SESSION 6 - 1 Western Art Paleolithic Egypt
SESSION 6 - 1 Western Art Paleolithic Egypt
SESSION 6 - 1 Western Art Paleolithic Egypt
[Paleolithic and Egypt]
Why study the history of art?
What is its relation to the study
of humanities?
Paleolithic Period
First cave art in Altamira Cave in northern Spain
B. Middle / Mesolithic
“meso” meaning middle
Rock shelter paintings
Rock-shelter paintings
Rock-shelter paintings, Australia
Microliths – “small stones”, small blades of various
shapes; made of stone; used in hunting; under 2 inches in
length, also used as tools and ornamentation
Petroglyph – images on rock made by carving into
the rock and exposing a lighter color underneath
Pa le o lit h ic S ub -Pe r io d
C. Neolithic
New stone age
The Nile
The Pharaohs
The Gods
Life After Death
The Gods: Horus, Seth, Thoth, Anubis, Isis, Ra, Osiris
Every figure in
paintings either stands
or sits with a formal,
stiff, and rigid posture.
The stance of the body
is severe, but the faces
are calm and serene.
Slaves and animals were painted more natural and relaxed,
and with a smaller scale in drawings to show their limited
In Egypt, a successful
hunt was a metaphor for
triumph over evil. In this
painted tomb relief, the
deceased stands aloof
from the hunters busily
spearing hippopotami.
Ti’s size reflects his high
“Reserve” columns are columns that do not offer any structural support but are mainly
for decorative purposes.
EG YPT s ub -p e r io d
Amarna Period
Akhenaton, from the temple of Aton,
Karnak, Egypt, 18th Dynasty, ca. 1353–
1335 bce. Sandstone, 13′ high. Egyptian
Museum, Cairo.
Akhenaton initiated both religious and
artistic revolutions. This androgynous
figure is a deliberate reaction against
tradition. It may be an attempt to portray
the pharaoh as Aton, the sexless sun disk.
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