The Blue Book 2017: Code of Practice On Electrical Safety For The Work On or Near High Voltage Electrical Apparatus
The Blue Book 2017: Code of Practice On Electrical Safety For The Work On or Near High Voltage Electrical Apparatus
The Blue Book 2017: Code of Practice On Electrical Safety For The Work On or Near High Voltage Electrical Apparatus
Further information
Anyone seeking additional information
on HV safety should contact:
°° employer
°° HV assets owner
°° railway and tramway operators
°° generation, transmission
and distribution businesses
°° Energy Safe Victoria
For general workplace health
and safety advice, contact:
WorkSafe’s Advisory Service
on 1800 136 089
Suggestions or comments regarding
possible amendments should be
addressed to:
Energy Safe Victoria
PO Box 262
Collins St West
Melbourne VIC 8007
T (03) 9203 9700
F (03) 9686 2197
[email protected]
Statement from the
Director of Energy Safety
Energy Safe Victoria (ESV) is the independent The Blue Book is also a published technical
technical regulator responsible for electricity, standard that major electricity companies
gas and pipeline safety in Victoria, Australia. (MEC) and other network operators must
Part of ESV’s role is to ensure that high meet or exceed as part of their Electricity
safety standards are maintained in relation Safety Management Schemes (ESMS).
to the design, construction, operation and ESV recognises that the industry needs
maintenance of electrical installations and time to implement the new requirements of
electricity supply networks. The Code of the 2017 Blue Book, to train workers and
Practice on Electrical Safety for Work on or make them aware of the new requirements.
Near High Voltage Electrical Apparatus’ (the Accordingly, the new requirements of the
Blue Book) is an essential part of that role. 2017 version of the Blue Book will take
The 2017 Blue Book has been prepared by effect from 1 March 2018.
the Electrical Safety Committee established I endorse the 2017 Blue Book and commend
under Section 8 of the Energy Safe Victoria the committee members and organisations
Act 2005. involved in producing this revision.
The Blue Book is revised and republished
every five years to ensure that the safety
standards for work on or near high voltage
electrical apparatus are fit for purpose,
reflect industry best practice and are Paul Fearon
improved where possible. Director of Energy Safety
Table of Contents
9 Definitions
14 1 Purpose
15 2 Scope
16 3 General safety requirements
3.1 Hazard identification, risk assessment and control
3.2 First aid
3.3 Communications
3.4 Forms
3.5 Use and testing of operating and live-line equipment
17 3.6 Insulating sticks
3.7 Labelling of electrical apparatus
3.8 Ladders
3.9 Personal protective equipment
18 3.10 Tapes and other measuring devices
3.11 Use of safety observers
3.12 Fit state for work
19 3.13 Work within electric and magnetic fields
3.13.1 General
3.13.2 Electric fields (50 Hz)
20 3.13.3 Magnetic fields
3.14 Victim rescue
21 4 Training and authorisation
4.1 General
4.2 Approved training standard
4.2.1 Introduction
22 4.2.2 Learning outcomes
4.2.3 Training courses
4.2.4 Records
23 5 Work in the vicinity of electrical apparatus
5.1 General
5.2 Use of mobile plant
24 5.3 Handling objects/loads
5.4 Erection or dismantling of overhead conductors
25 5.5 Work by ordinary persons
5.6 Work within stations or on multi-circuit overhead lines
with multiple asset ownership
26 6 Approach to electrical apparatus
6.1 General
29 6.2 Safe approach distance—persons
6.2.1 Safe approach distance—normal
31 6.2.2 Safe approach distance—special
32 6.2.3 Guidelines for the development and use of alternative safe approach
6.3 Safe approach distances—vehicles
6.3.1 Ordinary persons
6.3.2 Authorised and instructed persons
34 6.4 Safe approach distances—uninsulated mobile plant
6.4.1 General
6.4.2 Ordinary persons
6.4.3 Instructed persons or authorised persons
6.5 Safe approach distance—insulated mobile plant
37 6.6 Emergency approach
6.7 Contact with live high voltage conductors by means of appliances
6.8 Approach to live high voltage insulated cables
6.8.1 General
6.8.2 Earthed metallic sheathed or screened high voltage cables
6.8.3 Non-metallic screened high voltage aerial bundled cable
38 6.9 Work in stations
6.10 Work outside of stations
39 7 Operation of high voltage electrical apparatus
7.1 Persons authorised to operate high voltage electrical apparatus
7.2 Written high voltage switching instructions
7.3 High voltage switching
40 8 Earthing of high voltage electrical apparatus
8.1 General requirements
41 8.2 Earthing for access to high voltage electrical apparatus
8.3 Earthing of overhead lines
8.4 Overhead lines (priority earthing preferences)
8.5 High voltage metal clad switch
42 8.6 High voltage capacitors
8.7 Aerial supervisory cables
43 9 Access for work on or near high voltage electrical apparatus
9.1 General
9.2 Electrical access permit procedure
9.2.1 Planning for an electrical access permit
44 9.2.2 Multiple working parties
9.2.3 Multiple ownership
9.2.4 Issue, receipt and cancellation of electrical access permits
45 9.2.5 Persons permitted to sign onto electrical access permits
46 9.2.6 Recipient working alone
9.2.7 Issuer also a recipient
9.2.8 Rejection of a recipient
9.2.9 Earthing of electrical apparatus under electrical access permit
47 9.2.10 Temporary cessation of work or absence of recipients
9.2.11 Testing under an electrical access permit
9.2.12 Working on multi-circuit overhead lines
9.2.13 Change of electrical access permit conditions
9.2.14 Cancellation of an electrical access permit
48 9.3 Testing HV electrical apparatus procedure
9.3.1 General
9.3.2 Planning for testing of high voltage apparatus
49 9.3.3 Sanction for testing procedure
50 9.3.4 Persons permitted to sign onto sanctions for testing
51 9.3.5 Responsibilities of tester in charge
9.3.6 Complementary sanctions for testing—Responsibilities of tester
responsible at remote location
9.3.7 Relinquishment of sanctions for testing
52 9.4 Out of commission electrical apparatus
9.4.1 Declaring electrical apparatus out of commission
9.4.2 Access to out of commission electrical apparatus
9.5 Suspension of an access authority
9.5.1 General
9.5.2 Conditions for suspension of an access authority
9.5.3 Procedure for suspension of an access authority
53 9.5.4 Procedure for resumption of an access authority
9.6 Live work—high voltage
9.6.1 General
54 9.6.2 Minimum requirements
9.6.3 Insulating stick work
9.6.4 Glove and barrier work
9.6.5 Bare hand work
9.7 Preparing high voltage electrical apparatus for access
9.7.1 Isolation and earthing
55 9.7.2 Barriers and signs
57 9.7.3 Use of a statement of condition of apparatus/plant (SCAP)
58 9.7.4 High voltage metal-clad switchgear and associated electrical apparatus
9.7.5 Rotating high voltage machines
59 9.8 Working on insulated power or supervisory cables
9.8.1 On-site identification of insulated cables (including out of commission
or abandoned cables)
9.8.2 Spiking of cables
9.8.3 Working under induced voltage conditions
60 10 Placing high voltage electrical apparatus in service
10.1 Clearance for service
10.2 Connections to new or out of commission electrical apparatus
61 11 Low voltage network assets
11.1 General
11.2 Work on or near live low voltage conductors
11.3 Work on or near de-energised low voltage exposed conductors
62 12 Work by persons not under the control of the asset owner
12.1 General
12.2 Permit to work adjacent to network assets
63 12.3 Work on abandoned underground cables
12.4 Electrical safety rules for vegetation management work
near overhead powerlines by non-electrical workers
64 Appendix A—Information to be contained in forms
Application for an access authority
Application for authority to work in the vicinity of electrical apparatus
65 Personal authorisations
Authority to work in the vicinity of electrical apparatus
66 Clearance to place electrical apparatus into service (may also
be overhead line clearance and underground cable clearance)
Electrical access permit and sanction for testing
67 Statement of condition of apparatus/plant (SCAP)
For the purpose of this Code of Practice, 5. Authorised person means a person
the following definitions shall apply: with technical knowledge or sufficient
1. Access authority means any form experience who has been approved,
of authorisation that allows access to, or has the delegated authority to act
work on or near, or testing of electrical on behalf of the organisation, to perform
apparatus. the duty concerned.
Examples used in this Code are: Examples used in this Code are:
24. High voltage electrical apparatus 30. Isolated means not connected to
means electrical apparatus that is any possible sources of electricity
required to operate at high voltage. supply by means that will prevent
This definition shall not include the unintentional re-energisation of
secondary wiring of instrument the electrical apparatus and which
transformers or control devices is assessed as a suitable step in
that may operate on occasions the process of making safe for
above 1000 volts. access purposes.
25. High voltage customer means 31. Live means energised or subject
any user of electricity (excluding the to hazardous induced or capacitive
licensed generators, transmission voltages.
and distribution companies) directly 32. Live work means all work
connected at high voltage to the performed on components of
transmission or distribution networks. electrical apparatus not isolated,
26. Instructed person means a person proved de-energised and earthed.
adequately advised or supervised by 33. Low voltage or LV means
an authorised person to enable them nominal voltage exceeding 50V AC
to avoid the dangers that electricity or 120V DC but not exceeding
may create. 1000V AC or 1500V DC.
27. Insulated mobile plant means mobile 34. Mobile plant means cranes, elevating
plant approved and tested for carrying work platforms, tip trucks or similar
out work on or near electrical apparatus. plant, any equipment fitted with a jib
28. Insulated means separated from or boom and any device capable of
adjoining conducting material by a raising or lowering a load.
non-conducting substance that provides Mobile plant can only be considered
resistance to the passage of current, as a vehicle when in the normal
or to disruptive discharges through travelling mode and not in the
or over the surface of the substance working mode when determining
at the operating voltage, and to mitigate safe approach distances.
the danger of shock or injurious leakage
of current. Helicopters used for barehand live-line
work are excluded from this definition
29. Insulating stick means a stick
of mobile plant.
approved and tested for carrying
out operating and live work on live 35. Near means a situation where there
electrical apparatus. is a reasonable possibility of a person,
either directly or through any conducting
medium, coming within the relevant
safe approach distances.
36. Network asset means any asset 44. Personal protective equipment
that is owned or operated by a network means clothing, equipment and/
operator for the purposes of generating, or substances which when worn or
transmitting, distributing or supplying correctly used, protect parts or all of the
electricity. body from foreseeable risk of injury or
37. Network operator means the owner, disease at work or in the workplace.
controller or operator of an electricity 45. Practicable see reasonably practicable.
network. 46. Procedure means the documentation
38. Nominal voltage means the AC (phase of a systematic series of actions
to phase RMS) or DC voltage by which a (or activities) directed to achieve
system of supply is designated. a desired result.
39. Not electrically connected means 47. Reasonably practicable means
dis-connected from all sources of having regard to:
supply by the removal or absence of a) the likelihood of the hazard or
conductors, appropriate to the voltage risk concerned eventuating
and insulating medium and not able
b) the degree of harm that would result
to be made live by normal operating
if the hazard or risk eventuated
means and identified in accordance
with approved procedures. c) what the person concerned knows,
or ought reasonably know, about
40. Operating Authority means an
the hazard or risk and any ways of
organisation or an authorised person
eliminating or reducing the hazard
who is responsible for operational control
or risk
of the electrical apparatus concerned.
d) the availability and suitability of ways
41. Ordinary person means a person
to eliminate or reduce the hazard or
without sufficient training or experience
risk; and
to enable them to avoid the dangers
that electrical apparatus may create. e) the cost of eliminating or reducing
Note: Ordinary person in this Code refers to a the hazard or risk.
person under the control of a network operator, 48. Recipient means a person who
generator or HV customer.
has signed on an access authority.
42. Organisation means a business, 49. Recipient in charge means an
enterprise, company or corporation. authorised recipient to whom an access
43. Out of commission means the authority has been issued and who is
condition of electrical apparatus that is in charge of all recipients signed on
not electrically connected and declared that access authority.
to be so in writing to the operating 50. Resumption of (resume) an access
authority responsible for the electrical authority means the re-commencement
apparatus. of all work under an access authority
that had been suspended.
51. Safe approach distance means the 59. Vicinity means a situation where it is
minimum distance in air from exposed unlikely that a person will, either directly
conductors that shall be maintained by a or through any conducting medium
person, vehicle or mobile plant (including (e.g. via mobile plant), come within
its load, controlling ropes and any the relevant safe approach distances.
other accessories) when approaching 60. Written (in writing) means recorded
electrical apparatus other than for work on paper or in electronic form.
in accordance with an access authority.
52. Safety observer means a person with
sufficient knowledge of the task being
performed and competent for the duty
of observing and warning against unsafe
approach to electrical apparatus.
53. Shall is to be interpreted as mandatory.
54. Should is to be interpreted as advisory
or discretionary.
55. Station means a defined and enclosed
or fenced space in which high voltage
supply is generated, converted,
controlled or transformed.
56. Suspension of an access authority
means the cessation of all work under
an issued access authority where all
persons working under that authority
have signed off.
57. Tester in charge means an authorised
tester to whom a sanction for testing
has been issued and who is in charge
of all members of the work party signed
on that sanction for testing.
58. Vehicle means a truck, car, utility or
other general purpose conveyance
used for the carriage of persons or
goods (see also mobile plant).
1 Purpose
2 Scope
This Code of Practice defines: In order to comply with the electrical safety
a) principles; and requirements of this Code, an organisation
shall either:
b) minimum electrical safety requirements.
a) apply the requirements contained within
This Code shall apply to all work on, this Code; or
near or in the vicinity of:
b) vary the requirements by:
°° high voltage electrical apparatus that
is capable of being energized, and/or °° completing a hazard identification
and risk assessment; and
°° low voltage electrical apparatus that
is capable of being energized and is °° ensuring the electrical safety outcomes
a component of: are equal to or better; and
Codes and
safety rules
Work instructions
3 General safety
General safety requirements
General safety requirements
Gloves, sleeves, mats and protective barriers Additional personal protective equipment
or covers used for operating high voltage shall be used in accordance with the type
electrical apparatus or for performing live of work and the risks involved.
high voltage work shall not be relied upon as All protective equipment and apparel shall
the sole means of protection. comply with relevant published standards.
3.10 Tapes and other e) monitor the work and warn against
potential infringement of safe approach
measuring devices distances; and
Only approved non-conducting tapes and f) be capable of providing assistance in
rulers shall be used in the vicinity of live the case of emergency as well as being
electrical apparatus. Conductive tapes shall competent to perform electrical rescue
not be used near exposed live electrical and cardiopulmonary resuscitation,
apparatus unless approved for use in as required.
accordance with approved procedures.
3.12 Fit state for work
3.11 Use of safety
Alcohol, drugs and diminished mental
observers alertness or physical condition of a person
A safety observer shall be posted where, may impede their ability to work safely in an
after a risk assessment, it is considered electrical environment.
that a person, equipment or mobile plant
Persons who are required to work on, near
might inadvertently infringe safe approach
or in the vicinity of electrical apparatus shall
not consume or be under the influence of
Under no circumstances shall the safety alcohol or drugs that diminish work skills
observer be diverted to other work while the during work hours. This shall be taken to
possibility of infringing the safe approach include meal or rest breaks.
distances exists.
Appropriate policies shall be implemented
A person acting as a safety observer shall: by organisations.
a) understand the task, work process and
sequence of work; and
b) have the authority to temporarily suspend
the relevant work at any time; and
c) be specifically instructed in the duties
and workplace hazards applicable; and
d) be positioned to effectively observe and
immediately communicate with persons
performing the work; and
General safety requirements
3.13 Work within electric 3.13.2 Electric fields (50 Hz)
and magnetic fields Advisory occupational exposure limits for
electric fields based on the NHMRC interim
3.13.1 General
guidelines are as follows:
Persons working within electric and
magnetic fields (EMF) shall be appropriately Unrestricted Less than 10 kV/m
protected from the annoyance, due to Short term 10kV/m to 30 kV/m
electric discharge effects of strong electric
fields and the possible biological effects Alternative controls Greater than 30kV/m
associated with extremely strong electric °° No time limits apply for exposures below
and magnetic fields. 10kV/m.
Persons using implantable medical devices, °° Short-term exposure to fields from
including cardiac pacemakers, should 10 kV/m to 30 kV/m is permitted provided
consult their doctors and the relevant the field strength (in kV/m) multiplied
organisational officer for information on by the duration of exposure (in hours)
possible electromagnetic interference with does not exceed 80 for the whole day.
the medical devices prior to entering areas For example, exposure to an electric
of strong electric and magnetic fields. field of 20 kV/m would be permitted
for four hours.
Advisory occupational exposure limits
provided in National Health and Medical °° For work situations with field strengths
Research Council (NHMRC) Interim greater than 30 kV/m, alternative controls
Guidelines are listed in the following sections. shall be used. Such controls may include
wearing appropriately earthed or bonded
Organisations should establish appropriate
conducting suits, the screening and
exposure limits in accordance with industry
earthing of vehicles, the screening of work
guidelines e.g. Energy Network Australia
platforms and access ways, and de-
EMF Management Handbook.
energising adjacent electrical apparatus.
The person responsible for planning the
work shall include in the work instructions
details of any appropriate measures to
be taken.
General safety requirements
4 Training and authorisation
Training and authorisation
5 Work in the vicinity
of electrical apparatus
Work in the vicinity of electrical apparatus
When mobile plant is operated from outside For mechanical handling where there is a
the mobile plant, precautions shall be taken risk of infringing the safe approach distances
to protect the operator from hazardous step to electrical conductors, the movement
and touch potentials. No person other than of loads shall be controlled by means of
the mobile plant operator shall touch the approved non-conducting ropes or other
mobile plant while in operation. approved means. (Refer to section 6)
Where mobile plant (e.g. EWP) is not fully No person shall contact the load or any
insulated, the insulation level of each part attached conducting objects until the
shall be labelled in accordance with the risk of SAD infringement is removed. Only
appropriate standard (e.g. AS1418.10) the plant operator shall contact the mobile
and the following permanent sign shall plant controls in accordance with safe
be fixed at all plant operator’s control. work procedures. (Refer to section 5.2)
5.4 Erection or
This appliance is not fully insulated. dismantling of overhead
Do not permit any uninsulated part of conductors
this appliance to be in close proximity When overhead conductors (other than
to live conductors. insulated or covered conductors) are
Insulated mobile plant shall be tested being erected, dismantled, or replaced,
at specific intervals as per approved conductors that are being moved shall be
procedures and marked to show the earthed by an approved device before work
date of the next routine test. is commenced and shall remain earthed
until the work is completed. A conductor
5.3 Handling that is erected shall be earthed before it
is lifted from the ground.
Consideration shall be given to the
When objects are being handled manually
use of appropriate restraining devices
or by mechanical equipment, care shall
to control such conductors when they
be exercised to prevent the objects or
are being moved.
the mechanical equipment infringing safe
approach distances.
For manual handling, appropriate work
methods and an appropriate number of
persons shall be used to maintain safe
approach distances.
Work in the vicinity of electrical apparatus
When earthing is considered to be 5.5 Work by ordinary
impracticable or a safer control measure
may be appropriate, alternative safety
precautions shall be applied and subject Where ordinary persons are required to
to the following controls. work in the vicinity of electrical apparatus,
a) They are applied to a specific task or the ordinary person performing the work,
process which has been subject to a the person in charge of the work and the
formal risk assessment carried out in person in charge of the electrical apparatus
advance of the work, using a consultative shall all cooperate to ensure that the work
process with subject matter experts. is performed safely, and that specific
precautions are taken.
b) They are documented as an approved
procedure specific to the task or process.
5.6 Work within stations
or on multi-circuit
overhead lines with
multiple asset ownership
For work within stations or on multi-circuit
overhead lines where electrical apparatus is
owned by more than one organisation and
work is adjacent to another organisation’s
exposed electrical apparatus, there shall be
joint consideration and agreement reached
to carry out the work in a safe manner.
(See also 6.9, 6.10 and 9.2.3)
6 Approach to
electrical apparatus
Approach to electrical apparatus
Approach to electrical apparatus
Figure 2A: Safe approach distance— Figure 2B: Safe approach distance—
beyond reach expected reach
Exclusion zone
ce h
Sa roa ce
di pro afe
an c
p n
st a
fe ch
ap S
Expected reach
Beyond reach
Exclusion zone
Approach to electrical apparatus
Figure 3: Illustration of differences between safe approach distance, near and vicinity
Approach to electrical apparatus
6.2 Safe approach There are elements of electrical apparatus
that have semi conductive insulation.
distance—persons Such apparatus shall be treated the same
6.2.1 Safe approach distance— as live apparatus in consideration of safe
normal approach distances. Organisational specific
The safe approach distances for persons procedures shall be in place to enable
performing general work are as shown activities to be safely performed on
in Table 1. semi conductive insulated apparatus.
Approach to electrical apparatus
Approach to electrical apparatus
6.2.2 Safe approach distance— e) safety observers are used to monitor
special the work activities; and
Safe approach distance—special is the f) minimise the exposure at the safe
minimum distance to an exposed conductor approach distance—special; and
from any outstretched part of a person’s body g) addressing adverse impact of external
or any conducting or unapproved object influences on plant and equipment,
touching any part of the person’s body. e.g. traffic, boom movement, footing; and
Safe approach distance—special shown h) addressing adverse impact of weather
in Table 2, has been determined using risk and environmental conditions e.g. rain,
analysis methodology and consideration lightning, wind, light, sag or sway of
of power frequency and switching surge conductors.
distances, plus a reduced provision for The work party shall consider the
inadvertent movement. suppression of the auto reclose function
Safe approach distance—special, shall be as part of the pre-work planning.
used only by authorised persons performing If these controls are not achieved,
approved tasks, after consideration of either an access authority shall be issued
SAD normal, access permit, and live-line or live work techniques shall be applied,
methods. or alternative safe approach distances—
These safe approach distances shall be special and procedures shall be developed
used only in conjunction with the following in accordance with section 6.2.3.
control measures:
a) approved safe work practice to ensure Table 2: Safe approach distance—
no part of the person’s body or any special for authorised persons only
conducting or unapproved object to exposed conductors
touching any part of the person’s body
Nominal phase Authorised
infringing the relevant safe approach
to phase persons
distances—special; and
AC voltage (millimetres)
b) positioning of the worker to minimise (kV)
the risk of the specified distance being
LV Insulated
infringed. This includes any unapproved
contact only
object or tool being held by the worker;
and 6.6 450
c) using a person specifically trained and 11 450
authorised to perform the work at the 22 450
safe approach distance—special; and 33 500
d) work crew on-site risk assessments 50 700
are conducted; and 66 700
Approach to electrical apparatus
Approach to electrical apparatus
Table 3: Safe approach distance for vehicles to live exposed conductors
(except mobile plant when in the working mode)
Approach to electrical apparatus
Approach to electrical apparatus
Table 4: Safe approach distance for uninsulated mobile plant to live exposed conductors
when in the working mode
Approach to electrical apparatus
Table 5: Safe approach distances to live exposed conductors for insulated mobile
plant operated by persons who are instructed or authorised to work on or near exposed
Approach to electrical apparatus
6.6 Emergency approach Slight movement of other types of live cables
may be permitted, but only after detailed
In emergency situations where there is consideration of all related circumstances by
likely risk of electric shock to persons from a person with a detailed knowledge of the
electrical conductors or electrical apparatus cables concerned, who shall fully detail all
(e.g. fallen conductor), prompt action shall precautions to be taken.
be taken to ensure people are kept well clear
of the hazard in accordance with approved 6.8.2 Earthed metallic sheathed
procedures. or screened high voltage cables
Approach to electrical apparatus
7 Operation of high voltage
electrical apparatus
8 Earthing of high voltage
electrical apparatus
Earthing of high voltage electrical apparatus
8.1.1 The earthing of apparatus presents °° all phases shall be discharged; and
risks to persons performing the earthing and °° another earth shall be held in contact with
other persons nearby. Organisations shall the conductor using an approved device
establish approved procedures to mitigate while the hand applied earth is being
risk to persons. attached or removed.
8.1.2 Earthing devices shall be suitably 8.1.5 Then applying a portable earthing
rated and approved. They shall be device that is not connected to a
inspected and/or tested in accordance with permanently installed station earthing system
organisational procedures. or an electrically conductive transmission
structure it shall be regarded as being liable
Only authorised persons shall apply earthing
to become live until the circuit earthing is
devices and only after completion of a safe
to earth confirmation that the electrical
apparatus is isolated and de-energised. 8.1.6 There are some situations when
applying earths to electrical apparatus during
Confirmation of isolation shall be by:
the preparation for access (e.g. discharging
°° visual inspection of isolation(s) and testing capacitor banks) that an authorised electrical
of the conductors operator cannot comply with the clearances
°° where visual inspection of isolation(s) is specified as safe approach distances. In
not practicable, inquiry and testing shall these situations, approved procedures may
be used permit such approach only to that part of the
electrical apparatus that already has local
°° where testing is not practicable, earthing
may take place only in accordance with isolation and earthing.
approved procedures.
Earthing of high voltage electrical apparatus
8.2 Earthing for access 8.4 Overhead lines
to high voltage electrical (priority earthing
apparatus preferences)
Earths shall be applied at locations such The choice of connection for a portable
that conductors within the work area earthing device shall be made to achieve
are effectively earthed in the event of the most effective earthing of the work
energisation from any source of supply zone. In accordance with the system being
or hazardous occurrences and be placed worked on, earths should be applied on the
so as to remain effective if adjoining basis of the following order of preference:
conductors are disconnected. 1. Permanently installed earthing system
Wherever practicable earths shall be including CMEN.
placed at the site of the work. 2. Earthing ferrule in a concrete pole.
3. The ground rod of an installed pole stays
8.3 Earthing of or permanently driven pole stakes.
overhead lines 4. A temporarily driven spike at the work site.
Where an overhead line is earthed the
work planning shall consider protection 8.5 High voltage metal
from the hazards resulting from step and clad switch units
touch potentials in the event of energisation
by any means, including (for example) Earthing of metal clad switchgear and
direct connection, equipment failure, connected circuits by the use of probes or
induction or lightning. contact extension devices requiring manual
application presents additional hazards.
Where work under an access authority
involves the connection, cutting or Approved procedures shall define methods
disconnection of conductors, approved of operation and earthing to minimise the
bridging leads shall be applied across the risk to the person applying the earth. The
proposed conductor break, or earths shall procedure shall include a safety observer
be applied to both sides of (and as close to be present during such earthing, unless
as practicable to) the proposed break and procedures specifically allow application
individually connected to a common earth. by one person.
Earthing of high voltage electrical apparatus
9 Access for work on
or near high voltage
Access for work on or near high voltage electrical apparatus
Access for work on or near high voltage electrical apparatus The issuer and authorised recipients 9.2.5 Persons permitted to sign
all have a responsibility to ensure that the onto electrical access permits
scope and the condition of the electrical Persons permitted to sign onto electrical
apparatus covered by the electrical access access permits shall be authorised recipients
permit is such that it shall be safe for the or instructed persons assigned to work
proposed work to be undertaken. under that specific electrical access permit. All recipients shall be satisfied with In the latter case it shall be the responsibility
the precautions taken, the location of the of the recipient in charge to ensure that
points of supply, and the proximity of any such persons are placed in the charge
adjacent live electrical apparatus. of an authorised recipient. Any person involved in the issue or The conditions under which an authorised
receipt of an electrical access permit who is person shall sign-on to an electrical access
not satisfied with the conditions, may apply permit is that the authorised recipient:
to have additional precautions taken, either a) understands the electrical apparatus
before the electrical access permit is issued covered and the limits of the electrical
or during the currency of the work. access permit; and After the issue of an electrical b) is satisfied with the precautions taken;
access permit, no additional recipients and
are allowed to sign onto the permit unless c) is aware of the nearest adjacent live
appropriate instructions are given by the electrical apparatus.
recipient in charge, as per section
An authorised electrical operator, acting The conditions under which an instructed
with the knowledge of the recipient in person shall sign-on to an electrical access
charge, may undertake this activity. permit is that the instructed person:
a) understands instructions given on what
approach is permitted to the electrical
apparatus; and
b) understands instructions given on what
activity is permitted to be taken in relation
to the electrical apparatus; and
c) agrees to the continuous and close
supervision by a nominated authorised
Access for work on or near high voltage electrical apparatus
Access for work on or near high voltage electrical apparatus
9.2.10 Temporary cessation of 9.2.12 Working on multi-circuit
work or absence of recipients overhead lines
Following a temporary cessation of work Where more than one high voltage circuit is
or when recipients have been temporarily carried on a pole or line structure and work
absent from the work site, upon return is to be performed on circuits under an
each recipient shall report to the recipient electrical access permit while others remain
in charge to re-confirm the conditions of live, each recipient of the work party who
the electrical access permit. approaches near any circuits shall correctly
9.2.11 Testing under an electrical identify the circuit/s under electrical access
access permit permit and all other circuits.
Testing under an electrical access permit If there is any doubt the recipient shall seek
may be undertaken in accordance with clarification from the recipient in charge.
approved procedures that include a risk 9.2.13 Change of electrical access
assessment to ensure that: permit conditions
a) all other work shall cease for the duration The conditions specified and the precautions
of the testing; and listed on the electrical access permit shall
b) no hazardous voltages and currents will not be changed unless mutually agreed
be accessible as a result of the testing; and upon by both the operating authority and
c) recipient/s conducting the testing have the recipient in charge, and then only
the appropriate competency; and when a check has been made with the
appropriate operating authority regarding
d) consideration shall be given to any stored the requirements of other electrical access
electrical charge; and permits and all recipients working under the
e) test voltages and current do not exceed electrical access permit have been notified
the equipment rating or test equipment of the change.
rating; and
9.2.14 Cancellation of an electrical
f) consideration shall be given to maintain access permit
earth between the recipient/s and the
sources of supply; and Recipients signing off an
electrical access permit.
g) consideration shall be given to the
hazards of connecting and disconnecting It shall be the duty of each recipient of an
test equipment; and electrical access permit to sign-off before
the electrical access permit is relinquished.
h) adequate precautions are taken for
the safety of all persons during the
performance of the test; and
i) the provisions of section are met.
Access for work on or near high voltage electrical apparatus
Access for work on or near high voltage electrical apparatus
Only one sanction for testing shall be on A tester responsible at remote
issue on the same electrical apparatus location is an authorised tester at a remote
at any time. However, where the testing location to whom an authorised electrical
requires work at remote locations as operator has issued a complementary
well as at the nominated main location, sanction for testing.
a complementary sanction for testing Sanctions for testing and
covering the same electrical apparatus complementary sanctions for testing shall be
shall be issued at each remote location. issued and cancelled only by an authorised
Where a complementary sanction for electrical operator.
testing is required, it shall be nominated The appropriate provisions of
on the original application and issued only sections 7, 8, and 9 shall also apply to
in accordance with section 9.3. sanctions for testing and complementary
Where the test is to be undertaken on sanctions for testing.
electrical apparatus having more than one Sanctions for testing and
control authority involvement then protocols complementary sanctions for testing may
shall be established for processing the be issued or relinquished by telephone or
application and test requirements. radio, subject to the statements between the
9.3.3 Sanction for testing procedure authorised electrical operator and the tester A sanction for testing shall be either in charge or tester responsible at remote
cancelled or suspended prior to the issue location, as appropriate, being confirmed
of an electrical access permit on the same by a witness at each end.
electrical apparatus. In the case of a sanction for testing The sanction for testing shall or a complementary sanction for testing
be issued to the tester in charge by an issued by telephone or radio, the tester in
authorised electrical operator. charge or the tester responsible at remote
location, as appropriate, shall assume the
A complementary sanction for testing responsibilities of the authorised electrical
shall be issued only after, and relinquished operator in applying these provisions.
only before, the sanction for testing at the
nominated main location.
Such issues and cancellations shall take
place only with the approval of the tester
in charge.
Access for work on or near high voltage electrical apparatus
Access for work on or near high voltage electrical apparatus
9.3.5 Responsibilities of tester 9.3.6 Complementary sanctions for
in charge testing—responsibilities of tester The tester in charge shall ensure responsible at remote location
that the members of the work party who will The tester responsible at remote location
be making contact with electrical apparatus shall assume the same responsibilities as
under test and any of the test connections specified for the tester in charge, and shall
or approaching within the prescribed safe function under direction of the latter.
approach distances during the currency 9.3.7 Relinquishment of sanctions
of the sanction for testing, sign onto the for testing
sanction for testing or a complementary
sanction for testing. When relinquishing a sanction for
testing, the tester in charge shall advise the The tester in charge shall ensure operating authority of the condition of the
that the members of the work party are electrical apparatus at all related locations.
suitably experienced and trained for the
work required of them and that adequate Where complementary sanctions
precautions are taken for the safety of for testing have been issued, each tester
all persons. responsible at remote location shall:
a) advise the tester in charge of
relinquishment of the complementary
sanction for testing and the condition
of the electrical apparatus at the remote
b) advise the operating authority at the
remote location of the condition of the
electrical apparatus at that location.
The tester in charge shall ensure that all
complementary sanctions for testing have
been relinquished prior to relinquishing
the sanction for testing.
Access for work on or near high voltage electrical apparatus
Access for work on or near high voltage electrical apparatus
9.5.4 Procedure for resumption All live work shall be conducted in
of an access authority accordance with approved procedures
Approved procedures for resumption of and approved live work minimum
an access authority shall ensure that: approach distances.
Access for work on or near high voltage electrical apparatus
Access for work on or near high voltage electrical apparatus
Isolation for access shall either be visible, Hazards that are likely
or an approved means used to confirm that to be life-threatening
the electrical apparatus is de-energised. Situations where there is an immediate and
Note: such isolation may not eliminate the effects probable risk of contact with live electrical
of electrical or magnetic induction.
apparatus shall be defined by the use
Earths shall be applied as described in of danger barriers and/or signs (refer to
section 8.2. If earthing is impracticable, For example:
other appropriate precautions shall be taken a) areas where safe approach distances
and the authorised electrical operator shall cannot be maintained;
advise the recipient in charge and record
the absence of an earth on the electrical b) areas in which high voltage testing
access permit. is in progress.
9.7.2 Barriers and signs Hazards that are not likely
to be life-threatening General
For the purpose of general identification of
Appropriate barriers shall be used where those areas where warning is necessary,
necessary to indicate areas containing warning barriers and/or signs shall be used.
live electrical apparatus and the degree For example, between work areas and
of hazard. adjacent areas containing live high voltage
Appropriate signs shall be used where electrical apparatus that does not present
necessary to: an electrical hazard to normal pedestrian
movement. (Refer to
a) identify electrical apparatus covered
by an access authority; and Descriptions of barriers
b) identify adjacent live electrical apparatus and signs
and related hazard. Live (Alive) sign
Barriers shall not be altered or crossed Approved danger sign with the word
except in accordance with approved LIVE (ALIVE) printed in white upon a red
procedures. background or otherwise conforming
In particular instances where identification to AS1319.
is positive, such as on some high voltage Danger barrier and/or sign
overhead lines and underground cables, and
A barrier and/or sign of suitable material
providing appropriate safeguards have been
coloured red or alternatively red and white,
taken, approved procedures may dispense
to indicate the presence of danger, or
with the use of barriers and/or signs.
otherwise conforming to AS1319.
Access for work on or near high voltage electrical apparatus
Under access permit sign Additional barriers and signs may be erected
A sign of appropriate dimensions with the after the issue of the electrical access permit
words UNDER ACCESS PERMIT or similar by agreement between the authorised
printed in white on a green background or electrical operator and the recipient in
otherwise conforming to AS1319. charge.
Access for work on or near high voltage electrical apparatus
9.7.3 Use of a statement of condition Where it is not practicable to detail all such
of apparatus/plant (SCAP) precautions, a general statement of the General condition of the electrical apparatus
(e.g. isolated and earthed) is acceptable
A SCAP is a statement outlining the provided that:
condition of apparatus/plant. It shall be used
a) it is acceptable to the operating
between operating authorities to confirm
authorities; and
plant conditions and isolations to support
an access authority or other operational b) it is acceptable to all recipients on the
requirements. associated electrical access permit or
sanction for testing; and
This statement covers only the state of the
electrical apparatus or plant specified and c) the authorised electrical operator issuing
does not by itself authorise work on the the electrical access permit or sanction
electrical apparatus or plant. for testing can satisfy the recipients of the
precautions taken through demonstration Use of the SCAP—written or references to drawings, etc.
and verbal
Where a general statement is used and any
The conditions of isolation shall remain isolation point is to be changed, while still
unchanged until the statement is cancelled. maintaining general condition of isolation,
Any earths listed on the statement may be prior agreement shall be obtained from all
removed as requested by the recipient in affected operating authorities.
accordance with The receiving operating authority shall
The SCAP shall, where practicable, detail all consult with recipients of affected access
relevant precautions taken for the safety of authorities before agreeing to any change.
the work party. Where the precautions are
detailed they shall not be changed during
the currency of the SCAP.
Access for work on or near high voltage electrical apparatus
Verbal statements shall only be used When access is required within
between operating authorities when: spout bushings the contacts shall be
a) there is mutual agreement to use verbal confirmed as de-energised by an approved
statements; and test. The circuit shall also be earthed
elsewhere or other precautions taken to
b) they have established procedures and
ensure that the spout contacts cannot
systems for the centralised logging of
become live by induction or other means.
information both given and received,
regarding the condition of electrical When it is not practicable to earth
apparatus; and metal-clad circuits, a risk assessment shall
c) the procedures and systems guard be conducted to determine the special
against the inadvertent operation or precautions, including discharging, to ensure
restoration of electrical apparatus. that the conductors can be regarded as
being at earth potential.
9.7.4 High voltage metal-clad
switchgear and associated 9.7.5 Rotating high voltage machines
electrical apparatus A rotating machine, or circuits connected For the purpose of issuing an to it, shall not be regarded as safe for the
electrical access permit, a circuit breaker issue of an electrical access permit while the
or a voltage transformer may be regarded machine is revolving unless it is on turning
as isolated and at earth potential when it gear with earths applied.
is racked out, and appropriate precautions These earths may be removed during the
taken to prevent re-energisation. (See also currency of an electrical access permit in
section 9.1) accordance with section 9.7.5. For work on busbar circuits, where
the physical separation of circuits within a
chamber is not visibly evident, additional
precautions shall be taken for the safety
of the working party. The proposed means of access
within metal-clad chambers shall be
described to the authorised electrical
operator by the recipient in charge and
both must agree on the extent of access
and that such access is safe.
Access for work on or near high voltage electrical apparatus
9.8 Working on insulated Prior to spiking, the operating authority
shall be advised. The operating authority
power or supervisory shall prevent the energising or re-energising
cables of any cable in the vicinity of the proposed
9.8.1 On-site identification of works until advised that spiking has been
insulated cables (including out of completed.
commission or abandoned cables) 9.8.3 Working under induced
Where it is necessary for a cable to be voltage conditions
de-energised to enable access to the cable, Whenever work is to be carried out on a
the de-energised state should be confirmed cable core, sheath, armouring, oil line, etc.,
on site by positive identification or visually of a fully insulated cable system, careful
tracing it from one end or by the use of assessment shall first be given to the voltage
a spiking device. that may appear on the conductor via
9.8.2 Spiking of cables induction or other means and appropriate
earthing practices and approved work
A spiking device may be used to
procedures adopted.
confirm that a cable is de-energised.
When a cable is to be spiked by a
power-operated spiking device, the
following measures shall be taken:
a) where practicable, the electrical condition
of the remote ends of the cable shall
be confirmed as isolated and earthed;
the person in charge of the work shall
personally select the cable to be spiked
after careful reference to the appropriate
records and use of cable tracers where
necessary; and
b) an approved cable spiking device shall be
used by a person trained in its use and in
accordance with approved procedures.
10 Placing high
voltage electrical
Placing high voltage electrical apparatus in service
apparatus in service
Principle 10.2 Connections to
High voltage electrical new or out of commission
apparatus shall not be electrical apparatus
placed into service until it has Before any electrical connection is made
been cleared for service. whereby new electrical apparatus or any
electrical apparatus previously out of
10.1 Clearance commission can be energised by direct
switching or live work procedures:
for service
a) the operating authority shall be notified
An operating authority shall not consider of the intention to make such connection;
electrical apparatus being available for and
service until it has been handed over
b) all persons associated with the work, and
from the constructing or maintaining
any others likely to be affected shall be
authority by written notification or by
informed that no further work is permitted
approved procedures.
on the electrical apparatus unless:
°° they are recipients of an access
authority, or
°° live work procedures are used.
To enable the connection to be made,
an appropriate access authority or live
work procedure shall be used.
11 Low voltage
network assets
12 Work by persons
not under the control
Work by persons not under the control of the asset owner
Work by persons not under the control of the asset owner
12.3 Work on abandoned No person shall perform tree clearing work
in the vicinity of live electrical apparatus
underground cables unless the person:
For work by persons (not under the a) has completed a training course
control of the asset owner) on abandoned approved by ESV; and
underground cables the use of a safe
system of access shall be considered by b) has a standard of qualifications,
the electrical asset owner. proficiency and experience that
enable the person to safely perform
the work; and
12.4 Electrical safety
c) has been endorsed in writing by
rules for vegetation the organisation (e.g. the employer)
management work near to perform the work; and
overhead powerlines by d) has documented a hazard identification
non-electrical workers and risk assessment; and
Vegetation management clearing work in e) has implemented a risk management
this section means the pruning, cutting, process to control hazards associated
trimming or felling of a tree and the assisting with the work; and
to prune, cut, trim or fell a tree where any f) complies with Electrical safety rules
part of the tree is or may come within, or the for vegetation management work near
work requires any person, tool, equipment overhead powerlines by non-electrical
or vehicle to come within, the minimum safe workers, as published or amended
distance prescribed in the Electricity Safety from time to time by ESV.
Act 1998 (the Act) or associated Regulations
for persons who are not employed, engaged
or under control of the electrical asset owner.
Appendix A—Information
to be contained in forms
Appendix A—Information to be contained in forms
Appendix A—Information to be contained in forms
Personal authorisations Authority to work in
Authorised persons shall be issued the vicinity of electrical
a written statement of their authority. apparatus
The statement shall contain: The details shall contain:
°° the type of authority; and °° unique identification number; and
°° any limitations or extensions on the °° location of work; and
type of authority; and
°° description of work, day, commencement
°° the signature of the authorising officer; date; and
°° estimated day and date of completion;
°° the date of issue. and
The statement could also contain: °° instructions to be observed by the work
party; and
°° the duration or authorisation review date;
and °° receipt, relinquishment and cancelling;
°° the date of reviews and competency
tests; and °° signatures, time, date of issue.
°° signed statement of acknowledgment
by the v; and
°° the knowledge and skill required
for the authority; and
°° a description and scope of duties
the person is authorised to perform.
Appendix A
°° statement that all commissioning tests °° for telephone or radio issue, additional
have been completed by the testing sections for witnesses.
authority and provision for the testing
authority to sign and date the statement;
°° statement that the apparatus has been
accepted by the operating authority and
provision for the operating authority to
sign and date the statement.
The details could contain:
°° drawing references; and
°° description of works; and
°° statement of when works ready
for general inspection.
Appendix A—Information to be contained in forms
Statement of condition
of apparatus/plant (SCAP)
The details shall contain:
° statement of certification of conditions of
° electrical apparatus and
° sections for signatures of acceptance,
relinquishment and cancellation; and
°° record of electrical apparatus permits
issued; and
°° statement that states: “This statement
covers only the state of the eelectrical
apparatus specified hereon and does not
by itself authorise work on the electrical
For further information go to or phone
ESV on (03) 9203 9700.
(Version 11/2017)