Educational Philosophies

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FAILMA January 5, 2018 EDUC 201 | Philosophical and Psychological Foundations of Education
1st year – AY 2018 – 2019 Saturday | 12:00nn – 3:00pm Dr. Thelma O. Alderite

Philosophy and Nature Educational Aim Curricular Teaching Character Teacher’s Role of
Proponents Emphasis Methods Development Role School
Behaviorism Behaviorists Schools The curriculum In behaviorism, The character Behaviorist Since
John B. Watson argue that human espousing to centers on the students’ of the students teachers ought behaviorism
(1913) beings are subject Behaviorism are teaching behaviors are is shaped by to arrange aim to
to the conditions concerned with students to shaped by the the positive environmental produce
of their the modification respond consequences and favorable conditions so students with
environment and and shaping of favorably to of their actions. environment that students desirable
they are shaped students’ various stimuli Hence, provided by respond to behavior,
entirely through it. behavior through in the methods of the learning stimuli schools
Hence, they are a the favorable environment teaching institution that appropriately. should
product of their environment since humans include giving would help Variables like provide a
environment and which will be (and other positive and them exhibit light, room context where
they have limited provided to them. animals) only negative socially- temperature, good
choice as to They aim to act to internal reinforcements acceptable visual aids, behaviors are
deciding their life’s produce students and external as well as behavior and etc. need to be triggered
purpose and who show physical stimuli punishments to make them controlled so such as a
existence. desirable increase, holistically that positive friendly
behavior in decrease, or developed behavior environment,
society. eliminate the citizens. would be adequate
likeness of displayed. facilities,
behavior to They also favorable
reoccur. need to make learning
the stimuli conditions,
clear and effective
interesting to teachers, etc.
capture and
hold learners’
Perennialism Perennialist argue Schools aim to Perennialism Perennialist Character Teachers do The school
Robert M. Hutchins that humans have make certain that highlights the classrooms are development is not allow serves as a
(1930) rational and moral understanding of study of centered more on students’ medium of
powers that need the great ideas humanities and around the espousing interest or transferring
to be fully from past general teachers. They personal experiences to interminable
cultivated through civilizations will education. It apply whatever development dictate what to and general
the knowledge of be acquired by highlights the creative and self- teach. Hence, information
eternal truths the students knowledge that techniques that discipline by they do not and
which are because such has withstood are believed to emulating sacrifice knowledge
constant as the may have a the test of be the most universal subject matter from older
natural and potential of times as effective values. This for the sake of generation to
human worlds, at solving problems reflected in method of will enable the supporting the younger
their most in any era. some of the teaching a students to students’ one. In short,
essential level, do Further, Great Books specific topic. secure learning the school’s
not change. cultivation of the (eg.History). Students individual preferences. main role is to
Developing these intellect is the Further, it has engage in freedom, Teachers teach ideas
aspects would highest priority of less emphasis Socratic human rights implement that are
give us the ability Perennialist in vocational dialogues and and time-tested everlasting.
to use our higher schools. and technical inquiry responsibilities methods that
faculties to control education since sessions to through their are
our passion. it espouses develop an own nature. appropriate in
growth in understanding teaching
enduring of the timeless because this
disciplines. concepts of has been
history. proven to be
Pragmatism It believes that the As a practical Technical For By applying Teachers Schools
Charles Sanders meaning of an philosophy, the courses that Pragmatists, their should be should
Pierce (1870) idea can be aim of education bear practical teaching knowledge to teaching provide
determined by the is to make consequences methods focus real situations students education
consequences of learning are the main on hands-on through things that are about life and
its tests. Hence, if purposeful with subject of the problem experimental practical for growth by
it works in an infused sense curriculum. solving, inquiry, life and transforming
practice, then it is of reality. It Likewise, it experimenting, students are encourage into
true or good. Like provides should bring and projects, prepared for them to grow workshops
Progressivism, it education that the disciplines often having citizenship, into better and
believes that hones individual together to students work daily living, people. laboratories
change is the differences focus on in groups. It is and future for real-world
essence of reality. according to solving believed that careers. applications
each aptitudes problems in an one learns Moreover, it of lessons,
and abilities. interdisciplinary best by respects the and
way applying the uniqueness of experiential
lessons in an an individual learning, not
actual learning that would through
experience. make his simple ideas.
values different
from the
Progressivism Progressivists The aim of The philosophy Progressivist Development Teachers The role of
John Dewey (1938) accept the progressivist is well-known teachers are of character expose the school is
impermanence of schools is to for its need- more aims at students to to produce
life and the develop learners based and concerned with teaching many new students who
inevitability of into becoming relevant teaching the students to scientific, are able to
change. For them, enlightened and curriculum. learners to cope up with technological, solve
everything else intelligent This is a cope up with the demands and social problems in
changes. Thus, citizens so that curriculum that change. of their internal developments the classroom
change is the only they may live responds to the Instead of and external which reflect similar to
thing that does fully now and not students’ needs dwelling with environment the those they
not change. to prepare them and that relates bits of which are progressivist’s will encounter
for adult life. to students’ information constantly notion that outside of
personal lives that may changing and progress and their formal
and become progressing. It change are learning
experiences. obsolete by highlights fundamental. context.
Thus, it gives tomorrow, personal Teachers Moreover,
more emphasis methods are meaning of provide schools
in natural and more focused values which activities should
social sciences on teaching are varied and where improve the
that would help skills in can be applied students can way of life of
them apply gathering and flexibly in any have actual the students
scientific evaluating situation. learning through
inquiry and information as experiences experiencing
processes. well as and apply freedom and
problem knowledge democracy in
solving. It through schools.
employs scientific
experiential method. They
methods stimulate
where one students
learns by through
doing. thought-
games and
Reconstructionism Reconstructionism Schools adhering The curriculum Strategies for Students are Teachers put Schools are
George S. Counts claims that reality to is centered on dealing with encouraged to their talents to recognized as
and Harold O. Rugg is politically, reconstructionism ways and controversial become work not only the means of
(20th century) socially, and take an means where issues involved in the as educators preparing
economically increased role in students (particularly in problems may but as people for
formed. Hence, in leadership and engage in social studies it be political, economic creating a
the light of government and social actions and literature), social, or reformers and new social
unstable political impart a sense of to solve real inquiry, economical political order. By
and social era, progressive world dialogue, and that confront activists. providing
Reconstructionist politics to their problems. multiple the society and knowledge,
philosophers students. It Topics are perspectives be able to students are
argue that only declares that the based on are the focus. arrive at expected to
education could chief purpose of political, social Community- solutions in be functional
advance the educational and economic based learning order to citizens who
cause of social efforts is to issues that are and bringing reconstruct the are motivated
reform without “reconstruct” relevant and the world into society. to seek
revolution. society in order timely which the classroom lasting
to meet the need to be are also solutions to
cultural crisis of addressed. strategies. social
times. problems.

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