Pak China Essay

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Our friendship is higher than the mountains, deeper than the oceans,

dearer than eyesight, sweeter than honey, and stronger than steel. China
is our neighbor situated to the northeast of Pakistan. But our relationship
is more than just being neighbors. Relationship of Pakistan and China is
based on mutual trust and friendship. One of the most beautiful qualities
of true friendship is to understand and be understood. The Pak-China
friendship bears same qualities. China is the only country that Pakistan
trusts and love, and that trust and love is reciprocated.
Since independence, Pakistan has seen many ups and downs. As it is
said that ‘a friend in need is a friend indeedʼ. China stood by Pakistan
through thick and thin; be it the Indo-Pak wars of 1965,71 and 1999 or
supporting Pakistan’s causes in the United Nations. We the people of
Pakistan consider China as an ‘all-weather friendʼ. Now Pakistan and
China has started moving beyond military cooperation and more towards
economic cooperation. China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is
one such example that will help both Pakistan and China- economically,
strategically as well as developing people to people relationships.
Pakistan as a nation returned the favors and stood by China when
she was down and out. Pakistan was one of the first countries to
recognize People’s Republic of China, when others just recognized
Republic of China. Pakistan stood by China in the period of embargo put
by the Western Allies. Pakistan International Airline (PIA) was the first
airline to fly to the PRC. It provided China with an air route leading to
the rest of the world. Pakistan extends helping hand in the rescue
operations after the devastating earthquake in Sichuan, 2008. The Sino-
Pak friendship only gets stronger with the passage of time.
Chinese government and universities are offering numerous
scholarships every year to Pakistani students in different fields. Most of
the students studying in Chinese universities praise the people of China
for their kindness, hospitality and their love towards Pakistan and
Pakistanis. Pakistani students have learnt Chinese language and culture
and most of them are even considering to settle in China after the
completion of their education.
In Pakistan, one can see Chinese in almost every city. Some of
them are fluent in Urdu. Chinese tourists are treated like celebrities and
they enjoy the hospitality and affection of the locals. It’s a two way
relationship as both the Chinese and Pakistanis payback the love and
respect to each other and call themselves brothers.
Since childhood we were told that China is our friend and we
have been taught to be fiercely loyal to our friends. Apart from this bond
of friendship, the traditions and the cultural aspects between the
Pakistanis and the Chinese are extremely similar. Views on life,
marriage, husbands and wives, country, business, politics, and wars are
so similar that any outsider would have serious trouble differentiating.
Social media can play a vital role in developing people to people
interactions of China and Pakistan. One can learn about the culture, life,
and language by using this platform. We also came across a Chinese
marrying a Pakistani woman recently- a matrimonial relation that was
formed due to a friendship on social media.
Language is one of the most major barrier in people to people
interaction of both nations. Without communication medium one cannot
learn and know much about the condition of the others. It is high time
that both the governments should open language centers across the
countries, where Chinese Mandarin and Urdu are to be taught. This way
it would be convenient in communication for the common citizens of
both the countries. Both the governments should facilitate their citizens
in the movement across the border for business activities, tourism and
Pak-China friendship is being promoted by all round cooperation
in initiatives like CPEC and OBOR, and also by non-governmental
communication between Pak-Chinese tourists and entrepreneurs. Both
nations should start cross-cultural exchange programs to cooperate in the
fields of arts and culture, education and research, broadcasting, media,
publications, sports and youth affairs.
“There are no strangers here; only friends you haven’t yet met.” William

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