Overview....................................................................................................................................................... 2
Content and Aim of this Pack.................................................................................................................... 2
Use of the Pack ......................................................................................................................................... 2
Support and Any Errors............................................................................................................................. 2
Applying the Content to Your Environment .............................................................................................. 3
Changes Required Prior to Using the Content .......................................................................................... 3
HCM Cloud Version ................................................................................................................................... 4
Security ..................................................................................................................................................... 4
Content by Dashboard Tab ........................................................................................................................... 5
Tab - Organisation......................................................................................................................................... 5
Tab - Absence................................................................................................................................................ 7
Tab - Profiles ................................................................................................................................................. 9
Tab - Skills ................................................................................................................................................... 11
Tab - Performance ...................................................................................................................................... 13
Tab - Goals .................................................................................................................................................. 15
Tab - Talent ................................................................................................................................................. 17
Tab - Succession.......................................................................................................................................... 19
Tab – Succession Critical ............................................................................................................................. 21
Content and Aim of this Pack
This pack includes the following content:
- Sample OTBI Dashboard with 9 tabs of content and almost 100 Sample Reports
- Hands on OTBI workshop with solutions
Many of the reports could be developed further and each section below includes some thoughts on
changes that might be required and how to implement these.
If you create a new (and better!) version of any of the reports, please post these on Customer Connect for
all customers to benefit from.
The OTBI hands on workshop can help customers gain OTBI skills, using a worked example that shows
many of the features used in the sample dashboards.
It is recommended that all users refer to Customer Connect for further examples of reports and
techniques that can help when creating OTBI dashboards and for news on additional functionality and
content that is available with each release of HCM Cloud.
Whilst all reasonable efforts have been made to test that the samples will work when transferred to a
customer’s environment, no commitment is made to that effect and it is fully expected that further
changes and enhancements will be required if the samples are to be deployed.
Please use these samples in the spirit in which they have been shared – as a helping hand in getting
reports out to the business from day 1 - rather than expecting them to be the finished product.
Updated versions of the archive will be provided if any major errors are found but, as with all sample
content, please test and adjust to meet your specific reporting requirements.
Applying the Content to Your Environment
Unarchive the files provided to the following locations:
If unarchived using these locations, all sample content should work without further change.
Dashboard Prompts:
- Update default absence types on the absence tab (recommended that you pick sickness absence
types as that is what the content is primarily geared towards)
- Update default competencies on the competency tab (recommended that you only pick a
maximum of 10 competencies for this page as that is what the display has been designed for. If
more are required it is recommended that you re-design the layouts)
- Update default talent review meeting on the talent tab (this tab is designed for performance vs
potential talent review meetings – if you are using different axes, then you can use the ideas from
this page, but you will need to rewrite the reports)
- Absence Tab, Regular Absentees, update the drill path to the Person Gallery
- Profiles Tab, Assignment Details & Drill to Person Gallery, update the drill path to the Person
- Skills Tab, most reports, update the logic for proficiency and high/low skilled as these fields use a
case statement to either order or group data together and will need to be updated to reflect the
local rating descriptions being used
- Performance Tab, most reports, update the performance status values used by some of the
metrics and reports
- Succession for Critical Jobs Tab, all reports assume that the job profile has been flagged as critical.
To do this, go to Talent -> Profiles -> Job Profiles and ensure the Criticality Content Type is added
and has the radio button for “Requires Succession Planning” set to Yes
No additional Security has been added to these Sample dashboards, beyond what comes with Fusion as
standard. There are several posts on Customer Connect about securing the web catalog and particular
folders of reports, as well as how to limit prompt values by user security
(http://appsconnect.custhelp.com/posts/bf987bfc44 ) and a general explanation of OTBI security
Please refer to these or to the Oracle HCM Cloud documentation for further details.
Content by Dashboard Tab
The sample dashboard tabs are delivered by functional area and no assumptions have been made as to
the modules of HCM Cloud being used. Content is grouped into the following areas:
Tab - Organisation
Please review screenshot.
Current headcount, fte and assignment count, broken down by various attributes with drill to detail.
Reports on headcount events such leavers, joiners and promotions with drill to detail.
Main Interactions
- Selections on left hand dashboard prompt
- Selections for all view by options above charts
- Drill to detail from metrics along the top of the report
- Drill to detail from various charts on the page (not all)
- Right mouse click interactions, particularly on tabular reports
Key Features
- All reports link to dashboard prompt using either a shared filter or a link report on person ID
- Calculated attributes such as age band and length of service band
- Rolling periods (last 24 months) to limit the events returned
Workforce Event reports (joiners, leavers etc) come from Workforce Management - Worker Assignment
Events Real Time.
Location of Content
Assumption: Sample content is unarchived as per instructions above
The content can be unarchived elsewhere in the web catalog. In that case, all drills and references to
filters need to be fully tested.
Where reports include that subject area, the link to the prompt is via a shared filter (Headcount Filter
above). For content based on a different subject area, the report has been linked back to the dashboard
prompt via Person ID using a secondary analysis (for example, the Leavers Summary report links to the
dashboard parameter via the Headcount Person ID report)
The fields in the prompt can be updated. To add or remove fields from the prompt and have the reports
recognise this:
- edit the dashboard prompt to add or remove the fields from the Workforce Management –
Worker Assignment Real Time subject area
- update the shared filter (Headcount Filter) that all the reports use to reference the updated set of
fields and test
This dashboard could also be made “point in time” (date effective). The following high level steps give
some indication of how this could be achieved …
- add a new item to the dashboard prompt for the date. Make this a database prompt not a
column prompt and link it to a presentation variable
- link the presentation variable to a date effective parameter in all the reports
- for reports on Workforce Management - Worker Assignment Event you will also need to add a
condition on Calendar Date in the time folder (Calendar Date <= presentation variable)
- for a worked example of using a presentation variable in a dashboard prompt, see Customer
Connect (http://appsconnect.custhelp.com/posts/b6065de26e ). Also refer to the historical
reporting white paper (http://appsconnect.custhelp.com/posts/e4667439e9)
Tab - Absence
Please review screenshot.
Absence occurrences and leave duration, broken down by various attributes with drill to detail. Metrics
split out for absence types that are hourly and daily based. Exception based reports identifying highest
absenteeism (by department and employee), one day absences by day or week and Bradford factor.
Main Interactions
- Selections on left hand dashboard prompt
- Selections for all view by options above charts
- Drill to detail from various charts and metrics on the page (not all)
- Right mouse click interactions, particularly on tabular reports
- Drill to person gallery (needs action link to be updated for customer environment)
Key Features
- All reports link to dashboard prompt using either a shared filter or a link report on person ID
- Calculated attributes such as age band
- Calculated value for Bradford Factor
- Link to person gallery (needs action link to be updated for customer environment)
- Rolling periods (last 24 months) to limit the events returned
Location of Content
Assumption: Sample content is unarchived as per instructions above
Where reports include that subject area, the link to the prompt is via a shared filter (Absence Filter
above). The fields in the prompt can be updated. To add or remove fields from the prompt and have the
reports recognise this:
- edit the dashboard prompt to add or remove the fields from the Workforce Management –
Absence Real Time subject area
- update the shared filter (Absence Filter) that all the reports use to reference the updated set of
fields and test
Additional reports could be added based on accruals, carryover and balances for Absence Plans that are
accrual based.
Tab - Profiles
Please review screenshot.
Person profiles, broken down by various attributes with drill to detail. Metrics split out for key values such
as high risk of loss or high impact of loss. Report to show the total headcount to give a high level
indication of the number of missing profiles.
Main Interactions
- Selections on left hand dashboard prompt
- Selections for all view by options above charts
- Drill to detail from various charts and metrics on the page (not all)
- Right mouse click interactions, particularly on tabular reports
- Drill to person gallery (needs action link to be updated for customer environment)
Key Features
- All reports link to dashboard prompt using either a shared filter or a link report on person ID
- Calculated attributes such as age band and length of service band
- Link to person gallery (needs action link to be updated for customer environment)
- Use of MAX(date by level) calculation to return latest profile content by person
Location of Content
Assumption: Sample content is unarchived as per instructions above
The content can be unarchived elsewhere in the web catalog. In that case, all drills and references to
filters need to be fully tested.
The fields in the prompt can be updated. To add or remove fields from the prompt and have the reports
recognise this:
- edit the dashboard prompt to add or remove the fields from the WorkforceProfiles – Person
Profile Real Time subject area
- update the shared filter (Skills Filter) that all the reports use to reference the updated set of
fields and test
Additional reports could be added based on other profile content. Be sure to test that the latest data is
being returned – each content type has its own to and from dates.
Reports could be added to show employees that do not have a particular profile value. Please see the
example on the performance tab for how to report on data that is “not there”.
Tab - Skills
Please review screenshot.
Person competency profiles, broken down by various attributes with drill to detail.
It is recommended that this dashboard is not used to report on any more than 10 competencies at any
one time. If more competencies are required, update the visualisations and layout to reflect this fact.
Main Interactions
- Selections on left hand dashboard prompt
- Selections for all view by options above charts and metrics
- Drill to detail from various charts and metrics on the page (not all)
- Right mouse click interactions, particularly on tabular reports
Key Features
- All reports link to dashboard prompt using either a shared filter or a link report on person ID
- Calculated attributes such as age band and length of service band
- Grouping of skills levels into High/Low skilled groups
- Use of multiple compound layouts on one report to populate different sections of the dashboard
Location of Content
Assumption: Sample content is unarchived as per instructions above
The content can be unarchived elsewhere in the web catalog. In that case, all drills and references to
filters need to be fully tested.
The Dashboard Prompt
All the reports link to the dashboard prompt on the left hand side of the page. This prompt is based on
the Workforce Profiles – Person Profile Real Time subject area.
Where reports include that subject area, the link to the prompt is via a shared filter (Skills Filter above).
The fields in the prompt can be updated. To add or remove fields from the prompt and have the reports
recognise this:
- edit the dashboard prompt to add or remove the fields from the WorkforceProfiles – Person
Profile Real Time subject area
- update the shared filter (Skills Filter) that all the reports use to reference the updated set of
fields and test
Reports could be added to show employees that do not have a particular competency. Please see the
example on the performance tab for how to report on data that is “not there”.
Tab - Performance
Please review screenshot.
Performance documents and their status, broken down by various attributes with drill to detail.
Main Interactions
- Selections on left hand dashboard prompt
- Selections for all view by options above charts and metrics
- Drill to detail from various charts and metrics on the page (not all)
- Right mouse click interactions, particularly on tabular reports
Key Features
- All reports link to dashboard prompt using a shared filter
- Reports than use a union to combine those employees with performance documents with those
that do not have a document
Location of Content
Assumption: Sample content is unarchived as per instructions above
Shared Filters: …\Sample Content\Sample OTBI Dashboards\Subject Area Contents\... – various filters in
the Workforce Performance folders
The content can be unarchived elsewhere in the web catalog. In that case, all drills and references to
filters need to be fully tested.
The Dashboard Prompt
All the reports link to the dashboard prompt on the left hand side of the page. This prompt is based on
the Workforce Performance – Performance Document Status Real Time subject area.
All prompt fields are common so each report links to a filter on its respective subject area that is then
passed the values from the dashboard prompt.
The fields in the prompt can be updated. To add or remove fields from the prompt and have the reports
recognise this:
- edit the dashboard prompt to add or remove the fields from the Workforce Performance –
Performance Document Status Real Time subject area
- update the shared filters (all the performance ones above) that all the reports use to reference
the updated set of fields and test
Also the final comments and ratings by manager and employees – there are postings on Customer
Connect on reports in this area.
Tab - Goals
Please review screenshot.
Main Interactions
- Selections on left hand dashboard prompt
- Selections for all view by options above charts and metrics
- Drill to detail from various charts and metrics on the page (not all)
- Right mouse click interactions, particularly on tabular reports
Key Features
- All reports link to dashboard prompt using a shared filter
- Drill reports that show employees with an aligned goal or employees without an aligned goal
Location of Content
Assumption: Sample content is unarchived as per instructions above
Shared Filters: …\Sample Content\Sample OTBI Dashboards\Subject Area Contents\... – various filters in
the Workforce Goals folders
The content can be unarchived elsewhere in the web catalog. In that case, all drills and references to
filters need to be fully tested.
All prompt fields are common so each report links to a filter on its respective subject area that is then
passed the values from the dashboard prompt.
The fields in the prompt can be updated. To add or remove fields from the prompt and have the reports
recognise this:
- edit the dashboard prompt to add or remove the fields from the Workforce Goals – Goals
Alignment Real Time subject area
- update the shared filters (all the goals ones above) that all the reports use to reference the
updated set of fields and test
These reports are only a small sample of reporting on performance, many other reports around
performance, development and aligned goals could be added.
Tab - Talent
Please review screenshot.
Talent Review outcomes, broken down by various attributes with drill to detail.
Main Interactions
- Selections on left hand dashboard prompt
- Selections for all view by options above charts and metrics
- Drill to detail from various charts and metrics on the page (not all)
- Right mouse click interactions, particularly on tabular reports
Key Features
- All reports link to dashboard prompt using a shared filter
Location of Content
Assumption: Sample content is unarchived as per instructions above
The content can be unarchived elsewhere in the web catalog. In that case, all drills and references to
filters need to be fully tested.
The fields in the prompt can be updated. To add or remove fields from the prompt and have the reports
recognise this:
- edit the dashboard prompt to add or remove the fields from the Workforce Talent Review –
Talent Review Meeting Real Time subject area
- update the shared filter (above) that all the reports use to reference the updated set of fields
and test
Enhancements You May Wish to Consider
Any of the visualisations, view by options or fields displayed/included on the right mouse click option can
be updated. New drill paths to detail reports can be added. Reports can be hidden and reorganised.
Please see customer connect for an example of a “n box” layout that can be configured to reflect the
Talent Review templates being used.
Many of these reports will need to be updated depending on the axes being used for talent review
meetings. For that reason, only a small sample has been provided.
Tab - Succession
Please review screenshot.
Succession Plan candidates, broken down by various attributes with drill to detail. Succession Plan
Strength and Pipeline.
Main Interactions
- Selections on left hand dashboard prompt
- Selections for all view by options above charts and metrics
- Drill to detail from various charts and metrics on the page (not all)
- Right mouse click interactions, particularly on tabular reports
Key Features
- All reports link to dashboard prompt using a shared filter
Location of Content
Assumption: Sample content is unarchived as per instructions above
The content can be unarchived elsewhere in the web catalog. In that case, all drills and references to
filters need to be fully tested.
The fields in the prompt can be updated. To add or remove fields from the prompt and have the reports
recognise this:
- edit the dashboard prompt to add or remove the fields from the Succession Management – Plan
Candidates Real Time subject area
- update the shared filter (above) that all the reports use to reference the updated set of fields
and test
Enhancements You May Wish to Consider
Any of the visualisations, view by options or fields displayed/included on the right mouse click option can
be updated. New drill paths to detail reports can be added. Reports can be hidden and reorganised.
A dashboard showing cascading succession plans could be created, with any succession plans for
candidates of the main plan being displayed. To do this, the reports that show the secondary plans must
be prompted on the candidate name rather than the dashboard prompt.
Tab – Succession Critical
Please review screenshot.
Analysis of Succession Plans for Jobs marked as critical (on the job profile).
Main Interactions
- Selections on left hand dashboard prompt
- Selections for all view by options above charts and metrics
- Drill to detail from various charts and metrics on the page (not all)
- Right mouse click interactions, particularly on tabular reports
Key Features
- All reports link to dashboard prompt using a shared filter
- Summary report that combines queries that return critical jobs with no plan, critical jobs with a
plan but no candidates and critical jobs with a plan and candidates.
Location of Content
Assumption: Sample content is unarchived as per instructions above
Shared Filters: …\Sample Content\Sample OTBI Dashboards\Subject Area Contents\ Workforce Profiles –
Model Profile Real Time and Workforce Succession Management – Plan Candidates Real Time
The content can be unarchived elsewhere in the web catalog. In that case, all drills and references to
filters need to be fully tested.
Some reports call secondary reports that are prompted on the Plan Candidates subject area. This reflects
the fact that only if a job has a plan will it appear in the Succession subject areas.
The fields in the prompt can be updated. To add or remove fields from the prompt and have the reports
recognise this:
- edit the dashboard prompt to add or remove the fields from the Workforce Profiles – Model
Profile Real Time subject area
- update the shared filter (above) that all the reports use to reference the updated set of fields
and test