Medical Microbiology II

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Sarhad University, Peshawar

(Distance Education)

Course: Medical Microbiology-II (MLT-105) Examination:_____________

Time Allowed: 3 hours Total Marks: 70

NOTE: Q.1 is compulsory, Attempt any Four Questions from the Remaining. All Questions
carry equal Marks

Q.1 A. Mark True (T) and False (F) (7)

i. Hands should be washed before and after working in a biological safety

cabinet. (T/F)
ii. Stained smear is essential for accurate diagnostic detail and is also suitable
for long-term storage for record purposes. (T/F)
iii. Bio-hazardous sharps containers must be rigid, leak resistant and puncture
proof. (T/F)
iv. Viruses may have their own metabolism. (T/F)
v. Infection with Helminths results in high levels of immunoglobulin A (Ig A). (T/F)
vi. A virus attaches to a specific receptor site on the host cell membrane (T/F)
through attachment proteins in the Capsid.
vii. Biohazardous waste must have the "Biohazardous Waste" symbol visible
and legible on the container. (T/F)

(B) Select the most appropriate answer from the choices given (7)

i. A structural component that is found in all viruses is:

a. The envelope c. Capsid
b. DNA d. Tail fibers
ii. Which of the following statements about Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) are
a. PPE should be worn and stored only inside the laboratory
b. PPE should be chosen based upon the work being completed
c. Employees utilizing PPE should be properly trained
d. All of the above

iii. Laboratory diagnosis of Entamoeba histolytica depends on identification in the _____

a. Blood c. Tissue
b. Saliva d. Stool

iv. In malaria, the form of plasmodia that is transmitted from mosquito to human is the
a. Sporozoite c. Merozoite
b. Gametocyte d. Hypnozoite

v. A common polyhedral capsid shape of viruses is a :

a. Pentagon c. Icosahedron
b. Cube d. Pyramid

vi. The protozoa can have very diverse lifecycles with multiple morphological stages,
depending on species. What stage of the life cycle is the active, reproductive, and
feeding stage?
a. Trophozoite stage c. Infectious stage
b. Cyst or egg stage d. Flagella stage

vii. In the respiratory burst, __________ are released, which have a potent cell-killing
a. Platelet-derived growth factors
b. Neutrophils
c. Reactive Oxygenated Species (ROS)
d. Histamines

Q.2 i. What is Biosafety? Write a note on the lab practices, safety equipments and facility
construction of BSL-1 and BSL-2 ? (14)

Q.3 i. Define Nosocomial infection? How can we control Hospital Acquired Infections? (7)
ii. What is waste Segregation in Health care? Explain in detail (7)

Q.4 i. Schematically Explain the Life Cycle of Malaria Parasite. (7)

ii. Explain in detail the steps of viral Replication and Pathogenesis. (7)

Q.5 i. What are the different types of samples use for diagnosis of parasitic infection? Explain
the presently used diagnostic techniques for parasitic infection. (14)

Q.6 i. Discuss what are the best ways to protect humans against most viral diseases? (7)
ii. Explain the route of transmission of Protozoan Parasites. (7)

Q.7 i. Discuss what type of immune processes occurs in body in response to viral infection? (7)
ii. Describe viral symmetry and capsids. Give examples of each (7)

Q.8 Write short notes on any TWO of the following:

i. Incineration (7)
ii. mRSA (7)
iii. Common viral pathogen prevailing in Pakistan. (7)

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