The Little Prince

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Grade X

Prepared by:



Quarter FOURTH
Date and Time: February 8, 2019/ 9:15-10:15 Class: Grade 10, Initiative
A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of how world literature and other
text types serve as instruments to resolve social conflicts, also how to use
the language of research, campaigns and advocacies.
B. Performance Standard The learner competently presents a research report on a relevant socio-
cultural issue.
C. Learning Competencies Evaluate literature as an instrument to express and resolve conflicts within,
between, and among societies EN10LT-IVe21

II. CONTENT “The Little Prince” by Antoine de Saint-Exupery

III. LEARNING  Learner’s Material- Celebrating Diversity through World Literature
RESOURCES  English Curriculum Guide
A. Reference English 10 Learner’s Material pp. 411-415
A. Presentation of the Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity
lesson Daily Routine:
-Checking of attendance
-Classroom management
- Goal Setting

 Determine worthwhile human

 Relate the message/theme of
the story read to present
scenario; and
 Engage in different activities.
Good morning, class! For this morning,
we’ll have first an activity entitled “Mirror
on the Wall, Tell me who am I as
Whole?” Here are the mechanics of the

 Teacher flashes mirror on the

 Student shall describe
herself/himself in a single word or
use anything that mirrors her/him
as a person.
 Then, justify his/her answer by
sharing her/his life’s experiences.

“Mirror on the Wall, Tell me who am I

as Whole?”
Ma’am, I am an apple. Apple
looks good but sometimes, when
consumed, it spoils fast. So am I.
I treat people the way do to me. I
could be very kind but please,
don’t just abuse.

Very well said. Goodness is innate to

everyone. Let’s not just trigger anger to
burst out. Any other answer? Ma’am, I am a pen. I write all my
thoughts and emotions, whether
I’m happy or not. Writing has
been my sweetest escape since

Wow! Nice answer. We all craft our own

story. Putting my thoughts and emotions
into writing is also my favorite pass time.
B. Establishing a purpose From our activity, what have you noticed,
for the lesson class?
Ma’am, it talks about knowing
ourselves better.
Precisely! Just like the main character in
the story we’ll be dealing later, it took him
time to know what really matters in life.

For today’s discussion, we will tackle

about a story titled, “The Little Prince”.
But before delving into the entire literary
piece, let’s first know the background of
the author. Kindly read what is projected
on screen, class.
• Antoine De Saint-
Exupery is a French
writer and aviator.
• Was born in Lyon and
educated at the
University of Fribourg.
• He joined the French Air
Force in 1921 and
became a commercial
pilot in 1926.
• His first two books,
Southern Mail (1929;
translated 1933) and
Night Flight (1931;
translated 1932) are
novels distinguished by a
poetic evocation of the
romance and the
discipline of flying, which
requires devotion to duty
at the risk of death.
C. Presenting examples and What do you value most in life?
other instances Ma’am, I value time. Time is all
we have and don’t. Rarely do we
realize that it’s just spent for
nothing. We should take every
moment as if it’s the last.
Nice one! You can never bring back time.
Thus, spend it wisely. Who else has an
Ma’am, I value love from the
people around me. Everyone
deserves love but not all
experience being loved. Blessed
am I to have my family and
Wow! Indeed, we all deserve to love and
to be loved.

Based from your answers, I’ve seen how

everyone appreciates simpler things. It’s
true that little things could give you
bigger realizations. Are there questions,

None, ma’am.
D. Discussing new concepts Now, class may I post you this question:
and practicing new skill What does the statement mean: “What is
#1 essential is invisible to the eye.”?

You’ll come to answer that question as

we move forward to our discussion. I
prepared a worksheet which will test
whether you have read the story.

ADJECTify: Describe the Little Prince

and the Fox by giving them proper
adjectives. Be sure to use the words that
will create pictures in your minds. Let the
graphic organizer below help you in this





E. Discussing new concepts Now, read the story, “The Little Prince”
and practicing new skill by Antoine de Saint-Exupery through
#2 popcorn reading. Afterwards, answer the
following questions:

1. Who are the characters in the story?

Describe each.
2. How important is the “rite” or “ritual” of
taming the friendship of the Little Prince
and the Fox?
3. What is the theme/message of the
4. Have you ever established
camaraderie with other people? If so,
5. What is the symbol of the “rose” used
by the fox?
F. Developing Mastery To solicit all your insights on the topic we
just discussed, we’ll play “Crown the
Prince”. Here are the mechanics of the

 Each student shall act like the

little prince.
 Once called, the teacher gives
him/her a “crown” to be worn.
 This is to emphasize empathy on
the role of the character.

1. How do you judge people? Is it
through physical appearance?
2. Have you ever broken a promise
to your friend?
3. Do you always believe that
everyone in this world is unique?

G. Finding practical As a young adult, how would you keep

applications of concepts your friendship last longer?
Ma’am, I keep my promises to
never break the trust of someone
Wow! Unfortunately, sometimes when
time gets tough, we forget to stand to
that promise. Any other?
Ma’am, by spending quality time
and never forgetting to ask how
they are.
Nice one!
H. Making generalizations After reading the text, I want you to
and abstractions about ponder on what does this statement
the lesson mean: “What is essential is invisible to
the eye.”?
Ma’am, most important things in
life are not seen by the naked
eyes, rather they are felt by the
heart like love, care, time, trust,
and etc.
Very good. The best things in life are felt
and embraced. Any other?
Ma’am, all the things that our two
eyes can see are just temporary.
They would soon fade or be
gone. Thus, value those things
that really make you happy.
Very well said.
I. Evaluation of Learning To check your understanding about the
topic, you will be given an assessment.
Construct a letter for to your most valued
person. Be guided with the following

Standard Description

Content (5) The letter is content

wise. It speaks of
gratitude or
longingness to a
Grammar (5) The letter is free
from any
grammatical error.
Organization The sentences are
(5) connected and
properly organized.

Total (15)
J. Additional activities for For our next meeting, I want you to
application or answer this question on a ¼ sheet of
remediation paper.

Like the little prince, if you were given the

chance to travel, what place would you
like to visit and whom would you want to

Standard Description

Content (7) The paragraph has

a complete thought
and is directly
Accuracy and No grammatical
Conciseness error is committed.
(5) The paragraph is
limited to 5-7
sentences only.
Relevance to The paragraph
the theme (3) conforms to the

Total (15)
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
remediation who
scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial
lesson work?
No. of learners who
have caught up with
the lesson
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked
well? Why did these
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did
I use/ discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers.

Prepared by:

Ms. Mayrich M. Taguba

Date: February 8, 2019

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