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Stator Core Vibration and Temperature Analysis of Hydropower Generation Unit at 100 HZ Frequency

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Marina Griscenko, Renars Vitols
Riga Technical University, Latvia

Abstract. The report presents stator core vibration and temperature analysis of a slow-speed salient poles
synchronous generator specifically at 100 Hz frequency. The hypothesis of the study states that stator core 100
Hz vibration varies depending on the generator design, slot number, temperature, air gap and generation mode.
To verify the hypothesis, measurements in different generation operation modes were taken for the synchronous
generator with rated data in March and November of 2014. Research design of the given study includes both
analytical calculation of stator core vibration from electromagnetic forces and a case study on site. The report
will provide review of the existing standards and publications for stator core vibration and temperature for
hydropower generation units. Root causes for increased vibration at 100 Hz will be discussed. The case study
results will be presented for different operating modes, including no-load mode and modes with reactive power.
Spectrum analysis and timeline charts will be used to present the obtained data.

Keywords: slow-speed generator, stator core, air gap, 100 Hz.

Vibration at 100 Hz is an important parameter for hydropower generator condition assessment.
The main advantage of detection of vibration causes for each particular machine is a possibility to
regulate and fix the vibration levels without extensive repair of the generator, which saves costs for
electricity producers. By evaluating the vibration at 100 Hz one could monitor number of parameters
of hydropower generation unit, including generator stator winding vibration assessment, winding
looseness assessment and stator core radial vibration assessment. In partial discharge measurements
100 Hz is the resonant frequency for current carrying parts vibration. It is known from the operational
manuals that vibration of the stator core and frame can cause fretting and damage to the winding
insulation, which consequently results into corrosion. The stator core vibration is the main subject of
the research in this paper.
The handbooks, which represent fundamental knowledge about rotating electromachinery, state
that vibration of 100 Hz of the stator core (or 120 Hz for machines with 60 Hz excitation) is caused by
excitation forces [1] and is determined by the generator design, like the number of generator poles and
slots [2; 3]. As a particular example, Arrow Lakes unit in Canada experienced such vibration [4; 5].
According to Mike Hoffer, the stator vibration study revealed that the primary frequency of the noise
was 120 Hz with an elevated contribution at 240 Hz, and the generators exhibited a high magnetic
noise level when the power exceeded 60 MW [5]. The authors noted that the stator vibration, thermal
expansion and movements at field excitation need further study.
The specific framework to calculate vibration subharmonics created by electromagnetic force
(EMF) on the generator anchor under different load condition exists in electrical machine theory
[2; 3]. The authors of the framework suggest that subharmonics caused by the generator structure
could have a great effect on stator vibration and could be eliminated accordingly.
Summing up the fundamental theories, the hydropower generator stator frame vibration always
contains the following components.
1. 100 Hz vibration from excitation for units with 50 Hz (50 Hz times two) excitation or 120 Hz
vibration for units with 60 Hz excitation;
2. 100 Hz vibration frequency determined by the number of poles. Thus, for particular generator
with 68 poles and 1.47 Hz rotational frequency described further in this paper, the so called pole
frequency would be equal to 68 times 1.47Hz;
3. Poliharmonic low-frequency EMF component (~sum of 1st to 5th harmonics).
The poliharmonic frequency is said to be low, because the hydropower generator is a slow-speed
machine. Rotation speed is low, for the particular generator it is 1.47Hz. Then, second harmonic is
equal to 2.94Hz etc. Taking into account the slow speed of hydrogenerators Petrov, 1976 in his thesis
argued that this fundamental framework is not applicable to them as well as for turbomachinery [6].


There are a number of factors except EMF which affect stator core vibration at 100 Hz like an
uneven air gap, hydropower unit design and loose stator parts. Indeed, the uneven air gap can cause
the stator core to vibrate. Mike Hoffer noted that generators like those in Arrow Lakes, with small air
gaps and 2 circuits/phase stator windings, are sensitive to magnetic imbalance from air gap
irregularities [5]. GE stated [7] that by measuring the generator air gap one can detect stator core
shifts, stator flexing, loose stator laminations and eliminate vibration. This means that stator frame
vibration and the air gap should be changing in a similar manner. Bissonnette in his case studies [8]
showed that air gap measurements can be used to evaluate relative displacement of the stator as long
as the rotor axis and rim do not move. It was also shown in our previous studies that there are some
similarities in the spectrum of the air gap and stator core vibration at 100 Hz [9]. Finally, there could
be design specifics of the turbine which cause 100Hz vibration of the unit. Prokopenko in his thesis
[10] showed that 100 Hz vibration of the guide bearings could occur as doubled vibration frequency of
turbine blades. Also, stator columns could have self-excitation vibrational frequency close to 100 Hz.
I.E. Saharov quoted by Petrov (1976), proposed the following equation for stator self-excitation
frequency calculation [6]:
j 2 ( j 2 − 1) 2 EJ
ω= ⋅ , (1)
j 2 +1 mR 4
where j = 2p, and p is 34 (number of pole pairs, 68/2);
m – stator core weight, ≈ 260000 kg;
R – stator core radius, ≈ 5.955 m;
EJ – stator core material properties, usually considered equal to 2·1011 N·m-2, but could
be up to ten times less depending on the quality of stator segment connections [6].
In Petrov’s thesis [6] some laboratory experiments are quoted where stator core self-excitation
vibration was calculated. It was shown that vibration could lay in wide frequency range, and it could
also be very close to 100 Hz.
The hydropower generation station maintenance standard suggests that particular attention should
be paid to 100 Hz vibration condition depending on the generator temperature [11], therefore in this
study vibration and temperature are measured simultaneously. The objective of the paper is therefore
to investigate the relation of vibration of the stator core at 100 Hz and temperature. The hypothesis of
the study states that stator core 100 Hz vibration varies depending on the generator design,
temperature and generation mode. Meanwhile, principal results of the study show that the 100 Hz
vibration could not be predicted by calculating subharmonics produced by the generator, and the
temperature has only secondary effect on 100 Hz vibration. The primary cause of 100Hz vibration in
the given study was the active and reactive load.

Materials and methods

The methodology of the study included experiments on site. Experimental results were obtained
on a synchronous slow-speed hydropower generator with salient poles of vertical shaft, umbrella type,
driven by a Francis turbine rated at 105 kVA, 88.2 rpm. The hydropower generator of type SAV
1191/147/68 was used for this study. The generator has 504 slots, double windings. The stator has 6
segments. The stator core is built up of silicon steel plates, insulated on both sides with a special
varnish and fastened to the frame by means of dovetailed keys.
The measurements were made in different modes, including Runout, speed no load (SNL) mode,
synchronous compensator mode (SC) etc. For bearing absolute vibration and general vibration
assessment, generator bearings were equipped with two accelerometers, 90º apart, to measure radial
vibration, while the turbine bearing was equipped with four accelerometers to measure radial and axial
vibration. For shaft displacement, two inductive probes were installed 90º apart on both generator and
turbine bearings to measure radial relative displacement. The 3 minutes long signal obtained in each
mode was analyzed to ensure statistically correct data. Capacitive proximity probes were chosen for
the air gap measurement for the reasoning explained in the previous paper [9]. The statistical and
standard deviation analysis of the data was discussed previously [12]. Air gap measurement was
highly important during the study because the stator is a flexible assembly that can become distorted


or off center [7]. Since we were not sure that the rotor axis is not displaced and rotor rim is connected
with spider uniformly, we performed a separate set of tests to measure stator displacement. It is known
form the construction specifics of the hydropower generation unit that the upper end of the stator is
less flexible, while the lower end expands.
In addition, a laser tachometer kit was used to synchronize the measurement inputs with unit
rotation. Stator core vibration was measured by mounting 3 vibration transducers on the stator
core/frame upper, middle and lower end on the right side of the 4th segment as shown in Fig.1.

P1,P2 Displacement sensors

1 V1,V2 Vibration sensors on the core
V3 Vibration sensor on the prism
Air gap and
temperature sensors

V1 2



Fig. 1. Position of the sensors for the measurement: 1 – stator frame; 2 – stator core; 3 – openings in
the shell plate for cooling air flow; 4 – sliding feet plates and foundation plates; 5 – pressure segments
and non–magnetic pressure fingers
Temperature was measured separately, using probes (in stator slots and air cooler inlet and outlet)
and obtaining pole temperature readings from the SCADA system. Data acquisition was accomplished
using National Instruments device on PXI 1031 platform with 16 channels and LabVIEW 8.5, Sound
and vibration suite 5.0 software.

Results and discussion

To eliminate seasonality effect measurements were taken in March of 2014 and in November of
2014. The obtained results of stator vibration at 100 Hz temperature in different generation modes are
presented in Table 1. From Table 1 the evaluation of the condition could be done. According to the
standard [11], vibration is not exceeding the allowed limits. According to STO, the stator core radial
vibration, peak-to-peak value in nominal load up to 30 micrometers (µm) is allowed. Vibration up to
50 µm in SNL mode is also considered satisfactory, if only the visual assessment results confirm that
corrosion of the stator core and contact surfaces is not significant. However, such assessment is
subjective. The recent visual assessment on site revealed that corrosion appears both on the stator core
and contact surfaces, while the vibration is far below the allowed limit. Vibration of 100 Hz could be


exceeding the allowable limits, because the stator core consists of sheets, and insufficient density of
the construction could lead to increased vibration. Table 1 shows that stator core vibration, which is
obtained from spectrum, does not exceed 30 µm. In our case vibration is not exceeding the allowable
limits [11], but significant corrosion raises some concerns.
Table 1
Comparison of hydropower stator vibration at 100 Hz temperature
in different generation modes
Vibration of stator core, µm, Vibration of stator core, µm,
Mode November March
Upper end In the middle Upper end In the middle
SNL with 13.8 kV
1 1 1 0
90 MW 0 MVAr 7 4 7 3
90 MW 20 MVAr 7 4 7 3
90 MW -20 MVAr 6 3 6 2
90 MW -50 MVAr 6 3 6 3
SC -50 MVAr 6 4 8 4
SC -20 MVAr 7 4 6 2
SC 0 MVAr 6 4 6 0
SC 20 MVAr 7 4 6 2
Table 1 also shows that vibration decreases with reactive load, but increases at -50 MVAR in SC
mode. Such increase at full reactive load could be explained by vibration of the end-winding region
[5], but it is not the main subject of concerns, since generation modes with large reactive power are not
typical for hydropower plants.
It should be noted that measurement at SNL mode without excitation was also taken in
November, 2014. It was expected that stator core vibration would increase when excitation is added.
Instead, it only grew from 0 µm to 1 µm. It means that 100 Hz vibration from excitation (13.8 kV) is
equal to 1 µm only, while vibration from active or reactive load is equal to 5-6 µm.
From Fig. 2 a conclusion could be drawn that 100 Hz vibration increases particularly when the
active or reactive load is added to the generator.
100Hz vibration of stator core, upper end

March, 2014
November, 2014
SNL with 90 MW 90 MW 90 MW 90 MW SC SC SC SC
13.8 kV 0 MVAr 20 MVAr -20 MVAr -50 MVAr -50 MVAr -20 MVAr 0 MVAr 20 MVAr
Fig. 2. Stator core vibration in different modes
The poliharmonic frequency component was calculated analytically according to fundamental
electromachinery frameworks quoted in the Introduction [2; 3] and registered in the vibration
spectrum, but the values of the harmonics were very small. The main calculated values are presented
in Table 2.
A similar conclusion could be drawn from the spectrum diagrams, where the horizontal axis
stands for the frequency of vibration, and the vertical axis stands for the amplitude of vibration. Fig. 3


shows that poliharmonic frequency components do exist near the basic poles frequency (68), but they
are smaller than 0.3µm.
Table 2
Vibration of hydrogenerators induced by magnetic waves
Harmonic number 4 8 12 16 20
Main magnetic wave 7E-10 4E-11 8E-12 2E-12 1E-12
Mechanical resistance -2E+06 -4E+07 -2E+08 -7E+08 -2E+09
Vibration velocity, µm·s-1 2.4E-02 1.3E-03 2.5E-04 7.9E-05 3.2E-05
It is shown in Fig. 4 that poliharmonic frequency components remain small, when the active load
is added to the generator. One could say that in the majority of the generation modes poliharmonic
frequency components are not significant comparing to basic poles frequency (68).

Fig. 3. 100 Hz vibration spectrum at SNL with 13.8 kV

Fig. 4. 100 Hz vibration spectrum at 90 MW load with 0 MVAr

According to Petrov [6], when the main cause for 100 Hz vibration is non-uniform air gap, the
vibration would be the most severe in SNL mode. The air gap is inspected in more details in previous
studies [9], and it is relatively uniform for the given unit. Figure 5 shows that the air gap is changing
because the stator expands after the heat-up. The change is equal to approximately 2 mm, which is
acceptable according to the generator design documents.
Temperature T , ºC

50 -700.00
45 -1200.00 Displacement, µm
35 -1700.00
30 -2200.00
20 -2700.00
15 -3200.00

SNL SNL 90 MW, 0 MVAr 90 MW SC - Runout

13.8 20÷-50 50÷20
Temperature Hot air Temperature Cooled air
Temperature Stator core next to sensor Temperature Stator wall next to sensor
Displacement, µm Stator wall Displacement, µm Stator core

Fig. 5. Stator wall displacement depending on temperature

The stator self-excitation frequency requires further research, since information about the material
properties E and J from equation (1) are not available up to date. Assuming that the stator wall is a


uniform structure means ignoring the important construction specifics, because it is actually composed
of sheets. The calculated preliminary self-excitation frequency for uniform structure is too high to
cause the resonance effect. Further study is suggested to calculate the material properties of the stator

4. Hydrogenerator stator core 100 Hz vibration causes fretting corrosion of the contact surfaces and
should be eliminated to avoid hydropower unit damage, since the fatigue cracks and structural
damages occur faster on corroded areas and parts of the stator.
5. During the case study it was shown that 100 Hz vibration does result from the generator slot
number design. Contradictory to fundamental frameworks the poliharmonic EMF component
resulting from uneven number of slots (calculated for poles and phases) has no great effect on
100 Hz vibration. Vibration velocity due to uneven slot number is small, compared to actual
6. According to the case study results, active load has the most effect on stator core 100 Hz
vibration, whereas excitation and temperature has no direct effect on it. Temperature has some
minor effect on 100 Hz vibration, because it affects the size of the air gap. It was shown that the
stator expands for 2 mm after heat-up, but it expands uniformly, and the air gap is relatively
uniform, therefore it is not the main cause of increased 100 Hz vibration.
7. The stator core self-excited frequency could be the reason for resonance, but it should be proven
on-site after the mechanical properties of the stator core would be studied.

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