Mechanical Modeling of Material Damage: S. Murakami
Mechanical Modeling of Material Damage: S. Murakami
Mechanical Modeling of Material Damage: S. Murakami
A systematic theory to describe the anisotropic damage states of materials and a
S. Murakami consistent definition of effective stress tensors are developed -within the framework
Professor, of continuum damage mechanics. By introducing a fictitious undamaged configura-
Department of Mechanical Engineering, tion, mechanically equivalent to the real damaged configuration, the classical creep
Nagoya University, damage theory is extended to the general three-dimensional states of material
Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, damage; it is shown that the damage state can be described in terms of asymmetric
Nagoya 464-01, Japan
second rank tensor. The physical implications, mathematical restrictions, and the
limitations of this damage tensor, as well as the effects offinite deformation on the
damage state, are discussed in some detail. The notion of the fictitious undamaged
configuration is then applied also to the definition of effective stresses. Finally, the
extension of the effective stresses incorporating the effects of crack closure is
discussed. The resulting effective stress tensor is employed to analyze the stress-path
dependence of the elastic behavior of a cracked elastic-brittle material.
1 Introduction
Proper understanding and the mechanical description of the M., 1971; Onat and Leckie, 1988). The damage variables to
damage process of materials brought about by the internal model such material damage should have not only clear
defects are of vital importance in discussing the mechanical ef- physical implication, but also have appropriate mathematical
fects of the material deterioration on the macroscopic and mechanical properties. As regards this point, previous
behavior of materials, as well as in elucidating the process modeling of material damage needs further refinement.
leading from these defects to the final fracture. A systematic The present paper is concerned with a systematic modeling
approach to these problems of distributed defects can be pro- of material damage and the extension of the aforementioned
vided by continuum damage mechanics (Chaboche, 1981; Kachanov-Rabotnov notion to the general three-dimensional
Hult, 1979; Kachanov, 1986; Krajcinovic, 1984; Lemaitre and anisotropic damage. By postulating that the material damage
Chaboche, 1978, 1985; Murakami, 1983). The fundamental can be characterized mainly by the decrease of load-carrying
notion of this theory, attributable originally to Kachanov effective area caused by the development of microscopic
(1958) and modified somewhat by Rabotnov (1969), is to cracks and cavities, the state of material damage is described
represent the damage state of materials characterized by by introducing a fictitious deformation gradient from the cur-
distributed cavities in terms of appropriate mechanical rent damaged configuration B, of the material element to the
variables (internal state variables), and then to establish corresponding fictitious undamaged configuration Bj with the
mechanical equations to describe their evolution and the decreased net area due to damage; two kinds of damage ten-
mechanical behavior of damaged materials. sors D and D are defined to represent the damage state with
The nucleation and the growth of voids observed in the pro- respect to the current damaged configuration B, and to the
cess of material damage depend significantly on the direction elastically unloaded damaged configuration B,. Then, the
of the applied stress or strain and, hence, are essentially relations between the damage tensors D and D as well as their
anisotropic. The generalization of Kachanov-Rabotnov's no- mathematical restrictions are elucidated; they are shown to be
tion (Kachanov, 1958; Rabotnov, 1969) to multiaxial states of second rank symmetric tensors. The mechanical interpretation
damage, therefore, necessitates the proper description of the of these damage tensors and the definition of the related effec-
oriented features of material damage. Thus considerable ef- tive stress also are discussed. Finally, the proposed theory is
forts have been done to find rational modeling of anisotropic extended to incorporate the effects of the microcrack closure
damage phenomena (Betten, 1983; Chaboche, 1984; Cor- and is applied to analyze the elastic behavior of a cracked
debois and Sidoroff, 1982; Hayhurst and Stonlkers, 1976; elastic-brittle material under combined hydrostatic pressure
Leckie and Onat, 1981; Kachanov, M., 1980; Krajcinovic, and shear.
1983; Murakami and Ohno, 1981; Vakulenko and Kachanov,
2 Mechanical Description of Damage States
Contributed by the Applied Mechanics Division for publication in the JOUR-
NAL OF APPLIED MECHANICS. 2.1 Fictitious Undamaged Configuration and Fictitious
Discussion on this paper should be addressed to the Editorial Department, Deformation Gradient. Let us first take a tensile bar of Fig.
ASME, United Engineering Center, 345 East 47th Street, New York, N.Y.
10017, and will be accepted until two months after final publication of the paper
1. We denote its cross-sectional area in the undamaged initial
itself in the JOURNAL OF APPLIED MECHANICS. Manuscript received by ASME state and that in the current damaged state under stress a by
Applied Mechanics Division, May 27, 1987; final revision, October 20, 1987. A0 and A, respectively. According to the classical damage
Fig. 4 Effective stress tensors with respect to current and initial configurations; (a) Initial undamaged
configuration; (b) Current damaged configuration; (c) Fictitious undamaged configuration