Offermind Masterclass Notes - Part 2 Red Ocean Analytics
Offermind Masterclass Notes - Part 2 Red Ocean Analytics
Offermind Masterclass Notes - Part 2 Red Ocean Analytics
(A living breathing checklist to grab from the red ocean before we think what we're going to sell)
W Buyers
The outputs will give you a map of your dream customer (Avatar) and also the sales message
Offer Your Avatar
Sales Message
We want customer who are "willing and able and a Dream‐Customer"
this is a "Hot Traffic Who IS a BUYER"
Buyers Sellers
3 personas (customers) in the red ocean Looking for the ROCK (Red Ocean Category King)
3. Die Hard ‐ In order to convert they need publishing the most. doing a lot of ads
Identity shift they have the biggest bridge to doing tons of promotions
cross other people and companies are talking about them
2. Successful ‐ In order to convert they
need a bargain or much higher value
1. Hate ‐ in order to convert they
need a new/different vehicle. The easiest to
get. They will sell your product to the rest of
the market the smallest bridge to cross
Steve is talking directly to the person who is:
In the red ocean
Sold on the red ocean
not getting the results they want but just
doesn't know where else to go to
Buyers Sellers
Beliefs (fuels the sales message and the offer) Sales message and Offer design starts with
hacking your competition's funnel
All beliefs are upheld by a story. We are looking for the
stories, or experiences that somebody went through, that
installed that belief in their head.
1. Sales Message: the sales message is why somebody buys
Vehicle belief / story
Will this work for me? 2. Offer: looking how they fulfil on their sales message
You customers were looking for solution longer than you
think. We need to look at the "ghost markets" that they
came from. The solutions they've already tried.
We look for "the customer origin story" and
"the customer journey"
CJ (Customer Journey): "What have they already tried?" MJ (Market Journey): "What have they already tried?"
1. it helps you "join the conversation inside their head" All these other small companies in that market, who are not the
2. protects you from creating another red ocean that you category king, how they survive?
think is blue. Something they tried before! What did they try that didn't work? And what works?
CO (Customer Origin Story): "Why do they care?" MO (Market Origin Story): "Why do they care?"
What's keeping them on their journey. Why are they willing Why did they get into business. Why are they trying to sell those
to try another thing people?
Buyers Sellers
The Easiest Way To GET It The Easiest Way To ADMINISTER It
D (Dopamine): Chemical of distraction. The easiest to get. D (Dopamine): Through content and interruptions.
The one we seek the most frequent.
O (Oxytocin): Chemical of connection. The one we want the O (Oxytocin): Trough the experience of buying, or
most. We will do everything to get it! hanging out with the Guru and getting attention.
S (Serotonin): Chemical of status. When you get "likes" when S (Serotonin): Through an Identity shift, or elevation of
you get elevated by someone. someone. (Swag for example)
E (Endorphin): Chemical of work‐reward. We have to put in E (Endorphin): Trough giving checklist or setup guides.
effort in order to get it. Helps solve a problem of refunds.