BBA - Business Ethics Notes, Ebook - Free PDF Download
BBA - Business Ethics Notes, Ebook - Free PDF Download
BBA - Business Ethics Notes, Ebook - Free PDF Download
BBA General
School of Distance Education
Module I
Nature and scope of Management; evolution of management- Schools of management thought;
F.W.Taylor and Henry Fayol; principles of management; management as a science and an art;
management process.
15 Hours
Module II
Functions of management- planning: types of plan; planning process; organizing: span of
control, line and staff functions; centralization and decentralization; delegation; staffing:
manpower planning, recruitment, selection and placement; directing: principles of direction;
coordinating, and controlling
30 Hours
Module III
Manager vs leader; leadership and motivation; leadership styles; theories of motivation. MBO;
Management of performance; Understanding and managing group processes; characteristics of
work group, work group behaviour and productivity; team creation and management.
15 Hours
Module 1V
Ethics, culture and values: Importance of culture in organisations; Indian ethos and value
systems; Model of management in the Indian socio political environment; Work ethos; Indian
heritage in production and consumption.
15 Hours
Module V
Business ethics: Relevance of values in Management; Holistic approach for managers
indecision-making; Ethical Management: Role of organisational culture in ethics; structureof
ethics management; Ethics Committee.
15 Hours
Managing is essential in all organized co-operation, as well as at all levels of
organization in an enterprise. It is the function performed not only by corporation President and
the army general but also of the shop supervisors and the company commander. Managing is
equally important in business as well as non business organizations. During the last few
decades, Management as a discipline has attracted the attention of academicians and
practitioners to a very great extent. The basic reason behind this phenomenon is the growing
importance of management in day to day life of the people.
Because of the divergent views, it is very difficult to give a precise definition to the term
―Management‖. It has drawn concepts and Principles from economics, sociology, psychology,
anthropology, history, and statistics and so on. The result is that each group of contributors has
treated Management differently. Management is invariably defined as the process of ―getting
things done through the effort of others‖, getting from where we are to where we want to be
with the least expenditure of time, money and efforts, or co-ordinating individual and group
efforts, or co-ordinating individual and group efforts towards super-ordinate goals.
Harold Koontz defines management in a very simple form where he states that
―Management is the art of getting things done through and with the people in formally
organized groups‖.
Dalton E. McFarland defines Management as ―Management is defined for conceptual,
theoretical and analytical purposes as that process by which Managers create direct, maintain and
operate purposive organization through systematic co-ordinated co-operative human effort.‖
To sum up, we can say that management is the process of designing and maintaining an
environment in which individuals, working together in groups, efficiently accomplish selected aims.
Creative, dynamic management is a driving force behind the success of any business. In
today‘s marketplace, change is rapid and managers are expected to deal with a broad set of
issues and needs. How they address those issues is very different today than it was a hundred
years ago. Times have changed, labor has changed, and, most importantly, management
philosophies have changed. The management philosophies of yesterday are valuable tools for
managers to use today. The development of management thought has been evolutionary in
nature under the following four parts:-
1.Pre- Scientific Management Era [Before 1880]
2.Classical Management Era [1880-1930]
3.Neo-Classical Management Era[1930-1960]
4.Modern Management Era [1950 onwards]
During pre-scientific management era, valuable contributions were made by Churches,
Military organizations and writers like Charles Babbage and Robert oven. A school of thought
emerged in this era is known as pre-scientific management school.
The earliest management philosophy, the classical perspective, emerged in the 19th and
early 20th century in response to a problem businesses grapple with today: how to make
businesses efficient operating machines. In the factory system, managers had the challenge of
coordinating a huge, unskilled labor force, complex production systems, and an expansive
manufacturing operation. The classical theorists like F.W.Taylor and Henri Fayol concentrated
on organizational structure for the accomplishment of organizational goal.
Frederick Winslow Taylor‘s solution was the Scientific Management approach which
proposed that productivity could be improved only by a series of precise procedures developed
from a scientific observation of a situation. This approach standardized labor and training,
employee hiring, and tied compensation to increased productivity. While highly successful, this
approach did not take into consideration the diversity of abilities and needs within the
The neo classical writers like Elton Mayo and Chester I. Barnard tried to improve upon
the theories of classical writers. They suggested improvements for good human relations in the
organization. A crucial shift in management philosophy came in the 1920s with a new emphasis
on human behaviors, needs and attitudes in the workplace over the economy and efficiency of
production. This new way of thinking led the way for the human resource perspective, which
saw workers as a resource to be fully utilized, as opposed to tools from which to extract utility.
It suggested that beyond the need for worker inclusion and supportive leadership, organizations
should design jobs to meet the higher needs of their employees and utilize their full potential.
This perspective paved the way for the role that human relations departments play in
organizations today.
Many of today‘s management perspectives grew out of adaptations of the humanistic
perspective. One such perspective is the systems theory, which views an organization as a series
of interconnected systems that affect and are effected by each other
The modern management thinkers like Robert Schlaifer and Herbert Simon define
organization as a system. They also consider the impact of environment on the effectivenss of
the organization. The social system school, the decision theory school, the quantitative
management school, the systems management school, etc. are the contributions of modern
management era.
To sum up
(A)Early management approaches which are represented by scientific management, the
administrative management theory and the human relations movement
(B)Modern management approaches which are represented by scientific management, the
administrative/management science approach, the systems approach and the contingency approach
The purpose of this article is to identify the various schools of management theory, indicate the
source of the differences, and to provide some suggestions for disentangling the management
theory jungle. Koontz describes six schools of management theory as follows.
The management process school views management as a process of getting things done
with people working in organized groups. Fathered by Henri Fayol, this school views
management theory as a way of organizing experience for practice, research and teaching. It
begins by defining the functions of management.
and others expanded the concept of social systems to include any cooperative and purposeful
group interrelationship or behavior. According to this approach, the organization is essentially a
cultural system composed of people who work in co-operation. As such, for achieving
organizational goals, a co-operative system of management can be developed only by
understanding the behavior of people in groups.
The decision theory school of management concentrates on the rational approach to decisions
where alternative ideas or courses of action are analyzed. The decision is the central focus. This
approach looks at the basic problem of management around decision making – selection of
suitable course of action out of the given alternatives Major contribution to this approach has
come from Simon, March, Cyert, Forrester, etc. The major emphasis of this approach is that
decision making is the job of every manager. The manager is a decision maker and the
organization is a decision making unit. Therefore the basic problem in managing is to make
rational decision.
Taylor principal concern throughout most of his life was that of increasing efficiency in
production, not only to lower costs and raise profits, but also to make possible increased pay for
workers through their higher productivity. Taylor saw productivity as the answer to both higher
wages and higher profits, and he believed that the application of Scientific methods, instead of
custom and rule of thumb, could yield the productivity without the expenditure of more human
energy or effort.
Taylor‘s famous work entitled the ―The Principles of Scientific Management‖ was
published in 1911.Scientific Management is not any efficiency device, in its essence, scientific
management involves a complete mental revolution on the part of the working man in any
particular establishment or industry – and is equally complete mental revolution on the part of
those on the management side. The great mental revolution that takes place in the attitude of two
parties is that together they turn their attention towards increasing the surplus than dividing the
The fundamental Principles that Taylor was underlying the Scientific approach of
Management may be summarized as follows:-
Henri Fayol (Istanbul, 29 July 1841–Paris, 19 November 1925) was a French mining
engineer, director of mines, who developed independent of the theory of Scientific
Management, a general theory of business administration also known as Fayolism. His
contributions are generally termed as operational management or administrative management.
He was one of the most influential contributors to modern concepts of management. Fayolism is
one of the first comprehensive statements of a general theory of management developed by
Fayol. He has proposed that there are six primary functions of management and 14 principles of
management. The Primary function of management are forecasting planning organizing
commanding coordinating and controlling.Fayol‘s contributions were first published in the book
form titled as ―Administration Industrielle at Generale‘ in French language , in 1916.Fayol
looked at the problems of managing an organisation from top management point of view. He
has used the term ‗administration‘ instead of ‗management‘ emphasising that there is unity of
science of administrator. For him, administration was common activity and administrative
doctrine was universally applicable. Fayol found that the activities of an industrial organisation
could be divided into six groups.
Pointing out that these activities exist in business of every size, Fayol observed that the
first five were well known, and consequently he devoted most of his book to analyse the sixth
one, that is, managerial activity. Fayol has divided his approach of studying management into
three parts;[1] managerial qualities and training [2]general principles of management and [3]
elements of management
Fayol was the first person to identify the qualities required in a manager. According to
him, there are six types of qualities that a manager requires.these are as follows:
1. Division of work:
This principle suggests that work should be assigned to a person for which he is best
suited. Work should be divided up to that stage where it is optimum and just. This division of
work can be applied at all levels of the organization. Fayol has advocated division of work to
take the advantages of specialization
2. Authority and responsibility:
Responsibility means the work assigned to any person, and authority means rights that
are given to him to perform that work. It is necessary that adequate authority should be given to
discharge the responsibility. Authority includes official authority and personal authority.
Official authority is derived from the manager‘s position and personal authority is derived from
the personal qualities. In order to discharge the responsibility properly, there should be parity of
authority and responsibility.
3. Discipline:
This principle emphasizes that subordinates should respect their superiors and obeys their
orders. On the other hand, superiors‘ behavior should be such that they make subordinates
obedient. If such discipline is observed, there will be no problem of industrial disputes.
Discipline is obedience, application, energy, behavior and outward mark of respect shown by
employees. Discipline may be of two types; self imposed discipline and command discipline.
Self imposed discipline springs from within the individual and is in the nature of spontaneous
response to a skilful leader. Command discipline stems from a recognized authority.
4. Unity of command:
Subordinates should receive orders from one superior only. If he receives orders from
more than one person, he can satisfy none. The more completely an individual has a reporting
relationship to a single superior, the less is the problem of conflict in instructions and the
greatest is the feeling of personal responsibility for results.Fayol has considered unity of
command as an important aspect in managing an organization.
5. Unity of Direction:
Each group of activities having the same objective must have one head and one plan. In
the absence of this principle, there may be wastage, over expenditure and useless rivalry in the
same organisation. Unity of direction is different from Unity of command in the sense that
former is concerned with functioning of the organization in respect of its grouping its activities
or planning while later is concerned with personnel at all levels in the organization in terms of
reporting relationship.
6. Subordination of individual to general interest:
While taking any decision, the general interest, i.e., the interest of the organization as a
whole should be preferred to individual interests. Individual interest must be subordinate to
general interest when there is a conflict between the two. Superiors should set an example in
fairness and goodness.
7. Remuneration:
Management should try to give fair wages to the employees and employees should have
the satisfaction of being rightly paid. Remuneration must give satisfaction to both the employers
and employees.
8. Centralization:
Everything which goes to increase the importance of subordinate‘s role is
decentralization and everything which goes to reduce it is centralization. When a single person
controls the affairs of an organization, it is said to be complete centralisation.In small concerns,
a single manager can supervise the work of the subordinates easily, while in a big organization,
control is divided among a number of persons. Thus centralization is more in small concerns
and it is less in big concerns. Fayol‘s opinion was that the degree of centralization should be
fixed on the basis of capabilities of the persons.
9. Scalar Chain:
This is the chain of superiors from the highest to the lowest ranks. The order of this chain
should be maintained when some instructions are to be passed on or enquiries are to be made It
suggests that each communication going up or coming down must flow through each position in
the line of authority. It can be short circuited only in special circumstances when its rigid
following would be detrimental to the organization. For this purpose, Fayol has suggested gang
Plank which is used to prevent the scalar chain from bogging down action.
10. Order:
This is a principle relating to the arrangement of things and people. In material order,
there should be a place for everything and everything should be in its place. In social order,
there should be right man in the right place. Placement of men and materials should be properly
made. Proper space should be made available where materials can be kept safely. Each man
should be provided the work for which he is best suited.
11. Equity:
This principle requires the managers to be kind and just so that loyalty can be won from
the subordinates. Equity is a combination of justice and kindness. The application of equity
requires good sense, experience, and good nature for soliciting loyalty and devotion from
12. Stability of Tenure:
Employees should be selected on the principles of stability of employment. They should
be given necessary training so that they become perfect. There should not be frequent
termination of employees. Stability of tenure is essential to get an employee accustomed to new
work and succeeding in doing it well.
13. Initiative:
Within the limits of authority and discipline, managers would encourage their employees
for taking initiative. Initiative is concerned with thinking out and execution of a plan. Initiative
increases zeal and energy on the part of human beings.
Management as an art
The artistic talents of the manager can be enriched by the usage of scientific tools. The
artist in any manager definitely has an edge. His creativity and productivity can be magnified by
using the correct scientific methods. The art of management existed long before automation.
Without doubt, the science has made the management easier. But focusing only on the science
may lead to shift of focus of the entire team and create overheads. Success of managers depends
on how effectively they can use the scientific aid to enhance their artistic skills. Medicine
engineering, accountancy and the like require skills on the part of the practitioners and can only
be acquired through practice. Management is no exception
Art is concerned with particle knowledge and personal skill for doing out the desired
results. In management, a manager should have practical knowledge & skill. Otherwise his
performance will be adversely affected.
Management is a way of doing a specific action while doing the function of an art is to achieve
the success in a given action.
According to George R. Terry, "Art is bringing about of a desired result through
application of skill." Thus, art has 5 essential features.
i. Practical Knowledge
ii. Personal Skill
iii. Concrete Result
iv. Constructive Skill
v. Improvement through practice
These 5 functions of art also belong to the management. When a manager uses his
management skill then he must have practical knowledge for solving managerial problem. A
manager also has power to face the problem to find out the result, which is only possible when
he/she has constructive skills. To improve the managerial skill, managerial work should be done
on regular basis because regularity and practice make the work effective. So, we can say that
manager is an artist since he/she posses the skill of getting the work done through and with the
people. Therefore, it can be concluded that manager is an artist and management is bound to be
an art.
Management as a Science
Science refers to an organized and systematic body of knowledge acquired by mankind
though observation, experimentation and also based on some universal principles, concepts, and
theories. Principles of science are developed through testing & observation. With the help of
concept of science it can safely be concluded that management is also a science because it is
based upon certain principle and concerned as a systematized body of knowledge, observation,
test and experiment is a science, however it is not exact as physics, chemistry, biology, etc.
Management Concepts & Business Ethics 16
School of Distance Education
1. Planning
The first management function in scope of management functions that managers must
perform is PLANNING. Within this function plan is created to accomplish the mission and
vision of the business entity. Under the mission is considered the reason for the establishment,
while under the vision is considered where business entity is aiming. The plan must define the
time component and to plan necessary resources to fulfill the plan. Accordingly plan of
organization is developed together with required personnel; method of leading people is defined
and controlling instruments for monitoring the realization of plans. The guiding idea in the
making of mentioned items is the realization of the objectives and fulfilling the mission and
vision of the business entity. Planning may be broadly defined as a concept of executive action
that embodies the skills of anticipating, influencing and controlling the nature and direction of
Each organization should make a good first step, a good plan, because without it the
organization takes a great risk of mistakes and thus compromising their business.
2. Organizing
Organizing is the second function manager, where he had previously prepared plan,
establish an appropriate organizational structure in business organization. In part, it determines
the ranges of management, type of organizational structure, authority in the organization, types
and ways of delegating and developing lines of communication. The organization and its
subsystems are placed under the plan, which was created as part of functions, ie planning.
Organizing basically involves analysis of activities to be performed for achieving organizational
objectives, grouping them into various departments and sections so that these can be assigned to
various individuals and delegating them appropriate authority so that they can carry their work
properly. In performing construction and organization in particular must pay attention to formal
and informal lines of communication, because if these lines are not adequately monitored the
possibility of collision between them, resulting in delays and / or even failure to achieve the
3. Staffing
Staffing, as the next function of management, consists of a selection of appropriate staff for
the organization to reach a goal / goals easier and more efficient. According to today‘s experience is
well known that it is difficult to financially evaluate, quality and efficient staff. Staff is one of the
more valuable, if not the most valuable resource in any successful organization. For this reason,
4. Directing
5. Controlling
Control is any process that guides activity towards some pre-determined goals. It can be
applied in any field such as price control, distribution control, pollution control etc.It is an
element of management process and is defined as the process of analyzing whether actions are
being taken as planned and taking corrective actions to make these to conform to planning.
Control process tries to find out deviations between planed performance and actual performance
and to suggest corrective actions wherever these are needed. Controlling is a forward looking
function as one can control the future happenings and not the past. Every manager has to
perform the control function in the organization. It is a continuous process and control system is
a co-ordinate integrated system.
Performance of various managerial functions in an integrated way ensures fair degree of
co-ordination among individuals and departments. Co-ordination is related with the
synchronization of efforts which have amount, time and direction attributes. Co-ordination is
thus treated as the essence of management.
The management process involves performance of certain fundamental functions. One
useful classification of managerial function has been given by Luther Gulick, who abbreviating
them using the word POSDCORB – Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing, Co- Ordinating,
Reporting and Budgeting. George R Terry has mentioned four fundamental functions of
management, Planning, Organizing, Actuating and Controlling. In short, different scholars in
the field of management have their own classification of functions of management. Some
scholars add few functions and delete some other functions. The Important functions of
management are discussed below: -
Planning is the most crucial and foremost function of management. It is defined as the
process of setting goals and choosing the means to achieve those goals. A sound planning is
inperative for the successful achievement of the goals in the desired direction. It is rightly said
―well plan is half done‖. It involves setting of objectives and goals, designing appropriate
strategy and cource of action, and framing plans and procedure etc for execution of the proposed
activities under the project.
According to George R Terry, ―Planning is the selecting and relating of facts and making
and using of assumptions regarding the future in the visualization and formulation of proposed
activities believed necessary to achieve desired results.‖
According to Henry Fayol, ―Planning is deciding the best alternatives among others to
perform different managerial operations in order to achieve the predetermined goals.‖
Generally speaking, planning is deciding in advance what is to be done, that is, a plan is a
projected course of action.
Features of Planning
1. Planning is looking in to the future
2. It involves predetermined lines of action
3. Planning is a continuous process
4. Planning integrates various activities of an organization
5. Planning is done for a specific period
6. It discovers the best alternatives out of available alternatives
following diagram.
Types of Plans
A manager is required to develop a number of plans to achieve the organizational objectives.
Three major types of plans can help managers to achieve their organizational goals.
1. Operational Plans
2. Tactical Plans
3. Strategic Plans
1.Operational Plans: It is one that a manager uses to accomplish his or her job responsibilities.
In other words, it is the plan used to achieve operational goals. Operational goals are the
specific result expected from the departments, work groups and individuals. Operational plans
may be single use plans or ongoing plans.
a. Single use plans: It is applied to those activities which do not recur or repeat. A special
sales programme is an example of single use plan, because , it deals with the who, what, where,
how and how much of an activity. It includes:
(i)Budget: It is a statement of expected results expressed in quantitative terms for a
definite period of time. It is prepared keeping in view the objectives , resources and of the
enterprise. It is a useful control device and helpful in co-coordinating the activities. It predicts
sources and amounts of income and how much they are used for a specific project.
(ii)Programme: It is a sequence of activities to be undertaken for implementing the policies
and achieving the objectives of an organization. It tells what is to be done to achieve the goals.
b. Continuing or ongoing plans: These are usually made once and retain their
value over a period of years while undergoing periodic revision and updates. The following
plans are included in this category.
(i)Policy: It provides broad guidelines for managers to follow when dealing with
important areas of decision making. It is basically a general statement that explains how a
manager should attempt to handle routine management responsibilities. They are standing
answers to recurring questions.
(ii)Procedures: A procedure is a set of step by step direction that explains how activities
or task are to be carried out. An established procedure ensures uniformity of action. Most
organization has procedures for purchasing supplies and equipments. By defining steps to be
taken and the order in which they are to be done, procedures provide a standardized way of
responding to a repetitive problem.
(iii) Rules: It is an explicit statement that tells an employee, what he or she can and
cannot do. Rules are definite and rigid. Rules are ―do‖ and ―don‘t‖ statements put into place to
promote the safety of employees and the uniform treatment and behavior of employees. For eg.
Rules about absenteeism permit supervisors to make discipline decision rapidly and with a high
degree of fairness.
2. Tactical Plans: These are plans which usually span one year or less. It is concerned with
what the lower level units within each division must do, how they must do it, and who is in
charge at each level. Tactics are the means needed to activate a strategy and make it work.
3. Strategic Plan: It is an outline of steps designed with the goals of the entire organization in
mind, rather than with the goals of specific divisions. It look ahead over the four, five or even
more years to move the organization from where it currently to where it wants to be. Top
managements strategic plan for the entire organization becomes the frame work and sets
dimension for the lower level planning.
Contingency Plan: These plans are used when the original plan proves inadequate because of
changing circumstances.
Limitations of Planning
Following are the limitations of Planning
1. Time consuming: The management cannot prepare any plan without taking much time .
A number of steps are required to complete planning process.
2. Costly: It is considered as an expensive process. A lot of money is to be spent for
collection, analysis and editing of data.
3. False sense of security: The management people think that there is security, if planning is
properly adhered. But this is not true in practice.
4. Technological changes: The management is not in a position to change its policies
according to technological changes. It will affect the planning process.
5. Political climate: A change in the political climate leads to a change in the policy and
attitude towards different financial aspects. It will affect the planning process.
6. Lack of reliable data: The success of all the plans are based on the availability of reliable
data. It is very difficult to procure reliable data.
7. Initiative: Planning compels everyone to work as per plan. It reduces the scope for
initiation from the part of employees and they will become more mechanical.
8. Limitations of forecasts: Planning is fully based on forecasts. If there is any defect in
forecasts, the planning will lose its value.
Meaning and Definition
The process of organizing involves establishing an intentional structure of roles for the
staff at all levels of hierarchy in the organization. It is the function of identifying the required
activities, grouping them into jobs, assigning jobs to various position holders, and creating a
network of relationship, so that the required functions are performed in a co-ordinated manner,
leading to the accomplishment of desired goals.
Steps in Organizing
The logical sequence of steps in organizing is mentioned below:-
1. Establishing objectives
2. Designing Plans and Policies
3. Identifying specific activities
4. Grouping activities according to available resources
5. Delegating the authority necessary to perform the activities.
6. Tying the groups together through authority relationship and communication.
Functions of Organisation
The following are the important functions of organization
Principles of Organisation
The following are the important Principles to be followed by management for the success
of an organization.
1. Principle of definition: - It says that, it is necessary to define and fix the duties,
responsibilities and authority of each work. In addition to that the organizational
relationship of each worker with others should be clearly defined.
2. Principles of Objectives:- The objectives of different departs should be geared to
achieve the main objective of the organization.
3. Division of work:- A work should be assigned to a person according to his educational
qualifications, experience, skill and interest. It will result in attaining specialization in a
particular area.
4. Principles of continuity: It is essential that there should be a re operation of objectives,
re adjustment of plants and provision of opportunities for the development of future
management. This process is taken over by every organization periodically.
5. Principles of Span of Control: This principles determines the number of subordinates a
superior can effectively manage.
6. Principles of Exception: Here, all the routine decisions are taken by the subordinates;
senior managers will only deal with exceptional matters. It is known as management by
7. Principles of flexibility: The organizational set up should be flexible to adjust to the
changing environment of business.
8. Principles of Unity of Direction: All departmental goals are tuned to achieve common
goal. So there should be co-ordination of all the activities.
9. Principles of Balance: There are several units functioning separately under on
organizational set up. So, it is essential that the sequence of work should be arranged
10. The scalar principle: It says that each and every person should know who is his superior
and to whom he is answerable.
11. Principle of efficiency: The work should be completed with minimum members, in less
time, with minimum resources and with the right time.
12. Delegation of Authority: Authority should be delegated to the subordinate for the
successful completion of assigned job.
13. Principles of responsibility: Each person is responsible for the work completed by him.
So the responsibility of the subordinates should be clearly defined.
14. Principles of Uniformity: The work distribution should be in such a manner that there
should be an equal status and equal authority and powers among the same line officers.
15. Simplicity and Accountability: The structures of the organization should be simple and
the higher authorities are accountable for the acts of their subordinates
Classification of Organization
1. Formal Organisation: It is an organizational structure which clearly defines
the duties, responsibilities, authority and relationship as prescribed by the top management. It
represents the classification of activities within the enterprise, indicate who reports to whom and
explains the vertical flow of communications which connects the chief executive to the ordinary
2. Informal Organisation: It is an organizational structure which establishes the
relationship on the basis of the likes and dislikes of officers without considering the rules,
regulations and procedures. The friendship, mutual understanding and confidence are some of
the reasons for existing informal organization.
Differences between formal and informal Organisation:
Formal Organisation Informal Organisation
1.It is created deliberately 1. It is spontaneous.
2.Authority flows from top to bottom 2. Informal authority flows from top to
bottom or horizontally.
3. It arises from man‘s quest for social
3.It is created for technological purpose satisfaction
4. There is no such permanent nature
4.It is permanent and stable and stability
5. It gives importance to people and
5.It gives importance to terms of their relationship.
authority and function. 6. It arises due to social interaction of
6. It arises due to delegation of people
authority 7. No such written rules and duties.
Organisation is designed on the basis of principles of division of labor and span of
management. The success of the organization depends upon the competence and efficiency of
the officers. It is necessary to chalk out line of authority among the people working in an
Types of Organizational Structure
A brief explanation of the important types of organizations is given below:-
Under Line organization, each department is generally a complete self contained unit. In this
type of organization, the line authority flows from top to bottom vertically. It clearly identifies
authority, responsibility and accountability at each level, departmental heads are given full
freedom to control their department. This type of organization is followed in the army on the
same pattern. So, it is also called military organization.
In this type of organization Line officers have authority to take decisions and implement
them, but the staff officers will assist them while taking decisions. The function of staff officers
are only an advising one. They should advise and help line managers to take proper decisions.
In the fast developing industrial world, the line officers are not in a position to acquire all the
technical knowledge, which are necessary for taking right decisions. That gap may be bridged
with the help of staff officers. The staff officers may be experts in a particular field.
3. The decision is taken only after making consultations with the functional authority
relating to his specialized area.
The following are the important principles of delegation.
1. Delegation to go by results: The superiors should clearly know what he expects from the
subordinates before delegation of authority. It should be noted that the objective of the
organization are to be accomplished in time.
2. Non-delegation of responsibility: Assigning duties does not mean delegation of
responsibilities. A superior can delegate authority but not responsibility.
3. Parity of authority and responsibility: Responsibility without authority will make a
person an inefficient one. So there should be a proper balance between authority and
4. Unity of command: A subordinate should be assigned duties and responsibilities only by
one superior and he is accountable only to the concerned superior.
5. Definition of limitation of authority: There should be a written manual which help a
person to understand the authority in right direction.
The following steps will help the successful delegation of authority.
1. Deciding the goals to be achieved: The purpose of delegation is to enable efficient
accomplishment of organizational objectives. If it is not clearly defined, the subordinate
may hesitate to accept the authority.
2. Establishment of definite responsibility: The authority and responsibility of each
subordinate should be clear in terms. It helps to avoid duplication of authority.
3. Determining what to delegate: This will necessitate the evaluation of the capacity of the
individual and needs of the organization.
4. Training: Subordinate should be properly trained in handling delegated work.
5. Control system: There should be a suitable control system to keep a careful watch over the
performance of the subordinates.
A brief explanation of the different types of delegation is given below:
1. General delegation: It means granting authority to the subordinate to perform various
managerial functions and exercise control over them.
2. Specific delegation: Here, orders or instructions are delegated to a particular person
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Span of management or Span of control means the number of people managed efficiently by a
single officer in an organization. It is an accepted truth that large number of subordinates
cannot be supervised and their efforts coordinated effectively by a single executive. Only
limited numbers of persons are allocated to the executive for dividing the work. The limit of
number of members for span of control may be increased or decreased according to the levels of
According to Urwick, the ideal number of subordinates is four in case of higher level
management and eight to twelve in case of lower level management.
2. Leadership qualities of the supervisor: If the supervisor has more skill and capacity to
control the subordinates, the span of management may be increase and vice-versa.
3. Capacity of the subordinates: If the subordinates have enough talent to perform the
work assigned to them, the manager or the supervisor can control more number of
4. Delegation of authority: If the authority delegates the powers of decision making,
planning and execution to the subordinates, the span of control may be increased.
5. Level of supervision: Depending up on the requirement of supervision needed, the span
of control may vary. In other words degree of span of control can be increased at bottom
level and decreased at top level.
6. Fixation of responsibility: In case the responsibility of subordinate is clearly defined,
then the superior can supervise large number of subordinates.
7. Communication methods: The methods used for communication is very important. If new
and modern techniques are used, then lesser time is required to control and vice-versa.
8. Using of standards: If standards are used to detect the errors, then the executives can
control more number of subordinates.
Staffing may be defined as a process of recruiting and equipping the people to handle
various positions and perform assigned tasks in line with the structure and the overall goals
of the organisation. It is the managerial function which involves managing the organisation
structure through proper and effective selection, appraisal and development of the personnel
to fill the roles assigned to the employers/workforce.
According to Theo Haimann ― Staffing pertains to recruitment, selection, development
and compensation of subordinates .‖
In the words of Benjamin, ―It is the process involved in identifying, assessing, placing,
evaluating, and directing individuals at work place.‖
Staffing Process:
The following specific activities are included in the staffing process.
1. Identification of areas of specialization to match the nature and mandate of the
2. Estimation of the future manpower requirements
3. Recruitment
4. Selection and Placement
5. Performance Appraisal
6. Placing and Training
Staffing Function
Staffing function involves Man power planning, Recruitment, Selection, Training and
Development and Performance Appraisal.
Meaning and Definition
Planning of man power resources is a major managerial Responsibility to ensure adequate
supply of personnel at the right time both in terms of their quality, quantity and aptitude
Man power planning, which is also called HR Planning consists of putting right number of
people at the right place, right time doing the right things for which they are suited for the
achievement of goals of the Organisation.
Man power planning is carried out in a set of procedures. The procedure is as follows:
a. Analyse the current man power inventory
b. Marketing future man power forecasts
c. Developing employment programme
d. Design training programme.
2. Job Analysis: It is a systematic study of jobs to know the nature and characteristics ofo
people to be employed in different kinds of job. It give a clue about type of personnel
required. It provides information about the nature of job, and the qualifications that are
desirable in the job holder. It includes:-
Job description:- It is a detailed study of job to know the nature and characteristics of
the people in different kinds of job. It prescribes the nature of job to be performed,
relationship with other jobs, purpose of the job etc. The job description statement is
helpful in the process of selection, training, performance appraisal and job evaluation.
Job specification:- The result of the job analysis is written in a statement known as job
description. Job specification refers to the summary of the personal characteristics required for the
job. It describes the type of person required in terms of qualification, experience , aptitude etc.
The basic difference between job description and specification is that the former
describes the details of the job, which latter describes the requirements of the person performing
the job.
3. Man power inventory: It is not simply counting of heads presently available in
organisation, but cataloguing of their present and future potentialities and aptitudes. This
process involves four steps.
1. Determination of personnel to be inventories.
2. Cataloguing of factual information on each individual.
3. Detailed study of those individuals who have potential for development.
4. Identification of Gap between availability and Required man power:- Now the
organisation is in a position to determine the actual needs of personnel and their availability.
While determining the future requirement, we have to consider the loss of personnel due to
quits, discharge, mutually agreed release, death, retirement etc. After identifying the gap
between the available and required man power, it should be filled up by recruitment and
According to McFarland, ―The term recruitment applies to the process of attracting potential
employees of the company.‖
In the words of Edwin B Flippo, ‖It is the process of searching for prospective employees
and stimulating them to apply for the job in the organisation.‖
Sources of Recruitment
Sources of recruitment may be external or internal.
External sources: - It includes
a. Advertisement
b. Employment agencies
i. Public Employment Exchanges
ii. Pvt. Employment agencies
c. Campus recruitment
d. Deputation
e. Employee recommendations
f. Labour unions
g. Gate Hiring
h. Un solicited applications
i. Jobbers and Contractors
j. Walk in interviews
1. It is an expensive way of selecting employees
2. Lack of co-operation from the existing employees
3. It is a time consuming process
4. In this case there is a danger of non adjustment
Internal Sources: It includes
1. Transfers
2. Promotion and Demotion
Merits of Internal Sources
1. It is economical in all respect
2. It requires lesser time
3. It helps to improve the morale of the employees
4. It is a more accurate and reliable source
5. It induces the staff members to work hard
6. It helps to derive job satisfaction
7. There is no need of any industrial training
3. Blank application: The applicants who were selected at preliminary interview are
required to fill up a blank application form. It is basically a printed form used to collect
the individual bio data of the candidate.
4. Tests: The test is conducted by the organization for the purpose of knowing more about
the applicants to be selected or rejected. There are mainly two tests. Proficiency test and
aptitude test. Proficiency test refers to the testing of skills and abilities possessed by the
candidate. Aptitude test refers to measuring the skills and abilities which may be
developed by the applicant to perform the job in future.
5. Interviews: It is considered as a method of personal appraisal through a face to face
conversation and observation. Interview helps the employer to evaluate the candidate
regarding the personality, smartness, intelligence, attitude etc.
There are different types of interviews are used by different organizations, like
Direct interview, Indirect interview, Patterned interview, Stress interview, Systematic in
depth interview, group interview etc.
6. Checking references: Sometimes, the applicants are requested to furnish references. The
applicants may include the name and address of present educational institutions or
respected or reputed persons in his locality. The information furnished in the application is
checked from these persons.
7. Medical Examinations: This is carried out for the purpose of assessing physical fitness
of the prospective employees.
8. Final Selection: A suitable applicant is selected on the basis of performance in the above mentioned
tests and interviews. Only the required number of applicants is selected by the management.
9. Placement: Here a position is assigned to an individual where he can use all his efforts
consistent with the requirement of his total working group and then he will get job
Differences between Recruitment and Selection
Basis Recruitment Selection
Meaning It is an activity of establishing It is a process of picking up more
contact between employers competent and suitable employees.
and applicants.
Objectives It encourages large number of It attempts at rejecting unsuitable
candidates for a job candidates
Process It is a simple process It is comparatively a complicated process
Approach It is a positive approach It is a negative approach
Sequence It precedes selection It follows recruitment
Time consuming Less time is required More time is required
It refers to a Programme that facilitates an employee to perform the job effectively
through acquiring increased knowledge and skills.
According to Edwin B Flippo,‖ Training is the act of increasing the knowledge and skills
of an employee for doing a particular job.‖
Types of Training
The training may be of
I. On the Job Training
II. Off the Job Training
I. On the Job Training: It refers to the learning while actually performing a particular work
or job. This type of training is more suitable to every type of employees. It includes:
a. On specific job training
b. Rotation of position /job rotation
c. Special projects
d. Apprenticeship training
II. Off the Job Training: Under this method, a trainee is removed from his normal working
place and spends his full time for training purpose in any other place. It includes:
a. Special course and lectures
b. Conference
c. Case study
d. Role playing
e. Management games etc
Directing is the process of integrating the people within the organisation so as to obtain
their willing co-operation towards meeting the pre determined goals.
According to Theo Haimann,‖ Directing consists of the process and techniques utilized
in issuing instructions and making certain that operations are carried on as originally planned.‖
Principles of Direction:
The following are the basic principles of directing:
1. Integration of individual and organizational goals: This implies that the individuals
contribute to the organizational goals to their maximum capabilities and at the same time
satisfy their personal needs.
Techniques of Direction
There are mainly three techniques are used for direction:
1. Consultative direction: Under this method, the supervisor has consultation with his
subordinates before issuing a direction. The consultation is made to find out the feasibility,
enforceability and nature of problem.
2. Free rein direction: Under these techniques, the subordinate is encouraged to solve the
problem independently. The subordinate should take initiative to solve the problem.
3. Autocratic direction: It is opposite to free rein direction. The supervisor commands his
subordinates and has close supervision over them.
It is a process of integrating the interdepartmental activities as unified action towards the
fulfillment of the predetermined common goals of the organization.
According to Henry Fayol, ― To co-ordinate is to harmonize all the activities of a concern
so as to facilitate its working and its success. In a well co-ordinated enterprise, each department
or division, works in harmony with other and is fully informed of its role in the organization.
The working schedule of various departments is constantly turned to circumstances.‖
1. It is not a separate function of management.
2. I t is necessary to all levels of management.
3. It is a continuous and dynamic process.
4. Group efforts are more relevant than individual efforts.
5. Unity of action is the heart of co-ordination.
6. It is a system concept.
Types of Co-ordination
The following are the important types of co-ordination.
1. Vertical co-ordination: - It refers to co-ordination between activities of a manager and his
2. Horizontal co-ordination:- It refers to co-ordination among peers – ie employees working at the
same levels in organizational hierarchy and among various departments.
3. Diagonal co-ordination: It is co-ordination among the users and between users and service
personnel, which is achieved through understanding, negotiation and voluntary effort.
Principles of Co-ordination:
In order to ensure effective co-ordination, the co-ordination should be based on certain
1. Personal contact: Effective co-ordination can be achieved through personal contact.
Personal contact avoids controversy and misunderstanding.
2. Reciprocal relationship: This principle says that all factors in a situation are reciprocally
related. Each factor influences other factor.
3. Dynamism: Co-ordination is modified according to the external and internal actions and
decisions ie co-ordination should be a dynamic one.
4. Continuity: It says that co-ordination is a continuous process.
5. Self co-ordination: According to this principle, the function of one department affects other
departments and in turn, is affected by the function of other departments.
6. Clear cut objectives: As per this principle, the departments heads should know clearly the objectives of the
7. Effective communication: Effective communication is very necessary for the proper co-ordination.
8. Early stage of starting: The co-ordination should be started even from the planning function of management.
The Control function is closely related with all other functions of management. The management
control is the process of ensuring that the actual plan implementation matches with the original
plan. It is an ongoing and dynamic function and linked with other function of the management in
a circular relationship.
According to Koonts O‘Donnel, ―Controlling is the measurement of accomplishment against
the standards and the correction of deviation to assure attainment of objectives according to
Steps in Control Process
The control process involves four basic steps as mentioned below:-
1. Establishing standards:- Standard represents criteria of performance. This implies the
statement of goals and objective envisaged under the planning process are stated in clear and
measurable terms along with specific milestones. The standard should have some
characteristics to produce effective performance.
2. Measurement of performance against standards: The measurement of performance is an
ongoing process. Several techniques are used by the management to measure the
3. Comparing the actual performances with standards: The measured results are compared
with the project and standards. In case the performance meets the standards, then it would
mean that the performance or activity is progressing in the desired direction.
4. Taking corrective action: In the situations when performance does not confirm to the
specified criteria of the standards, then it is necessary to take corrective measures to deal
with the observed deviations in the performance.
A Manager is the person responsible for planning and directing the work of a group of
individuals, monitoring their work, and taking corrective action when necessary. For many
people, this is their first step into a management career.
Managers may direct workers directly or they may direct several supervisors who direct
the workers. The manager must be familiar with the work of all the groups he/she supervises,
but does not need to be the best in any or all of the areas. It is more important for the manager to
know how to manage the workers than to know how to do their work well.
A manager may have the power to hire or fire employees or to promote them. In larger
companies, a manager may only recommend such action to the next level of management. The
manager has the authority to change the work assignments of team members.
A leader is someone who has the capacity to create a compelling vision that takes people
to a new place, andf to translate that vision into action. Leaders draw other people to them by
enrolling them in their vision. What a leader does is inspire people and empower them. Thus a
leader is a person who has a vision, a drive and a commitment to achieve that vision, and the
skills to make it happen.
Leadership and management must go hand in hand. They are not the same thing. But they
are necessarily linked, and complementary. Any effort to separate the two is likely to cause
more problems than it solves. The important differences between manager and leader can be
discussed on the following basis.
The subordinates are the followers The group of employees whom the
of managers. leaders lead is his followers.
All managers are leaders. All leaders are not managers.
Leadership is an activity on the part of the managers to get something done by others,
willingly and not by compulsion. Leadership is a process of influence on a group. Leadership is
the ability of a manager to induce subordinates to work with confidence.
In the words of Koontz and O‘ Donnel, ―leadership is the ability of a manager to induce
subordinates to work with confidence and zeal.‖
According to Chester I Bernard, ―leadership refers to the quality of the behavior of
individual whereby they guide people on their activities in organized efforts‖
According to Luis A Allen, ―a leader is one who guides and directs other people. He
gives the efforts to his followers a direction and purpose by influencing their behavior‖
Thus leadership is a psychological process of influencing followers and providing
guidance, directing and leading the people in an organization towards attainment of the
objectives of the enterprise.
Functions of a Leader
The functions of a leader can be detailed as follows
1. Taking the initiative – A leader initiates all the measures which are necessary for the
purpose of ensuring the health and progress of the undertaking in a competitive economy.
2. He identifies group goals
3. he represents the organization
4. He acts as an arbitrator
5. To assign reasons for his actions
6. To interpret the objectives of organization
7. To guide and direct the organization
8. To encourage team work
9. He manages the organization
Leadership Styles
The term leadership styles can be defined as a leader‘s behavior towards group members.
It refer to the pattern of behavior which a leader adopts in influencing the behavior of his
subordinates in the organizational context. Different leadership styles can be categorized as
1. Autocratic Leadership
Autocratic leadership is also known as authoritarian, directive, leader centered or monothetic
style. Under this style, leader concentrates all authority in himself, instructs a subordinate as
to what to do, how to do it, when to do it etc. He also exercises close supervision and control
over his subordinates. There are three categories of autocratic leaders
a. Strict Autocrat – A strict autocrat relies on negative influence and gives orders which the
subordinates must accept. He may also use his powers to disperse rewards to his group.
b. Benevolent Autocrat – The benevolent is effected in getting high productivity in many
situations and he can develop effective human relationship. His motivational style is usually
c. Manipulative Autocrat – A manipulative autocrat leader is one who makes the subordinates
feel that they are participating in decision making process even though he has already taken
the decisions.
2. Participative Leadership
This style is also called as democratic, consultative, group centered or ideographic style. A
participative leader is one who consults and invites his subordinates to participate in decision
making process. Under this style, subordinates are freely allowed to communicate with the
leader and also with their fellow subordinates and take their own initiative.
Characteristics of Motivation
The following are the important characteristics and nature of motivation
1. Motivation is an internal feeling – Motivation is a psychological phenomenon which is a
force within an individual that drives him to behave in a certain way.
2. Motivation produces goal-directed behavior – An individual‘s behavior is directed
towards a goal.
3. Motivation is related to needs – Needs are deficiencies which are created whenever there
is a physiological or psychological imbalance.
4. Motivation can be positive or negative – Positive or incentive motivation is generally
based on rewards. Negative or fear motivation is based on force and fear.
5. Motivation is a continuous process – Satisfaction of human needs is a never ending
process. It is a continuous process. So motivation is also a continuous process.
6. Motivation is dynamic – Needs of a person today may be different from needs of
tomorrow. So motivation is highly dynamic.
Importance and benefits of Motivation
Motivation is an effective device in the hands of a manager for inspiring the work force
and creating confidence in it. By motivating the work force, management can achieve the
organizational goals. The various benefits of motivation are
1. A manager directs or guides the workers‘ actions in the desired direction for
accomplishing the goals of the organization by motivating the workers.
2. Workers will try to be efficient as possible by improving upon their skills and knowledge
so that they are able to contribute to the progress of the organization.
3. Ability to work and willingness to work are necessary for performing any task. These
two things can be created only by motivation.
4. Motivation contributes to good industrial relations in the organization.
5. Motivation is the best remedy for resistance to changes. If the workers of an organization
are motivated, they will accept any change whole-heartily for the organizational benefits.
6. Motivation facilitates the maximum utilization of all the factors of production and
thereby contributes to higher production.
7. Motivation promotes a sense of belonging among the workers.
8. Motivation leads to lower turnover and absenteeism because a satisfied employee will not
leave the organization.
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Theories of Motivation
There are many internal and external variables that affect the motivation to work.
Behavioral scientists started to search new facts and techniques for motivation. These are
called as motivation theories. The most important theories are
1. Mc Gregor‘s Theory X and Theory Y
2. Herzberg‘s Two Factor Theory
3. Maslow‘s Need Hierarchy Theory
4. Mc Clelland‘s Achievement Theory
Theory X – This is the traditional theory of human behavior which makes the following
1. The average human being has an inherent dislike of work and will avoid it if he can.
2. He lacks ambition, dislikes responsibility and prefers to be directed.
3. He is inherently self-centered, indifferent to organizational needs.
4. He is by nature resistant to change.
5. Working method of the people is generally traditional and hence there is little scope for
the development and research.
6. People would be passive without active intervention by management. Hence they must be
persuaded, rewarded, punished and properly directed.
7. He is gullible, not very bright.
Motivation Factors – These factors are satisfiers. These are a set of job conditions which
operate primarily to build strong motivational factors. According to Herzberg, the six
motivational factors motivate the employees are achievement, recognition, advancement,
challenging work, possibilities for growth and responsibility.
1. Physiological Needs – these needs are related to the survival and maintenance of life.
These include hunger, thirst, shelter, sex and other bodily needs.
2. Safety or Security Needs – These consist of physical safety against murder, fire
accident, security against unemployment etc.
3. Social or Love Needs – these needs are also called as affiliation needs. These consist of need
for love, affection, belonging or association with family, friends and other social groups.
4. Esteem or Ego Needs – The esteem needs are concerned with self respect, self confidence,
feeling of personal worth, feeling of being unique and recognition. Satisfaction of these
needs produces feeling of self confidence, prestige, power and control.
5. Self Actualization or Self Fulfillment Needs – Self actualization is the need to
maximize one‘s potential, whatever it may be. It is the need to fulfill what a person
considers to be his real mission in life. It helps in individual to realize one‘s potentialities
to the maximum.
Mc Clelland used the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) to study human needs. The
TAT process involves asking respondents to look at pictures and write stories about what
they see in the pictures. The stories are then analyzed to find certain themes that represent
various human needs.
Management By Objectives (MBO)
MBO is both a philosophy and approach of management. It isa process whereby
superiors and subordinates jointly identify the common objectives, set the results that should
be achieved by the subordinates, assess the contribution of each individuals, and integrate
individuals with the organization so as to make he best use of organizational resources. Thus
MBO is a system for integrating managerial activities.
According to Koontz and O‘ Donnel, ―MBO is a comprehensive managerial system that
integrates many key managerial activities in a systematic manner, consciously directed
towards the effective and efficient achievement of organizational objectives‖
Features of MBO
The following are the important features of MBO
1. MBO is an approach and philosophy to management and not merely a technique.
2. MBO gives emphasis opn objectives.
3. MBO is concerned with the participation of concerned managers I objective setting and
performance reviews.
4. MBO reviews performance periodically.
5. Objectives in MBO provide guidelines for appropriate systems and procedures.
6. MBO establishes a community of interest and a shared sense of vision among all the
Process of MBO
The following are the stages involved in the MBO process
1. Setting of organizational objectives
The first step in MBO is the definition of organizational objectives and purpose.
Usually the objective setting starts at the top level of organization and moves downward
to the lowest managerial levels. The setting objective include defining the purpose of
organization, long range and short range organizational objectives, divisional or
departmental objective an d individual manager‘s objectives.
2. Identification of Key Result Areas
Organizational o0bjectves provide the basis for the identification of Key Result
Areas(KRAs). KRAs are derived from thr expectations of various stakeholders and they
indicate the priorities for organizational performance such as profitability, market
standing, innovation, productivity, social responsibility etc.
Performance Management
Performance management (PM) includes activities that ensure that goals are consistently
being met in an effective and efficient manner. Performance management can focus on the
performance of an organization, a department, employee, or even the processes to build a
product or service, as well as many other areas.
This is used most often in the workplace, can apply wherever people interact — schools,
churches, community meetings, sports teams, health setting, governmental agencies, and even
political settings - anywhere in the world people interact with their environments to produce
desired effects.
It may be possible to get all employees to reconcile personal goals with organizational
goals and increase productivity and profitability of an organization using this process. It can be
applied by organisations or a single department or section inside an organisation, as well as an
individual person. The performance process is appropriately named the self-propelled
performance process (SPPP)
2. Discouragement
If the process is not a pleasant experience, it has the potential to discourage staff. The
process needs to be one of encouragement, positive reinforcement and a celebration of a year‘s
worth of accomplishments. It is critical that managers document not only issues that need to be
corrected, but also the positive things an employee does throughout the course of a year, and
both should be discussed during a performance appraisal.
3. Inconsistent Message
If a manager does not keep notes and accurate records of employee behavior, they may
not be successful in sending a consistent message to the employee. We all struggle with
memory with as busy as we all are so it is critical to document issues (both positive and
negative) when it is fresh in our minds.
4. Biases
It is difficult to keep biases out of the performance management process and it takes a
very structured, objective process and a mature manager to remain unbiased through the
Understanding and Managing Group Process
Group and Group Dynamics
Groups exist in every organization and they affect the behavior of their members. Many
groups may be created for specific purposes in the organization. Besides this, there may be
groups not created by the organization but are created by the people themselves. These
groups become essential for functioning of the organization.
A group mat be defined as ―the aggregate of small number of persons who work for
common goals, developed a shared attitude, and aware that they are part of a group‖
Group dynamics refers to the study of forces operating within a group. Group dynamics
is defined in different ways. First, it describes how a group should be organized and
operated. Second, group dynamics consists of a set of techniques such as role playing,
sensitivity training etc. third, it deals with internal nature of groups, ther formation, structure
and processes, and the way they affect individual members, other groups and the
organization as a whole.
Group Process
Group process is the process that goes on within a group. A process can be defined as the
method used by the leaders to convert the inputs int finished goods. A group process consists
of the following five stages
1. Forming – when a group is initially formed, its members cannot accomplish much until
they agree on what their purpose is, how they will work together and so on. In this stage,
the focus is on the interpersonal relations among the members. The members assess one
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8. The leader and members believe that each group member is possible to accomplish the
9. The supportive atmosphere of the highly effective group stimulates creativity.
10. There is high motivation in the group to use the communication process so that it best
serves the interests and goals of the group.
Come together to share information and Frequently come together for discussion, decision
perspectives making, problem solving, and planning.
Define individual roles, responsibilities, Define individual roles, responsibilities, and tasks to
and tasks help team do its work; often share and rotate them
Concern with one's own outcome and Concern with outcomes of everyone and challenges
challenges the team faces
Purpose, goals, approach to work shaped Purpose, goals, approach to work shaped by team
by manager leader with team members
Team Management
Team management refers to techniques, processes and tools for organizing and co-
ordinating a group of individuals working toward a common goal. Modern managers should
possess the essential skills like the ability to work with other functional talents in teams and
lead, not by authority of command, but by expertise.
Ethics is not recent phenomenon. Ethical codes have been prepared along with the
development of human civilization. In olden days, people might have found some of their
actions was wrong and others right. The question what is right and what is wrong gave birth to
ethical and unethical codes.
The word ethics is derived from the Greek word ‗Ethikos‘ and Latin word ‗Ethicus‘ mean
custom or character. The concept of ethics deals with human beings. So it is a social science.
Ethics is a branch of philosophy and is considered as normative science because it is concerned
with norms of human beings.
In the words of Peter.F.Drucker, ―Ethics deals with right actions of individuals‖
Ethics includes the following
1. Well based standards: Ethics refers to well based standards of right and wrong that
prescribe what humans ought to do
2. Study and development of one‘s ethical standards: Ethics refers to the study and
development of one‘s ethical standards.
Culture is the man made part of the environment which provides a comprehensive frame
work for understanding the way of life of a person, his beliefs, values, norms, behavior etc.
Culture is one of those terms that are difficult to express clearly, but everyone knows it when
they sense it. Our behavior is driven by three forces:
1. Human Nature: this is inherited and universally shared across all human cultures
2. Culture: Our collective programming which is learned, not inherited
3. Personality: Personality is the additional unique set of mental programme not shared with
other human beings. It is partly inherited and partly learned.
Organization culture is the [personality ogf the organization. Culture is comprised
of the assumptions, values, norms and tangible signs of organization‘s members and their
Kinds of Cultures
1. Strong Culture: in strong culture, the conceptual principles or values are translated very
directly into people‘s day to day lives. For example, the military has a definite set of
values and very strong culture. They are enforced through external rules and regulations
as well as internal education.
2. Weak Culture: some have a set of generally accepted conceptual values, yet these do not
really translate to daily life. For example, religious values in western countries.
The word value is derived from French word ‗valoir‘ which means worth, merit,
usefulness or importance of a thing. Values are traits or qualities that are considered valuable.
They represent an individual‘s highest priorities and deeply held driving forces.
A broad definition of values, derived from an insight into ancient India‘s psycho
philosophical wisdom literature is ―Values are states of feelings/emotions that underpin the
content of a choice/decision and determine the manner of using the intellect/reason for justifying
and implementing that choice/decision.‖
The study of values is fundamental in managing an organization‘s behavior.
Characteristics of Values
1. Values represent an individual‘s highest priorities and deeply held driving forces
2. Values are the hub of personality and is powerful force affecting behavior
3. Value varies according to time
4. Many values are relatively constant and durable
5. It contains a judgment element
6. Everyone does not hold the same values
Indian Ethos
Ethos can be defined as ―the moral ideas and attitudes that belong to a particular group or
society‖. Indian Ethos is all about what can be termed as ―national ethos‖.
The Indian ethos is the results of Hindu way of life. Indian life has four fundamental
goals (Purushartthas) such as Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha. To fulfill these goals human
life is divided into four stages namely Brahmacharya, Grahasthasrama, Vanaprastha and
Sanyasrama. To achieve the purusharthas, the Indian philosophy states three fundamental ways.
They are Karma (Action), Bhakthi (Devotion) and Jnana (Knowledge). An individual can select
a particular mraga which depends upon the degree and level of his psychological and spiritual
evolution, his Pravirthi, Samskara (Culture), Vasana (Passion), and his Gunas. A man has Gunas
namely Satva (the enlightening force), Rajas (the kinetic force) or Tams (dark force).
2. Relationship between man and universe: Indian ethos emphasizes the holistic aspect
between men and cosmic. There is intimate relationship between man and universe,
between men and nature. This view states that all human beings and nature are inter
connected and interdependent.
3. Co- Operation: Indian ethos stresses on co-operation amongst other at work and
otherwise. Excessive competition within the organization and organization to
organization has destroyed many young minds and family life. Co-operation, mutual
trust and respect, joint efforts and team spirit can lead an all round prosperity and success
to everyone.
4. Self management: Indian ethos states that man should be able to control himself before
he controls others. So every manager must manage himself before controlling his
subordinates. He must know what are his strengths, weakness, dreams, goals and
5. Meditation: Excellence in work can be achieved through Yoga. Meditation helps to
concentrate and to solve many complicated problems of the organizations. Mediation
results in calm mind which helps one to focus on problems in a clearer frame of mind.
6. Dharma: As per Indian philosophy Dharma means duty. It stands for all those ideals,
philosophies, purposes, influences, teachings and experiences that shape our character.
Every organization is required to follow its own dharma.
7. The spirit of sacrifice: Renunciation results in mental peace, inner growth and spiritual
growth. It results in a higher level of consciousness.
The salient ideas and thoughts of Indian Ethos in Management revealed by our ancient
scriptures are:
1. Atmano Mokshartham, Jagat hitaya cha: All work is an opportunity for doing well to the
world and thus gaining materially and spiritually in our lives
2. Archet dana manabhyam: Worship people not only with material things but also by showing
respect to their enterprising divinity within.
3. Atmana Vindyate Viryam: Strength and inspiration for excelling in work comes from the
Divine, God within, through prayer, spiritual readings and unselfish work.
4. Yogah karmashu Kaushalam, Samatvam yoga uchyate: He who works with calm and even
mind achieves the most.
5. Yadishi bhavana yasya siddhi bhavati tadrishi: As we think, so we succeed, so we become.
Attention to means ensures the end.
6. Parasparam bhavayantah shreyah param bhavapsyathah: By mutual cooperation, respect
and fellow feeling, all of us enjoy the highest good both material and spiritual.
7. Tesham sukhm tesham shanti shaswati: Infinite happiness and infinite peace come to them
who see the Divine in all beings.
8. Paraspar Devo Bhav: Regard the other person as a divine being. All of us have the same
consciousness though our packages and containers are different.
Basic principles of Indian Ethos for Management (IEM):
` The following are the six principles of Indian Ethos for management:
1. Basic principles:
(a) Tat Tvam Asi : You are the supreme that everybody can make himself a genius.
(b) Aham Brahmasmi : I have immense potential. I can make the impossible possible.
2. Why Work?
Atmano Mokshartham, Jagat Hitaya Cha: For my personal growth and for the
welfare of the world.
3. What is work?
(a) Yagnaya Charatah Karma- work is to be done with the spirit of Yagna (Team work,
(b) Parasparam Bhavayantah –Nurture each other(Win – win Approach)
4. How to work?
Seva and Tyag –Serve others and give your best for the good of other.
5. Spirit of Work
Yogah Karmasu Kaushalam –Dexterity and excellence in action is yoga.
6. The Resources:
(a)Sukshma or subtle subjective, intangible factors are equally important than Sthula or
gross, concrete tangible factors. One must develop one‘s Third eye, Jnana Chaksu, the
Eye of Wisdom, Vision, Insight and Foresight. Inner resources are much more powerful
than outer resources. Divine virtues are inner resources. Capital materials and Plant &
Machinery are outer resources.
(b) Karma – Kshetra is Dharma. Kshetra implies that one should treat the work place as
sacred and keep it clean and bring in orderliness and cleanliness.
The Indian ethics model emphasizes on holistic development. It provides a new model
for the further development of human society. The intellectual foundation of the Indian model
could be traced to three fundamental theories from Indian scriptures namely the Panchakosas
Theory, the Purushartha Theory and Theory of Gunas.
Work Ethos
Work ethos or work culture refers to certain norms or behavior governing the conduct of
workers involved in a work situation to achieve the organizational objectives. It is the
involvement of workmen with work. The factors, responsible for poor work culture in the
organization is as follows:
1. Lack of commitment
2. Lack of discipline
3. Pitiable working conditions
4. Outside political interference in the organization
5. High rate of absenteeism
6. Deterioration of general moral standards
7. Lack of recognition of merits by top management.
Indian Heritage in Production and Consumption
India has a very rich culture and heritage. The Indian civilization not only agriculture
based, but there was also flourishing trade and commerce both inside and outside the country. It
had contributed much to the world of business in different fields. In the earlier days, Indian
economy was totally based on agriculture. People used to produce whatever they required for
their self consumption, but later on needs of the people increased and consequently production
was also increased. Gradually, people began to specialize in producing some items for their
daily use and did not have skills and time for producing other items of their use.
After independence India has achieved great progress in the field of business and trade.
In fact, India has a very rich heritage in trade and commerce, even during the past. The Indian
Heritage of production and consumption can be discussed under three different phases.;
1. Ancient period [up to 750AD]
1. Farming and agriculture – Tree plantation and cultivation of food crops where very much prevalent
in ancient India. People where experts in raising crops of wheat, rice, gram , pulses, sugarcane,
cotton , pepper and ginger in growing fruits like pine apple , oranges and mangoes.
2. Exchange System – In ancient period, Trade was mostly practiced under Barter system, but
difficulty in handling goods and fixing the exchange value of goods lead to the use of some
common items like shells , food items etc. as medium of exchange. In 1835, the East India
Company introduced Rupee as a medium of exchange.
3. Industry, Trade and commerce – India had flourished trade with Babylonia, Egypt, Greece
and Rome in 6th Century BC. Since 7th Century AD India developed Trade contacts with
Arabs. The Arabs gradually became a link between India and Europe. Ship Building has been
a great Industry in India.
4. Guild System – Guilds were the association of business men having common objectives.
They had their own rules and regulations to carry on the business honestly and smoothly. The
behavior of the guild members were controlled through a Guild court.
2. Medieval Period [750 to 1757AD]
1. Trade routes – India has been well connected through roadways in earlier time also.
The networks of trade routes indicate the extent to which places in the deep interior where
involved in inter regional exchange of commodities.
2. Administration – Administration of medieval India was excellent. Land revenue and
tax system by Emperor Akbar were well devised leaving no room for the citizen to complain.
3. Business – During this period India Excelled in the art of Perfume making so much, so
that many Europeans came to India to learn those techniques of preparing Perfumes from
natural flowers. With the expansion o f trading activities in the Islamic World, India acquired an
added importance for West Asian countries
3. Modern Period
1. Railways – Railway revolutionized the Indian Transport System. This mode of
transportation opened new frontiers for business at distant locations.
2. Post and Telegraph – during the same period Telegraph was introduced in India which
played a major role in breaking th barriers of time and distance.
3. Industrial Revolution – Industrial revolution occurred in Great Britain during the
second half of the 18th century. Labor was transferred from the production of primary products
of the production of manufactured goods and services.
4. Moden industries in India – During the second half of 19th century, a few modern
industries where introduced in India, which were fully owned and controlled by British
companies. Although some industries were owned by Indian, but they could not developed fast
due to lack of support from the British government.
Due to the growth of towns and cities, and rise in urban population, the demand for the
products also increased. This contributed to the growth of trade and various auxiliaries to trade
like banking, insurance, warehousing, communication etc. Different forms of business
organizations like sole proprietorship, partnership and co-operative societies were very much
prevalent in India. After Independence, Government of India took over the responsibility of
promotion of trade, Industry and commerce. Government formulated five year plans for overall
economic growth of the country.
Business ethics is nothing but the application of ethics in business. Business ethics is the
application of general ethical ideas to business behavior. Ethical business behavior facilitates
and promotes good to society, improves profitability, fosters business relations and employee
productivity. The concept of business ethics has come to mean various things to various people,
but generally it‘s coming to know what it right or wrong in the workplace and doing what‘s
right - this is in regard to effects of products/ services and in relationships with stakeholders.
According to Wheeler Business Ethics is an art and science for maintaining harmonious
relationship with society, its various groups and institutions as well as reorganizing the moral
responsibility for the rightness and wrongness of business conduct.
Business Ethics or Ethical standards are the principles, practices and philosophies that
guide the business people in the day today business decisions. It relates to the behaviour of a
businessman in a business situation. They are concerned primarily with the impacts of decisions
of the society within and outside the business organizations or other groups who keep interest in
the business activities . Business ethics can be said to begin where the law ends. Business ethics
is primarily concerned with those issues not covered by the law, or where there is no definite
consensus on whether something is right or wrong
4. It is based on theological principles such as sincerity, human welfare, service, good behavior
5. It is based on reality and social customs prevailing in business environment.
6. It studies the activities , decisions and behavior which are related to human beings
7. It has universal application because business exists all over the world
8. Many of the ethical principles develop the personal dignity
9. Business ethics keeps harmony between different roles of businessman, with every citizen,
customer, owner and investors.
To create an ethical organization certain steps are to be taken. Ethical or unethical
behavior of individual employees is influenced in the workplace both by their own moral
development and the influence that the organization culture exerts on them. They are influenced
by a group of forces that surround them such as their peers, their supervisors, and superiors, the
reward system, group norms , company values and policies and the manner of their
implementation. Ethical behavior can be developed and managed in a number of ways. The
pivotal role to manage and develop ethical behavior among employees lies with the human
resource management of that organization. Human resource management department can
execute this through training, communication and discipline. The big organizations which are
ethically committed, assign the primary task of managing and monitoring ethical behavior to
HRM department. In some other organizations, there may be ethics officers who are entrusted
with the responsibility to bring ethics and managed ethics in every endeavor of their
1. Code of conduct
Several organizations that have undertaken to implement ethical behavior at their
workplaces have started the process with developing and implementing codes of conduct for
their employees. Codes of conduct are statements of organizational values. It comprises of three
elements such as a code of ethics, a code of conduct and statement of values. a code of conduct
is a written document, inspirational in contents and specifies clearly what is acceptable or
unacceptable behavior at workplace and beyond ,when the employees represent their
organizations outside. In general the code should reflect the managements desire to incorporate
the values and policies of the organization. The statement of values envisages by the
management to serve the public and normally addresses the stakeholders groups.
Code of Ethics
Every time a new business is launched anywhere in the world , whether a one man
operation or a full blown brick – and- mortar corporate enterprise, the owners must adopt a code
of ethics for the business. For small businesses the code is usually unwritten. And sometimes
not even discussed and decided upon, but still a code exists. Larger businesses often have
written codes of ethics and employees are twined in them and required to adhere to the code. A
code of ethics is a buzzword to employees to observe ethical norms and forms the basis for rules
of conduct. It is comprehensive enough to cover the entire scheme of organizational ethics
expected to be followed by everyone in the company. It usually specifies methods for reporting
violations, disciplinary action for violations and a structure of the due process to be followed.
2. Ethics committee
Ethics committee is formed in many organizations. They are wholly devoted at work
places. These committees can rise concerns of ethical nature; prepare or update code of conduct,
and resolve ethical dilemma in organizations. they formulate ethical policies and develop ethical
standards. The committee evaluates the compliance of the organization with these ethical norms.
The members of the ethical committee should be selected from those persons who have
knowledge in their industry, their code of ethics and community standards. The committee
members are also conscious about the corporate culture and ethical concise of the organization.
8. Monitoring
To become an ethical programme fruitful and successful, an effective monitoring
committee is to be formed. It can be monitored through keen observation by ethics officers,
internal audits, surveys, investigations and supporting systems.
4. Insurance policy
Ethical programs help to ensure that policies are legal. Ethical principles are often
applied to current, major ethical issues and become legislation. A major intent of well designed
personnel policies is to ensure ethical treatment of employees.
Profit maximization is the guiding principle for decision making in an economics – based
view of management. Executives who follow this ―rational‖ style of management believe that
objectives of the business can be achieved through precise and calculated means. This dominant
style of management sometimes could not produce the desired results and in such situation a
more forward thinking decision making strategy called ―holistic ― approach can be followed by
management. Holistic decision making encourages us to be aware of our actions and their
impact on the whole; it ensures that we take responsibility and accept accountability for the
decisions we make and empowers us to be part of the ongoing process of change. In order to
provide managers with the necessary tools to manage modern organizations with a view to
building long-term sustainable competitive advantage, it is imperative that organizations
embrace a more holistic approach to problem solving.
A holistic approach takes into account any number of different factors. These managers
believe firm value is derived from ― socially complex resources and relationships‖, and they are
better understand the impact of their decisions on the overall culture of their company. Holistic
approach to decision making is a comprehensive planning and management process that helps
people to improve their quality of life and their finances while simultaneously restoring the
environment on which we all depend.
It is a process that allows people to make decisions , based on their deeper values, which
will be economically, socially and environmentally sound.
Holistic Management addresses all the separate parts as an integrated whole, instead of as
separate parts. Holistic management is a new framework for decision making on all levels that is
based on resource management of the whole. This method helps the decision makers identify all
the important people and resources relating to the issue at hand and bring these elements
together into a new ―Whole‖, represented by a short ―statement of purpose‖. With this broad
holistic goal in place, the group has a bench mark by which they can measure their future
decisions. A subsequent testing phase reaches back to often ignored considerations to make sure
that none are being forgotten.
In holistic approach which is characterized by attention to multiple factors, including
relationships are seen as visionary. Holistic managers are more likely to have a positive impact
on their organization by encouraging a greater sense of employee optimism and improving
overall performance of the firm. It may seem that holistic decision making may create better
long term results for a company than the more traditional rational approach. The holistic
managers are seen as more visionary and less autocratic.
community, family, government agency etc. They identify anyone else whose decisions will
affect the entity that they are managing and invite them to become part of the process. This
includes owners, administrative assistants, volunteers, laborers, agency heads, elected officials
and so forth. Then they identify the physical resources and financial resources
2. Develop a Written goal statement
A written goal statement incorporates the decision makers do the following :
(a) The quality of life you desire based on your deepest values.
(b) What you need to produce to support this quality of life.
(c) A description of your resource base such as farm landscape, people, community far into
the future to sustain what you need to produce
3. Assess Current situation
The next step is to assess the current situation which would assess how far we are away
from your goal. It is also necessary to examine the major barrier that prevents us to realize the
4. Brainstorming to achieve goal
At this point it is advised to arrange brainstorming sessions gathering all members of
management team together, plus at least one creative person from outside. Human creativity and
new ideas are to be encouraged.
5. Clarify possible tools and actions
Now the various ideas produced in brainstorming can be discussed and make sure
everyone understands the possible actions.
6. Test possible actions against goal
Holistic management uses seven testing guidelines that help to ensure that any decision is
consistent with the goal and is socially, economically and environmentally sound. The seven
testing guidelines are [1].Cause and Effect [2] Weak Link [3] Marginal Reaction [4]Gross Profit
Analysis [5]Energy/Money Source and Use[6] Sustainability [7]society and Culture
7. Research or Homework
The first test run will throw out some of the possible actions. Others may need more
information to fully assess. This requires to consult with extension agent or other experts,
library etc.
8. Retest remaining possible tools and actions.
When the home work has completed and the decision makers retest each remaining
action through the testing guidelines, again quickly, remembering not to ignore on specific
9. Develop Plans each year
Based on the outcome of testing, develop a biological as well as financial plan.
10. Monitor
Even a careful decision making and planning may not assure that everything is moving in
the right direction and be therefore on the lookout for the earliest possible sign of deviation from
our plan.
11. Control.
If any deviations are found, take corrective action.
12. Replan
If corrective actions do not solve the problem, develop a new plan.