Comparative Analysis of Traditional and Modern Accounting Approach
Comparative Analysis of Traditional and Modern Accounting Approach
Comparative Analysis of Traditional and Modern Accounting Approach
Abstract- Indian accounting is going to face new challenges from the developed countries after outsourcing accounting work. To overcome
these problems accounting sector in India needs tangible improvement in terms of quality and output. To accomplish this , Ind ian accountants
must be well formed about the latest trends in accounting industry such as new techniques of journal entries , new techniques of accounting of
branches and departments and new system of automation of accounting work . This should be possible only by adopting Modern accounting
practices. The purpose of present paper is to highlight the traditional and Modern accounting concepts.
system, if developed accurately can deliver accurate chronological order and classify the transactions i.e. one type
information. Particularly for the small businesses, in a well of transactions under one head which is known as ledger book
designed Traditional accounting system the advantages which contains collaboration of different accounts. After the
outweigh the disadvantages ledger report software generate the income statement and
The golden rules of accounting require that you assure the balance sheet which depicts the profit or loss and financial
type of account in question. Each account type has its own position of the concern at the year end. If you try to pass an
rule that needs to be applied to account for the transactions. entry in modern approach you should find that it is much
The golden rules have been listed below in Table easier to apply modern approach in accounting than traditional
TABLE 1. Golden Rules of Accounting
TABLE 3. Rules for Modern Accounting
Type Of Account Debit Credit
Type Of Account Debit Credit
Personal A/C The receiver The giver
Asset A/C Increase Decrease
Real A/C What comes in What goes out
Liability A/C Decrease Increase
The following table 2 describes both the positive and negative Drawings A/C Increase Decrease
aspects of traditional accounting
viruses, and also there is a risk of hackers stealing data. Cyber modern day businesses. There is now a need for
crime is also a concern, and you need a system of controls for accountants who can easily cope with modern accounting
who has right to access to the information. If there is a security approaches.
breach and data is stolen, management is personally liable for
the loss of data. You also need to ensure that the data has been
correctly inputted into the system.
[1] Balvant M.Unnibhavi,(2005), “Financial Accounting”,Atlantic
The modern accounting approach has many advantages over Publisher and Distributors New Delhi.
traditional accounting approach as described here in detail [2] Gopinathan T(2010) , Modern Accounting, April 2010
[3] Mukharji and M Hanif(2000), “ Modern Accountancy”, Volume 1,Tata
1. Speed
McGraw Hill Publishing Co.Ltd., New Delhi.
[4] Mukharji and M Hanif,(2001), “ Modern Accountancy”, Volume 2,Tata
The main difference between manual and computerized
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systems is speed. Accounting software helps to process data [5] Smith.S ,The smart way to invest in computers,may 1997
and creates reports faster than manual system. Calculations are [6] Vinod Kumar ,Role of information technology in accounting ,October
done automatically in softwares, it minimize errors and 2009
[7] Web link of ejournal:
increasing efficiency.
[8] Web link:
2. Cost [9] Indian Journal of Finance New Delhi
Accounting software help accountants to forecast sales with
the help of economic business models and other business
decision tools. They automatically process information, hence
the number of human data entry errors decreases. This paper
briefly explains the drawbacks of traditional accounting
approach and focuses on positive aspects of Modern
Accounting approach. Modern accounting approach provides
better speed, low cost and ensures accuracy and reliability
over traditional accounting approach. In the modern day an
accountant having right qualification is itself not enough for