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SCIENCE 10 - Probing the Physical World

Module 3


In their article “The First Stars in the Universe,” Richard Larson and Volker Bromm write:

The universe was featureless and dark for a long stretch of its early history —
the Cosmic Dark Ages. The first stars did not appear until perhaps 100 million
years after the Big Bang, and nearly a billion years passed before galaxies
proliferated across the cosmos. Astronomers have long wondered: How did
this dramatic transition from darkness to light come about?

Using sophisticated computer simulation techniques, cosmologists have

devised models that show how the density fluctuations left over from the Big
Bang could have evolved into the first stars. The new models indicate that the
first stars were most likely quite massive and luminous and that their
formation was an epochal event that fundamentally changed the universe and
its subsequent evolution. These stars altered the dynamics of the cosmos by
heating and ionizing the surrounding gases. The earliest stars also produced
and dispersed the first heavy elements, paving the way for the eventual
formation of solar systems like our own. And the collapse of some of the first
stars may have seeded the growth of supermassive black holes that formed in
the hearts of galaxies and became the spectacular power sources of quasars.
In short, the earliest stars made possible the emergence of the universe that we
see today—everything from galaxies and quasars to planets and people.

In this module, we will examine some key ideas in our current understanding of the
formation of stars and planets.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this module, you should be able to:

1. Summarize the key ideas in our current understanding of the formation of stars and
planets; and
2. Discuss some of the questions concerning the formation of stars and planets.

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SCIENCE 10 - Probing the Physical World

1.0 Formation of Stars

1.1 Let there be light!

Activity 1

A. Before coming to class, read the following articles and answer the study questions below:

• Larson, Richard B. & Volker Bromm. (2009). The first stars in the universe, Scientific
American. Available online athttps://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-first-stars-
• Abel, Tom. (2011). The first stars, as seen by supercomputers. Physics Today 64(4).
Available online at https://physicstoday.scitation.org/doi/10.1063/1.3580493

1) How did the first protogalaxies and stars form?

2) What was the role of the first stars in the formation of the stars and planets that we see

B. Make a flowchart showing the sequence of events leading to the formation of the first

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Does your flowchart look like this?

Clumps gradually evolve into

Presence of small-scale density gravitationally-bound
fluctuations or clumps in the structures, forming small
primordial soup of the early systems which would, later on,
universe merge into larger

Denser regions would take the

Protogalaxies merge to form form of a network of filaments,
galaxies, and galaxies would and the first star-forming
congregate into galaxy clusters. systems—small protogalaxies—
would coalesce at the nodes of
this network.

The first small systems capable of forming stars appeared between 100 million and 250
million years after the Big Bang.

These first protogalaxies consisted mostly of dark matter, a type of matter which does not
interact with the electromagnetic force. This means it does not absorb, reflect, or emit light,
making it extremely hard to detect. Researchers have been able to infer the existence of dark
matter from the gravitational effect it seems to have on visible matter. Dark matter seems to
outweigh visible matter roughly six to one, making up about 27% of the universe. The matter
we know and that makes up all stars and galaxies only accounts for 5% of the content of the
universe! (Source: https://home.cern/about/physics/dark-matter)

The first protogalaxies also contained no significant amounts of any elements besides
hydrogen and helium. The Big Bang produced hydrogen and helium, but most of the heavier
elements are created only by the thermonuclear fusion reactions in stars, so they would not
have been present before the first stars had formed. The very first generation of stars, called
Population III stars, were stars with no metals at all. The old metal-poor stars are called
Population II stars, while young metal-rich stars are called Population I.

Moreover, the protogalaxies were 100,000 to one million times more massive than the sun
and would have measured about 30 to 100 light-years across. In the absence of metals, the
physics of the first star-forming systems would have been much simpler than that of present-
day molecular gas clouds. In contrast, the stars that arise from molecular gas clouds are born
in complex environments that have been altered by the effects of previous star formation.

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1.2. Formation of Protogalaxies

Compression heats the gas to The hydrogen

Primordial gas clouds at temperatures above 1,000 molecules start to cool
the nodes of a small- kelvins. Some hydrogen the densest parts of
scale filamentary atoms would pair up in the the gas by emitting
network begin to dense, hot gas, creating trace infrared radiation
contract because of amounts of molecular after they collide with
gravity. hydrogen. hydrogen atoms.

The star-forming system would The temperature would drop

come to resemble a miniature The cooling hydrogen to about 200 to 300 kelvins,
galaxy, with a disk of ordinary settles into a reducing the gas pressure and
matter and a halo of dark flattened rotating allowing them to contract into
matter. Inside the disk, the configuration that is gravitationally bound clumps.
densest clumps of gas would clumpy and This cooling plays an essential
continue to contract, and filamentary and role in allowing the ordinary
eventually some of them would possibly shaped like matter in the primordial
undergo a runaway collapse and a disk. system to separate from the
become stars. dark matter.

The first star-forming clumps were much warmer than the molecular gas clouds in which
most stars currently form. Dust grains and molecules containing heavy elements cool the
present-day clouds much more efficiently to temperatures of only about 10 kelvins.

The minimum mass that a clump of gas must have to collapse under its gravity is called the
Jeans mass, which is proportional to the square of the gas temperature and inversely
proportional to the square root of the gas pressure. The first star-forming systems would have
had pressures similar to those of present-day molecular clouds. But because the temperatures
of the first collapsing gas clumps were almost 30 times higher than those of molecular
clouds, their Jeans mass would have been almost 1,000 times larger.

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1.3 Star Formation Today

Activity 2

Before coming to class, read the following articles and answer the study question below:

• Christopher F. McKee and Eve C. Ostriker, “Theory of Star Formation,” Annu. Rev.
Astron. Astrophys. 2007. 45:565–686
• Christoph Federrath, “The turbulent formation of stars,” Physics Today 71, 6, 38 (2018);
doi: 10.1063/PT.3.3947 (https://physicstoday.scitation.org/doi/10.1063/PT.3.3947)
• Star Formation: https://cnx.org/contents/[email protected]:0FZFaC5_@4/Star-Formation
• Discovering the Origin of Stars 3D Simulation: https://www.nas.nasa.gov/publications/

What are the factors that affect star formation at present?


There are two broad categories of star formation: microphysics and macrophysics.

The microphysics of star formation deals with how individual stars (or binaries) form. In
particular, microphysics addresses the following questions:
• Do stars of all masses acquire most of their mass via gravitational collapse of a single
dense core?
• How are the properties of a star or binary determined by the properties of the medium
from which it forms?
• How does the gas that goes into a protostar lose its magnetic flux and angular
• How do massive stars form in the face of intense radiation pressure?
• What are the properties of the protostellar disks, jets, and outflows associated with young
stellar objects (YSOs), and what governs their dynamical evolution?

The macrophysics of star formation deals with the formation of systems of stars, ranging
from clusters to galaxies. In particular, macrophysics addresses the following questions:
• How are giant molecular clouds (GMCs), the loci of most star formation, themselves
formed out of diffuse interstellar gas?
• What processes determine the distribution of physical conditions within star-forming
regions, and why does star formation occur in only a small fraction of the available gas?
• How is the rate at which stars form determined by the properties of the natal GMC or, on
a larger scale, of the interstellar medium (ISM) in a galaxy?
• What determines the mass distribution of forming stars, the initial mass function (IMF)?
• Most stars form in clusters (Lada & Lada 2003); how do stars form in such a dense
environment and in the presence of enormous radiative and mechanical feedback from
other YSOs?

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The key dynamical processes involved in star formation—turbulence, magnetic fields, and
self-gravity. Turbulence is defined by the Oxford English Dictionary as a state of “violent
commotion, agitation, or disturbance,” with a turbulent fluid further defined as one “in which
the velocity at any point fluctuates irregularly.” Turbulence plays a dual role, both creating
overdensities to initiate gravitational contraction or collapse, and countering the effects of
gravity in these overdense regions.

2.0 Formation of Planets

Credit: ESO/L. Calçada (https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/


This artist’s rendition depicts a disk of gas and dust whirling around a young star. Planets are
born within such disks, but the exact details of their formation remain topics of intense debate
among astrophysicists.

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Activity 3

Before coming to class, study the resources listed and answer the study questions below.

A. Read the following articles:

• Podolak, Morris. Planet Formation. Available online at http://

• Mordasini, Christoph; Klahr, Hubert; Alibert, Yann; Benz, Willy and Dittkrist, Kai-
Martin. (2010). Theory of planet formation. Workshop Proceedings Circumstellar disks
and planets: Science cases for the second generation VLTI instrumentation, 26-28 May
2010. Available online at https://arxiv.org/abs/1012.5281
• Finkbeiner, Ann. (2014). Planets in chaos. Nature 511. Available online at https://

B. Watch the following video:

• How the Seeds of Planets Take Shape (https://www.youtube.com/watch?


Study questions:
1) How did the solar system form?
2) What are extrasolar planets/exoplanets and how did they form?
3) How different are exoplanets from planets in our solar system?

It is generally accepted that the solar system began as a giant cloud of molecular gas and dust
around 4.6 million years ago (Nebular Hypothesis).

The Nebular Hypothesis posits that a giant cloud of molecular gas and dust underwent
gravitational collapse, possibly due to shock waves from a nearby supernova explosion.
Pockets of dust and gas began to collect into denser regions. As the denser regions pulled in
more and more matter, conservation of momentum caused it to begin rotating, while
increasing pressure caused it to heat up. Most of the material ended up in a ball at the center
while the rest of the matter flattened out into a disk that circled around it. While the ball at the
center formed the Sun, the rest of the material would form into the protoplanetary disk.

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Credit: www.nasa.gov

There is no single theory at present that accurately explains how planets within and outside of
the solar system evolved from the protoplanetary disk. Planet-formation theories are subject
to observational constraints from our own solar system, from observed protoplanetary disks
in nearby star-formation systems, and from the extrasolar planets.

The conditions in protoplanetary disks are the initial and boundary conditions for the planet-
formation process. Young stars have gas disks, composed mostly of hydrogen and helium,
surrounding them, and observations tell us that these disks dissipate after about 5 to 10
million years. If planets like Jupiter and Saturn, which are very rich in hydrogen and helium,
are to form in such a disk, they must accrete their gas within 5 million years of the time of the
formation of the disk. Any formation scenario one proposes must produce Jupiter in that time,
although the terrestrial planets, which don’t contain significant amounts of hydrogen and
helium, could have taken longer to build. Modern estimates for the formation time of the
Earth are of the order of 100 million years.

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Extrasolar planets, discovered in the last two decades, are found to be very diverse both in
mass and distance from the parent star. There are very massive Super Jupiter planets (with
masses exceeding ten times the mass of Jupiter), many Hot Jupiters, Hot Neptunes and Super-
Earth planets, or planets on very eccentric orbits. All these findings were not expected from
studies of our own planetary system.

Based on current understanding, planet formation is believed to follow a sequence of steps

(which may partially overlap) (see Mordasini et al ):

Step 1: Gravitational collapse

• The gravitational collapse of a dense gas cloud forms a protostar with a
surrounding protoplanetary disk consisting of gas and dust.

Step 2: From dust to planetesimals

• Micrometer-sized dust grows either via coagulation (sticking), or via a
gravitational instability in the dust layer to form kilometer-sized

Step 3: From planetesimals to protoplanets

• Planetesimals grow through two-body collisions to form protoplanets,
with sizes of typically a few thousand kilometers.

Step 4: From protoplanets to giant planets

• Some protoplanets grow so large that they can accrete massive
hydrogen/helium envelopes, and become giant planets.
• Two competing theories : the core accretion - gas capture model (most
widely-accepted), while the other theory is the direct gravitational
collapse model.

Step 5: From protoplanets to terrestrial planets

• Other protoplanets remain too small for gas accretion to be effective.
These protoplanets collide in the inner system after the dispersal of the
disk to form terrestrial planets.

Step 6: Orbital Migration

• The formation both of giant and terrestrial planets is influenced by
orbital migration, i.e. a change in the semi-major axis of the
protoplanets due to angular momentum exchange with the disk .

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Our solar system has three basic types of planets:

• The terrestrial planets — Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars — are closer to the Sun and
they consist of a core composed mostly of iron, a mantle composed of rock (mostly
silicates), and an atmosphere whose mass is a negligible fraction of the total mass of the
• The gas giants Jupiter and Saturn are 300 and 100 times more massive than the Earth,
respectively, and are mostly composed of a mixture of hydrogen and helium in the same
proportion as is found in the Sun.
• The ice giants Uranus and Neptune are at the outer edge of the solar system, are roughly
15 times more massive than the Earth, and are composed of roughly equal parts each of
rock, ice, and a hydrogen-helium mix.

The exoplanets seen so far fall into three categories:

▪ Hot Jupiters (about 1%): Jupiter-like planets orbiting very close to their stars with periods
of only a few days;
▪ Giant planets with eccentric orbits (about 10%); and
▪ Super-Earths (about 40%), which are generally found in compact systems of two to four
planets each, orbiting their stars at distances from 0.006 to 1 au in periods ranging from
more than 100 days down to hours. Although there are no super-Earths in our Solar
System, they orbit at least 40% of all nearby Sun-like stars, which makes them the most
common type of planet found.

How do we account for such diversity in planetary systems? This is a question that still
largely remains unanswered.


Abel, T. (2011). The first stars, as seen by supercomputers. Physics Today, Vol 64. Issue 4.
Retrieved from https://physicstoday.scitation.org/doi/10.1063/1.3580493
Federrath, C. (2018). The turbulent formation of stars. Physics Today 71, 6, 38. DOI:
Larson, R. & Bromm, V. (2009). The first stars in the universe. Scientific American.
Retrieved from https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-first-stars-in-the-un/
McKee, C.F and Ostriker, E.C. (2007). Theory of star formation. Annual Review of
Astronomy and Astrophysics 45:565-686.
Podolak, M. (2018) Planet formation. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Planetary Science.
Retrieved from http://planetaryscience.oxfordre.com/view/10.1093/acrefore/

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