Advance in Materials
Advance in Materials
Advance in Materials
Key points
Presents innovative pre-treatment Demonstrates less invasive preparation Identifies the potential and limitations Provides material selection criteria
options with CAD/CAM polymers in options for bonded all-ceramic veneers of all-ceramic restorations for the to ensure durable anterior cantilever
complex rehabilitations. and occlusal onlays. abraded dentition. resin-bonded FDPs and conventional
The introduction of adhesive techniques in combination with translucent restorative materials has greatly influenced
treatment concepts in fixed prosthodontics. Modern production technologies offer access to new polymer materials that
provide innovative pre-treatment options for complex prosthetic rehabilitations. Additionally, computer-aided design and
manufacturing (CAD/CAM) provides access to new ceramic types and thus extends the range of indications for metal-free
restorative options. With these developments, important changes of treatment concepts in fixed prosthodontics have
occurred which affect the professional life of dental practitioners with a focus on prosthetic dentistry. This article gives an
overview of the advances in selected fields of fixed prosthodontics and provides support in material selection for different
kinds of indications, from single-tooth restorations to fixed dental prostheses.
Fig. 12 Veneer preparation in long wrap Fig. 13 Veneer preparation in full wrap
Fig. 11 Veneer preparation in medium wrap design, opening the contact points, and try-in design (360° veneers) and try-in of the
design, preserving the contact points, and try-in of the definitive veneers made of feldspathic definitive monolithic bichromatic veneers
of definitive feldspathic veneers, sintered on ceramics using the sintering technique on made of lithium disilicate ceramic (IPS e.max
refractory dies (laboratory procedures: Otto refractory dies (laboratory procedures: Otto Press Multi; Ivoclar Vivadent; Otto Prandtner,
Prandtner, MDT, Munich, Germany) Prandtner, MDT, Munich, Germany) MDT, Munich, Germany)
available that can be differentiated by their adhesive fixation, and less interference with
admixture of aluminium and yttrium oxides. the marginal gingiva. While these possibilities
Not only their optical characteristics but also inspire a great deal of excitement, we should
the mechanical properties are influenced as bear in mind that the methods described above
a result of a matter of changes in refractive involve a high degree of technique sensitivity
index, grain size, and crystalline composition regarding preparations (mainly enamel),
(Figs 31, 32 and 33).86,87 Recently innovative adhesive bonding and fine-tuning of the static
CAD/CAM-materials were introduced, which and dynamic occlusion.24,52,61,90,91
Fig. 31 Occlusal view of a CAD/CAM combine two different zirconia compositions While clinical long-term studies10,13,46,47,91
posterior three-unit FDP made of monolithic in one disc (gradient technology). New exist on minimally invasive restorative
multilayer zirconia (3Y-TZP zirconia; Katana generations of zirconia ceramics promise new methods using ceramic materials, valid clinical
HT/ML, Kuraray Noritake, Tokyo, Japan). indications. All relevant long-term clinical data on the long-term behaviour of minimally
Surface staining was applied, without trials refer to restorations made of 3Y-TZP invasive definitive restorations made of CAD/
sintered ceramic veneer
zirconia. Many open questions remain, related CAM composite resins are still lacking.92,93 The
especially to the third and fourth zirconia intermediate three-year results of a five-year
generations. Long-term clinical stability, wear prospective clinical study with 45 inlays and
behaviour and bonding options have not yet 58 partial-coverage restorations made of
been fully verified.88 Initial in vitro studies CAD/CAM polymer-infiltrated ceramics have
have demonstrated a significant increase of demonstrated good performance.94 However,
translucency in novel zirconia materials, but a significant decrease in marginal adaption
associated with a significant reduction in and an increase in marginal discolouration
flexural strength.89 and surface roughness were observed over
For 5Y-TZP zirconia, flexural strength and time. 94 A randomised clinical trial with
translucency parameters between those of indirect composite resin and glass ceramic
Fig. 32 Intraoral view of the prepared
3Y-TZP and lithium disilicate ceramic are veneers showed similar survival rates of 87%
abutment teeth 14 and 16
reported. Both the short-term and long-term and 93.5%, respectively. However, changes in
bond strengths of 5Y-TZP and 3Y-TZP were surface characteristics were more frequent in
shown to be similar to lithium disilicate. the composite material.95
5Y-TZP demonstrated no measurable material The clinical results with direct composites
wear, and antagonist enamel wear was as a definitive restorative material were
comparable to other materials tested.88 initially good, especially in the anterior
region. 96,97 However, clinical follow-ups
Discussion showed that in more complex cases, direct
posterior composite restorations discernibly
With the introduction of digital technologies deteriorated after five and a half years and
Fig. 33 Try-in of the three-unit FDP made and access to new restorative materials, more, in terms of surface texture, anatomical
of monolithic multilayer zirconia (3Y-TZP clinicians are facing a continuously shape and marginal fit.98 The survival rates of
zirconia, Katana HT/ML; Kuraray Noritake)
increasing range of treatment options in fixed composite resin as a restorative material in
prosthodontics. These options allow strategies complex direct rehabilitations depend on the
as the most frequent complication.80,81,82 In a and materials to be selected specifically for the tooth position, being most unfavourable in the
randomised clinical trial (RCT), zirconia FDPs individual patient’s needs. However, clinicians case of molars.99
with up to five units demonstrated satisfying and technicians need well-developed skills, Numerous in vitro studies on CAD/CAM
long-term results comparable to those of the experiences and knowledge to select the right composite resins and polymer-infiltrated
metal ceramic control group.83 Nevertheless, a therapy based on scientific data. ceramics have examined their optical and
higher rate of framework fractures, debonding, A paradigm shift towards less invasive mechanical properties, surface and wear
chipping and inferior marginal adaption was treatment options is obvious; the overall aim is behaviour, as well as bonding options. In
reported. to reach the treatment goal while removing the one of these in vitro studies, CAD/CAM
The use of monolithic zirconia would reduce least possible amount of natural tissue. Reliable composite resins showed higher flexural
the risk of chipping and improve the stability bonding to natural enamel and tooth-coloured strengths than leucite ceramics and polymer-
of the restoration while simplifying the CAD/ materials have ushered in a shift towards much infiltrated ceramics, but lower strengths than
CAM procedure.84 One important prerequisite more conservative preparation designs than lithium disilicate ceramics.100 Glass ceramics
for using zirconia in monolithic restorations was previously thought possible.4,5 showed lower discolouration rates than
was improved aesthetics through reduced Minimally invasive restorations are CAD/CAM composites and less two-body
opacity and the option of individual staining. considered beneficial because of the low wear.100 In multiple in vitro studies, ceramics
New formulas resulted in new types of zirconia risk of damaging the pulp, better hard tissue showed superior gloss retention compared
ceramics with greater translucency.85 Four protection, easier impression-taking, a better to hybrid ceramics, composites and acrylic
generations of zirconia ceramics are now view of the site during preparation and polymers.101,102,103
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