3x Exemplar 2017 en PDF

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Grade 3X

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All other candidates: write names in full.

Candidate …………………………………………………………

Theory Paper Grade 3 Sample X July 2017 Entered by …………………………………………………………

Duration 1½ hours

Candidates should answer ALL questions. TOTAL MARKS

Write your answers on this paper – no others will be accepted.
Answers must be written clearly and neatly – otherwise marks may be lost.

1 Add the missing bar-lines to each of these three melodies, which all begin on the first beat 10
of the bar.




2 Add the correct clef and any necessary sharp or flat signs to make each of the scales 10
named below. Do not use key signatures.

A major
A major

F harmonic
F harmonic minor

© 2017 by The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music

Grade 3X 1 Turn the page
3 Give the letter name of each of these notes, as shown in the first answer. 10

E flat .................... ....................

EE flat
.................... ....................
………………… ………………… …………………

.................... ....................
.................... ....................
………………… ………………… …………………

4 Describe each of these melodic intervals, giving the type and number (e.g. major 2nd, 10
D minor E major E major
perfect 8ve). The keys are named, and in each case the lower note is the key note.

D minor
D minor E major
E major E major
Eb major

Type ............................. Type ............................. Type .............................

Number ............................. Number ............................. Number .............................
Type ……………………… Type
............................. Type ……………………… Type
............................. Type .............................

Number ............................. Number ............................. Number .............................

Number ……………………… Number ……………………… Number ………………………

A major B minor
G minor B minor

A major B minor

Type ……………………… Type
............................. Type .............................

Number .............................
Number Number
Number .............................
Type .............................
……………………… Type .............................

Number ............................. Number .............................

5 Add the correct rest(s) at the places marked * to make each bar complete. 10

J. S. Bach
* * * * *

Grade 3X 2
6 (a) Rewrite the following melody with the notes correctly grouped (beamed). 10


(b) Describe fully the melodic interval (e.g. major 2nd,
perfect 5th) between the first two notes of bar 1. The key is G minor. ………………………………………………

7 Write the key signature and tonic triad of each of the following keys. 10

C minor B major E major

minor B major
Bb major E major
C# minor

minor AbAmajor

B minor A major
Tick one box for each term/sign, as shown in the first answer. 10

fp means: animando means: giocoso means: 

loud, gradually getting quieter  animated, lively graceful

quiet, then immediately loud becoming more lively sweet
forced, accented emphatic, accented playful, merry
loud, then immediately quiet gradually getting slower lively, quick

marcato means: rubato means: triste means:

emphatic, accented at a comfortable speed heavy

in a military style rhythmically sad, sorrowful
in the style of a march with determination slow, stately
majestic with some freedom of time  calm

Grade 3X 3 Turn the page

9 Look at this melody by Haydn and then answer the questions below.

Adagio1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Write your answer to question (b) on the stave below.

Write your answer to question (c) on the stave below.

(a) (i) This melody is in the key of Eb major. Name the degree 10
of the scale (e.g. 3rd, 4th) of the first note in the melody. …………

(ii) Draw a circle around a note in this melody that is not in the key of Eb major.

(iii) Give the number of the bar that does not

contain any note belonging to the tonic triad. Bar ………

(iv) Name one similarity and one difference between bars 1 – 2 and 5–6.

Similarity .....................................................................................................................................................

Difference ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

(v) Draw a bracket (   ) over two notes next to each other that form the
melodic interval of a perfect 5th.

(b) Using the blank stave above question (a), write out the melody from the beginning of the 10
music to the first note of bar 6 an octave lower, using the bass clef as shown.

Grade 3X 4

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