, and Yearly Costs (DKK—Danish crowns) and Cost Distribution
for Washing in a Danish Model Family
later to 40°C washes became more common. Furthermore,
prewashes and overnight soaking could be eliminated. The 1943 (Ref. 5) 1997 (Ref. 10)
additional energy reduction resulted from a combination of Component DKK % distribution DKK % distribution
more diverse enzyme ingredients (cellulases, amylases, and Electricity 14.5 12 368 27
lipases), more mechanically efficient washing machines (jet- Fuel 47 39
spray and cascade systems), better-managed machine elec- Water 9.7 8 415 31
tronics, and compact detergents. In Japan, proteolytic en- Detergents 48.8 41 565 42
Norway, Sweden, and Denmark, and in ca. 30% of the from 2.8 to 1.5 kWh (13). Chlorine or hypochlorite-releas-
households in France and Italy, while in other European ing bleach compounds (e.g., chloroisocyanurates) have
countries like The Netherlands and Spain distribution is been deemed essential to remove certain stains, e.g., tea
less than 20% (4,11). In Japan, automatic dishwashers are stains in cups.
found in fewer than 5% of domestic households (4). In the United States, most of the ADD market is still
In manual dishwashing, the removal of food residues is based on the traditional chlorine-type ADD although some
mainly dependent on surfactants and mechanical energy. enzymatic products have been available for a number of
In machine dishwashing, cleaning performance is depen- years. Efforts to introduce enzymatic low-alkaline ADD in
dent on the complete detergent, the temperature, and me- the United States have been ineffective to date. Unlike Eu-
chanical energy. Mechanical energy is delivered by the ropean dishwashing machines, their U.S. counterparts lack
pump, which circulates the wash water. The chemical con- both an ion exchange water softener and a built-in water
tribution of the detergents must therefore be high. The heater. This places the main burden of cleaning on the de-
most severe cleaning problem is encountered when food tergent and does not favor mild detergent formulations (3).
items coat tableware—porcelain plates, cups, cutlery, and As with laundry detergent formulations, the introduc-
glasses—with a film. Food may be dried-on, baked-on, or tion of new ADD with enzymes (amylases and proteases)
even burned-on and forms complex compounds from car- has made it possible to replace harsh chemicals like
bohydrates, proteins, and lipids. Vegetable pigments or tea bleaches and alkalis. Since hypochlorite in low concentra-
scum consisting of Ca-tannin compounds—in brewed tions will degrade enzymes, peroxygen/activator bleach
tea—also demand considerable attention. In addition, systems based on the combination of sodium perborate or
combinations of polyphenols and carbohydrates—from percarbonate with activators (TAED, etc.) that oxidize pol-
coffee—are considered difficult. Thus, dishwashing is con- yaromatics from fruit, coffee, tea, wine, and vegetables are
sidered successful if tea and coffee stains have been com- used instead. At the reduced pH in chlorine-free ADD, the
pletely removed. Complex compounds based on proteins, hydrolytic swelling needed to remove food residues from
polysaccharides, and lipids require hydrolytic treatment surfaces is supported by the action of respectively starch-
that causes swelling and degradation of the soil and thus and protein-degrading enzymes. These systems are widely
releases it from the surface. Bleach systems that oxidize used in Europe in compact ADD powders and tablets.
polyaromatics are also needed to remove fruit, coffee, tea, I&I laundry. The application of enzymes in I&I laundry,
wine, and vegetable stains. institutional dishwash, and cleaning in the food industry
The combination of short washing times, high tempera- has grown substantially (14).
ture, and the need for avoiding attack on dishware calls for Textiles treated under I&I laundry conditions include
chemicals with special properties. Highly alkaline-oxidiz- hospital bed linen, coats and uniforms, workers overalls
ing chemicals are needed to ensure the hydrolysis and ox- and white coats from slaughterhouses, and tablecloths and
idative hydrolysis of food compounds and to disperse napkins from hotels and restaurants.
them into the washing liquor without foaming. Effective Machines used can be washer–extractors having capaci-
binding of hardness ions to prevent lime deposits and pro- ties of 120 kg dry cloth per load or they can be tunnel
tective agents for glass and on-glaze decorations are also washers with several compartments and capacities of 550
needed. kg per hour.
Before enzyme products were introduced in Europe in In washer–extractors a prewash at low temperature
1990, automatic dishwashing detergents (ADD) were for- (e.g., 35°C) and pH = 11 permit the use of enzymes within
mulated on the basis of strongly alkaline, strong complex- a time period of 8–10 min. The main wash is usually car-
ing agents [sodium triphosphate (20–30%), sodium meta- ried out for 15 min at 85ºC, pH = 11.5. In order to permit
silicate (40–70%), and sodium carbonate, 0–10%)] oxidiz- enzymes to work, this temperature can be reduced to 60°C.
ing compounds, usually di- or trichloroisocyanurate Usually, the last bleach process is a treatment with active
(1–3%), and nonionic surfactants (0–2%; pH in 1% solution chlorine in cold water.
= 12.0–12.5; typical dosages = 60–80 g per wash. In tunnel washers the holding time in each compart-
At a pH of 12–13, rinsing to remove chemicals must be ment is 4–5 min. During prerinse and first wash, enzymes
very effective. This is the reason why large volumes of may be added followed by bleaching steps with chlorine
water were used in dishwashers in the past. Although or hydrogen peroxide.
glass is chemically reasonably resistant, its silicate struc- Institutional dishwashing. In a traditional institutional
ture is destroyed by hydrolytic cleavage of Si–O–Si bonds dishwashing process, the dishware is placed vertically in
under highly alkaline conditions, resulting in a cloudy sur- trays and then washed with 60°C wash water including
face appearance (12). Disilicates were tested and found to 0.5–5 g/L of a detergent containing sodium hydroxide,
be effective in preventing glass weight loss (12). potassium hydroxide, phosphonate, polycarboxylate, and
Over the last 20 yr, water consumption was reduced sodium EDTA. In the absence of enzyme, the pH normally
from 60 to 15 L per dishwashing cycle, detergent consump- is 13–14. The washing process with detergent normally
tion from 80 to 30 g per wash, and energy consumption lasts 60–90 s followed by a rinsing process lasting 20 s at
75–85°C. The dishware is then dried either in the machine for cleaning spiral-wound ultrafiltration modules that are
or outside. very sensitive to harsh chemicals and are generally diffi-
In large institutional dishwashers, trays are placed on a cult to clean with traditional cleaning products (18).
conveyor belt which pulls the dishware through the above The combination of protease and lipase in a pure en-
treatments in separate chambers. zyme cleaning process of plate heat exchangers used for
In institutional dishwashing processes, the use of en- high pasteurization of sweet milk surfactants (soaps) leads
zymes provides cleaning effects as in household usage. to the in situ formation of emulsifiers and foaming agents
With a low-alkaline detergent system without bleach, a from the fat and proteins. This is illustrated schematically
preferable temperature range is 45–65°C. Very often a two- in Figure 1.
component liquid detergent system is used. One compo- Regulatory aspects and quality assurance of detergent en-
nent is a liquid detergent containing, e.g., sodium hydrox- zymes. In most countries, the regulatory status, classifica-
ide, a calcium binder like phosphonate, amphoteric or non- tion, and labeling are determined in accordance with exist-
ionic surfactant, and polycarboxylate. Typical dosages may ing schemes for chemicals. Many enzyme types are listed
be about 2–4 g/L of wash liquid, resulting in a pH of 8.5–9 on chemical inventories, e.g., EINECS in the European
of the cleaning solution. The second component may be Union and TSCA in the United States. In some cases, en-
starch- and protein-degrading enzymes. The enzymes are zymes are considered natural substances exempt from list-
dosed from a separate container directly into the washing ing or are regulated by specific biotechnology products
chamber. legislation.
Cleaning in the food industry. For many years, proteases The Association of Manufacturers of Fermentation En-
have been used as minor functional ingredients in formu- zyme Products has defined Good Manufacturing Practice
lated detergent systems for cleaning reverse-osmosis mem- for microbial food enzymes. This practice is generally fol-
branes. The requirements and dosages of enzymes are sim- lowed for detergent enzymes also. The most important ele-
ilar to those for laundry detergents and ADD. Enzymes are ment is to ensure a pure culture of the production organism.
now also used for cleaning processes in the dairy (15) and Commercial enzyme products are usually formulated
in the brewing industries for cleaning microfiltration and in aqueous solutions or processed to dry nondusting gran-
ultrafiltration membranes (16). Enzymatic cleaning is also ulates.
being used for membranes used in fruit juice processing Safety. Like many other proteins foreign to the human
(17). Both organic and inorganic soils are removed by body, enzymes are potential inhalation allergens. Inhala-
cleaning-in-place (CIP). In CIP plants, the cleaning tion of even small concentrations of a foreign protein in the
medium is normally 0.5–1% NaOH (± surfactants and form of dust or aerosols can stimulate the body’s immune
EDTA) at 75–85°C followed by rinsing and 0.5–1% HNO3 system to produce antibodies. In some individuals, in-
(± surfactant) or “acid sulfate.” creased concentrations of antibody–enzyme protein com-
In dairies, the most difficult soil to remove from hard plexes can trigger increased concentrations of histamine.
surfaces is “burnt-on milk” from the fouling of heating sur- The latter compounds can cause hay fever-like symptoms
faces, e.g., on heat exchangers or evaporator tubes. This such as watery eyes, running nose, and a sore throat. When
substrate is a kind of gel assumed to be a complex formed exposure ceases, these effects cease also.
by Maillard-type reactions between protein, lactose, and Enzymes must be inhaled in order to present a risk of
fat. Milkstone (a calcium phosphate protein complex) may causing sensitization, which may lead to an allergic reac-
also be involved. For this application, an enzymatic CIP tion. Working environments where enzymes are used are
system based on protease and lipase has proven effective therefore subjected to extensive monitoring to confirm that
threshold limit values (TLV) for atmospheric enzymes are source of origin (animal, plant, microbial), their catalytic
not exceeded. In many countries, the TLV for enzymes is action (endopeptidase or exopeptidase), and the nature of
based on the proteolytic enzyme subtilisin and is stated the catalytic site (active site). They are characterized by
0.00006 mg/cu.m of pure crystalline subtilisin in air (19). common names and trade names, typical pH ranges, and
Successful experience in controlling enzyme exposure preferential specificity. Based on a comparison of active
and protecting workers’ health has been reported by Proc- sites, catalytic residues, and three-dimensional structures,
ter & Gamble (20). Already in 1971 a National Research four major protease families are recognized: serine, thiol,
Council report had concluded that consumers did not de- aspartic, and metalloproteases. The serine protease family
velop respiratory allergies from the use of enzyme-contain- contains two subgroups: chymotrypsin-like and subtilisin-
ing laundry products (21). Further studies over the years like. The latter is the most important group for detergent
have confirmed that enzyme-containing laundry and dish- applications.
washing detergents are safe for consumer use. Examples of thiol (or cysteine) proteases are plant pro-
teases from papain latex (Papain), from pineapple stem
(Bromelain), and from fig latex (Ficin). These enzymes are
not used in detergents.
Manufacture. The production of microbial enzymes repre- The characteristics of a number of commercial enzyme
sents a significant part of today’s industrial biotechnology. products used for industrial detergents or food protein
The most significant industrial enzyme products are pro- products are shown in Table 3. The enzymes Alcalase®, Es-
duced by aerobic batch or continuous fermentation in fer- perase®, Savinase®, and Trypsin are serine proteases, while
mentors with volumes ranging from 20–1,000 m3. Fermen- the enzyme called Neutrase® is a metalloprotease with
tation processes are carried out on sterilized nutrients Zn2+ in its active site. Furthermore, this enzyme is stabi-
based on renewable raw materials like corn starch, various lized by Ca2+. Durazym® and Everlase™ are protein-engi-
sugars, and soy grits in the presence of various added salts neered variants of Savinase® and mainly used in deter-
to provide basic elements. gents containing bleach. The development of selected pro-
Most industrial enzymes are secreted from selected mi- teases has been guided by factors like oxidation stability,
croorganisms into the fermentation medium in order to temperature optima, autoproteolysis, denaturation, water
break down the carbon and the nitrogen source. hardness, alkalinity, and economy. Thus detergent pro-
The enzyme activity is harvested from the fermentation teases have been categorized in types for uses within alka-
broth by removing insoluble products and the biomass line, high alkaline, high bleach stability, and cold-water ap-
produced, usually by filtration or centrifugation. Enzyme plications (3). Table 4 is an attempt to show the status of to-
in the solution is then concentrated by evaporation, mem- day’s merchant market. Practical selections of proteases for
brane processes, and crystallization. Depending on the specific detergents are made on the basis of performance
specific application, the enzyme product is posttreated. For tests and stability tests carried out under certain standard
solid products, such as detergent powders, nondusting conditions chosen in conjunction with formulators.
granulated enzyme formulations are manufactured (22). Protein hydrolysis in detergency. Proteases catalyze the
For use in liquid detergents, liquid or encapsulated formu- hydrolytic cleavage of the peptide chain, as shown for re-
lations are easy to handle and dose in a factory. actants and products in Scheme 1.
Proteases. Proteases are the most widely used enzymes.
In laundry detergents, protein stains such as grass, blood,
egg, and human sweat are removed through proteolysis.
In ADD, proteases secure the removal of proteinaceous
food films, which are a particular problem with glassware
and cutlery. Proteases are classified according to their SCHEME 1
Some Commercial Proteolytic Enzymes (Novo Nordisk A/S, Bagsvaerd, Denmark)
Product names Microorganism or other origin State of product Practical application range (pH) Practical application range (°C)
Merchant Market Detergent Proteasesa
Producer Alkaline High alkaline High bleach stability Cold water
The most important parameters for the hydrolysis reac- Some kinetic aspects of protein hydrolysis. The pH-stat tech-
tion are surface-available substrate S (percentage protein nique was utilized to study the proteolytic degradation of
for the reaction), E/S (enzyme–substrate ratio in activity hemoglobin in solution and to understand the reaction
units per kg protein), pH, reaction time, and temperature. mechanism (24).
Together with the specificity and properties of the enzyme In the discussions of initial proteolysis, Linderstrøm-
itself, these parameters are responsible for the course of re- Lang (25) referred to the reaction of a protease on native
action on a given protein stain. The quantitative criterion hemoglobin molecules as “one-by-one,” indicating that a
for a proteolytic reaction is the degree of hydrolysis (DH) particular protease molecule degraded one substrate mol-
or hydrolytic activity (HA). DH is calculated by determin- ecule at a time. No appreciable amounts of intermediary
ing the number of peptide bonds cleaved and the total products were present. The reaction mixture consisted of
number of peptide bonds in the intact protein molecule. native proteins and end-products only.
HA is here defined as milliequivalent (meq) NaOH con- In another reaction mechanism referred to, the native
sumed in a pH-stat/mass of substrate for a given time. protein molecules were rapidly converted into intermedi-
The DH of enzyme-treated protein is proportional to the ary forms, which degraded more slowly to end-products
molecular size of degraded proteins. Therefore measure- (“Zipper reaction”).
ment of the DH is important. Only in this way is it possi-
ble to optimize the reactions and to study the mechanisms
in detail (23). For laundry or dishwashing applications, no
estimates of this parameter have been reported, presum-
ably because the substrate concentration is very low and
difficult to measure.
However, when sufficient substrate is available, the rel-
atively simple pH-stat technique can be applied directly as
an analytical tool during the reaction. For the standard test
textile swatches, EMPA 116 (cotton) or EMPA 117 (cotton +
polyester), containing blood, milk, and carbon black, Fig-
ures 2 and 3 show examples of hydrolytic activity as a
function of time. Different detergents, enzyme dosages,
and temperatures were tested. The protease is added in
dosages relevant to the application, but Figures 2 or 3 do
not, as such, represent state of the art with regard to maxi-
mal performance under Japanese or European washing
conditions. The reaction is carried out at fixed temperature
in a 1-L reaction vessel held under an N2 atmosphere with
sufficient stirring to keep the swatches floating. The pH-
stat technique can be used as a quick and nonlabor-inten-
sive method for evaluating the effects of some washing pa-
rameters. When a simultaneous solubilization of protein
occurs as an effect of the protein hydrolysis, measurements FIG. 2. Example of a pH-stat trial on EMPA 116 swatches—Japanese de-
of soluble nitrogen can be made. After rinsing and drying, tergent. HA, hydrolytic activity. Reaction conditions: temperature,
the reflectance can be measured (see Washing performance 15°C; concentration, 6.5 g EMPA 116 in 800 g wash; detergent, 0.67
evaluations—laundry section). These trials cannot fully g/L Japanese detergent, pH 10.5; water hardness, 3° dH (German de-
grees hardness); enzyme, Savinase 12 T; activity dosages, 0–0.20
substitute for machine washing trials because mechanical kNPU/L, where kNPU is the proteolytic activity in kilo Novo Protease
effects and temperature profiles are different, and the ef- Units measured as the hydrolysis rate of dimethyl casein and compared
fects of rinsing are not measured. with a standard reference protease preparation.
Some Commercial Starch-Degrading Enzymesa
Product name Microorganisms State of product Practical application range (pH) Practical application range (°C)
for detergent applications are selected on the basis of per- tending from either the C-terminal or the N-terminal of the
formance and stability tests in specific detergents. core. The nature of the core determines catalytic properties
Gelatinized starch may form a film on fabric that can re- such as endo-activity vs. exo-activity, substrate specificity,
sult in an increased pick-up of particulate soil after wash- and the type of reaction products that are formed. The
ing (29). Starch stains, combined with particulate soiling, presence of a CBD is of particular importance for binding
are more difficult to remove than starch alone. As a result on insoluble and crystalline cellulose and for hydrolytic ef-
white laundry items turn increasingly gray after repeated fects (31). Both EG and CBH can contain linkers and cellu-
wash cycles, an effect that has been demonstrated by lose-binding domains. The cellulase products in Table 6 are
adding about 0.5 g starch/kg cotton fabric (30). Starches composed as follows: Celluzyme®: A complex mixture of
may react differently depending on their amylose content, at least seven cellulases: Humicola CBH I, CBH II, EG I, EG
which is thought to be the film-forming component of the II, EG III, EG V, and EG VI; and Carezyme®: mono-compo-
starch. Film formation is favored under European condi- nent Humicola. These cellulases can be used in bleach-con-
tions where the temperature may be closest to the starch taining detergents and are used in a number of “Color”
gelatinization temperature. In laundry detergents, amy- and compact detergent powders.
lases may maintain or even contribute to increased whiten- Extremely high dosages of “color clarification cellu-
ing of dingy fabrics (29) and inhibit the graying of white lases” can inflict fabric damage in some cotton products
fabrics resulting from a combination of starch and particu- after repeated launderings. Damage may appear as loss of
late soiling (29,30). fabric strength and excessive softening of the mechanically
Cellulases. Cellulases cleave β-1,4-glucosidic bonds in exposed parts of laundry items, such as hems and edges.
cellulose and operate directly on the natural cotton fibers These effects may be eliminated by balancing the dosage
or cotton/flax blends and on the cellulose portion in syn- to manage the desired benefits. Application tests include
thetic fibers. This enzyme class is divided into endo-cellu- small-scale laundering in Terg-O-tometers and full-scale
lases (endo-glucanase = EG) and exo-cellulases (cellobio- multicycle laundering in commercial washing machines
hydrolase = CBH). Table 6 shows some application condi- (32).
tions and a few comparative characteristics for cellulases. Lipases. Because of their strong hydrophobicity, fats and
Celluzyme® and Carezyme® (Novo Nordisk) are “color oils (triglycerides) are difficult to remove from laundry at
clarification cellulases,” which are applied in detergents to low temperatures. Lipases hydrolyze triglyceride to more
make cotton fabrics regain and maintain clear colors, a hydrophilic mono- and diglycerides, free fatty acids, and
smooth surface, and softness. Cellulases provide these ef- glycerol. These hydrolysis products are all soluble in alka-
fects by shaving off the fuzz and pills of cotton fibrils that line conditions. At pH >8 the hydrolysis reaction may be
are generated on the fabric by normal wear and washing. favored by small amounts of free Ca ions due to the forma-
Cellulases are unique in providing these effects. tion of Ca soap, although lipases are effective also at low
The cellulase molecule is composed of up to three types free calcium levels.
of functionally different domains: the core, which is a large, The first commercial lipase for detergent application
spherical, catalytic domain; a linker, which is an elongated was Lipolase®, which was introduced in 1988 and used at
and flexible spacer; and a small spherical cellulose-binding once in Japanese detergents. Leading brands in the United
domain (CBD) (Fig. 5). States and Europe included lipase from 1990/91 (33). Lipo-
Some cellulases consist of a core domain only, others lase was first isolated from the fungus Humicola lanuginosa
comprise a core domain plus one or two linkers + CBD ex- from where the genetic coding for the lipase was trans-
Cellulose-Degrading Enzymes for Detergentsa
Product name Microorganisms and enzyme type State of product Practical application range (pH) Practical application range (°C)
General Composition of Detergents for Laundry and Dishwashinga
Contents (w/w%)
materials Functions in general Type of compounds Laundry Dishwash
vant temperatures using the Terg-O-tometer, which simu- − Runwashed is a measure of the total detergency. ∆REnz =
lates the top-loading U.S.-type of washing machine, and Rwashed − Rwashed without enzyme reflects the contribution of the
the Launder-O-meter, which simulates the European
drum-type machines. These “-O-meters” simulate to some Detailed washing data have been published on many
degree washing mechanics and washing temperatures, in- occasions. Such data are used to inform about the perfor-
cluding initial temperatures, heating rates, and maximum mance of new enzymes or as studies of the influences of
temperatures. Dose-response trials may be carried out in particular surfactants, builders, or effect of design of wash-
ordinary washing machines with ballast laundry and arti- ing machines (39). Several of the references cited contain
ficially soiled fabrics. A sufficient number of “standard” such information.
swatches may be fixed onto the ballast cloth. (ii) Washing performance evaluation—ADD. A standard
Assessment of washed test pieces is done visually or instru- laboratory procedure for evaluating the cleaning efficacy
mentally, the latter by measuring the reflectance of light re- of enzymes, mainly proteases and amylases, has been pub-
mitted at 460 nm. The intensity of the reflected light, % R, lished (28):
(% remission) can thus be measured. The value ∆R = Rwashed To test the efficiency of proteases, stainless steel plates are
Laundry Washing Conditions and Procedures by Regiona
Conditions United States/Canada Japan Europe
soiled with a baked egg–milk film. To test amylases, porce- into a detergent formulation may be based on washing tri-
lain plates are soiled with a gelatinized starch solution, als, model tests or machine tests, and on the results of stor-
which is dried overnight at room temperature. After wash-
age tests. Based on these data, a “minimum task value” for
ing, light reflectance values R are measured directly for
protein film or for starch films, after staining with iodine the user can be defined for the enzyme detergency perfor-
(KI/I2). Calculations of % removed film—RPF% for protein mance for the last wash out of a given package.
or RSF% for starch—can be as described in the formula: The factors affecting enzyme stability in formulated de-
RPF(%) [or RSF(%)]
tergents are summarized in Table 9.
Some Experience of the Effects of Detergent Compounds on the Stability of Enzymes
Compounds Powder detergents Liquid detergents
the development of detergency and improvements in 8. Kemna, R., in Ibid., 1996, pp. 22–27.
household and industrial detergents. In compact detergent 9. Showell, M.S., in Powdered Detergents, edited by M.S. Showell,
and E.J. Baas, Marcel Dekker Inc., New York, 1998, Surfactant
formulations, enzymes have also provided significant en-
Science Series, Vol. 71, pp. 1–19.
vironmental benefits by reducing energy consumption 10. Andersen, M., and H. Lundsgaard, Vaskemaskiner in Rad &
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