WNT Signaling, A Novel Pathway For Coronary Artery Disease and Metabolic Syndrome
WNT Signaling, A Novel Pathway For Coronary Artery Disease and Metabolic Syndrome
WNT Signaling, A Novel Pathway For Coronary Artery Disease and Metabolic Syndrome
Editorial Guest
Genetic influences on coronary artery molecular mechanisms that unify their asso-
disease ciation have been obscure. Following we will
hyperlipidemia, diabetes) that together are gen- LRP6 and the WNT signaling pathway
erally referred to as metabolic syndrome (Table Low density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR)-
1). Our findings establish a causal link between related protein LRP6 is a members of the
impaired LRP6 function and early CAD and expanding LDL receptor family7-11. LRP6 and
identify the Wnt signaling as a novel pathway LRP5 are indispensable co-receptors of the
involved in coronary artery disease and devel- canonical Wnt pathway by interacting with
opment of metabolic syndrome. Following we several key components of the Wnt/ß-catenin
will describe different elements of Wnt signaling signaling pathway (Fig. 2).
pathway and their relationship with the LRP6. Wnts are secreted family of cysteine
Figure 1: (a) The DNA sequence of a segment of LRP6 exon 9 in an unaffected (left) a heterozygous mutation carrier (middle)
and the homozygous index case (right). (b) A schematic diagram of the structure of LRP6. (c) A portion of the second EGF-like
domain of LRP6 in diverse vertebrate species.
rich signaling molecules associated with ex- mic ß-catenin is translocated to the nucleus
tracellular matrix that regulate diverse pro- and forms a heterodimer complex with a family
cesses. Extensive work has been done in of high-mobility group-like transcription factors,
relation to the Wnt signaling and cell prolif- including leukocyte enhancer factor-1 (LEF-1)
eration, migration, polarity, differentiation, and T-cell factors (TCF1-4)21, activating tran-
axon outgrowth and regulation of bone me- scription of target genes. LRP6 also binds to
tabolism12-17. Our findings in human in con- a number of naturally occurring antagonists of
junction with recent works in mouse18, 19 under- the Wnt signaling pathway that include Dickkopf
score the Wnt signaling’s emerging involve- (Dkk1 and Dkk2)22. Following we will describe
ment in diverse pathways such as glucose our current knowledge about the role of Wnt
and lipid metabolism and atherosclerosis. signaling in different disease pathogenesis.
Wnts bind to two co-receptors, the Frizzled-
type seven-transmembrane-domain receptor The Wnt signaling in diabetes
and the LRP 5/620(Fig.2). The canonical Wnt One of the target genes of TCF is proglu-
signaling pathway is characterized by a Wnt- cagon (glu) ,which is expressed in pancre-
dependent inhibition of glycogen synthase ki- atic islet α-cells, intestinal endocrine L cells,
nase-3ß (GSK-3ß), a serine theronine kinase and selected neural cells in the brain23. Post-
which is assembled in a large cytoplasmic com- translational processing leads to the cell/tis-
plex that includes Dishevelled, casein kinase sue-specific biosynthesis of three major
I, Axin, APC, and CK1 7-11. These interactions peptide hormones, glucagon, glucagon-like
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