General Motors and AtvoVAZ of Russia
General Motors and AtvoVAZ of Russia
General Motors and AtvoVAZ of Russia
There are 42 defects in the average new car from AvtoVAZ, Russia’s biggest
car marker. And that counts as the good news. When the firm introduced a
new model last year, a compact saloon called the VAZ-2110, each car came
with 92 defects—all the fun of the space station Mir, as it were, without
leaving the ground.
—“Mir On Earth,” The Economist, August 21, 1997
In June 2001, David Herman, President of General Motors (GM) Russia, and his team arrived in
Togliatti, Russia, for joint venture negotiations between GM and OAO AvtoVAZ, the largest
automobile producer in Russia. GM and AvtoVAZ had originally signed a memorandum of
understanding (MOU)—a non-binding commitment—on March 3, 1999, to pursue a joint venture in
Russia. Now, nearly two years later, Herman had finally received GM’s approval to negotiate the
detailed structure of the joint venture (JV) with AvtoVAZ to produce and sell Chevrolets in the
Russian market.
The Russian car market was expected to account for a significant share of global growth over
the next decade. Herman was increasingly convinced that if GM did not move decisively and soon,
the market opportunity would be lost to other automakers. Ford, for example, was proceeding with
a substantial JV in Russia and was scheduled to begin producing the Ford Focus in late 2002 (it was
already importing car kits). Fiat of Italy was already in the construction phases of a plant to build
15,000 Fiat Palios per year beginning in late 2002. Daewoo of Korea had started assembly of
compact sedan “kits” in 1998 and was currently selling 15,000 cars a year.
However, Herman also knew that doing business in Russia presented many challenges. The
Russian economy, although recovering from the 1998 collapse, remained weak, uncertain, and
subject to confusing tax laws and government rules. The Russian car industry seemed to reel from
one crisis to another. The second largest automobile producer, GAZ, had been the victim of an
unexpected hostile takeover only three months previous. GAZ’s troubles had contributed to GM’s
fears over the actual ownership of AvtoVAZ itself. In addition, AvtoVAZ had been the subject of an
aggressive income tax evasion case by Russian tax authorities in the summer of 2000. Finally,
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from a manufacturing point of view, AvtoVAZ was far from world class. AvtoVAZ averaged 320
manhours to build a car, a stark comparison against the 28 hours typical of Western Europe and17
hours in Japan.
Further complicating the situation was a lack of consensus within different parts of GM about the
Russian JV. GM headquarters in Detroit had told Herman to find a third party to share the risk and
the investment of a Russian JV. Within Adam Opel, GM’s European division, there were questions
about the scope and timing of Opel’s role. Prior to becoming GM’s vice president for the former
Soviet Union, Herman had been chairman of Adam Opel. He had been forced out of Opel after
growing disagreements with Lou Hughes, vice president of GM’s international operations, the unit
that oversaw Opel. Hughes wanted Opel to lead the development of three global auto platforms,
whereas Herman wished to keep Opel focused on recovering its once dominant position in
Germany and Western Europe. Now, Herman needed Opel’s support for the Russian JV and had to
convince his former colleagues that the time was right to enter Russia. As he prepared for the
upcoming negotiations, Herman knew there were many more battles to be fought both within GM
and in Russia.
General Motors Corporation (United States), founded in 1908, was the largest automobile
manufacturer in the world. GM employed more than 388,000 people, operated 260 subsidiaries,
affiliates, and joint ventures, managed operations in more than 50 countries, and closed the year
2000 with $160 billion in sales and $4.4 billion in profits.
John F. “Jack” Smith had been appointed chairman of GM’s Board of Directors in January 1996,
after spending the previous five years as president and chief executive officer. Taking Jack Smith’s
place as president and CEO was G. Richard “Rick” Wagoner, Jr., previously the director of strategic
and operational leadership within GM. GM’s international operations were divided into GM Europe,
GM Asia Pacific, and GM Latin America, Africa, Middle-East. GM Europe, headquartered in Zurich,
Switzerland, provided oversight for GM’s various European operations including Opel of Germany
and the new initiatives in Russia.
Although the largest automobile manufacturer in the world, GM’s market share had been
shrinking. By the end of 2000, GM’s global market share (in units) was 13.6 percent, with the Ford
group closing quickly with a 11.9 percent share, and Volkswagen a close third at 11.5 percent.
Emerging markets, like that of Russia, represented so-called “white territories” which were still
unclaimed and uncertain markets for the traditional Western automakers.
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The Russian auto industry lagged far behind that of the Western European, North American, or
Japanese industries. Although the Russian government had made it a clear priority to aid in the
industry’s modernization and development, inadequate capital, poor infrastructure, and deep-
seated mismanagement and corruption resulted in out-dated, unreliable, and unsafe automobiles.
Nevertheless, the industry was considered promising because of the continuing gap between
Russian market demand and supply and because of expected future growth in demand. As
illustrated in Table 1, between 1991 and 1993 purchases of cars in Russia had grown dramatically.
But this growth had been at the expense of domestic producers, as imports had garnered most of
the increase in sales, largely because of a reduction in automobile import duties. With the
reduction of import duties in 1993, imports surged to 49 percent of sales and Russian production
hit the lowest level of the decade. Domestic producers reacted by increasing their focus on export
sales, largely to former CIS countries. Exports ranged between 18 percent and 56 percent of all
production during the 1991–95 period.
With the reimposition of import duties in 1994, the import share of the Russian marketplace
returned to a level of about 7 to 10 percent. Domestic production began growing again and fewer
Russian-made cars were exported. Unfortunately, just as domestic producers were nearly back to
early-1990s production levels, the 1998 financial crisis sent the Russian economy and auto
industry into a tailspin. Domestic production of automobiles fell nearly 15 percent in 1998. Auto
sales in Russia as a whole fell 8 percent. The industry, however, experienced a strong resurgence
in 1999 and 2000.
Russian auto manufacturing was highly concentrated, with AvtoVAZ holding a 65 percent market
share in 2000, followed by GAZ with 13 percent, and an assorted collection of what could be called
“boutique producers.” 1 Although foreign producers accounted for less than 2 percent of all auto
manufacturing in Russia in 2000, estimates of the influx of used foreign-made cars were upwards
of 350,000 units in 2000 alone.
Although much had changed in Russia in the 1990s, much had also remained the same. In the
Russian automobile market, demand greatly exceeded supply. Russians without the right political
connections had to wait years for their cars. Cars were still rare, spare parts still difficult to find,
and crime still rampant. It was still not unusual to remove windshield wipers from cars for
safekeeping parked on major city streets. Cars had to be paid for in cash, as dealer financing was
essentially unheard of as a result of the inability of the Russian financial and banking sector to
perform adequate credit checks on individuals or institutions. And once paid for, most Russian-
made new cars were full of defects to the point that “repair” was often required before driving a
new car.
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Its mind-blowingly huge. The assembly line goes on for a mile and a quarter.
Workstation after workstation. No modules being slapped in. It’s piece by
piece. The hammering is incessant. Hammering the gaskets in, hammering the
doors down, hammering the bumpers. On the engine line a man seems to be
screwing in pistons by hand and whopping them with a hammer. If there’s a
robot on the line, we didn’t see it. Forget statistical process control.
—“Would You Want to Drive a Lada?,” Forbes, August 26, 1996
AvtoVAZ, originally called “VAZ” for Volzhsky Avtomobilny Zavod (Volga Auto Factory), was
headquartered approximately 1,000 kilometers southeast of Moscow in Togliatti, a town named
after an Italian communist. The original auto manufacturing facility was a JV (in effect, a pure turn-
key operation) with Fiat SpA of Italy. The original contract, signed in 1966, resulted in the first cars
produced in 1970. The cars produced at the factory were distributed under the Lada and Zhiguli
brands and for the next 20 years became virtually the only car the average Russian could
AvtoVAZ employed more than 250,000 people in 1999 (who were paid an average of $333 per
month), and produced 677,700 cars, $1.9 billion in sales, and $458 million in gross profits. However, the
company had a pre-tax loss of $123 million. AvtoVAZ was publicly listed on the Moscow Stock
Exchange. The Togliatti auto plant, with an estimated capacity of 750,000 vehicles per year, was the
largest single automobile assembly facility in the world. It had reached full capacity in 2000. But the
company developed only one new car in the 1990s and had spent an estimated $2 billion doing so.
In the early 1990s, following the era of Perestroika and the introduction of economic reforms,
AvtoVAZ began upgrading its technology and increasing its prices. As prices skyrocketed, Russians
quickly switched to comparably priced imports of higher quality. As a result, AvtoVAZ suffered
continual decreases in market share throughout the 1990s (see Table 1), although it still
dominated all other Russian manufacturers.
The financial crisis of August 1998 had actually bolstered AvtoVAZ’s market position, with the
fall of the Russian rouble from Rbl 11/$ to over Rbl 25/$. Imports were now prohibitively expensive
for most Russians.
It’s cynical to say, but in the case of a devaluation, the situation at AvtoVAZ
would be better. There would be a different effectiveness of export sales, and
demand would be different. Seeing that money is losing value, people would
buy durable goods in the hopes of saving at least something.
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AvtoVAZ also suffered from tax problems and was called a “tax deadbeat” by the Russian press.
In July 2000 the Russian Tax Police accused AvtoVAZ of tax fraud. The accusations centered on
alleged under-reporting of automobile production by falsifying vehicle identification numbers
(VINs). The opening of the criminal case coincided with warnings from the Kremlin that the new
administration of President Vladimir Putin would not tolerate continued industry profiteering and
manipulation from the country’s oligarchs, individuals who had profited greatly from Russia’s
difficult transition to market capitalism. AvtoVAZ denied the charges and less than one month
later, the case was thrown out by the chief prosecutor for tax evasion. A spokesman for the
prosecutor’s office stated that investigators had found no basis for the allegations against AvtoVAZ
AvtoVAZ Ownership
One of the primary deterrents to foreign investment in Russia had been the relatively lax legal and
regulatory structure for corporate governance. Identifying the owners of most major Russian
companies was extremely difficult.
Although much about the ownership of AvtoVAZ remained unclear, it was believed that two
different management groups controlled the majority of AvtoVAZ shares. One group was led by the
current Chairman, Vladimir Kadannikov, and held 33.2 percent of total shares through an
organization he controlled, the All-Russian Automobile Alliance (AVVA). A second group,
represented by a Mr. Yuri Zukster, controlled 19.2 percent through a different organization, the
Automobile Finance Corporation (AFC). A Russian investment fund, Russ-Invest, held 5 percent,
with the remaining 42.6 percent under “undisclosed” ownership.
AvtoVAZ itself held an 80.8 percent interest in Kadannikov’s AVVA Group, an investment fund.
AVVA, in turn, held a 33.2 percent interest in AvtoVAZ (see Figure 1 for an overview of the complex
relationships surrounding AvtoVAZ). AVVA itself was in some way influenced, controlled, or owned
in part, by one of the most high-profile oligarchs in Russia, Boris Berezovsky.
In 1989, prior to the implementation of President Boris Yelstin’s economic reforms, Boris
Berezovsky, a mathematician and management-systems consultant to AvtoVAZ, persuaded
Vladimir Kadannikov to cooperate in a new car distribution system. Berezovsky formed an
automobile dealer network, LogoVAZ that was supplied with AvtoVAZ vehicles on consignment.
LogoVAZ did not pay for the cars it distributed (termed “re-export” by Berezovsky) until a date
significantly after his dealer network sold the cars and received payment themselves. The
arrangement proved disastrous for AvtoVAZ and incredibly profitable for Berezovsky. In the years
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that followed, hyperinflation raged in Russia, and Berezovsky was able to run his expanding
network of businesses with AvtoVAZ’s cash flow. (Mr. Berezovsky has admitted to the arrangement,
and its financial benefits to him. He has also pointed out, correctly, that under Russian law he has
not broken any laws.) LogoVAZ was also one of the largest auto importers in Russia.
In 1994, the Russian government began privatizing many state-owned companies, including
AvtoVAZ. Boris Berezovsky, Vladimir Kadannikov, and Alexander Voloshin, recently appointed chief
of staff for Russian President Vladimir Putin, then formed AVVA. The stated purpose of AVVA was to
begin building a strong dealer network for the automobile industry in Russia. AVVA quickly
acquired its 33.2 percent interest in AvtoVAZ, in addition to many other enterprises. AVVA
frequently represented AvtoVAZ’s significant international interests around the world.
By 2000 Berezovsky purportedly no longer had formal relations with AVVA, but many observers
believed he continued to have a number of informal lines of influence. In December 2000, AVVA
surprised many analysts by announcing that it was amending its charter to change its status from
an investment fund to a holding company. Auto analysts speculated that AVVA was positioning
itself to run AvtoVAZ, which had reorganized into divisions (car production, marketing and sales,
research and development).
Share ownership anxiety had intensified in November 2000 when the second largest automobile
manufacturer in Russia, GAZ, had been the victim of a hostile takeover. Beginning in August 2000,
Sibirsky Alyuminiy (SibAl) started accumulating shares in GAZ until reaching the 25 percent plus
one share threshold necessary for veto power under Russian law. The exact amount of SibAl
ownership in GAZ, however, was unknown, even to GAZ. Current regulations required only the
disclosure of the identity and stake of stockholders of 5 percent equity stake or more. Only direct
investors were actually named, and those named were frequently only agents operating on behalf
of the true owners. Adding to the confusion was the fact that frequently the “nominees” named
represent multiple groups of ultimate owners. The inadequacy of information about ownership in
Russia was demonstrated by GAZ’s inability to actually confirm whether SibAl did indeed have a
25 percent ownership position.
Rumors surfaced immediately that AvtoVAZ could be next, and the threat could arise from SOK,
AvtoVAZ’ largest single supplier. Many industry players, however, viewed this as highly unlikely.
Besides Kadannikov, the brass at AvtoVAZ tend to keep a low profile, but they
still rank among Russia’s elite executives, and they are independent,” said an
official of a foreign supplier in Russia. “SOK may be powerful with AvtoVAZ,
and AvtoVAZ may find SOK highly useful, but I doubt SOK ever could impact
AvtoVAZ strategy, and I think SOK ultimately plays by rules set by AvtoVAZ.
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Management of AvtoVAZ also felt they had an additional takeover defense, which strangely
enough, arose from their history of not paying corporate taxes. In 1997, as part of a settlement
with Russian tax authorities on $2.4 billion in back-taxes, AvtoVAZ gave the Russian tax authorities
the right to 50 percent plus one share of AvtoVAZ if the firm failed—in the future—to make its tax
payments. AvtoVAZ management now viewed this as their own version of a “poison pill.” If the
target of a hostile takeover, management could stop paying taxes and the Russian government
AvtoVAZ Suppliers
Unlike many former Communist enterprises, AvtoVAZ was not vertically integrated. The company
depended on a variety of suppliers for components and subassemblies and an assortment of retail
distributors. It had little control over its suppliers, and was prohibited by law from retail
distribution. In recent years, AvtoVAZ’s supplier base had been continually consolidated. The three
biggest suppliers to AvtoVAZ were DAAZ, Plastik, and Avtopribor (see Table 2 below), all of which
had been purchased by the Samara Window Company (abbreviated as “SOK” from the Russian
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charged $100 for “protection” at the AvtoVAZ factory gates. To quote one automobile distributor,
“They were bandits. Nevertheless, they provided a service.” By the fall of 1997 the intrusion of
organized crime became so rampant within AvtoVAZ that Vladimir Kadannikov used Russian troops
to clear the plant of thugs.
International Activities
AvtoVAZ was actually a multinational company, with significant international operations in addition
to significant export sales.
As illustrated in Table 3, in 1991 AvtoVAZ was exporting over 125,000 cars per year to the
countries of the Soviet state. With the deconstruction of the old Soviet Union, sales plummeted to
the now-CIS countries as a result of the proliferation of weak currencies from country to country, as
well as the imposition of new import duties at every border to Russia of 30 percent or more. 4 In
the late 1990s, sales were essentially zero. Similarly, sales in the Baltic countries of Latvia,
Lithuania, and Estonia had also essentially disappeared.
Brazil has been the site of substantial AvtoVAZ activity in the past decade, with starts and stops.
AvtoVAZ had originally flooded the Brazilian market in 1990 with imports when the government of
Brazil had opened its borders to imports. Despite 85 percent import duties, deeply discounted
Ladas and Nivas sold well. However, in 1995, the Brazilian government excluded AvtoVAZ from a
list of select international manufacturers which would be allowed much lower import duties.
AvtoVAZ then withdrew from the Brazilian market. In November of 2000, AvtoVAZ concluded the
negotiation of an agreement with a Brazilian entrepreneur, Carlos de Moraes, for his company,
Abeiva Car Imports, to begin assembly of Nivas in 2001. The target price, 17,000 Brazilian reais,
(about US$8,900), would hopefully make them affordable for Brazilian farmers.
In the past decade, AvtoVAZ has exported to a variety of European countries as well, including
Germany, Portugal, Spain, the United Kingdom, and Greece. These sales have typically been small
special-order models of the Niva (diesel engines, Peugeot gas engines, etc.). Continued issues
surrounding quality and reliability, however, had pushed the company toward an emerging market
strategy. It was hoped that low-income markets such as Egypt, Ecuador, and Uruguay would
reignite the export potential of the company. GM’s strategy was based on extreme low prices to
successfully penetrate local markets.
Foreign Entry into Russia
GM interest in Russia extended back to the 1970s when Opel had proposed shipping car kits to
Moscow for assembly. The plan foundered because of GM concerns about quality control. In 1991
GM renewed its interest in Russia, once again opening talks with a number of potential
JV partners. But after more than a decade, few deals had materialized.
In December 1996 GM opened a plant in Elabuga, Tatarstan, in a JV with Yelaz to assemble
Chevrolet Blazers from imported kits (complete knockdown kits, or CKDs). The original plan had
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been to ramp up production volumes rapidly to 50,000 units a year. But the operation struggled.
One problem was the product; the Blazers were two-wheel drive with 2.2 liter engines. The Russian
consumer wanted the four-wheel driver version widely sold in the United States, typically powered
by a 3-liter engine. A second problem was the origin of the kits. The CKDs were imported from
Brazil and most Russians did not have a high degree of respect for Brazilian products.
In September 1998 operations were suspended as a result of the Russian financial crisis. Only
3,600 units had been assembled. An attempt was made to restart assembly operations in 1999,
this time assembling Opel Vectras, but when it became apparent that the market for a vehicle
costing $20,000 would not succeed in the needed volumes, the JV’s assembly operations were
closed. GM still had over 200 Blazers in inventory in January 2001 and was attempting to close out
the last vestiges of the operation.
From 1998 to 2002, there were a number of foreign automobile producers in various stages of
entry into the Russian marketplace, as summarized in Table 4. Daewoo of Korea, which had made
major volume achievements in a number of former Eastern Bloc countries such as Poland, had
begun assembly of compact sedan kits in 1998, and had quickly reached a sales level in Russia of
15,000 units in 1999. Similarly, Renault of France had followed the kit assembly entry strategy with
the Renault Megane in 1998, but had only assembled and sold 1,100 units by end of year 1999.
Others, like Ford Motor Company of the United States, had announced JVs with Russian
manufacturers to actually build automobiles in Russia. The Ford Focus, priced on the relatively high
side at $13,000 to $15,000, was planned for a production launch in late 2002. The facility planned
was to produce 25,000 cars per year. The Russian government had given its blessing to the
venture by allowing the elimination of import duties on imported inputs as long as the local
content of the Focus reached 50 percent within five years of startup (2007 under current plans).
Ford was already importing the Focus to begin building a market, but in the early months of 2001,
sales were sluggish.
Fiat of Italy was potentially the most formidable competitor. Fiat planned to introduce the Fiat
Palio and Fiat Siena into the Russian marketplace through a JV with GAZ in 2002. Although the
planned capacity of the plant was only 15,000 cars per year, the Fiat Palio was considered by
many auto experts as the right product for the market. The critical question was whether Fiat could
deliver the Palio to the market at a low enough price. In its negotiations with the Russian
government, Fiat announced its intentions to make the Palio a true “Russian-made” automobile
which would quickly rise to over 70 percent in local content. If Fiat could indeed achieve this, and
there were many who believed that if anyone could it was Fiat, then this would be the true
competitive benchmark.
Renewed Interest
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For most Russians, price was paramount. The average income levels in Russia prevented
automobile pricing at Western levels. As seen in Table 5, prices over the past few years had
dropped as a result of the 1998 financial crisis. For 2001, analysts estimated that almost the entire
market in Russia was for cars priced below $10,000. Given that the average Russian’s salary was
about $100 per month, cars remained out of reach for the average Russian.
In a September 2000 interview, David Herman summarized GM’s viewpoint on pricing and
We could not make an interesting volume with a base price above $10,000. Such a vehicle would feature
few specifications—ABS and airbags plus a 1.6-liter 16-valve engine. But, if the car costs $12,000, it is only
$2,000 less than certain foreign imports, and this gap may be too small to generate enough sales to justify
a factory. We knew we could make a vehicle cheaper with AvtoVAZ, but we need to ensure the price
advantage of T3000 imports over competitive models is closer to $7,000 than $2,000. 5
GM had originally considered the traditional emerging market approach of building complete
cars in existing plants and then disassembling them by removing bumpers, wheels, and other
separable parts, shipping the disassembled “kit” into Russia, and reassembling with local labor.
The disassembly/assembly process allowed the automobile to be considered domestically
produced by Russian authorities, thereby avoiding prohibitive import duties. The market
assessment group at GM, however, believed that Russian buyers (as opposed to customs officials)
would see through the “ruse” and consider the cars high-quality imports. But marketing research
indicated the opposite: Russians did not want to buy cars reassembled by Russians. The only way
they would purchase a Russian-made automobile was if it was extremely cheap, like the majority
of the existing AvtoVAZ and GAZ product lines, which retailed for as little as $3,000 per car. GM,
realizing that it could not deliver the reassembled Opel to the Russian marketplace for less than
$15,000 per car, dropped the kit proposal.
GM’s marketing research unveiled an additional critical element. Russians would gladly pay an
additional $1,000 to $1,500 per car if it had a Chevrolet label or badge on it. This piece of research
resulted in the original proposal that David Herman and his staff had been pursuing since early
1999: a two-stage JV investment with AvtoVAZ that would allow GM to both reach price targets and
position the firm for expected market growth. In the first stage, GM would co-produce a four-wheel-
drive SUV named the Lada Niva II (VAZ-2123). The target price was $7500 and plant capacity was
to be 90,000 cars. The Niva II would be largely Russian-engineered and, therefore GM would avoid
many of the development costs associated with the introduction of a totally new vehicle. The Lada
Niva I had originally been introduced in 1977 and updated in new models in 1990 and again in
1996. It had been a successful line for AvtoVAZ, averaging 70,000 units per year throughout the
1990s.6 Since the Niva II was largely Russian-engineered, GM would bring capital and name to the
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The second stage of the project would be the construction of a new factory to produce 30,000
Opel Astras (T3000) for the Russian market. Herman’s proposal was for AvtoVAZ to use a basic
Opel AG vehicle platform as a pre-engineering starting point. Pre-engineering represented about
30 percent of the development cost of a vehicle. The remaining 70 percent would be developed by
AvtoVAZ’s 10,000 engineers and technicians who worked at a much lower cost than Opel’s
engineers in Germany. Herman’s Russian Group estimated that even if GM and AvtoVAZ used
AvtoVAZ’s factory to build the existing Opel Astra from mostly imported parts and kits from
Germany, the resulting price tag would have to fall to between $12,500 and $14,000 per car. This
was still considered too expensive for substantial economic volumes. Using the Russian
engineering approach, the car would be cheaper, but still fall at the higher end of the spectrum,
retailing at about $10,000 per car. As seen in Exhibit 3, this would still put the higher-priced
Chevrolet in the lower end of the foreign-made market.
By no means was there consensus within GM and Opel about the viability of the proposed JV.
One concern was that as a result of the cash shortage at AvtoVAZ and the slow rate of negotiation
progress, in order to build test-models of the new Niva, AvtoVAZ had to use 60 percent of the old
Niva’s parts. Although many of the consumers that tested the Niva II ranked it above all other
Russian-built cars, the car was rough riding and noisy by Western standards. One Opel engineer
from Germany who safety-tested the Niva II and evaluated its performance declared it “a real car,
if primitive.” Heidi McCormack, General Director for GM’s Russian operations believed that with
some minor engineering adjustments, better materials for the interior construction, and a new
factory built and operated by GM, the quality of the Niva II would be “acceptable.”
GM management was pleased AvtoVAZ appeared willing to contribute the rejuvenated Niva to
the JV. “That’s their brand-new baby,” said McCormack. “It’s been shown in auto- shows. And
here’s GM, typical big multinational, saying, ‘Just give us your best product.’” 7 But in the end,
AvtoVAZ’s limited access to capital was the driver. Without GM, AvtoVAZ would probably take five
years to get the Niva II to market; with GM the time could be cut in half.
Negotiations between AvtoVAZ and GM had taken a number of twists and turns over the years,
involving every possible dimension of the project. The JV’s market strategy, scope, timing,
financing, and structure were all under continual debate. GM’s team was led by David Herman.
Herman had been appointed V.P. of General Motors Corporation for the former Soviet Union in
1998. Starting with General Motors Treasury as an attorney in 1973, Herman had extensive
international experience, including three years as GM’s manager of sales development in the USSR
(1976–1979), and other managing director positions in Spain (1979–1982), Chile (1982–1984), and
Belgium (1986–1988). These were followed by chief executive positions for GM (Europe) in
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Switzerland and Saab Automobile. From 1992 to 1998, Herman had been chairman and managing
director of Adam Opel AG in Germany. Herman’s departure from Opel in Germany was purportedly
the result of losing a highly publicized internal battle over the future strategic direction of Opel.
Herman had argued that Opel should focus on developing product for the domestic market, while
others in the organization argued that Opel should focus on “filling the pipeline for GM’s ambitions
in emerging markets.” Many have characterized his new appointment as head of GM’s market
initiatives in Russia as a Siberian exile. Herman’s parents were Belorussian and he had studied
Russian at Harvard. In addition to Russian and English, he was also fluent in German and Spanish.
Market Strategy
Back in Detroit, the JV proposal continued to run into significant opposition. GM President Rick
Wagoner continued to question whether the Russian market could actually afford the Opel-based
second car, the Opel T3000. Wagoner wondered whether the second phase of the project should
not be cut, making the Niva the single product which the JV would produce. This could potentially
reduce GM’s investment to $100 million.
A further point of debate concerned export sales. As a result of the 1998 financial crisis in
Russia, a number of people inside both GM and AvtoVAZ pushed for a JV which would produce a
car designed for both Russian sales and export sales. After 1998 the weaker Russian rouble meant
that Russian exports were more competitive. If the product quality was competitive for the
targeted markets, there was a belief that Russian cars could be profitably exported. As a result,
Herman expanded his activities to include export market development. The working proposal now
assumed that one-third of all the Chevrolet Nivas produced would be exported. The domestic
market continued to be protected with a 30 percent import duty against foreign-made
automobiles, both new and used.
Herman brought AvtoVAZ senior management to the Detroit auto show in the spring of 2000 to
meet with GM President Rick Wagoner and Vice Chairman Harry Pearce. The meetings went well. In
March 2000, however, GM announced an alliance with Fiat. A key element of the alliance involved
GM acquiring 20 percent of Fiat’s automotive business. GM paid $2.4 billion using GM common
stock for the 20 percent stake, which resulted in Fiat owning 5.1 percent of GM. In June 2000, GM
and Fiat submitted a joint bid for Daewoo, which was part of the bankrupt Daewoo chaebol. The
bid was rejected. Herman returned to Russia, once again slowing negotiations until any possible
overlap between GM and Fiat ambitions in Russia were resolved.
In the summer of 1999, AvtoVAZ had formally announced the creation of a JV with General Motors
to produce Opel Astras and the Chevrolet Niva. However, this announcement was not confirmed by
GM. Later in 1999, GM’s European management, primarily via the Opel division, lobbied heavily
within GM to postpone the proposed Chevrolet Niva launch until 2004 to allow a longer period of
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economic recovery in Russia. Upon learning of this, Kadannikov reportedly told GM to “keep its
money,” that AvtoVAZ would launch the new Niva on its own. The two sides were able to agree on
a tentative 2003 launch date.
In May 2000 Herman’s presentation of the JV proposal to Wagoner and Pearce in Detroit hit another
roadblock: The proposed $250 million investment was considered “too large and too risky for a
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development was established in 1991 with the
express purpose of fostering the transition to open market-oriented economies and promoting
private and entrepreneurial ventures in Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent
States (CIS). As a catalyst of change the bank seeks to co-finance with firms that are providing
foreign direct investment (FDI) in these countries in order to help mobilize domestic capital and
reduce the risks associated with FDI. Recent economic reforms and the perceived stability of
President Putin’s government had convinced the EBRD’s senior management that conditions were
GM management knew that $332 million would be insufficient to build a state-of-the-art
manufacturing facility. However, given that AvtoVAZ contributions would include the design, land,
and production equipment, $332 million was believed to be sufficient to launch the new Niva. The
planned facility would include a car body paint shop, assembly facilities, and testing areas.
AvtoVAZ would supply the JV with the car-body, engine and transmission, chassis units, interior
components, and electrical system.
A continuing point of contention was where the profits of the JV would be created. For example,
AvtoVAZ had consistently quoted a price for cement for the proposed plant which was thought to
be about 10 times what GM would customarily pay in Germany. Then, just prior to the venture’s
going before the GM Board for preliminary approval for continued negotiations, AvtoVAZ made a
new and surprising demand that GM increase the price the JV would pay AvtoVAZ for Niva parts by
25 percent. (Vladimir Kadannikov demanded to know where the profits would be, “in the price of
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the parts each side supplied to the joint venture or in the venture itself?”). 10 When Herman
warned them this would scuttle the deal, AvtoVAZ backed off. After heated debate, the two parties
now agreed that they would not try to profit from the sale of components to the JV.
The structure for the management team and specific allocation of managerial responsibilities
had yet to be determined. Although both sides expected to be actively involved in day-to-day
management, GM had already made it clear that management control of the JV was a priority for
going forward. GM also wanted to minimize the number of expatriate managers assigned to the
venture. AvtoVAZ saw the JV as an opportunity for its managers to gain valuable experience and
expected to have significant purchasing, assembly, and marketing responsibilities. AvtoVAZ
expected GM to develop and support an organizational structure that ensured technology transfer
to the JV. AvtoVAZ knew that in China GM had created a technical design center as a separate JV
with its Chinese partner. The specific details as to how GM might be compensated for technology
transfer to Russia remained unclear. Finally, the issue of who would control the final documentation
for the JV agreement had yet to be agreed.
The JV would be located on the edge of the massive AvtoVAZ complex in Togliatti. It would utilize
one factory building which was partially finished and previously abandoned. The building already
housed much equipment in various operational states, including expensive plastic molding and
cutting tools imported from Germany in the early 1990s which AvtoVAZ had been unable to
operate effectively but could not resell.
Again, primarily out of frustration with the pace of negotiations, AvtoVAZ announced in January
2001 that it would begin small-scale production of a SUV under its own Lada brand. Herman once
again was able to intervene. Herman promised GM’s Board that AvtoVAZ would actually build no
more than a few dozen of the SUVs “for show.” The two sides also continued to debate whether
AvtoVAZ would be allowed to sell the prototypes of the new Niva that AvtoVAZ planned to build
(approximately 500). GM was adamant, according to long-standing policy, that these should not
find their way to the marketplace. AvtoVAZ countered that this was routine for Russian
manufacturers and served as a type of “test fleet.”
Finally, on February 6, 2001, Herman presented the current proposal to GM’s board in Detroit.
After heated debate, the board approved the proposal. The possibility of entering a large and
developing market, with shared risk and investment, was a rare opportunity to get in early and
develop a new local market. According to Rick Wagoner, “Russia’s going to be a very big market.”
“We’ll sell it in former Soviet Union, and eventually export it and because of the cost of material and labor
in Russia, we should reach a price point which gives us a decent volume. That will give us a chance to get a
network and get started with suppliers and other partners in Russia in a way which I hope will make us
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David Herman had gained the approval of the General Motors Board to pursue and complete
negotiations with AvtoVAZ. The negotiations themselves, however, represented an enormous
undertaking, and both GM and AvtoVAZ had many issues yet to be resolved. The two sides at the
negotiating table in June included David Herman and Heidi McCormack of GM Russia and Vladimir
Kadannikov and Alexei Nikolaev representing AvtoVAZ.
Copyright © 2001 Thunderbird, The American Graduate School of International Management. All rights reserved. This case was
prepared by Professors Michael Moffett and Andrew Inkpen for the purpose of classroom discussion only, and not to indicate
either effective or ineffective management.
The Russian Automobile Industry, 1991–2000 (units)
1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
Russian Production
AvtoVAZ 677,280 676,857 660,275 530,876 609,025 684,241 748,826 605,728 717,660
GAZ 69,000 69,001 105,654 118,159 118,673 124,284 124,339 125,398 125,486
AvtoUAZ 52,491 54,317 57,604 53,178 44,880 33,701 51,411 37,932 38,686
Moskovich 104,801 101,870 95,801 67,868 40,600 2,929 20,599 38,320 30,112
KamAZ 3,114 4,483 5,190 6,118 8,638 8,935 19,933 19,102 28,004
IzhMash 123,100 56,500 31,314 21,718 12,778 9,146 5,544 5,079 4,756
DonInvest 0 0 0 0 321 4,062 13,225 4,988 9,395
Other 14 14 6 7 1 41 3,932 3,061 1,307
Total 1,029,800 963,042 955,844 797,924 834,916 867,339 985,809 839,608 955,406
Percent change 26.6% 26.5% 20.7% 216.5% 4.6% 3.9% 13.7% 214.8% 13.8%
Russian Exports 411,172 248,032 533,452 143,814 181,487
144,774 120,551 67,913 107,701
Percent of production 39.9% 25.8% 55.8% 18.0% 21.7% 16.7% 12.2% 8.1% 11.3%
Imports into Russia 26,649 43,477 405,061 97,400 69,214 54,625 42,974 62,718 55,701
Percent of sales 4.1% 5.7% 49.0% 13.0% 9.6% 7.0% 4.7% 7.5% 6.2%
Auto Sales in Russia645,277 758,487 827,453 751,510 722,643 777,190 908,232 834,413 903,406
Percent growth 17.5% 9.1% 29.2% 23.8% 7.5% 16.9% 28.1% 8.3%
Source: December 2000.
1 Other significant Russian automobile manufacturers included AutoUAZ, AZLK, KAMAZ, Roslada, SeAZ, IzhMash, and
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AvtoVAZ’s Web of Influence and Ownership
Source: Adapted from
2 The Russian government was not, however, anxious for this series of events to unfold. It would also mean that AvtoVAZ
would be entering an 18-month period in which it paid no taxes whatever to the government if the option were exercised by
the Tax Police.
3 Sok means “juice”in Russian, but in the auto sector in Russia, the English-
language joke was that SOK was SOKing-up the supplier industry.
AvtoVAZ Suppliers Owned or Controlled by SOK
Supplier Location Parts
4AvtoVAZ did attempt to restart CIS sales in 1997 with the introduction of hard-currency contracts. The governments of Uzbekistan,
Byelorussia, and Ukraine, however, forbid residents from converting local currency into hard currency for the purpose of purchasing
automobiles (in two cases, specifically the product of AvtoVAZ). AvtoVAZ has accused the authorities in these countries of working in
conjunction with Daewoo of Korea, which has production facilities in Uzbekistan and the Ukraine, of working to shut them out.
AvtoVAZ Exports
1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
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Baltic countries 8,392 3,895 3,325 590 8,832 2,648 1,101 716 487
CIS countries 126,440 42,900 19,644 4,491 1,601 1,074 962 108 331
Elsewhere 269,936 271,763 280,593 196,696 175,161 129,957 94,303 68,689 49,957
Total exports 404,768 318,558 303,562 201,777 185,594 133,679 96,366 69,513 50,775
Total Sales 674,884 673,821 656,403 528,845 607,279 680,965 736,000 599,829 677,669
Export percentage 60% 47% 46% 38% 31% 20% 13% 12% 7%
5“Exclusive Interview: David Herman on GM’s Strategy for Russia,”, September 2000.
Foreign Auto Producers in Russia
Foreign Russian Auto Target Capacity ExpectedManufacturer
Partner Model Price Rangeper year Startup
Russian Auto Market Shares by Price
1998 1999
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6 One of the primary reasons for the success of the Niva was the poor state of Russian roads. The four-wheel-drive Niva
7Gregory L. White, “Off Road: How the Chevy Name Landed on SUV Using Russian Technology,” Wall Street Journal, February
20, 2001.
9 The willingness of EBRD to invest was a bit surprising given that two of its
previous investments with Russian automakers, GAZ and KamAZ, had resulted in
defaults on EBRD credits. A third venture in which EBRD was still a partner (20
percent equity), Nizhegorod Motors, a JV between Fiat and GAZ, had delayed its
car launch from late 1998 to the first half of 2002.
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