Ssat Absite Review: HPB: Douglas Cassidy, MD MGH Surgical Education Research and Simulation Fellow

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Douglas Cassidy, MD
MGH Surgical Education Research and Simulation Fellow
Content Outline
• Liver • Pancreas
• Anatomy • Anatomy, Embryology, and
• Liver Abscesses Physiology
• Benign Liver Lesions • Acute and Chronic Pancreatitis
• Malignant Liver Lesions • Cystic Lesions of the Pancreas
• Liver Failure + Portal Hypertension • Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma
• Neuroendocrine Tumors of the
• Biliary Pancreas
• Anatomy and Physiology
• Bile Duct Injury
• Benign Biliary Pathology
• Bile Duct and Gallbladder Cancer
Liver Anatomy
• Divided into functional right and left lobes by Cantlie’s line
• Cantlie’s Line: vertical plane extending from the middle of the gallbladder fossa to
the IVC
• Middle hepatic vein divides segments V/VIII from IV
• Right Lobe (segments V-VIII)
• Divided into anteromedial (V, VIII) and posterolateral (VI, VII) segments by the right
hepatic vein
• Left Lobe (segments II-IV)
• Divided into an anterior (III, IV) and posterior (II) segment by the left hepatic vein
• Anterior Section: divided by the umbilical fissure [between III and IV]; which contains a main
branch of the left hepatic vein (umbilical fissure vein)
• Caudate Lobe (I): receives separate right and left portal and arterial inflow;
drains directly into the retrohepatic IVC
Right Liver Left Liver
Extended Right Hepatectomy (Right Trisegmentectomy)
Extended Left Hepatectomy (Left Trisegmentectomy)

Posterior (II)

Anterior (III)

Posterior (VI, VII) Anterior (V, VIII)

Left Medial (IV) Left Lateral (II, III)
Liver Abscesses
• Pyogenic
• Most common; GNRs (#1 E. coli, #2, K. pneumoniae)
• Direct spread from biliary tree (#1)
• CT: peripheral enhancing, central hypoattenuating, multi-loculated (vs. amebic)
• FNA with WBCs +/- organisms
• Tx: percutaneous drainage + Abx
• Amebic
• Epi: male predominant; hx of travel (Central/South America)
• Pathogen: E. histolytica (fecal-oral); +Abs
• CT: well-defined hypoattenuating lesion with peripheral wall of enhancing edema
• Central localized hepatic necrosis (no organisms on FNA)
• Tx: metronidazole; drainage if poor response/superinfection
• Echinococcal
• Epi: endemic to Mediterranean, East Africa, Middle East, South America, Asia
• Pathogen: E. granulosus; fecal-oral; eosinophilia, +serology, +Casoni
• CT: hypoattenuating lesion, septae/daughter cysts (75%), +/- peripheral
calcifications (50%)
• Pericyst, ectocyst, endocyst (germinal layer -- gives rise to daughter cysts)
• Tx: albendazole, PAIR/surgical resection
Benign Liver Lesions
• Hemangioma
• Epi: most common benign tumor; F > M (3:1)
• CT: late contrast puddling is pathognomonic
• PERIPHERAL enhancement on ARTERIAL phase
• Retention of contrast on washout or delayed phase
• Tx: angioembolization for bleeding; enucleation if symptomatic
• Hepatic Adenoma
• Epi: female predominant; hormonally sensitive (OCPs, steroids)
• Risk of bleeding and malignant transformation
• CT: well-marginated, isointense on NC CT; HYPERINTENSE on ARTERIAL phase; rapid washout;
+/- heterogenous due to hemorrhage
• No Eovist (Gd) [MRI] or sulfur colloid [NM scan] retention (no Kupffer cells)
• Tx: discontinue offending agent; resection if >5cm, symptomatic
• Focal Nodular Hyperplasia (FNH)
• No risk of bleeding or malignant transformation
• CT: homogenous mass with CENTRAL scar; HYPERINTENSE on ARTERIAL phase
• Central Scar: hypoattenuating on arterial phase; hyperattenuating on delay
• Eovist (Gd) and sulfur colloid uptake (+ Kupffer cells)
• Tx: observation
Malignant Liver Lesions
• Hepatocellular Carcinoma
• Most common primary hepatic malignancy
• HBV infection #1 cause worldwide; 80% in setting of cirrhosis
• Screening: AFP + ultrasound every 6 months for AT RISK PATIENTS
• CT: primarily arterial inflow
• Heterogenous; Early arterial enhancement and washout of contrast on delayed phase
• Tx: resection/ablation (if localized and adequate remnant), OLT (Milan
criteria), sorafenib (metastatic/unresectable)
• Metastatic Liver Tumors
• More common than primary liver tumor (20:1)
• CT: Hypoattenuating on NC CT compared to liver; hypovascular lesions with
minimal arterial enhancement
Liver Lesion Non-contrast Arterial Portal Venous

Hepatic Hypoattenuating to
Peripheral enhancement Centripetal filling Retention of contrast
Hemangioma liver

Rapid homogenous
Isointense w/ delayed
Focal Nodular Isointense to the liver enhancement w/
Rapid washout enhancement of
Hyperplasia Homogenous lesion hypoattenuating central
central scar
Isointense to the liver
Hepatic Adenoma Heterogenous (bleed, Rapid enhancement Rapid washout Isointense to liver
necrosis, fat)

Isointense/hypointense Homogenous rapid

HCC Washout Isointense
to liver enhancement

Hyper- or hypo-
Metastases Hypoattenuating Hypodense Hypodense
Liver Failure and Portal Hypertension
• Portal HTN
• Dx: hepatic venous pressure gradient (HVPG): pressure gradient
between the wedge hepatic venous pressure (WHVP) and the
free hepatic venous pressures
• Estimate of pressure gradient between PV and IVC
• Portal HTN: HVPG greater than or equal to 5mmHg; clinically significant
when >10mmHg
• Liver Failure
• Causes: Pre-hepatic, Intrahepatic, Post-hepatic
• Intrahepatic: pre-sinusoidal, sinusoidal, post-sinusoidal
• Child’s Pugh Score:
• Components: total bilirubin, PT/INR, albumin, ascites, encephalopathy
• MELD Score:
• Components: total bilirubin, PT/INR, creatinine
Biliary Anatomy and Physiology
• Physiology
• Bile salts: primary bile salts (cholic and chenodeoxycholic acid) produced
from cholesterol; conjugated in liver (taurine, glycine)
• 95% reabsorbed in terminal ileum
• Bilirubin: produced by breakdown of senescent RBCs and metabolism of
• Conjugated in liver by UDP-glucuronyl transferase
• 90% excreted in stool (stercobilin), 10% reabsorbed (urobilinogen)
• Anatomy
• Cystic artery: arises from right hepatic artery, travels posterior to CHD and
through triangle of Calot
• 10% double cystic artery
• CBD: segmental blood supply; runs at 3 and 9 o’clock
Bile Duct Injury
• Critical View of Safety (CVS):
• Hepatocystic triangle is cleared at fat/fibrous tissue
• Lower thirds of GB is separated from the liver
• Two and only two structures are seen entering the gallbladder
• Cause of injury: excessive cephalad retraction of fundus
aligns the cystic duct and CBD which are subsequently
• Management:
• Intra-op:
• Short segment: primary repair over T-tube
• Long segment: hepaticojejunostomy
• Drainage and transfer to HPB center
• Post-op:
• Goal is to control sepsis and control drainage prior to delay
• Percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography (PTC): defines the anatomy of
the PROXIMAL biliary tree for surgical reconstruction AND decompress the
biliary system
• Delayed reconstruction in 6-8 weeks
Benign Biliary Pathology
• Biliary Dyskinesia: motility disorder of GB that involves abnormal biliary tract
peristalsis muscle in response to dietary stimulation
• Dx: CCK-stimulated HIDA scan w/ diminished GB ejection fraction (<33%)
• Tx: cholecystectomy
• Gallstone Ileus: mechanical intestinal obstruction from gallstone after fistulization
of GB to duodenum
• Rigler’s Triad: intestinal obstruction, pneumobilia, aberrant gallstone location
• Tx: longitudinal enterotomy proximal to stone, removal stone and primary transverse closure
• Gallbladder Adenomas:
• Polyps > 10 mm, polyps + stones, polyps + PSC ----> cholecystectomy
Bile Duct and Gallbladder Cancer
• Cholangiocarcinoma:
• Arise from biliary epithelium; 3 distinct subclasses Bismuth-Corlette Classification of Perihilar Cholangiocarcinoma
[intrahepatic, perihilar, distal]
• 3 distinct morphologic subtypes: sclerosing, nodular
• Surgical Treatment:
• Intrahepatic: partial hepatectomy +/- bile duct resection +
Roux-en-Y HJ
• Perihilar: distal duct excised for clear margins, CCY +/-
hepatic resection with RnY HJ reconstruction
• Frozen section of proximal R/L hepatic ducts, RnY w/
• OLT: for locally advanced perihilar
• Distal: pancreaticoduodenectomy

• Gallbladder Cancer:
• Risk Factors: cholelithiasis and chronic gallbladder inflammation
• Surgical Treatment
• Laparoscopic cholecystectomy adequate for Tis or T1a margin-negative GB cancers
• Tumors >T1a require more extensive resection  extended or radical cholecystectomy
• Partial hepatectomy (segments IVb/V) + cholecystectomy + regional lymphadenectomy
• Bile duct margin sent  if (+)  extrahepatic bile duct resection to achieve negative cystic duct margin (+ HJ reconstruction)
Pancreas Anatomy, Embryology, and Physiology
• Pancreas Divisum: failure of fusion of the ventral and dorsal pancreatic
• Accessory duct of Santorini (dorsal bud) drains via minor papillae [body, tail,
part of head]
• Major duct of Wirsung (ventral bud) drains via major papillae [uncinate, head]
• Majority asymptomatic, can present with pancreatitis
• Tx: ERCP + papillotomy of minor papillae
• Annular Pancreas: aberrant migration of the ventral pancreatic bud -->
extrinsic duodenal obstruction
• Tx: duodenal bypass; do not resect obstructing pancreatic segment
• Physiology:
• Secretin --> pancreatic fluid secretion
• Chloride secretion VARIES INVERSELY with bicarbonate secretion
• Sum of anions = Sum of cations
• Vagal /CCK --> pancreatic enzyme secretion
Acute and Chronic Pancreatitis
• Acute Pancreatitis:
• Causes: gallstones (#1 in US) and EtOH
• Dx: need 2 of 3
• Clinical presentation (epigastric pain, N/V, radiate to back)
• Lipase/amylase >3x upper level of normal
• CT findings consistent with pancreatitis
• Complications: Revised Atlanta Classification
• Pseudocyst: time vs. drainage (internal preferred)
• <6 weeks: 40% resolve; >6cm: 2/3 will need drainage
• WOPN: step-up therapy [perc drainage, RP/transgastric
• Chronic Pancreatitis:
• Causes: EtOH (70-80%)
• Surgery: determine need for resection vs. decompression (or
• Decompression: Puestow Beger procedure (duodenal
• Resection: Whipple, distal pancreatectomy, Beger (DPPHR), TP + islet cell txp preserving pancreatic head
• Combination: Frey
Cystic Lesions of the Pancreas
Risk of
Features Location Amylase CEA Viscosity Mucin Cytology Radiology

F>M (4:1); 60-70s

SCN Throughout No ↓ ↓ ↓ (-) Glycogen rich

F>M (9:1); 40-50s Ovarian-type

MCN Body/Tail 15% ↓ ↑↑↑ ↑ (+)
“mother” stroma

F; <40 Solid /
SPT Body/Tail Low ↓ ↓ (-) Necrotic cells
“daughter” cystic

Pseudocyst N/A Throughout No ↑↑↑ ↑/↓ ↓ (-) Inflammatory

Tall columnar,
Head; MD: 60%
IPMN F = M, 60-80s ↑↑↑ ↑ ↑ (+) mucin
Throughout BD: 2-10%
Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma
• Risk Factors: smoking; chronic pancreatitis, DM, obesity, genetics [CF, HNPCC,
BRCA-2, Peutz-Jegher, Familial Pancreatitis]
• Pathogenesis: PanIN --> PDAC [95% KRAS mutation]
• Tumor Markers: CEA, CA19-9 (10-15% w/o ↑CA19-9)
• Treatment: Whipple (head/neck); distal pancreatectomy + splenectomy
• Complications: DGE, Pancreatic fistula/leak, GDA bleed
• Palliative Therapy:
• Biliary obstruction: ERCP + metal stent; HJ if during laparotomy
• GOO: endoscopic stenting; GJ if during laparotomy
• Pain: celiac plexus block
Neuroendocrine Tumors of the Pancreas
• Non-Functional PNETs: majority of PNETs, hypervascular on CT, 50% with mets to liver
• Tx: enucleation (small, <2cm) vs. complete resection (en-bloc resection + metastectomy)

• Functional PNETs: Symptoms/Features Location

Risk of
Malignancy Associations Diagnosis Treatment

• Axial Imaging [Triple Whipple’s Triad Evenly Least Likely #2 fNET in

w/ fast
phase CT, MRI] Insulinoma
(Most common fNET) distributed <10% MEN1 (5%) Insulin : glucose >
Enucleation (benign)
• Somatostatin Receptor Gastrin > 1000
Scintigraphy [no Gastrinoma
Peptic ulcers, diarrhea
50% malignant
#1 fNET in
MEN1 (25%)
Resection vs.
enucleation; PPI
receptors for ↑gastrin > 200

insulinoma] 4 D’s: dermatitis

(necrolytic migratory 50-80% 95% sporadic fasting glucagon >
• EUS Glucagonoma
erythema), diabetes,
depression, DVT
malignant MEN1 (5%) 1000 pg/mL
Octreotide for sxs

• Selective visceral VIPoma watery diarrhea, Complete

angiography (WDHA; Verner- hypokalemia, Body/Tail
95% sporadic
MEN1 (5%)
VIP > 200 pg/mL excision/debulking
Morrison) achlorhydria Octreotide for sxs

DM, Cholelithiasis, Complete

Head, Majority somatostatin > 10
Somatostatinoma Steatorrhea NF-1 excision/debulking +
periampullary malignant ng/mL
(Least common fNET) CCY
Thank you and good luck!

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