Subtotals, Pivottables, and Pivot Charts: Summarizing and Analyzing Data

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Subtotals, PivotTables, and Pivot Charts

: Summarizing and Analyzing Data

• To manage and analyze data by creating subtotals, PivotTables, and Pivot Charts
Objectives (1 of 2)
• Subtotal Data
• Group and Ungroup Data
• Create a PivotTable
• Modify a PivotTable
• Filter and Slice a PivotTable
Objectives (2 of 2)
• Create a Calculated Field
• Change the PivotTable Design
• Create a Data Model
• Create a PivotChart
Objective 1: Subtotal Data
• Sort Multiple Fields
• Subtotal Data
• Add a Second Subtotal
• Collapse and Expand the Subtotals
Subtotal Data (1 of 3)
Subtotal Data (2 of 3)
SUBTOTAL Function_Num Argument
Subtotal Data (3 of 3)
Outline Symbols

Subtotaled Data Collapsed

Objective 2: Group and Ungroup Data
• Group Data
• Ungroup Data
Group and Ungroup Data

Grouped Data
Objective 3: Create a PivotTable
• Create a Recommended PivotTable
• Create a Blank PivotTable
• Rename a PivotTable
Create a PivotTable (1 of 5)
• Data mining—analyzes large volumes of data
• PivotTable—an interactive table that:
– Uses calculations to consolidate and summarize data
– Enables you to analyze data in a dataset
– Can easily and quickly be rearranged to analyze data
from different viewpoints
Create a PivotTable (2 of 5)

Quick Analysis Gallery to Create a Recommended PivotTable

Create a PivotTable (3 of 5)

Recommended PivotTable Dialog Box

Create a PivotTable (4 of 5)

Recommended PivotTable
Create a PivotTable (5 of 5)

Blank PivotTable
Areas of a PivotTable
Objective 4: Modify a PivotTable
• Add Rows to a PivotTable
• Add Columns to a PivotTable
• Remove Fields from a PivotTable
• Rearrange Fields in a PivotTable
• Change Value Field Settings
• Refresh a PivotTable
Modify a PivotTable (1 of 5)

Fields in ROWS Area

Modify a PivotTable (2 of 5)

Fields in VALUES Area

Modify a PivotTable (3 of 5)

Fields in COLUMNS Area

Modify a PivotTable (4 of 5)
Modify a PivotTable (5 of 5)

Value Field Settings Dialog Box

Objective 5: Filter and Slice a PivotTable
• Set Filters
• Insert a Timeline
• Insert a Slicer
• Customize a Slicer
Filter and Slice a PivotTable (1 of 5)

Filter Menu

Row and Column Filtering

Filter and Slice a PivotTable (2 of 5)

Insert Slicers Dialog Box

Filter and Slice a PivotTable (3 of 5)
Filter and Slice a PivotTable (4 of 5)
Filter and Slice a PivotTable (5 of 5)

Objective 6: Create a Calculated Field
• Create a Calculated Field
• Show Values as Calculations
Create a Calculated Field (1 of 2)

Calculation Options

Insert Calculated Field Dialog Box

Create a Calculated Field (2 of 2)

PivotTable Tools Design Tab

Objective 7: Change the PivotTable Design
• Change the PivotTable Style
Change the PivotTable Design

PivotTable Styles
Objective 8: Create a Data Model
• Create Relationships
• Create a PivotTable from Related Tables
Create a Data Model (1 of 3)

Relating Tables
Create a Data Model (2 of 3)

Create PivotTable Dialog Box

Create a Data Model (3 of 3)

PivotTable Created from Related Tables

Objective 9: Create a PivotChart
• Create a PivotChart
• Modify the PivotChart
Create a PivotChart

PivotTable and PivotChart

Summary (1 of 2)
• Subtotal function:
– Sum
– Average
– Count
– Count
– Max
– Min
Summary (2 of 2)
• PivotTable:
– Consolidates and summarizes data
– Enables data analysis in a dataset
– Rearranges data for analysis from different viewpoints
• PivotChart—interactive graphical representation of
PivotTable data

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