U2 - L10 Stress Isobar or Pressure Bulb PDF

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5 Limitations

1) The solution was derived assuming the soil as an elastic medium, but the soil doesnot
behave as an elastic material.
2) When the stress decrease occurs in soil, the relation between the stress and the strain
is not linear as assumed, therefore, the solution is not strictly applicable.
3) In deep sand deposits, the modulus of elasticity increases with an increase in depth
and therefore, the Boussinesq’ s solution will not give satisfactory results.
4) The point loads applied below ground surface causes somewhat smaller stresses than
are caused by surface loads, and, therefore, the solution is not strictly applicable.

Numerical Example
Find intensity of vertical pressure at a point 3 m directly below 25 kN point load acting
on a horizontal ground surface. What will be the vertical pressure at a point 2m
horizontally away from the axis of loading and at same depth of 3 m? Use Boussinesq’ s
equation. [6M-VTU-July/Aug2005]
Case (i)
Here, Q = 25 kN

3 Q 1
σz =
2π z 2 r

= 1.33 kN / m 2
Case (ii)
σ z = 0.53 kN / m 2
3.6 Stress Isobar or pressure bulb

An ‘isobar’ is a stress contour or a curve which connects all points below the ground surface
at which the vertical pressure is the same. An isobar is a spatial curved surface and resembles
a bulb in shape. The stress isobar is also called ‘pressure bulb’ .

Any number of pressure bulb may be drawn for any applied load, since each one corresponds
to an arbitrarily chosen value of stress. The isobar of a particular intensity can be obtained by:


An isobar consisting of a system of isobars appears somewhat as shown in Fig.3.3.

Fig. 3.3 Pressure bulb for a point load

3.6.1 Procedure

The procedure for plotting an isobar is as follows:

Let it be required to plot an isobar for which z = 0.1Q per unit area (10 % isobar)

We know that

0.1Q =

+, = 0.1

Assuming various values of z, the corresponding IB values are computed. For the values of IB,
the corresponding r/z values are determined and hence the values of r are obtained.

An isobar is symmetrical about the load axis, the other half can be drawn from symmetry.

When r = 0, IB = 0.4775; the isobar crosses the line of action of the load at a depth of

Z=@A:? = @ A:
= ;:<<= = 2.185 units

The shape of an isobar approaches a lemniscates curve (not circle) as shown in Fig.3.3

The calculations are best performed in the form of a table as given below:

When r = 0, +, -

= 0.4775

Table 3.1 Data for isobar of z = 0.1Q per unit area

Depth Z (units) Influence r/Z r (units) z

coefficient )*
0.5 0.0250 1.501 0.750 0.1Q
1.0 0.1000 0.932 0.932 0.1Q
1.5 0.2550 0.593 0.890 0.1Q
2.0 0.4000 0.271 0.542 0.1Q
2.185 0.4775 0 0 0.1Q
3.7 Pressure distribution

It is possible to calculate the following pressure distribution by Eq.3.5 of Boussinesq and

present them graphically

3.7.1 Vertical pressure distribution on horizontal plane

The vertical stress on horizontal plane at depth ‘z’ is given by


Z being a specified depth

For several assumed values of r, r/Z is calculated and the influence factor +, is found for
each, the value of z is then computed.

For r=0, zis the maximum of 9:;<<=

Fig.3.4 Vertical pressure distribution on horizontal plane

Theoretically, the stress approaches zero at infinity. However, practically it reaches a

negligible value at a short finite distance. The maximum pressure ordinate is relatively
high at shallow elevations and it decreases with increase depth. In other words, the bell
shaped fig flattens out with increasing depth. The vertical stress distribution diagram on a
horizontal plane can also be obtained graphically if the isobars of different intensities are
available. The horizontal plane is drawn on the isobar diagram. The points of intersection
of the horizontal plane with the isobar of a particular intensity give that vertical stress.

3.7.2 Vertical stress distribution on a vertical plane

The vertical stress distribution on a vertical plane at a radial distance of ‘r’ can be
obtained from


The variation of vertical stress with depth at a constant radial distance from the axis of the
load is as shown in Fig.3.5

a) directly under the point load b) at a distance from point load

Fig.3.5 Vertical pressure distribution on vertical plane

In this case radial distance ‘r’ is constant and the depth ‘z’ changes. As z increases, r/z
decreases, for a constant value of ‘r’ . As r/z decreases +, value in the equation for z

increases, but, since E is involved in the denominator of the expression for z, its value
first increases with depth, attains a maximum value, and then decreases with further
increase in depth.

The maximum vertical stress occur at r/Z=0.817.this corresponds to the point of

intersection of the vertical plane with the line drawn at 39013’ 53.5” to the vertical axis of
the load.
3.8 Vertical stress due to a line load

Certain road and rail traffic loads, and loads from walls may be resolved into line load, which
has length along a given line but not breadth (theoretical)

The vertical stress in a soil mass due to a vertical line load can be obtained using
boussinesq’ s solution. Let the vertical line load be of intensity q per unit length, along the y
axis, acting on the surface of a semi-infinite soil mass as shown in Fig.3.6

Fig. 3.6 Vertical stress due to a line load

Let us consider the load acting on a small length dy. The load can be taken as a point load of
q’ dy. using boussinesq’ s solution the vertical stress at P is given by

G H6
F --------------------------(3.9)

.˙. z = I J

The vertical stress at P due to line load extending from - to + is obtained by integration,

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