People of The Philippines: Plaintiff Versus
People of The Philippines: Plaintiff Versus
People of The Philippines: Plaintiff Versus
(To the Prosecution’s Formal Offer of Object and Documentary Evidence)
ACCUSED by the undersigned counsel and unto this Honorable Court, most
respectfully comments and/or objects to the admission of the Prosecution’s Formal Offer
of Object Evidence as follows:
ACCUSED objects to the formal offer of the Bolo as evidence of the Prosecution,
marked as Exhibit “C”. The Bolo is inadmissible as evidence due to the reason that it
was never identified and offered during the trial of the case. There is no basis for its
admissibility thus making its purpose moot and unwarranted.
“A” Affidavit of Ms. Maria Mae The Accused objects to the purpose of the
Killing offer specifically which is to attest to the
incident pertaining to the commission of the
crime of parricide by the accused.
“B” SOCO Report of Bernardo The Accused objects to the purpose of the
Carpio offer specifically which is to establish the
presence of the accused at the scene of the
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“C-1” Blanket marked with “Property The Accused objects to the purpose of the
of Teniente Gimo” offer specifically which is to prove the fact that
the accused is the owner of thing used in
killing the victim.
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incompetent to testify to this matter and all she
said was hearsay which is inadmissible.
“E” Fingerprint Analysis Report The defense admits the genuineness and due
execution of these documents as they are
public documents and forms part of public
records. However the findings integrated on
these reports are hereby being opposed since
the very object that was examined as the basis
of this analysis report is inadmissible in
evidence pertaining to the Bolo marked as
Exhibit “C”.
“F-1” Medical Necropsy and The Accused objects to the purpose of the
Toxicology offer specifically which is to corroborate the
testimony of the first witness based on this
medical report.
“F-2” Picture of dead Maria Labo The best evidence that can prove the death of
the victim is not through photographic images
but by presenting the victim’s death certificate.
Thus, the Accused objects to the purpose of its
“G-1”, “G-2” Crime Scene picture of the The Accused objects to the purpose of the
& “G-3” kitchen, Crime scene picture of offer specifically To corroborate the testimony
the Cauldron and Crime Scene of the two witnesses presented.
picture of the body on the
table, covered with the Blanket As mentioned above the purpose for which the
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(“C-1”) evidence is offered must be specified. Clearly,
it is confusing on the part of the defense on
what part of the testimonies of the two
witnesses presented these pieces of evidence
corroborates. Being the case, this prejudices
the defense on its right of raising the
necessary allowable defences provided by law
and the rules to protect the interest of the
WHEREFORE, Accused most respectfully prays to this Honorable Court that the
foregoing object and documentary exhibits mentioned above be denied admission for
the reasons above stated. The Accused further prays for such other relief as may be
just and equitable under the premises.
Makati City.
August 14, 2014
Respectfully submitted,
City Assistant Prosecutor
Makati City
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The filing of this Comment/Objection was done through LBC due to time,
distance and manpower constraints.
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