Labour Commissioner Organisation,: Boiler
Labour Commissioner Organisation,: Boiler
Labour Commissioner Organisation,: Boiler
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A candidate for certificate of Proficiency as a Boiler Operation Engineer shall not be less than 23 years of age
and shall not be admitted to the examination unless he:
has Served for not less than 2 years in case of degree holders and for five years in case of diploma holders
in the operation and/or Maintenance of a boiler of not less than one thousand square meters heating
surface or a Battery of boilers of not less than one thousand square meters heating surface in aggregate
out of which at least one boiler of not less than five hundred square meters heating surface. However, for
degree holders or post graduate diploma holders from a National Power Training Institute, requirement of
minimum working experience shall be one year.
A candidate for a certificate of competency as a boiler attendant of the first class shell not be less than twenty years of
age and he possesses a certificate of the second class and shell not be admitted to the examination unless he-
has served for not less than two years, as boiler attendant with second class certificate of competency as
sole working charge of a boiler whose rated heating surface is not less than fifty square meters ; or
Produces from the head of an industrial or technical institution, a certificate stating that he has completed a
three years course of training, one year of which must have been as an apprentice in a steam power plant
of a mill or a factory or an engineering workshop. Where engines and boilers are repaired or maid and in
addition has served for not less than one year as sole working charge of a boiler of not less than fifty
square meters of heating surface with second class Boiler Attendant certificate of competency; or 1/2
6/23/2017 Boiler Of Labour Department
has worked for not less than two years as fireman or assistant fireman with second class boiler certificate
of competency under the charge of first class Boiler Attendant on boiler having heating surface of more
than fifty square meters.
A candidate for a certificate of competency as a boiler attendant of the second class shell not be less than eighteen
years of age and shall not be admitted to the examination unless he
has passed matriculation or equivalent examination from a recognized institution or board; and,
has served for not less than two years, in the capacity of a Fireman or Operator or an Assistant Fireman or
Assistant Operator on a steam boiler; or
has served for not less than three years, as a fitter where boilers are manufactured or erected, operated or
repaired. Out of this he should has served as Assistant Fireman for at least one year; or
must have served for not less than two years on small industrial boilers, in case of industrial training
institutes certificate holder.
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