Eps-I-009 (Accident & Incident Reporting System)
Eps-I-009 (Accident & Incident Reporting System)
Eps-I-009 (Accident & Incident Reporting System)
Procedure : EPS-I-009 Rev. :0
Doc. No. :
1 INTRODUCTION …………………………………………………………………………….. 2
2 SCOPE ………………………………………………………………………………………... 2
3 REFERENCE ………………………………………………………………………………… 2
4 DEFINITION ………………………………………………………………………………….. 2
5 RESPONSIBILITIES ………………………………………………………………………… 6
6 PROCEDURES ………………………………………………………………………………. 6
6.1 Measurement of Recordable Injury and Illness Experience ………………….. 6
6.2 Accident Preparedness …………………………………………………………… 7
6.3 Actions to be taken immediately after an accident …………………………….. 8
6.4 Urgent Notice ……………………………………………………………………… 8
6.5 Investigation Process ……………………………………………………………… 9
6.6 Analysis of Accident Cause ……………………………………………………… 12
6.7 Recommendations ………………………………………………………………… 13
6.8 Reporting …………………………………………………………………………… 14
6.9 Records …………………………………………………………………………….. 15
6.10 Distribution of Report ……………………………………………………………… 15
7 VERIFYING DOCUMENTS ………………………………………………………………… 15
8 APPENDICES ………………………………………………………………………………... 16
Appendix-1a Tabulation of Scheduled Charges for Disability Cases based on
Appendix-1b Chart of Scheduled Charge for Hand and Foot based on OSHA and
Appendix-2 Flow Chart for Record ability of Cases
Appendix-3 Accident/Incident Report Flowchart For Project
Attachment Form Report
Procedure : EPS-I-009 Rev. :0
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4.1 Accident
An undesired event that results in harm to people, damage to property or loss of work;
Permanent (Total/Partially) Disabling Injuries.
Occupational Illnesses.
Environmental Accident
4.2 Near-Miss
An occurrence that involves equipment damage, property damage, loss of product, or loss of
production time:
Traffic Accidents.
Fires and Explosions.
Property Damage exceeding a specified value
Other Near Miss
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Any one-time treatment and subsequent observation of minor scratches, cuts, burns, splinters,
and so forth, which do not require ordinarily medical care even thought provided by a
physician or registered professional personnel.
Any occupational injury suffered by an employee, which results from a work accident or from
an exposure involving a single incident in the work environment, and any illness caused by
exposure to environmental factors associated with employment.
Occupational Injury: Any injury such as a cut, fracture, amputation, etc., that results from a
work accident or from an exposure involving a single incident in the work environment.
Occupational Illness: Any abnormal condition or disorder of an employee, other than one
resulting from an occupational injury, caused by exposure to environmental factors associated
with employment.
Any work-related injury case requiring more than first aid, and all occupational illnesses.
Recordable cases include:
a) Deaths, regardless of the time between occupational injury or illness and death
b) All occupational illnesses
c) All occupational injuries resulting in any of the following:
Lost workdays: either days away from work or days of restricted work activity
Medical treatment other than first aid
Restriction of work or motion
Temporary or permanent transfer
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An accident including pollution of the environment which has/could have influence on the
environment and / or hazardous waste spill to the air, water, ground, that exceed thresholds
limit that stipulated.
The total number of hours worked by all employees, including those in construction,
maintenance, transportation, clerical, administrative, and other activities, at the construction
site and at other work locations, which are under control by CONTRACTOR. However, leave,
sickness and other absences and private activities are excluded.
Exposure Hours are to be actually hours worked taken from payroll or time clock records
including only actual straight-time hours and actual overtime hours worked.
When actual hours are not available, estimated hours may be used. Estimated hours should
be obtained by multiplying the total employee-days worked for the period by the average
number of hours worked per day.
Days away from work are those workdays (consecutive or not) on which the employee
would have worked but could not because of occupational injury or illness.
The number of Lost Workdays should not include the day of injury or onset of illness
or any days on which the employee would not have worked even though able to work.
Sunday or national holidays, if not scheduled to work, should not be counted as Lost
Days of restricted work activity are those workdays (consecutive or not) on which,
because of the occupational injury or illness, the employee was assigned to another
job on a temporary basis, worked at a permanent job less than full time, or worked at
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a permanently assigned job but could not perform all duties normally connected with
The number of Restricted workdays should not include the day of injury or onset of
illness or any days on which the employee would not have worked even though able
to work.
4.9.3 Lost Workdays of Death and Permanent, Total / Partial Disability Case
a) Each Death resulting from occupationa1 injury or illness is assigned a time charge
of 6.000 days.
b) Permanent Total Disability: 6.000 days
c) Permanent Partial Disability is a permanent loss or loss of use of a part of body
from an occupational injury or illness.
d) A time Charge for permanent total or partial disability cases is measured in
accordance with schedules given in Appendix-1a & 1b “Scheduled Charge of
Disability Cases” regardless of days absent from work.
Any recordable case that results in lost workdays away from work or workdays of restricted
4.10.1 Lost Workdays Case with Days Away from Work:
Any recordable case that results in one or more days away from work as defined in
subsection 4.9.1.
Any recordable case that results in one or more days of restricted work activity as
defined in subsection 4.9.2
A case fatality (permanent total disability) or lost workdays cases (partial disability cases).
Total LTI are number a case fatality and lost workdays (day away from work) exclude
restricted workday case.
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Project Manager (PM) is responsible to leadership and commitment to keep the HES
Performance and ensure company policy conducted properly, in compliance with laws and
rules and reporting of achievement the HES Performance to CONTRACTOR Top
The Site Manager (SM) has prime responsibility to ensure that company policy at the site
project meet the laws and rules, and compliance with this procedure.
All Management Line must support in promoting, reviewing the HES Performance, and its
effectiveness for compliance this procedure.
All employees either direct or indirect that involved in working shall assist Accident
Investigation Team to collect of fact finding to identify root caused and prevent reoccurrence of
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This incidence rate is based upon the total number of recordable cases, as defined
in subsection 4.6, that occurred during the period covered by the rate.
The following formula should be used:
This incidence rate is based upon the total number of workdays lost, as defined in
subsection 4.9.1 that occurred during the period covered by the rate.
The following Formula should be used:
The Site Manager and Site HES Coordinator shall establish an Emergency Communication
Network, which includes the Project Manager and HES Management Office of
CONTRACTOR, the Client's relevant personnel, First-aid Station, designated Hospitals, and
the local Police and Fire Stations, etc.
Their locations and telephone numbers shall be posted at the prominent locations in the
When an accident occurs, all urgent activities and necessary communication shall be taken
through the Network.
All managers and employees shall be informed of the Emergency Communication Network at
the Safety Induction Course for New Entrants.
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In case of an injury, first aid shall be given to the injured person, and the First-Aid Station or
the Clinic's doctor or nurse shall be called. When the injury is serious, transport the injured by
an ambulance or other vehicle to the hospital designated.
When a fire breaks out, workers near the fire shall stop work and try to put out fire with fire
extinguishers, etc., before a fire brigade arrives.
In the case of an explosion, as there is possibility of other explosions, all workers in the vicinity
shall stop work, turn off their equipment, evacuate to the designated location, and wait for
further instruction.
The finder of these accidents shall immediately inform the CONTRACTOR Site Office and the
Client’s relevant office of the facts through the Emergency Communication Network.
The first information shall be brief and to point on the nature and seriousness of the accident,
an estimate of severity, and necessity for assistance from a hospital, fire station, etc.
According to the first information, the General Site Manager and Site HES Coordinator or
other responsible person shall ask the Client, Hospital, and/or Fire Station for assistance. See
When an accident involves fatality, lost-time injuries or illness, or serious damage to property
such as process, facilities, or equipment due to fire, explosion or other disasters such as
earthquakes, typhoons, etc., the Site Manager shall immediately inform to the Project Manager,
the HES Management Office of CONTRACTOR, the Client's relevant offices, and if required the
Police or designated Local Authorities by telephone of the fact.
The report should be factual and avoid hearsay, assumptions and preliminary conclusions.
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6.5.1 General:
Investigations should be carried out as soon as possible after the accident, because
the quality of evidence can deteriorate rapidly with time.
Background information such as that listed below should be obtained at the start of the
Location Plans and drawing concerned
General Work Procedures for the type of work involved
Work Execution Procedure for the specific work
Records of instruction/briefings give at TBM, etc.
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a) General
The Object of Fact Finding is to collect as many facts as possible, which may help
understanding of the accident and the events contributing to and the events
surrounding the accident.
However, the conditions underlying these causes may also need investigating. The
principal Fact Finding sources are:
Observation at the scene of the accident
Interviews with personnel concerned
Written instructions and procedures
Reports of specialist's investigations and views
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In order to ensure that all the facts are uncovered, the broad questions of "what",
"why”, "when", "how", "where" and "who" should be utilized.
Furthermore, physical evidence will help victims and witnesses to recall what
happened when their memories are unclear.
Photographs and/or video film should be taken to assist in the investigation. Items
to be checked include:
The condition of the load-bearing surface
Accessibility/evidence of congestion
Illumination of the location/site
State of housekeeping
The condition of all equipment/facilities
Presence (absence) of warning signs/notices
Effect of weather
Presence of witnesses
Presence of unauthorized people
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c) Interviews
Victims, witnesses, and colleagues may have different impressions of what
The investigation should try to establish the extent to which written procedures and
instructions were understood and acted upon, as these can indicate the
effectiveness of training and supervision.
Experience shows that procedures are frequently not fully applied in practice.
e) Personal Data
Personal Data of persons involved in the accident:
Name/Age/Sex/Family Status
Type of Licenses/Certification
6.6.1 Purpose:
The purpose of the analysis is to identify the sequence of critical events, underlying
causes of the accident and to find measures to prevent a recurrence of similar
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The Causes of accidents consist of immediate causes, which could have contributed
directly to the accident, and underlying basic causes such as the lack of management,
and human factors and job factors, and/or a combination of these.
Thus, the causes of an accident are usually complicated. Even when the cause seems
to be obvious, the investigation should remain skeptical until all possibilities have been
The Investigation Team shall look for any immediate causes, which could have
contributed directly to the accident.
In addition to the immediate causes above, the basic/ underlying causes, which are
“causes behind the causes”, also shall be investigated. The basic/underlying causes
are defined as personal factors such as inadequate capability lack of knowledge, etc.,
and job factors such as lack of management, inadequate leadership and/or
supervision, inadequate engineering, etc.
The Accident Investigation Team shall have meetings to analyze and identify the
causes of accident using the survey records of the location, interviews with the all
witnesses, documents concerned, etc., and establish rectification plans, and
summarize recommendations to prevent recurrence of similar accidents.
Any assumptions made during the analysis should be clearly identified in the report.
The progress and results of the meetings shall be recorded.
6.7 Recommendations
The recommendations to eliminate basic and immediate causes and to improve HES
management shall be also reported and explained to the Client, and when required to the local
authorities for their approval.
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6.8 Reporting
If happen accident/incident at the workplaces that impacted/resulted some cases; its cases be
compiled to the significant impacted of the accident/incident with recorded in 1 case only.
The Accident Investigation Report shall present the findings and recommendations of
the Investigation Team. The items to be reported are given in "Accident/Incident
Investigation Report".
The Site Manager shall be responsible for the accident reports prepared by the
Accident Investigation Team. Before submission the Investigation Report should be
reviewed by the Site Manager to check on the completeness of the investigation and
for endorsement of the recommended actions.
Any Near-Miss case shall be reported to the Project Manager and HES Management
Office after the investigation of the event.
Reference: Near-Miss Report and Traffic Accident Report
All accident related to environmental i.e.; oil spill or hazardous waste spill, and pollution
of the environment which has/could have influence on the environment shall be
reported and compiled to the monthly HES Performance Statistic.
Monthly Accident Incident Status report shall be compiled using "Monthly HES
Performance Statistic Report"
This report shall be prepared by the Safety Officer, reviewed by the Site HES
Coordinator. and issued by the Site Manager to the Project Manager and the HES
Management Office of CONTRACTOR.
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6.9 Records
The HES Management Office of CONTRACTOR shall compile and register all
“Accident/Incident Investigation Report(s)” from the construction site offices.
The Safety Management Office shall report serious accidents to all construction sites in order
to call attention to measures for preventing similar types of accidents.
The “Monthly HES Performance Statistic Report” is used for analyzing the causes and
tendencies of accidents, and introduced into the annual HES statistics in the Corporate HES
The HES Performance is distributed to all Managerial Personnel, and all undergoing projects
in construction sites.
HES Performance
Accident/Incident Reporting
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Doc. No. :
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Appendix-1a (1/1)
or Loss of Members – Traumatic or Surgical (days)
Fingers, Thumb, and Hand
Amputation Involving Fingers
All or Part of Bone* Hand Thumb Index Middle Ring Little
Distal phalange - 300 100 75 60 50
Middle phalange - - 200 150 120 100
Proximal phalange - 600 400 300 240 200
Metacarpal - 900 600 500 450 400
Foot at wrist 3000 - - - - -
Toe, food, and Ankle
Amputation Involving All
or Part of Bone* Food Great Toe Each of other toes
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Appendix-1b (1/1)
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Appendix – 2
Discoverer of Accident/Incident:
1. Fatality, LTI
2. RWDC,Medical Treatmen,
3. First Aid, Nearmiss,
4. Environmental Accident
Hospital Clinic
Management Line
Top Management
: Coordination Line
: Reporting Line
: Investigation Line
: Supporting