Talavera Senior High School: Municipal Government of Talavera Talavera, Nueva Ecija

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Talavera Senior High School

Municipal Government of Talavera

Talavera, Nueva Ecija

Submitted By:

Stephanie Espiritu

Submitted to:

Mrs. Pauline L. Salangsang


March 2019



I. Introductory Page 4
A. Name of Business 4
B. Vision, Mission Statement, Goals and
Objectives 5
II. SWOT Analysis 6
III. Start-up Capital Requirement 7

II. Executive Summary 7

III. Marketing Plan 9

A. Market Segmentation 9
B. Analysis of Competitor 10
C. Services 14
D. Pricing 15
E. Place 16
F. Promotion 17

IV. Organizational Plan 19

A. Form of ownership 19
B. Identification of partners or principal 20
C. Organizational Chart
D. Roles and responsibilities of members of
E. Personnel Plan

V. Production Plan
A. Quality Control
B. Names of suppliers of raw materials
C. Other Supplies

D. Office Supplies 26
E. Machinery and equipment 27
F. Furniture and Fixture 27
G. Utilities 28
H. Special Requirements 29
I. Production Schedule 29
J. Waste disposal system 30
K. Physical plant 31
L. Contingency Plan
VI. Financial Plan 33
A. Total Project Cost 34
B. Cash flow projections 35
C. Income statement 36
D. Balance sheet 37
E. Sources and applications of funds
VII. Appendix 38
A. Assumptions 39
B. Taxes Rate 39
C. Research data

I. Introductory

Uno Coffee Shop is produced from the seeds of a small red (

sometimes yellow) fruit that grows on plants halfway in size bet
ween shrub and tree. The process that turns these seeds into bev
erage is a long and complex process, perhaps the most complex pr
ocess associated with any major beverage.

A. Name of Business and Logo

B. Uno Coffee Shop decided to put this logo because look
beautiful and simple, because most customer came to coffee
shop because they want to look good, or look better, or they
want to look comportable.

Business Logo

Figure 1 Business Logo

C. Vision, Mission, Goals, Objective


 To be established and trusted as the perfect coffee business

 To be among the most admirer and repected companies in our


 To set and maintain the highest standard of quality and

ethics in everything we do.
 We also aim to provide a quality service yet affordable to
 To inspire and connect people.


 To be well known in the coffee shop industry in terms of

service quality
 To put up another branch after 5 years and another one
after another 5 years’.


 To bring satisfaction on every customer through excellent

 To give every customer self-confidence by making them to
good quality.

D. SWOT Analysis


 Quality service
 Own coffee producing fields .
 Limited bar cultures, coffee houses are alternative


 Access to premium reality locations

 Low customer service satisfaction
 Challenge to retain customers


 Developing new products and services

 Automatic coffee markers introduced in market


 Govt. rules & regulations.

 New competitors
 Rising prices of coffee beans and dairy products

E. Start-up Capital

Every business need a capital, in order to start the busine

ss. Our capital came up with the sum of three hundred thousand p
esos since we are partnership we shared sixty thousand each to s
um up the three hundred thousand pesos start-up capital.

II. Executive Summary

Uno's coffee shop is a new coffe shop, which offers a wide

variety of beauty and simple coffee shop

Our Marketing plan focus of on market segmentation, analysi

s of competitors and our coffee shop services it also highlights
the pricing of our services and the location, moreover it also
tackles up the promotion mechanics.

The main target of our business is the female and male

customer who love to pumper their self in the coffee shop and to
those who have problem that needed a certain services. We offer
them a reasonable price for the services they want.

We offer wide varieties of services from coffee shop servic

es. Moreover, we assure the quality and affordability of our ser
vice. We also used quality products and quality machine to meet
the demand of our coffee shop.

Our competitor analysis shows that our pricing is competiti

ve compare to others. We also use the penetrating strategy in te
rms of our pricing. The business location was located at Calipah
an, Talavera Nueva Ecija

In terms of our promotion we will make publicity in differe

nt part of Talavera by public relation, and word by mouth we wil
l also do printing of tarpaulins and giving leaflets and we also

consider using social media like Facebook Page, Twitter, Instag
ram, and also blogging. This will help us to popularize our busi
ness name and the quality services we offer.

We will also give a membership card for our customer to mon

itor the services that they want in order for us to come up a pr
omo plan and we will offer this membership card for free. Moreov
er, for us to know their personal information because every birt
hday we will offer free services like lemon and ginger tea, Brea
kfast tea

Our organizational plan composed of form of ownership, whic

h is partnership. We are five shareholders in this business and
each of us gave a share of stock of sixty thousand pesos each to
sum up the three hundred thousand pesos. Our organizational cha
rt are composed of one manager, one counter area, Five service c
rew. It was also listed in full detailed of their roles and the
responsibility of each member. It was also tackle up their perso
nal wages and other benefits.

Our production plan is composed of quality control name of

suppliers, location of our physical plant summary of our machine
ry and equipment, furniture and fixture as well, and all the uti
lities even the permits and licenses, it also tackle up our prod
uction schedule even waste disposal as well, it also listed some
of our contingency plan when problem occurs.

We also tabulated our yearly financial report in our busine

ss form pre-operating up to five years of existence. It has a fu
ll detailed of our project cost, income statement, cash flow pro
jection, balance sheet.

III. Marketing Plan

A. Market Segmentation

Demographic Segmentation

We will segment the market through gender, and occupation.

As we put this business, our main target is the female and male
customers who are 10 years old and above who love to pumper the
ir self in the coffee shop. We also consider the occupation of t
he target customer for our pricing in order for them to meet our
affordable price.

Psychographic Segmentation

This part of our business is focus on the hobbies and inter

est of our customer, which means we target the customer who are
interest in pampering their self.

B. Competitors Analysis

At start you should always know what their competitions’ str

engths and weaknesses are, and one of the ways they can uncover
this information is by conducting a competitor analysis. In this
competitor analysis, we describe the product or service that we
offer and how it compares to what the competition has to offer.
Doing a SWOT analysis of our main competitors can form part of
this description. When we have completed our competitor analysis
, we will be able to come up with a strategy to make the most of
opportunities in our industry – and to deal with potential threa
ts before they arise. This is the list of Uno’s coffee shop compe
titors in the town of Talavera. The data show that we are the lo
west price of them.

Table 1 Competitors Analysis

Name of Competito Products/Services Of Price Location

rs fered

Coffee House Hot Chocolate ₱30 Pag-asa dis

t, Talavera
Tea bag ₱35
At the side
Black coffe
of Isidore

Cappuchino ₱20 Labrador


Cyru’s Coffee Tray coffee ₱30 Calipahan,

Shop Talavera
Cold coffee with ice ₱60
cream: At the fron
t Of GT oil
Butter milk
Milk shake

Evergreen sweet Con Panna Pag Asa Tal

house avera in fr
ont of Merc

Americano: ury Drug St



10 | P a g e
C. Services

This is the services of Beshie Salon with a differentiation

table from other competitors. It was shown below that most of t
he salon are almost same in terms of pricing. Moreover, we the B
eshie Salon is the lowest priced of them all.

Table 2 Services

Beshie Salon Beshi Cut

Services e Sal Belisim Salo Salon n
a n Salon
on De
s Ann
i’s Ar
ci Sa
k Sal


Hair Cut ₱35 ₱49 ₱75 ₱75 ₱90 ₱70 ₱49

Hair Color ₱150 ₱299 ₱200 ₱500 ₱400 ₱400 ₱200

11 | P a g e


Keratin ₱199 ₱299 ₱300 ₱200 ₱300 ₱200 ₱200

Hot Oil ₱99 ₱199 ₱200 ₱100 ₱100 ₱100 ₱100

Argan Oil ₱299 ₱300 ₱300 ₱350 ₱300 ₱300 ₱300

Rebonding ₱800 ₱999 ₱120 ₱1500 ₱129 ₱1000 ₱1000

0 9
Cold Wave ₱250 ₱250 ₱350 ₱300 ₱250
₱300 ₱280
Manicure ₱49 ₱49 ₱60 ₱60 ₱50
₱50 ₱50
Pedicure ₱49 ₱49 ₱60 ₱60 ₱50
₱50 ₱50
Foot Spa ₱280 ₱299 ₱300 ₱300 ₱320
₱300 ₱300

D. Pricing

In terms of pricing we used the Penetration Pricing Strateg

y. What is 'Penetration Pricing?’ Penetration pricing refers to a
marketing strategy used by businesses to attract customers to a
new product or service. Penetration pricing is the practice of
offering a low price for a new product or service during its ini
tial offering in order to lure customers away from competitors.
This marketing strategy relies on the idea that low prices can h
elp make a customer aware of and more willing to buy a new produ

These are advantages of penetration pricing to the firm:

 It can result in fast diffusion and adoption, which can

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achieve high market penetration rates quickly and take the
competitors by surprise, not giving them time to react.
 It can create goodwill among the early adopters segment and
can create more trade through word of mouth.
 It creates cost control and cost reduction pressures from
the start, leading to greater efficiency.
 It discourages the entry of competitors. Low prices act as
a barrier to entry (see Porter's 5-forces analysis).
 It can create high stock turnover throughout the
distribution channel, which can create critically important
enthusiasm and support in the channel.
 It can be based on marginal cost pricing, which is
economically efficient.

E. Place

Located at Quezon Street corner Diaz Street Pag asa, Distri

ct Talavera, Nueva Ecija in front of St. Isidor Worker Parish ne
arest landmark. Nearest from school, municipality, drug store, b
ank and church.

Figu re
3 Ph oto
of the
Loc ati

13 | P a g e
F. Promotion

We will make publicity in different part of Talavera by pub

lic relation, and word by mouth we will also do printing of tarp
aulins and giving leaflets and we also consider using social med
ia like Facebook Page, Twitter, Instagram, and also blogging. Th
is will help us to popularize our business name and the quality
services we offer.

We will also give a member ship card for our customer to mo

nitor the services that they want in order for us to come up a p
romo plan and we will offer this membership card for free. Moreo
ver, for us to know their personal information like birthday’s ev
ery birthday we will offer a free services like free haircut or
manicure pedicure or even hair treatment like hot oil. And we al
so serve Coffee, Tea, or Juice for free.

Figure 3 Salon Membership Card

Front View
Back View

14 | P a g e
Figure 4 Flyers of Beshie Salon

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Figure 5 Creative Design of Location

IV. Organizational Plan

A. Form of Ownership

A partnership is an arrangement where parties, known as par

tners, agree to cooperate to advance their mutual interests. The
partners in a partnership may be individuals, businesses, inter
est-based organizations, schools, governments or combinations. O
rganizations may collaborate to increase the likelihood of each
achieving their mission and to amplify their reach. A partnershi
p may result in issuing and holding equity or may be only govern
ed by a contract

Advantage of Partnership:

 Bigger capital
 Better management
 Easy to organize as long as there is an agreement
 Partnership enjoys freedom and flexibility in its operation

16 | P a g e
B. Identification of Partners or Principal Shareholders

Table 3 Identification of Partners or Principal Shareholder

Name of Partners Capital Share Profit loss

Monique Cambe ₱ 60,000 20%

Marz Khristel Dacumos ₱ 60,000 20%

Jessa Manucot ₱ 60,000 20%

May Ann Serrano ₱ 60,000 20%

Pancho Bill Juan ₱ 60,000 20%

Total ₱300,000

C. Organizational Chart

This section of the business plan we describe the ventures

form of partnership. In the organizational chart below, show the
line of authority and the duties and responsibilities of other
shares holder. It was also stated here the duties and responsibi
lities of our employee and their line of duties and responsibili
ties. Having an organizational chard help us understand more our
duties and responsibilities and the delegation of our work.

17 | P a g e
Pancho Bill Juan

Operating Manager

Marz Khristel
Monique Cambe Jesa Manucot May Ann Serrano
Hair Stylist Hair Stylist Manicurist
Hair Stylist

Chart 1 Organizational Chart

D. Roles and Responsibilities of Members of Organizational

Operating Manager

18 | P a g e
Qualification Responsibilities

 Good Manners  Planning and controlling of the

 Must be 25 years old business.
above  Managing quality assurance programs
 Pleasing Personality of the business.

 Bachelor Degree in  Researching new technologies and

Business alternative methods of efficiency.
Administration  Setting and reviewing budgets and
managing cost.
 Overseeing inventory, distribution
of goods and facility layout.
 Developing manager and staff


Qualification Responsibilities

 Must be 18yrs old and  Clean and sanitize tools and work
above environment.
 Good Pleasing  Apply undercoat and clear or
Personality colored polish onto nails with
 High School Diploma brush.

 Nail Technician  Treat nails by shaping, decorating,

Certificate or augmenting.
 Shape and smooth ends of nails,
using scissors, files, or emery
Prepare nail cuticles with water
and oil, using cuticle knives to
push back cuticles and scissors or

19 | P a g e
nippers to trim cuticles.
 Prepare customers' nails in soapy
water, using swabs, files, and
orange sticks
 Use rotary abrasive wheels to shape
and smooth nails or artificial
 Assess the condition of clients'
hands, remove dead skin, and
massage hands.
 Administer therapeutic foot


Qualification Responsibilities

 Pleasing Personality  Maintains supplies by checking

 Must be 18 years old stock; anticipating needs;
and above  Prepares hair for styling by
 High School Diploma analyzing hair condition;

 Hair Stylist shampooing and treating hair.

Certificate  Conditions hair and scalp by

applying treatments.
 Plans desired effect by studying
facial features; examining
potential styles; conferring with
customer; making recommendations.
Produces desired effect by
arranging, shaping, and curling,
cutting, trimming, setting,

20 | P a g e
bleaching, dyeing, and tinting hair.
 Maintains quality service by
following organization standards.
 Maintains safe and healthy
conditions by following
organization standards and legal
 Maintains technical knowledge by
attending educational workshops,
reviewing publications.
 Contributes to team effort by
accomplishing related results as

E. Personnel Plan

Table 5 Personnel***

Position No. of Wo Monthly S Yearly Sal Total

rker Need alary ary

Manager 1 ₱ 13,000 ₱ 156,000 ₱ 156,000

Manicurist 1 ₱ 9,100 ₱ 109,000 ₱ 109,000

Stylist 3 ₱ 9,100 ₱ 327,600 ₱ 327,600

Total ₱5 92,800
*** All our employee is all around, they are trained to do other

21 | P a g e
V. Production Plan

A. Quality Control

In terms of quality control, we assure that every work we d

one are quality service by checking every detail of our work. We
also ensure to our customer that we used quality products.

B. Name of Supplier and Raw Materials

Table 6 Raw Materials

Raw Materials Supplier Quantity Price Total

Hair Color Brian Fu 100 75 ₱ 7,500

Rebonding Set Brian Fu 10 650 ₱ 6,500

Shampoo 1000ml Brian Fu 10 180 ₱ 1,800

Conditioner1000ml Brian Fu 10 200 ₱ 2,000

Oil 100mll Brian Fu 10 50 ₱ 500

Powder 1000ml1 Brian Fu 5 120 ₱ 600

Keratin 50grms Brian Fu 25 100 ₱ 2,500

Argan Oil 50grms Brian Fu 25 100 ₱ 2,500

Hot oil 50 grams Brian Fu 20 100 ₱ 2,000

Cuticle Remover 100ml Brian Fu 10 120 ₱ 1,200

Nail Polish Remover 100ml Brian Fu 10 120 ₱ 1,200

22 | P a g e
Nail Polish 10ml Brian Fu 50 30 ₱ 1,500

Foot Soak 120ml Brian Fu 20 100 ₱ 2,000

Foot Lotion 120ml Brian Fu 20 100 ₱ 2,000

Foot Scrub 120ml Brian Fu 20 100 ₱ 2,000

Total ₱ 35,800

C. Other Supplies

Table 7 Other Supplies

Other Supplies Quantity Price Total

Fire Extinguisher 1 ₱3500 ₱3,500

Pusher 4 ₱50 ₱ 200

Styling Scissors 5 ₱ 550 ₱ 2,750

Nail brush 100 ₱10 ₱ 1,000

Nail File 50 ₱5 ₱ 250

Brush 4 ₱75 ₱ 300

Foot File 35 ₱20 ₱ 700

Nipper 2 ₱200 ₱400

Total ₱ 9,100

23 | P a g e
D. Office Supplies

Table 8 Office Supplies

Office Supplies Quantity Price Total

Receipt 50 ₱ 70 ₱ 3,500

Computer 1 ₱10,000 ₱ 10,000

DTI (daily time record) 100 ₱ 1.50 ₱ 150

Ballpen 30 ₱ 10 ₱ 300

Printer 1 ₱ 3,500 ₱ 3,500

Printer Ink 10 ₱ 60 ₱ 600

Bond Paper 1 (Rim) ₱ 150 ₱ 150

Log Book 5 ₱ 100 ₱ 500

Index Card 5x8 10 ₱ 13 ₱ 130

Stapler 1 ₱ 60 ₱ 60

Folder 10 ₱ 6.50 ₱ 65

Total ₱ 18,955

E. Machinery and Equipment

This section listed all the machine and equipment needed fo

r the salon, it also listed the quantity and the price.

Table 9 Machinery and Equipment

24 | P a g e
Machinery and Equipment Quantity Price Total

Blower 2 ₱ 700 ₱ 1,400

Flat Iron 2 ₱ 1000 ₱ 2,000

Hair Steamer 1 ₱ 8500 ₱ 8,500

Foot Soak Tub 2 ₱ 1000 ₱ 2,000

Nail Drying 2 ₱ 950 ₱ 1,900

Nail Printer 1 ₱ 1500 ₱ 1,500

Generator 1 ₱ 10000 ₱ 10,000

Air-condition (split type 1 ₱ 18000 ₱ 18,000


Television 1 ₱ 10000 ₱ 10,000

CCTV 1 ₱ 11000 ₱ 11,000

Total ₱ 66,300

F. Furniture and Fixture

This section listed all the furniture needed the salon to oper
ate how many quantity and how much it is.

Table 10 Furniture and Fixture

Furniture & Fixture Quantity Price Total

Trolley 4 ₱ 300 ₱1,200

25 | P a g e
Florescent Lights 6 ₱ 250 ₱ 1,500

Bathroom Set 2 ₱ 3,500 ₱ 7,000

Emergency Light 2 ₱ 800 ₱ 1,600

Sofa (receiving area) 1 set ₱ 12,000 ₱ 12,000

Cabinet 1 ₱ 8,000 ₱ 8,000

Shampoo Chair 2 ₱ 1,300 ₱ 2,600

Styling Chair 5 ₱ 2,500 ₱ 12,500

Mani/Pedi Chair 2 ₱ 1,500 ₱ 3,000

Desk Table 1 ₱ 3500 ₱ 3500

Mirror for styling chair 5 ₱ 500 ₱ 2,500

Handy Mirror 1 ₱ 500 ₱ 500

Total ₱ 49,600

G. Utilities

This section listed all the utilities expenses of the salon

, the consumption per month and the consumption per year.

Table 11 Utilities

Utilities Consumption Per Month Consumption Per Year

Water ₱ 600 ₱7,200

Electricity ₱5,000 ₱60,000

26 | P a g e
Internet ₱ 999 ₱11,988

Total ₱ 7,100 ₱ 79,188

H. Special Requirements
 Municipality Permit
 Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) permit
 Barangay Permit
 Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR)
 Bureau of Fire and Protection (BFP)

I. Production Schedule

We are open from Monday – Sunday

8:00 Am – 9:00 PM

J. Waste disposal System

 We separate the recyclable to non-recyclable disposal
 Hair waste are also separate


It is vital that salons and colleges across the United King

dom begin to realize the value of recycling, especially as an in
dustry that relies heavily on aluminum foil for essential servic
es. Extraction involves open cast, or strip mining which leaves
deep scars on the landscape as well as disrupting local ecosyst
ems and impacting upon biodiversity. Foil itself takes over fou
r hundred years as a minimum to break down if it is sent to land
fill, yet just 1% of salons recycle their foil.

27 | P a g e

Shampoo, conditioner and other products are often packaged

in plastic that do not biodegrade. The large bottles that are us
ed at the basins can take up lots of room in the salon waste onc
e they are empty.

K. Physical Plant

Our business is located at Barangay Pag Asa district in fro

nt of St. Isidore the Worker Parish. It has 696 square foot. It
has a styling area, shampoo area and the manicure pedicure are i
t also has a restroom. In terms of lease, it cost ₱7,000 per mont

Figure 6 Physical Plant

28 | P a g e
L. Contingency Plan

In every business we expect there is always a problem arise

and for us the main problem would be number of customer so we e
ncourage our customer to come by

booking so we can monitor the number of customer we can ca

ter at a time in that case we also provide customer information.
In addition, we make some list of other problem that may arise.

 Brown Out – we plan to buy a generator

 Theft – we plan to install a CCTV
 Fires – we need a fire extinguisher
 Unsatisfied Customer – we will try to deal with them as long
as we can
 On-Job Injuries – we will shoulder all the medical needed
VI. Financial Plan

Financial plan may contain prospective financial statements

, which are similar, but different, than a budget. Financial pla
ns are the entire financial accounting overview of a company. Co
mplete financial plans contain all periods and transaction types
. It’s a combination of the financial statement which independent
ly only reflect a past, present, or future state of the company.

Financial plans are the collection of the historical, prese

nt, and future financial statements; for example, a (historical
& present) costly expense from an operational issue is normally
presented prior to the issuance of the prospective financial sta
tements which propose a solution to said operational issue.

The confusion surrounding the term financial plans might st

em from the fact that there are many types of financial statemen
t reports. Individually, financial statements show either the pa

29 | P a g e
st, present, or future financial results. More specifically, fin
ancial statements also only reflect the specific categories whic
h are relevant. For instance, investing activities are not adequ
ately displayed in a balance sheet. A financial plan is a combin
ation of the individual financial statements and reflect all cat
egories of transactions (operations & expenses & investing) over

A. Total Project Cost

Table 12 Total Project Cost

30 | P a g e

Fixed Assets/ Capital Investments

Building Improvements 30,000.00

Machinery and Equipment 66,300.00
Furniture and Fixtures 49,600.00
Pre-Operating Expenses
Permits and licenses 3,715.00
Advance rental (2 mos) 14,000.00
Rental Deposit ( 2mos) 14,000.00
Raw Materials 35,800.00
Other Supplies 9,100.00
Office supplies 18,955.00
Total 241,470.00
Add: Working capital 58,530.00

E. Sources and Application of Funds

The Beshie Salon are composed of five shareholder each of t

hem give a share of sixty thousand pesos to sum up the starting
capital of three hundred thousand pesos.

Name of Partners Capital Share Profit loss

Monique Cambe ₱ 60,000 20%

Marz Khristel Dacumos ₱ 60,000 20%

31 | P a g e
Jessa Manucot ₱ 60,000 20%

May Ann Serrano ₱ 60,000 20%

Pancho Bill Juan ₱ 60,000 20%

Total ₱300,000

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